// AddFlags adds flags for a specific APIServer to the specified FlagSet func (s *ServerRunOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { // Add the generic flags. s.GenericServerRunOptions.AddUniversalFlags(fs) s.Etcd.AddFlags(fs) s.SecureServing.AddFlags(fs) s.SecureServing.AddDeprecatedFlags(fs) s.InsecureServing.AddFlags(fs) s.InsecureServing.AddDeprecatedFlags(fs) s.Authentication.AddFlags(fs) s.Authorization.AddFlags(fs) // Note: the weird ""+ in below lines seems to be the only way to get gofmt to // arrange these text blocks sensibly. Grrr. fs.DurationVar(&s.EventTTL, "event-ttl", s.EventTTL, "Amount of time to retain events. Default is 1h.") fs.BoolVar(&s.AllowPrivileged, "allow-privileged", s.AllowPrivileged, "If true, allow privileged containers.") fs.StringVar(&s.SSHUser, "ssh-user", s.SSHUser, "If non-empty, use secure SSH proxy to the nodes, using this user name") fs.StringVar(&s.SSHKeyfile, "ssh-keyfile", s.SSHKeyfile, "If non-empty, use secure SSH proxy to the nodes, using this user keyfile") fs.Int64Var(&s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec, "max-connection-bytes-per-sec", s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec, ""+ "If non-zero, throttle each user connection to this number of bytes/sec. "+ "Currently only applies to long-running requests.") // Kubelet related flags: fs.BoolVar(&s.KubeletConfig.EnableHttps, "kubelet-https", s.KubeletConfig.EnableHttps, "Use https for kubelet connections.") fs.StringSliceVar(&s.KubeletConfig.PreferredAddressTypes, "kubelet-preferred-address-types", s.KubeletConfig.PreferredAddressTypes, "List of the preferred NodeAddressTypes to use for kubelet connections.") fs.UintVar(&s.KubeletConfig.Port, "kubelet-port", s.KubeletConfig.Port, "DEPRECATED: kubelet port.") fs.MarkDeprecated("kubelet-port", "kubelet-port is deprecated and will be removed.") fs.DurationVar(&s.KubeletConfig.HTTPTimeout, "kubelet-timeout", s.KubeletConfig.HTTPTimeout, "Timeout for kubelet operations.") fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.CertFile, "kubelet-client-certificate", s.KubeletConfig.CertFile, "Path to a client cert file for TLS.") fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.KeyFile, "kubelet-client-key", s.KubeletConfig.KeyFile, "Path to a client key file for TLS.") fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletConfig.CAFile, "kubelet-certificate-authority", s.KubeletConfig.CAFile, "Path to a cert file for the certificate authority.") // TODO: delete this flag as soon as we identify and fix all clients that send malformed updates, like #14126. fs.BoolVar(&validation.RepairMalformedUpdates, "repair-malformed-updates", validation.RepairMalformedUpdates, ""+ "If true, server will do its best to fix the update request to pass the validation, "+ "e.g., setting empty UID in update request to its existing value. This flag can be turned off "+ "after we fix all the clients that send malformed updates.") }
// AddEtcdFlags adds flags related to etcd storage for a specific APIServer to the specified FlagSet func (s *EtcdOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringSliceVar(&s.EtcdServersOverrides, "etcd-servers-overrides", s.EtcdServersOverrides, ""+ "Per-resource etcd servers overrides, comma separated. The individual override "+ "format: group/resource#servers, where servers are http://ip:port, semicolon separated.") fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.Type, "storage-backend", s.StorageConfig.Type, "The storage backend for persistence. Options: 'etcd3' (default), 'etcd2'.") fs.IntVar(&s.StorageConfig.DeserializationCacheSize, "deserialization-cache-size", s.StorageConfig.DeserializationCacheSize, "Number of deserialized json objects to cache in memory.") fs.StringSliceVar(&s.StorageConfig.ServerList, "etcd-servers", s.StorageConfig.ServerList, "List of etcd servers to connect with (scheme://ip:port), comma separated.") fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.Prefix, "etcd-prefix", s.StorageConfig.Prefix, "The prefix to prepend to all resource paths in etcd.") fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.KeyFile, "etcd-keyfile", s.StorageConfig.KeyFile, "SSL key file used to secure etcd communication.") fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.CertFile, "etcd-certfile", s.StorageConfig.CertFile, "SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication.") fs.StringVar(&s.StorageConfig.CAFile, "etcd-cafile", s.StorageConfig.CAFile, "SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication.") fs.BoolVar(&s.StorageConfig.Quorum, "etcd-quorum-read", s.StorageConfig.Quorum, "If true, enable quorum read.") }
func addSwarmFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet, opts *swarmOptions) { flags.Var(&opts.autoAccept, flagAutoAccept, "Auto acceptance policy (worker, manager or none)") flags.StringVar(&opts.secret, flagSecret, "", "Set secret value needed to accept nodes into cluster") flags.Int64Var(&opts.taskHistoryLimit, flagTaskHistoryLimit, 10, "Task history retention limit") flags.DurationVar(&opts.dispatcherHeartbeat, flagDispatcherHeartbeat, time.Duration(5*time.Second), "Dispatcher heartbeat period") flags.DurationVar(&opts.nodeCertExpiry, flagCertExpiry, time.Duration(90*24*time.Hour), "Validity period for node certificates") }
func addFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringVar(&apiServer, "server", "", "API server IP.") fs.IntVar(&kubeletPort, "kubelet-port", 10250, "Port on which HollowKubelet should be listening.") fs.IntVar(&kubeletReadOnlyPort, "kubelet-read-only-port", 10255, "Read-only port on which Kubelet is listening.") fs.StringVar(&nodeName, "name", "fake-node", "Name of this Hollow Node.") fs.IntVar(&serverPort, "api-server-port", 443, "Port on which API server is listening.") }
func (s *CloudProviderOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringVar(&s.CloudProvider, "cloud-provider", s.CloudProvider, "The provider for cloud services. Empty string for no provider.") fs.StringVar(&s.CloudConfigFile, "cloud-config", s.CloudConfigFile, "The path to the cloud provider configuration file. Empty string for no configuration file.") }
func (s *KubeDNSConfig) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.Var(clusterDomainVar{&s.ClusterDomain}, "domain", "domain under which to create names") fs.StringVar(&s.KubeConfigFile, "kubecfg-file", s.KubeConfigFile, "Location of kubecfg file for access to kubernetes master service; --kube-master-url overrides the URL part of this; if neither this nor --kube-master-url are provided, defaults to service account tokens") fs.Var(kubeMasterURLVar{&s.KubeMasterURL}, "kube-master-url", "URL to reach kubernetes master. Env variables in this flag will be expanded.") fs.IntVar(&s.HealthzPort, "healthz-port", s.HealthzPort, "port on which to serve a kube-dns HTTP readiness probe.") fs.Var(federationsVar{s.Federations}, "federations", "a comma separated list of the federation names and their corresponding domain names to which this cluster belongs. Example: \"myfederation1=example.com,myfederation2=example2.com,myfederation3=example.com\"") }
func (s *KubeletExecutorServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { s.KubeletServer.AddFlags(fs) fs.DurationVar(&s.SuicideTimeout, "suicide-timeout", s.SuicideTimeout, "Self-terminate after this period of inactivity. Zero disables suicide watch.") fs.IntVar(&s.ShutdownFD, "shutdown-fd", s.ShutdownFD, "File descriptor used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fifo flag") fs.StringVar(&s.ShutdownFIFO, "shutdown-fifo", s.ShutdownFIFO, "FIFO used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fd flag") fs.StringVar(&s.cgroupPrefix, "cgroup-prefix", s.cgroupPrefix, "The cgroup prefix concatenated with MESOS_DIRECTORY must give the executor cgroup set by Mesos") }
// BindClusterFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables func BindClusterFlags(clusterInfo *clientcmdapi.Cluster, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames ClusterOverrideFlags) { // TODO short flag names are impossible to prefix, decide whether to keep them or not flags.StringVarP(&clusterInfo.Server, flagNames.APIServer, "s", "", "The address of the Kubernetes API server") flags.StringVar(&clusterInfo.APIVersion, flagNames.APIVersion, "", "The API version to use when talking to the server") flags.StringVar(&clusterInfo.CertificateAuthority, flagNames.CertificateAuthority, "", "Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority.") flags.BoolVar(&clusterInfo.InsecureSkipTLSVerify, flagNames.InsecureSkipTLSVerify, false, "If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure.") }
func configureFlags(opt *server.Options, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) { flagSet.StringVar( &opt.DnsMasqAddr, "dnsmasq-addr", opt.DnsMasqAddr, "address that the dnsmasq server is listening on") flagSet.IntVar( &opt.DnsMasqPort, "dnsmasq-port", opt.DnsMasqPort, "port that the dnsmasq server is listening on") flagSet.IntVar( &opt.DnsMasqPollIntervalMs, "dnsmasq-poll-interval-ms", opt.DnsMasqPollIntervalMs, "interval with which to poll dnsmasq for stats") flagSet.StringVar( &opt.PrometheusAddr, "prometheus-addr", opt.PrometheusAddr, "http addr to bind metrics server to") flagSet.IntVar( &opt.PrometheusPort, "prometheus-port", opt.PrometheusPort, "http port to use to export prometheus metrics") flagSet.StringVar( &opt.PrometheusPath, "prometheus-path", opt.PrometheusPath, "http path used to export metrics") flagSet.StringVar( &opt.PrometheusNamespace, "prometheus-namespace", opt.PrometheusNamespace, "prometheus metric namespace") flagSet.StringVar( &opt.PrometheusSubsystem, "prometheus-subsystem", opt.PrometheusSubsystem, "prometheus metric subsystem") }
func (o *PersistentVolumeControllerOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.DurationVar(&o.PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod, "pvclaimbinder-sync-period", o.PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod, "The period for syncing persistent volumes and persistent volume claims") fs.StringVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplateFilePathNFS, "pv-recycler-pod-template-filepath-nfs", o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplateFilePathNFS, "The file path to a pod definition used as a template for NFS persistent volume recycling") fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMinimumTimeoutNFS, "pv-recycler-minimum-timeout-nfs", o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMinimumTimeoutNFS, "The minimum ActiveDeadlineSeconds to use for an NFS Recycler pod") fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerIncrementTimeoutNFS, "pv-recycler-increment-timeout-nfs", o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerIncrementTimeoutNFS, "the increment of time added per Gi to ActiveDeadlineSeconds for an NFS scrubber pod") fs.StringVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplateFilePathHostPath, "pv-recycler-pod-template-filepath-hostpath", o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplateFilePathHostPath, "The file path to a pod definition used as a template for HostPath persistent volume recycling. "+ "This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster.") fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMinimumTimeoutHostPath, "pv-recycler-minimum-timeout-hostpath", o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMinimumTimeoutHostPath, "The minimum ActiveDeadlineSeconds to use for a HostPath Recycler pod. This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster.") fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerIncrementTimeoutHostPath, "pv-recycler-timeout-increment-hostpath", o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerIncrementTimeoutHostPath, "the increment of time added per Gi to ActiveDeadlineSeconds for a HostPath scrubber pod. "+ "This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster.") fs.IntVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMaximumRetry, "pv-recycler-maximum-retry", o.VolumeConfigFlags.PersistentVolumeRecyclerMaximumRetry, "Maximum number of attempts to recycle or delete a persistent volume") fs.BoolVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.EnableHostPathProvisioning, "enable-hostpath-provisioner", o.VolumeConfigFlags.EnableHostPathProvisioning, "Enable HostPath PV provisioning when running without a cloud provider. This allows testing and development of provisioning features. "+ "HostPath provisioning is not supported in any way, won't work in a multi-node cluster, and should not be used for anything other than testing or development.") fs.BoolVar(&o.VolumeConfigFlags.EnableDynamicProvisioning, "enable-dynamic-provisioning", o.VolumeConfigFlags.EnableDynamicProvisioning, "Enable dynamic provisioning for environments that support it.") }
// InstallCommonFlags adds flags to the pflag.FlagSet to configure the daemon func (config *Config) InstallCommonFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) { var maxConcurrentDownloads, maxConcurrentUploads int config.ServiceOptions.InstallCliFlags(flags) flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("storage-opts", &config.GraphOptions, nil), "storage-opt", "Storage driver options") flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("authorization-plugins", &config.AuthorizationPlugins, nil), "authorization-plugin", "Authorization plugins to load") flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("exec-opts", &config.ExecOptions, nil), "exec-opt", "Runtime execution options") flags.StringVarP(&config.Pidfile, "pidfile", "p", defaultPidFile, "Path to use for daemon PID file") flags.StringVarP(&config.Root, "graph", "g", defaultGraph, "Root of the Docker runtime") flags.BoolVarP(&config.AutoRestart, "restart", "r", true, "--restart on the daemon has been deprecated in favor of --restart policies on docker run") flags.MarkDeprecated("restart", "Please use a restart policy on docker run") flags.StringVarP(&config.GraphDriver, "storage-driver", "s", "", "Storage driver to use") flags.IntVar(&config.Mtu, "mtu", 0, "Set the containers network MTU") flags.BoolVar(&config.RawLogs, "raw-logs", false, "Full timestamps without ANSI coloring") // FIXME: why the inconsistency between "hosts" and "sockets"? flags.Var(opts.NewListOptsRef(&config.DNS, opts.ValidateIPAddress), "dns", "DNS server to use") flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("dns-opts", &config.DNSOptions, nil), "dns-opt", "DNS options to use") flags.Var(opts.NewListOptsRef(&config.DNSSearch, opts.ValidateDNSSearch), "dns-search", "DNS search domains to use") flags.Var(opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("labels", &config.Labels, opts.ValidateLabel), "label", "Set key=value labels to the daemon") flags.StringVar(&config.LogConfig.Type, "log-driver", "json-file", "Default driver for container logs") flags.Var(opts.NewNamedMapOpts("log-opts", config.LogConfig.Config, nil), "log-opt", "Default log driver options for containers") flags.StringVar(&config.ClusterAdvertise, "cluster-advertise", "", "Address or interface name to advertise") flags.StringVar(&config.ClusterStore, "cluster-store", "", "URL of the distributed storage backend") flags.Var(opts.NewNamedMapOpts("cluster-store-opts", config.ClusterOpts, nil), "cluster-store-opt", "Set cluster store options") flags.StringVar(&config.CorsHeaders, "api-cors-header", "", "Set CORS headers in the remote API") flags.IntVar(&maxConcurrentDownloads, "max-concurrent-downloads", defaultMaxConcurrentDownloads, "Set the max concurrent downloads for each pull") flags.IntVar(&maxConcurrentUploads, "max-concurrent-uploads", defaultMaxConcurrentUploads, "Set the max concurrent uploads for each push") flags.StringVar(&config.SwarmDefaultAdvertiseAddr, "swarm-default-advertise-addr", "", "Set default address or interface for swarm advertised address") config.MaxConcurrentDownloads = &maxConcurrentDownloads config.MaxConcurrentUploads = &maxConcurrentUploads }
func (c *HollowNodeConfig) addFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringVar(&c.KubeconfigPath, "kubeconfig", "/kubeconfig/kubeconfig", "Path to kubeconfig file.") fs.IntVar(&c.KubeletPort, "kubelet-port", 10250, "Port on which HollowKubelet should be listening.") fs.IntVar(&c.KubeletReadOnlyPort, "kubelet-read-only-port", 10255, "Read-only port on which Kubelet is listening.") fs.StringVar(&c.NodeName, "name", "fake-node", "Name of this Hollow Node.") fs.IntVar(&c.ServerPort, "api-server-port", 443, "Port on which API server is listening.") }
func (m *NetworkManager) AddFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) { fs.StringVar(&m.ConfigFile, "config-file", "/etc/kubernetes/network.conf", "Network manager configuration") // DEPRECATED fs.StringVar(&m.config.KubeUrl, "master", m.config.KubeUrl, "Kubernetes API endpoint") }
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific APIServer to the specified FlagSet func (s *ServerRunOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { // Note: the weird ""+ in below lines seems to be the only way to get gofmt to // arrange these text blocks sensibly. Grrr. fs.IPVar(&s.BindAddress, "bind-address", s.BindAddress, ""+ "The IP address on which to listen for the --secure-port port. The "+ "associated interface(s) must be reachable by the rest of the cluster, and by CLI/web "+ "clients. If blank, all interfaces will be used (") fs.StringVar(&s.CertDirectory, "cert-dir", s.CertDirectory, "The directory where the TLS certs are located (by default /var/run/kubernetes). "+ "If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are provided, this flag will be ignored.") fs.StringVar(&s.ClientCAFile, "client-ca-file", s.ClientCAFile, "If set, any request presenting a client certificate signed by one of the authorities in the client-ca-file is authenticated with an identity corresponding to the CommonName of the client certificate.") fs.IPVar(&s.InsecureBindAddress, "insecure-bind-address", s.InsecureBindAddress, ""+ "The IP address on which to serve the --insecure-port (set to for all interfaces). "+ "Defaults to localhost.") fs.IPVar(&s.InsecureBindAddress, "address", s.InsecureBindAddress, "DEPRECATED: see --insecure-bind-address instead") fs.IntVar(&s.InsecurePort, "insecure-port", s.InsecurePort, ""+ "The port on which to serve unsecured, unauthenticated access. Default 8080. It is assumed "+ "that firewall rules are set up such that this port is not reachable from outside of "+ "the cluster and that port 443 on the cluster's public address is proxied to this "+ "port. This is performed by nginx in the default setup.") fs.IntVar(&s.InsecurePort, "port", s.InsecurePort, "DEPRECATED: see --insecure-port instead") fs.StringVar(&s.LongRunningRequestRE, "long-running-request-regexp", s.LongRunningRequestRE, "A regular expression matching long running requests which should be excluded from maximum inflight request handling.") fs.IntVar(&s.MaxRequestsInFlight, "max-requests-inflight", s.MaxRequestsInFlight, "The maximum number of requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, it rejects requests. Zero for no limit.") fs.IntVar(&s.SecurePort, "secure-port", s.SecurePort, ""+ "The port on which to serve HTTPS with authentication and authorization. If 0, "+ "don't serve HTTPS at all.") fs.StringVar(&s.TLSCertFile, "tls-cert-file", s.TLSCertFile, ""+ "File containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS. (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). "+ "If HTTPS serving is enabled, and --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are not provided, "+ "a self-signed certificate and key are generated for the public address and saved to /var/run/kubernetes.") fs.StringVar(&s.TLSPrivateKeyFile, "tls-private-key-file", s.TLSPrivateKeyFile, "File containing x509 private key matching --tls-cert-file.") }
// bindFlagsForTemplateRouterConfig binds flags for template router // configuration. func bindFlagsForTemplateRouterConfig(flag *pflag.FlagSet, cfg *routerConfig) { flag.StringVar(&cfg.TemplateRouterConfig.TemplateFile, "template", util.Env("TEMPLATE_FILE", ""), "The path to the template file to use") flag.StringVar(&cfg.TemplateRouterConfig.ReloadScript, "reload", util.Env("RELOAD_SCRIPT", ""), "The path to the reload script to use") flag.StringVar(&cfg.TemplateRouterConfig.StatsPort, "stats-port", util.Env("STATS_PORT", ""), "If the underlying router implementation can provide statistics this is a hint to expose it on this port.") flag.StringVar(&cfg.TemplateRouterConfig.StatsPassword, "stats-password", util.Env("STATS_PASSWORD", ""), "If the underlying router implementation can provide statistics this is the requested password for auth.") flag.StringVar(&cfg.TemplateRouterConfig.StatsUsername, "stats-user", util.Env("STATS_USERNAME", ""), "If the underlying router implementation can provide statistics this is the requested username for auth.") }
// Bind binds F5Router arguments to flags func (o *F5Router) Bind(flag *pflag.FlagSet) { flag.StringVar(&o.Host, "f5-host", util.Env("ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HOSTNAME", ""), "The host of F5 BIG-IP's management interface") flag.StringVar(&o.Username, "f5-username", util.Env("ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_USERNAME", ""), "The username for F5 BIG-IP's management utility") flag.StringVar(&o.Password, "f5-password", util.Env("ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_PASSWORD", ""), "The password for F5 BIG-IP's management utility") flag.StringVar(&o.HttpVserver, "f5-http-vserver", util.Env("ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HTTP_VSERVER", "ose-vserver"), "The F5 BIG-IP virtual server for HTTP connections") flag.StringVar(&o.HttpsVserver, "f5-https-vserver", util.Env("ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_HTTPS_VSERVER", "https-ose-vserver"), "The F5 BIG-IP virtual server for HTTPS connections") flag.StringVar(&o.PrivateKey, "f5-private-key", util.Env("ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_PRIVKEY", ""), "The path to the F5 BIG-IP SSH private key file") flag.BoolVar(&o.Insecure, "f5-insecure", util.Env("ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_INSECURE", "") == "true", "Skip strict certificate verification") }
// InstallFlags adds flags to the pflag.FlagSet to configure the daemon func (config *Config) InstallFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) { // First handle install flags which are consistent cross-platform config.InstallCommonFlags(flags) // Then platform-specific install flags. flags.StringVar(&config.bridgeConfig.FixedCIDR, "fixed-cidr", "", "IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs") flags.StringVarP(&config.bridgeConfig.Iface, "bridge", "b", "", "Attach containers to a virtual switch") flags.StringVarP(&config.SocketGroup, "group", "G", "", "Users or groups that can access the named pipe") }
func (g *GeneratorArgs) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringSliceVarP(&g.InputDirs, "input-dirs", "i", g.InputDirs, "Comma-separated list of import paths to get input types from.") fs.StringVarP(&g.OutputBase, "output-base", "o", g.OutputBase, "Output base; defaults to $GOPATH/src/ or ./ if $GOPATH is not set.") fs.StringVarP(&g.OutputPackagePath, "output-package", "p", g.OutputPackagePath, "Base package path.") fs.StringVarP(&g.OutputFileBaseName, "output-file-base", "O", g.OutputFileBaseName, "Base name (without .go suffix) for output files.") fs.StringVarP(&g.GoHeaderFilePath, "go-header-file", "h", g.GoHeaderFilePath, "File containing boilerplate header text. The string YEAR will be replaced with the current 4-digit year.") fs.BoolVar(&g.VerifyOnly, "verify-only", g.VerifyOnly, "If true, only verify existing output, do not write anything.") fs.StringVar(&g.GeneratedBuildTag, "build-tag", g.GeneratedBuildTag, "A Go build tag to use to identify files generated by this command. Should be unique.") }
func stringFlag(f *pflag.FlagSet, valPtr *string, flagInfo cliflags.FlagInfo, defaultVal string) { if flagInfo.Shorthand == "" { f.StringVar(valPtr, flagInfo.Name, defaultVal, makeUsageString(flagInfo)) } else { f.StringVarP(valPtr, flagInfo.Name, flagInfo.Shorthand, defaultVal, makeUsageString(flagInfo)) } setFlagFromEnv(f, flagInfo) }
func newDockerCommand(dockerCli *command.DockerCli) *cobra.Command { opts := cliflags.NewClientOptions() var flags *pflag.FlagSet cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]", Short: "A self-sufficient runtime for containers", SilenceUsage: true, SilenceErrors: true, TraverseChildren: true, Args: noArgs, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if opts.Version { showVersion() return nil } cmd.SetOutput(dockerCli.Err()) cmd.HelpFunc()(cmd, args) return nil }, PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { // flags must be the top-level command flags, not cmd.Flags() opts.Common.SetDefaultOptions(flags) dockerPreRun(opts) return dockerCli.Initialize(opts) }, } cli.SetupRootCommand(cmd) cmd.SetHelpFunc(func(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var err error if dockerCli.Client() == nil { // flags must be the top-level command flags, not cmd.Flags() opts.Common.SetDefaultOptions(flags) dockerPreRun(opts) err = dockerCli.Initialize(opts) } if err != nil || !dockerCli.HasExperimental() { hideExperimentalFeatures(ccmd) } if err := ccmd.Help(); err != nil { ccmd.Println(err) } }) flags = cmd.Flags() flags.BoolVarP(&opts.Version, "version", "v", false, "Print version information and quit") flags.StringVar(&opts.ConfigDir, "config", cliconfig.ConfigDir(), "Location of client config files") opts.Common.InstallFlags(flags) cmd.SetOutput(dockerCli.Out()) cmd.AddCommand(newDaemonCommand()) commands.AddCommands(cmd, dockerCli) return cmd }
func (s *QingletExecutorServer) addCoreFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { s.QingletServer.AddFlags(fs) fs.BoolVar(&s.RunProxy, "run-proxy", s.RunProxy, "Maintain a running qing-proxy instance as a child proc of this qinglet-executor.") fs.IntVar(&s.ProxyLogV, "proxy-logv", s.ProxyLogV, "Log verbosity of the child qing-proxy.") fs.StringVar(&s.ProxyLogfile, "proxy-logfile", s.ProxyLogfile, "Path to the qing-proxy log file.") fs.BoolVar(&s.ProxyBindall, "proxy-bindall", s.ProxyBindall, "When true will cause qing-proxy to bind to") fs.DurationVar(&s.SuicideTimeout, "suicide-timeout", s.SuicideTimeout, "Self-terminate after this period of inactivity. Zero disables suicide watch.") fs.IntVar(&s.ShutdownFD, "shutdown-fd", s.ShutdownFD, "File descriptor used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fifo flag") fs.StringVar(&s.ShutdownFIFO, "shutdown-fifo", s.ShutdownFIFO, "FIFO used to signal shutdown to external watchers, requires shutdown-fd flag") }
// Bind sets the appropriate labels func (o *RouterSelection) Bind(flag *pflag.FlagSet) { flag.DurationVar(&o.ResyncInterval, "resync-interval", 10*time.Minute, "The interval at which the route list should be fully refreshed") flag.StringVar(&o.HostnameTemplate, "hostname-template", cmdutil.Env("ROUTER_SUBDOMAIN", ""), "If specified, a template that should be used to generate the hostname for a route without spec.host (e.g. '${name}-${namespace}.myapps.mycompany.com')") flag.BoolVar(&o.OverrideHostname, "override-hostname", false, "Override the spec.host value for a route with --hostname-template") flag.StringVar(&o.LabelSelector, "labels", cmdutil.Env("ROUTE_LABELS", ""), "A label selector to apply to the routes to watch") flag.StringVar(&o.FieldSelector, "fields", cmdutil.Env("ROUTE_FIELDS", ""), "A field selector to apply to routes to watch") flag.StringVar(&o.ProjectLabelSelector, "project-labels", cmdutil.Env("PROJECT_LABELS", ""), "A label selector to apply to projects to watch; if '*' watches all projects the client can access") flag.StringVar(&o.NamespaceLabelSelector, "namespace-labels", cmdutil.Env("NAMESPACE_LABELS", ""), "A label selector to apply to namespaces to watch") flag.BoolVar(&o.IncludeUDP, "include-udp-endpoints", false, "If true, UDP endpoints will be considered as candidates for routing") }
func (s *serverOption) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringVar(&s.ConfigFile, "config-file", s.ConfigFile, ""+ "specify a configure file for server run. ") fs.IntVar(&s.CpuCoreNum, "cpu-core-num", s.CpuCoreNum, ""+ "specify how many cpu core will be alloc for program") fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableUDPRelay, "enable-udp-relay", s.EnableUDPRelay, ""+ "enable udp relay") }
// DefaultClientConfig creates a clientcmd.ClientConfig with the following hierarchy: // 1. Use the kubeconfig builder. The number of merges and overrides here gets a little crazy. Stay with me. // 1. Merge together the kubeconfig itself. This is done with the following hierarchy and merge rules: // 1. CommandLineLocation - this parsed from the command line, so it must be late bound // 2. EnvVarLocation // 3. CurrentDirectoryLocation // 4. HomeDirectoryLocation // Empty filenames are ignored. Files with non-deserializable content produced errors. // The first file to set a particular value or map key wins and the value or map key is never changed. // This means that the first file to set CurrentContext will have its context preserved. It also means // that if two files specify a "red-user", only values from the first file's red-user are used. Even // non-conflicting entries from the second file's "red-user" are discarded. // 2. Determine the context to use based on the first hit in this chain // 1. command line argument - again, parsed from the command line, so it must be late bound // 2. CurrentContext from the merged kubeconfig file // 3. Empty is allowed at this stage // 3. Determine the cluster info and auth info to use. At this point, we may or may not have a context. They // are built based on the first hit in this chain. (run it twice, once for auth, once for cluster) // 1. command line argument // 2. If context is present, then use the context value // 3. Empty is allowed // 4. Determine the actual cluster info to use. At this point, we may or may not have a cluster info. Build // each piece of the cluster info based on the chain: // 1. command line argument // 2. If cluster info is present and a value for the attribute is present, use it. // 3. If you don't have a server location, bail. // 5. Auth info is build using the same rules as cluster info, EXCEPT that you can only have one authentication // technique per auth info. The following conditions result in an error: // 1. If there are two conflicting techniques specified from the command line, fail. // 2. If the command line does not specify one, and the auth info has conflicting techniques, fail. // 3. If the command line specifies one and the auth info specifies another, honor the command line technique. // 2. Use default values and potentially prompt for auth information func DefaultClientConfig(flags *pflag.FlagSet) clientcmd.ClientConfig { loadingRules := clientcmd.NewClientConfigLoadingRules() loadingRules.EnvVarPath = os.Getenv(clientcmd.RecommendedConfigPathEnvVar) flags.StringVar(&loadingRules.CommandLinePath, "kubeconfig", "", "Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.") overrides := &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{} clientcmd.BindOverrideFlags(overrides, flags, clientcmd.RecommendedConfigOverrideFlags("")) clientConfig := clientcmd.NewInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loadingRules, overrides, os.Stdin) return clientConfig }
// AddFlags configure Consul config from command argument func (c *Config) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringVar(&c.address, "consul-api", c.address, "Address for access to consul api service(default:") fs.Var((*authVar)(&c.auth), "consul-auth", "HTTP basic authentication username(and optional password), separated by a colon(default: not set).") fs.BoolVar(&c.enableSSL, "consul-ssl", c.enableSSL, "Enable SSL when access consul api service(default: false).") fs.BoolVar(&c.sslVerify, "consul-ssl-verify", c.sslVerify, "Enable SSL verfiy when access consul api service(default: true).") fs.StringVar(&c.caCertFile, "consul-ca", c.caCertFile, "Path to a certificate file for the certificate authority(default: not set).") fs.StringVar(&c.certFile, "consul-cert", c.certFile, "Path to a client cert file for TLS(default: not set).") fs.StringVar(&c.keyFile, "consul-key", c.keyFile, "Path to a client key file for TLS(default: not set).") fs.StringVar(&c.token, "consul-token", c.token, "Consul ACL token used to access consul api(default: not set).") fs.IntVar(&c.timeout, "consul-timeout", c.timeout, "Set a timeout(in seconds) to access consul api(default: 0).") }
func (s *DelegatingAuthenticationOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringVar(&s.RemoteKubeConfigFile, "authentication-kubeconfig", s.RemoteKubeConfigFile, ""+ "kubeconfig file pointing at the 'core' kubernetes server with enough rights to create "+ "tokenaccessreviews.authentication.k8s.io.") fs.DurationVar(&s.CacheTTL, "authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl", s.CacheTTL, "The duration to cache responses from the webhook token authenticator.") s.ClientCert.AddFlags(fs) s.RequestHeader.AddFlags(fs) }
func (g *Generator) BindFlags(flag *flag.FlagSet) { flag.StringVarP(&g.Common.GoHeaderFilePath, "go-header-file", "h", g.Common.GoHeaderFilePath, "File containing boilerplate header text. The string YEAR will be replaced with the current 4-digit year.") flag.BoolVar(&g.Common.VerifyOnly, "verify-only", g.Common.VerifyOnly, "If true, only verify existing output, do not write anything.") flag.StringVarP(&g.Packages, "packages", "p", g.Packages, "comma-separated list of directories to get input types from. Directories prefixed with '-' are not generated, directories prefixed with '+' only create types with explicit IDL instructions.") flag.StringVarP(&g.OutputBase, "output-base", "o", g.OutputBase, "Output base; defaults to $GOPATH/src/") flag.StringSliceVar(&g.ProtoImport, "proto-import", g.ProtoImport, "The search path for the core protobuf .protos, required, defaults to GODEPS on path.") flag.StringVar(&g.Conditional, "conditional", g.Conditional, "An optional Golang build tag condition to add to the generated Go code") flag.BoolVar(&g.Clean, "clean", g.Clean, "If true, remove all generated files for the specified Packages.") flag.BoolVar(&g.OnlyIDL, "only-idl", g.OnlyIDL, "If true, only generate the IDL for each package.") flag.BoolVar(&g.SkipGeneratedRewrite, "skip-generated-rewrite", g.SkipGeneratedRewrite, "If true, skip fixing up the generated.pb.go file (debugging only).") flag.StringVar(&g.DropEmbeddedFields, "drop-embedded-fields", g.DropEmbeddedFields, "Comma-delimited list of embedded Go types to omit from generated protobufs") }
func defaultClientConfig(flags *pflag.FlagSet) clientcmd.ClientConfig { loadingRules := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules() flags.StringVar(&loadingRules.ExplicitPath, "kubeconfig", "", "Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.") overrides := &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{} flagNames := clientcmd.RecommendedConfigOverrideFlags("") clientcmd.BindOverrideFlags(overrides, flags, flagNames) clientConfig := clientcmd.NewInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loadingRules, overrides, os.Stdin) return clientConfig }
func (s *DelegatingAuthorizationOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.StringVar(&s.RemoteKubeConfigFile, "authorization-kubeconfig", s.RemoteKubeConfigFile, ""+ "kubeconfig file pointing at the 'core' kubernetes server with enough rights to create "+ " subjectaccessreviews.authorization.k8s.io.") fs.DurationVar(&s.AllowCacheTTL, "authorization-webhook-cache-authorized-ttl", s.AllowCacheTTL, "The duration to cache 'authorized' responses from the webhook authorizer.") fs.DurationVar(&s.DenyCacheTTL, "authorization-webhook-cache-unauthorized-ttl", s.DenyCacheTTL, "The duration to cache 'unauthorized' responses from the webhook authorizer.") }
// AddFlags adds flags for a specific SchedulerServer to the specified FlagSet func (s *SchedulerServer) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) { fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on") fs.IPVar(&s.Address, "address", s.Address, "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)") fs.StringVar(&s.AlgorithmProvider, "algorithm-provider", s.AlgorithmProvider, "The scheduling algorithm provider to use, one of: "+factory.ListAlgorithmProviders()) fs.StringVar(&s.PolicyConfigFile, "policy-config-file", s.PolicyConfigFile, "File with scheduler policy configuration") fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", true, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/") fs.StringVar(&s.Master, "master", s.Master, "The address of the Kubernetes API server (overrides any value in kubeconfig)") fs.StringVar(&s.Kubeconfig, "kubeconfig", s.Kubeconfig, "Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.") fs.Float32Var(&s.KubeAPIQPS, "kube-api-qps", s.KubeAPIQPS, "QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver") fs.IntVar(&s.KubeAPIBurst, "kube-api-burst", s.KubeAPIBurst, "Burst to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver") fs.StringVar(&s.SchedulerName, "scheduler-name", s.SchedulerName, "Name of the scheduler, used to select which pods will be processed by this scheduler, based on pod's annotation with key 'scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/name'") leaderelection.BindFlags(&s.LeaderElection, fs) }