Esempio n. 1
func TestManagerEvent(t *testing.T) {
	const alpha = 2
	runs := make(map[int64]*run)
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)

	st.Ops <- store.Op{
		Seqn: 1,
		Mut:  store.MustEncodeSet(node+"/a/addr", "", 0),

	st.Ops <- store.Op{
		Seqn: 2,
		Mut:  store.MustEncodeSet(cal+"/1", "a", 0),

	ch, err := st.Wait(store.Any, 2)
	if err != nil {

	x, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
	pseqn := make(chan int64, 1)
	m := &Manager{
		Alpha: alpha,
		Self:  "a",
		PSeqn: pseqn,
		Ops:   st.Ops,
		Out:   make(chan Packet),
		run:   runs,

	exp := &run{
		self:  "a",
		seqn:  2 + alpha,
		cals:  []string{"a"},
		addr:  []*net.UDPAddr{x},
		ops:   st.Ops,
		out:   m.Out,
		bound: initialWaitBound,
	exp.c = coordinator{
		crnd: 1,
		size: 1,
		quor: exp.quorum(),
	exp.l = learner{
		round:  1,
		size:   1,
		quorum: int64(exp.quorum()),
		votes:  map[string]int64{},
		voted:  []bool{false},

	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(runs))
	assert.Equal(t, exp, runs[exp.seqn])
	assert.Equal(t, exp.seqn, <-pseqn)
	assert.Equal(t, exp.seqn+1,
Esempio n. 2
func TestManagerFilterPropSeqn(t *testing.T) {
	ps := make(chan int64, 100)
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)

	m := &Manager{
		DefRev: 2,
		Alpha:  1,
		Self:   "b",
		PSeqn:  ps,
		Store:  st,
	go m.Run()

	st.Ops <- store.Op{1, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/0", "a", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{2, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/1", "b", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{3, store.Nop}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{4, store.Nop}
	assert.Equal(t, int64(3), <-ps)
	assert.Equal(t, int64(5), <-ps)

	st.Ops <- store.Op{5, store.Nop}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{6, store.Nop}
	assert.Equal(t, int64(7), <-ps)
Esempio n. 3
func TestManagerPacketProcessing(t *testing.T) {
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)
	in := make(chan Packet)
	out := make(chan Packet, 100)
	var m Manager = make(map[int64]*run)
	m.Alpha = 1
	m.Store = st
	m.In = in
	m.Out = out
	m.Ops = st.Ops

	st.Ops <- store.Op{1, store.MustEncodeSet(node+"/a/addr", "", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{2, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/0", "a", 0)}
	m.event(<-mustWait(st, 2))

	addr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
	recvPacket(&m.packet, Packet{
		Addr: addr,
		Msg:  Msg{Seqn: proto.Int64(2), Cmd: learn, Value: []byte("foo")},
	assert.Equal(t, 0, m.packet.Len())
Esempio n. 4
func TestConsensusOne(t *testing.T) {
	self := "test"
	const alpha = 1
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)

	st.Ops <- store.Op{1, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/node/"+self+"/addr", "", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{2, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/1", self, 0)}

	in := make(chan Packet)
	out := make(chan Packet)
	seqns := make(chan int64, alpha)
	props := make(chan *Prop)

	m := &Manager{
		Self:   self,
		DefRev: 2,
		Alpha:  alpha,
		In:     in,
		Out:    out,
		Ops:    st.Ops,
		PSeqn:  seqns,
		Props:  props,
		TFill:  10e9,
		Store:  st,
		Ticker: time.Tick(10e6),
	go m.Run()

	go func() {
		for o := range out {
			in <- o

	n := <-seqns
	w, err := st.Wait(store.Any, n)
	if err != nil {
	props <- &Prop{n, []byte("foo")}
	e := <-w

	exp := store.Event{
		Seqn: 3,
		Path: "/ctl/err",
		Body: "bad mutation",
		Rev:  3,
		Mut:  "foo",
		Err:  errors.New("bad mutation"),

	e.Getter = nil
	assert.Equal(t, exp, e)
Esempio n. 5
func TestGetCalsPartial(t *testing.T) {
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)

	st.Ops <- store.Op{Seqn: 1, Mut: store.MustEncodeSet(cal+"/1", "a", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{Seqn: 2, Mut: store.MustEncodeSet(cal+"/2", "", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{Seqn: 3, Mut: store.MustEncodeSet(cal+"/3", "", 0)}

	assert.Equal(t, []string{"a"}, getCals(st))
Esempio n. 6
func TestGetAddrs(t *testing.T) {
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)

	st.Ops <- store.Op{1, store.MustEncodeSet(node+"/1/addr", "", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{2, store.MustEncodeSet(node+"/2/addr", "", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{3, store.MustEncodeSet(node+"/3/addr", "", 0)}

	x, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
	y, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
	z, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
	addrs := getAddrs(st, []string{"1", "2", "3"})
	assert.Equal(t, []*net.UDPAddr{x, y, z}, addrs)
Esempio n. 7
func TestManagerPumpDropsOldPackets(t *testing.T) {
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)
	x, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
	st.Ops <- store.Op{1, store.MustEncodeSet(node+"/a/addr", "", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{2, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/0", "a", 0)}

	var m Manager = make(map[int64]*run)
	m.event(<-mustWait(st, 2))
	recvPacket(&m.packet, Packet{x, Msg{Seqn: proto.Int64(1)}})
	assert.Equal(t, 0, m.Stats.WaitPackets)
Esempio n. 8
func set(st *store.Store, path, body string, rev int64) {
	mut := store.MustEncodeSet(path, body, rev)
	st.Ops <- store.Op{
		Mut:  mut,
		Seqn: 1 + <-st.Seqns,
Esempio n. 9
func TestMemberSimple(t *testing.T) {
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)
	fp := &test.FakeProposer{Store: st}
	c := make(chan string)
	go Clean(c, fp.Store, fp)

	fp.Propose([]byte(store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/node/a/x", "a", store.Missing)))
	fp.Propose([]byte(store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/node/a/y", "b", store.Missing)))
	fp.Propose([]byte(store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/node/a/addr", "", store.Missing)))
	fp.Propose([]byte(store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/0", "a", store.Missing)))

	calCh, err := fp.Wait(store.MustCompileGlob("/ctl/cal/0"), 1+<-fp.Seqns)
	if err != nil {
	nodeCh, err := fp.Wait(store.MustCompileGlob("/ctl/node/a/?"), 1+<-fp.Seqns)
	if err != nil {

	// indicate that this peer is inactive
	go func() { c <- "" }()

	ev := <-calCh
	assert.T(t, ev.IsSet())
	assert.Equal(t, "", ev.Body)

	cs := []int{}

	ev = <-nodeCh
	assert.T(t, ev.IsDel())
	cs = append(cs, int(ev.Path[len(ev.Path)-1]))
	nodeCh, err = fp.Wait(store.MustCompileGlob("/ctl/node/a/?"), ev.Seqn+1)
	if err != nil {

	ev = <-nodeCh
	assert.T(t, ev.IsDel())
	cs = append(cs, int(ev.Path[len(ev.Path)-1]))

	assert.Equal(t, []int{'x', 'y'}, cs)
Esempio n. 10
func TestDelRun(t *testing.T) {
	const alpha = 2
	runs := make(map[int64]*run)
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)

	st.Ops <- store.Op{1, store.MustEncodeSet(node+"/a/addr", "x", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{2, store.MustEncodeSet(cal+"/1", "a", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{3, store.Nop}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{4, store.Nop}

	c2, err := st.Wait(store.Any, 2)
	if err != nil {

	c3, err := st.Wait(store.Any, 3)
	if err != nil {

	c4, err := st.Wait(store.Any, 4)
	if err != nil {

	pseqn := make(chan int64, 100)
	m := &Manager{
		Alpha: alpha,
		Self:  "a",
		PSeqn: pseqn,
		Ops:   st.Ops,
		Out:   make(chan Packet),
		run:   runs,
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(
Esempio n. 11
func TestManagerTickQueue(t *testing.T) {
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)
	defer close(st.Ops)
	st.Ops <- store.Op{1, store.MustEncodeSet(node+"/a/addr", "", 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{2, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/0", "a", 0)}

	var m Manager = make(map[int64]*run)
	m.Alpha = 1
	m.Store = st
	m.Out = make(chan Packet, 100)
	m.event(<-mustWait(st, 2))

	// get it to tick for seqn 3
	recvPacket(&m.packet, Packet{Msg: Msg{Seqn: proto.Int64(3), Cmd: propose}})
	assert.Equal(t, 1, m.tick.Len())

	m.doTick(time.Now().UnixNano() + initialWaitBound*2)
	assert.Equal(t, int64(1), m.Stats.TotalTicks)
Esempio n. 12
func follow(st *store.Store, cl *doozer.Conn, rev int64, stop chan bool) {
	for {
		ev, err := cl.Wait("/**", rev)
		if err != nil {

		// store.Clobber is okay here because the event
		// has already passed through another store
		mut := store.MustEncodeSet(ev.Path, string(ev.Body), store.Clobber)
		st.Ops <- store.Op{ev.Rev, mut}
		rev = ev.Rev + 1

		select {
		case <-stop:
Esempio n. 13
func TestConsensusTwo(t *testing.T) {
	a := "a"
	b := "b"
	x, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
	xs := ""
	y, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
	ys := ""
	const alpha = 1
	st := store.New(store.DefaultInitialRev)

	st.Ops <- store.Op{1, store.Nop}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{2, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/node/a/addr", xs, 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{3, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/1", a, 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{4, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/node/b/addr", ys, 0)}
	st.Ops <- store.Op{5, store.MustEncodeSet("/ctl/cal/2", b, 0)}

	ain := make(chan Packet)
	aout := make(chan Packet)
	aseqns := make(chan int64, alpha)
	aprops := make(chan *Prop)
	am := &Manager{
		Self:   a,
		DefRev: 5,
		Alpha:  alpha,
		In:     ain,
		Out:    aout,
		Ops:    st.Ops,
		PSeqn:  aseqns,
		Props:  aprops,
		TFill:  10e9,
		Store:  st,
		Ticker: time.Tick(10e6),
	go am.Run()

	bin := make(chan Packet)
	bout := make(chan Packet)
	bseqns := make(chan int64, alpha)
	bprops := make(chan *Prop)
	bm := &Manager{
		Self:   b,
		DefRev: 5,
		Alpha:  alpha,
		In:     bin,
		Out:    bout,
		Ops:    st.Ops,
		PSeqn:  bseqns,
		Props:  bprops,
		TFill:  10e9,
		Store:  st,
		Ticker: time.Tick(10e6),
	go bm.Run()

	go func() {
		for o := range aout {
			if o.Addr.Port == x.Port && o.Addr.IP.Equal(x.IP) {
				go func(o Packet) { ain <- o }(o)
			} else {
				o.Addr = x
				go func(o Packet) { bin <- o }(o)

	go func() {
		for o := range bout {
			if o.Addr.Port == y.Port && o.Addr.IP.Equal(y.IP) {
				go func(o Packet) { bin <- o }(o)
			} else {
				o.Addr = y
				go func(o Packet) { ain <- o }(o)

	n := <-aseqns
	assert.Equal(t, int64(6), n)
	w, err := st.Wait(store.Any, n)
	if err != nil {
	aprops <- &Prop{n, []byte("foo")}
	e := <-w

	exp := store.Event{
		Seqn: 6,
		Path: "/ctl/err",
		Body: "bad mutation",
		Rev:  6,
		Mut:  "foo",
		Err:  errors.New("bad mutation"),

	e.Getter = nil
	assert.Equal(t, exp, e)
Esempio n. 14
// Main has doc
func Main(
	clusterName, self, buri, rwsk, rosk string,
	cl *doozer.Conn,
	udpConn *net.UDPConn,
	listener, webListener net.Listener,
	pulseInterval, fillDelay, kickTimeout, hi int64,
	st *store.Store,
) {
	listenAddr := listener.Addr().String()

	canWrite := make(chan bool, 1)
	in := make(chan consensus.Packet, 1024)

	pr := &proposer{
		seqns: make(chan int64, alpha),
		props: make(chan *consensus.Prop),
		st:    st,

	calSrv := func(start int64) {
		go gc.Pulse(self, st.Seqns, pr, pulseInterval)
		go gc.Clean(st, hi, time.Tick(1e9))
		var m consensus.Manager
		m.Self = self
		m.DefRev = start
		m.Alpha = alpha
		m.In = in
		m.Out = in
		m.Ops = st.Ops
		m.PSeqn = pr.seqns
		m.Props = pr.props
		m.TFill = fillDelay
		m.Store = st
		m.Ticker = time.Tick(10e6)
		go m.Run()

	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		hostname = "unknown"

	if cl == nil { // we are the only node in a new cluster
		set(st, "/ctl/name", clusterName, store.Missing)
		set(st, "/ctl/node/"+self+"/addr", listenAddr, store.Missing)
		set(st, "/ctl/node/"+self+"/hostname", hostname, store.Missing)
		set(st, "/ctl/node/"+self+"/version", Version, store.Missing)
		set(st, "/ctl/cal/0", self, store.Missing)
		if buri == "" {
			set(st, "/ctl/ns/"+clusterName+"/"+self, listenAddr, store.Missing)
		// Skip ahead alpha steps so that the registrar can provide a
		// meaningful cluster.
		for i := 0; i < alpha; i++ {
			st.Ops <- store.Op{1 + <-st.Seqns, store.Nop}
		canWrite <- true
		go setReady(pr, self)
	} else {
		setC(cl, "/ctl/node/"+self+"/addr", listenAddr, store.Clobber)
		setC(cl, "/ctl/node/"+self+"/hostname", hostname, store.Clobber)
		setC(cl, "/ctl/node/"+self+"/version", Version, store.Clobber)

		rev, err := cl.Rev()
		if err != nil {

		stop := make(chan bool, 1)

		go follow(st, cl, rev+1, stop)

		err = doozer.Walk(cl, rev, "/", func(path string, f *doozer.FileInfo, e error) (err error) {
			if f.IsDir {
			if e != nil {
				return e
			// store.Clobber is okay here because the event
			// has already passed through another store
			body, _, err := cl.Get(path, &f.Rev)
			if err != nil {
			mut := store.MustEncodeSet(path, string(body), store.Clobber)
			st.Ops <- store.Op{f.Rev, mut}
		if err != nil {

		ch, err := st.Wait(store.Any, rev+1)
		if err == nil {

		go func() {
			n := activate(st, self, cl)
			advanceUntil(cl, st.Seqns, n+alpha)
			stop <- true
			canWrite <- true
			go setReady(pr, self)
			if buri != "" {
				b, err := doozer.DialUri(buri, "")
				if err != nil {

	shun := make(chan string, 3) // sufficient for a cluster of 7
	go member.Clean(shun, st, pr)
	go server.ListenAndServe(listener, canWrite, st, pr, rwsk, rosk, self)

	if rwsk == "" && rosk == "" && webListener != nil {
		web.Store = st
		web.ClusterName = clusterName
		go web.Serve(webListener)

	select {}