Esempio n. 1
File: tuf.go Progetto: cyli/notary
func getTrustPinning(config *viper.Viper) (trustpinning.TrustPinConfig, error) {
	var ok bool
	// Need to parse out Certs section from config
	certMap := config.GetStringMap("trust_pinning.certs")
	resultCertMap := make(map[string][]string)
	for gun, certSlice := range certMap {
		var castedCertSlice []interface{}
		if castedCertSlice, ok = certSlice.([]interface{}); !ok {
			return trustpinning.TrustPinConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid format for trust_pinning.certs")
		certsForGun := make([]string, len(castedCertSlice))
		for idx, certIDInterface := range castedCertSlice {
			if certID, ok := certIDInterface.(string); ok {
				certsForGun[idx] = certID
			} else {
				return trustpinning.TrustPinConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid format for trust_pinning.certs")
		resultCertMap[gun] = certsForGun
	return trustpinning.TrustPinConfig{
		DisableTOFU: config.GetBool("trust_pinning.disable_tofu"),
		CA:          config.GetStringMapString(""),
		Certs:       resultCertMap,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 2
func loadBoolPtr(key string, v *viper.Viper) *bool {
	val := v.Get(key)
	if val == nil {
		return nil
	b := v.GetBool(key)
	return &b
Esempio n. 3
func newPbftCore(id uint64, config *viper.Viper, consumer innerCPI) *pbftCore {
	instance := &pbftCore{} = id
	instance.consumer = consumer

	// in dev/debugging mode you are expected to override the config values
	// with the environment variable OPENCHAIN_OBCPBFT_X_Y

	// read from the config file
	// you can override the config values with the environment variable prefix
	var err error
	instance.byzantine = config.GetBool("replica.byzantine")
	instance.f = config.GetInt("general.f")
	instance.K = uint64(config.GetInt("general.K"))
	instance.requestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.request"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse request timeout: %s", err))
	instance.newViewTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.viewchange"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse new view timeout: %s", err))

	instance.activeView = true
	instance.L = 2 * instance.K // log size
	instance.replicaCount = 3*instance.f + 1

	// init the logs
	instance.certStore = make(map[msgID]*msgCert)
	instance.reqStore = make(map[string]*Request)
	instance.checkpointStore = make(map[Checkpoint]bool)
	instance.chkpts = make(map[uint64]string)
	instance.viewChangeStore = make(map[vcidx]*ViewChange)
	instance.pset = make(map[uint64]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.qset = make(map[qidx]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.newViewStore = make(map[uint64]*NewView)

	// load genesis checkpoint
	stateHash, err := instance.consumer.getStateHash(0)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot load genesis block: %s", err))
	instance.chkpts[0] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(stateHash)

	// create non-running timer XXX ugly
	instance.newViewTimer = time.NewTimer(100 * time.Hour)
	instance.lastNewViewTimeout = instance.newViewTimeout
	instance.outstandingReqs = make(map[string]*Request)

	go instance.timerHander()

	return instance
Esempio n. 4
func ThreadlessNewStateTransferState(config *viper.Viper, stack PartialStack) *StateTransferState {
	var err error
	sts := &StateTransferState{}

	sts.stateTransferListenersLock = &sync.Mutex{}

	sts.stack = stack, _, err = stack.GetNetworkHandles()

	if nil != err {
		logger.Debug("Error resolving our own PeerID, this shouldn't happen") = &protos.PeerID{"ERROR_RESOLVING_ID"}

	sts.asynchronousTransferInProgress = false

	sts.RecoverDamage = config.GetBool("statetransfer.recoverdamage")

	sts.stateValid = true // Assume our starting state is correct unless told otherwise

	sts.validBlockRanges = make([]*blockRange, 0)
	sts.blockVerifyChunkSize = uint64(config.GetInt("statetransfer.blocksperrequest"))
	if sts.blockVerifyChunkSize == 0 {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Must set statetransfer.blocksperrequest to be nonzero"))

	sts.initiateStateSync = make(chan *syncMark)
	sts.blockHashReceiver = make(chan *blockHashReply, 1)
	sts.blockSyncReq = make(chan *blockSyncReq)

	sts.threadExit = make(chan struct{})

	sts.blockThreadIdle = true
	sts.stateThreadIdle = true

	sts.blockThreadIdleChan = make(chan struct{})
	sts.stateThreadIdleChan = make(chan struct{})

	sts.DiscoveryThrottleTime = 1 * time.Second // TODO make this configurable

	sts.BlockRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("statetransfer.timeout.singleblock"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse statetransfer.timeout.singleblock timeout: %s", err))
	sts.StateDeltaRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("statetransfer.timeout.singlestatedelta"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse statetransfer.timeout.singlestatedelta timeout: %s", err))
	sts.StateSnapshotRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("statetransfer.timeout.fullstate"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse statetransfer.timeout.fullstate timeout: %s", err))

	return sts
Esempio n. 5
func loadCookiesConfig(v *viper.Viper) {
	Config.AccessTokenCookieHTTPOnly = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.accessTokenCookie.httpOnly")
	Config.AccessTokenCookieName = v.GetString("")
	Config.AccessTokenCookieSecure = loadBoolPtr("", v)
	Config.AccessTokenCookiePath = v.GetString("stormpath.web.accessTokenCookie.path")
	Config.AccessTokenCookieDomain = v.GetString("stormpath.web.accessTokenCookie.domain")
	Config.RefreshTokenCookieHTTPOnly = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.refreshTokenCookie.httpOnly")
	Config.RefreshTokenCookieName = v.GetString("")
	Config.RefreshTokenCookieSecure = loadBoolPtr("", v)
	Config.RefreshTokenCookiePath = v.GetString("stormpath.web.refreshTokenCookie.path")
	Config.RefreshTokenCookieDomain = v.GetString("stormpath.web.refreshTokenCookie.domain")
Esempio n. 6
func ThreadlessNewStateTransferState(id *protos.PeerID, config *viper.Viper, ledger consensus.LedgerStack, defaultPeerIDs []*protos.PeerID) *StateTransferState {
	sts := &StateTransferState{}

	sts.stateTransferListenersLock = &sync.Mutex{}

	sts.ledger = ledger = id

	sts.asynchronousTransferInProgress = false

	logger.Debug("%v assigning %v to defaultPeerIDs", id, defaultPeerIDs)
	sts.defaultPeerIDs = defaultPeerIDs

	sts.RecoverDamage = config.GetBool("statetransfer.recoverdamage")

	sts.stateValid = true // Assume our starting state is correct unless told otherwise

	sts.validBlockRanges = make([]*blockRange, 0)
	sts.blockVerifyChunkSize = uint64(config.GetInt("statetransfer.blocksperrequest"))
	if sts.blockVerifyChunkSize == 0 {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Must set statetransfer.blocksperrequest to be nonzero"))

	sts.initiateStateSync = make(chan *syncMark, 1)
	sts.blockHashReceiver = make(chan *blockHashReply, 1)
	sts.blockSyncReq = make(chan *blockSyncReq)

	sts.blockThreadExit = make(chan struct{}, 1)
	sts.stateThreadExit = make(chan struct{}, 1)

	var err error

	sts.BlockRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("statetransfer.timeout.singleblock"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse statetransfer.timeout.singleblock timeout: %s", err))
	sts.StateDeltaRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("statetransfer.timeout.singlestatedelta"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse statetransfer.timeout.singlestatedelta timeout: %s", err))
	sts.StateSnapshotRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("statetransfer.timeout.fullstate"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse statetransfer.timeout.fullstate timeout: %s", err))

	return sts
Esempio n. 7
func getGlobalProject(v *viper.Viper) (*libcentrifugo.Project, bool) {
	p := &libcentrifugo.Project{}

	// TODO: the same as for structureFromConfig function
	if v == nil {
		if !viper.IsSet("project_name") || viper.GetString("project_name") == "" {
			return nil, false
		p.Name = libcentrifugo.ProjectKey(viper.GetString("project_name"))
		p.Secret = viper.GetString("project_secret")
		p.ConnLifetime = int64(viper.GetInt("project_connection_lifetime"))
		p.Anonymous = viper.GetBool("project_anonymous")
		p.Watch = viper.GetBool("project_watch")
		p.Publish = viper.GetBool("project_publish")
		p.JoinLeave = viper.GetBool("project_join_leave")
		p.Presence = viper.GetBool("project_presence")
		p.HistorySize = int64(viper.GetInt("project_history_size"))
		p.HistoryLifetime = int64(viper.GetInt("project_history_lifetime"))
	} else {
		if !v.IsSet("project_name") || v.GetString("project_name") == "" {
			return nil, false
		p.Name = libcentrifugo.ProjectKey(v.GetString("project_name"))
		p.Secret = v.GetString("project_secret")
		p.ConnLifetime = int64(v.GetInt("project_connection_lifetime"))
		p.Anonymous = v.GetBool("project_anonymous")
		p.Watch = v.GetBool("project_watch")
		p.Publish = v.GetBool("project_publish")
		p.JoinLeave = v.GetBool("project_join_leave")
		p.Presence = v.GetBool("project_presence")
		p.HistorySize = int64(v.GetInt("project_history_size"))
		p.HistoryLifetime = int64(v.GetInt("project_history_lifetime"))

	var nl []libcentrifugo.Namespace
	if v == nil {
		viper.MarshalKey("project_namespaces", &nl)
	} else {
		v.MarshalKey("project_namespaces", &nl)
	p.Namespaces = nl

	return p, true
Esempio n. 8
func buildForm(formName string, v *viper.Viper) form {
	form := form{}

	for _, fieldName := range getConfiguredFormFieldNames(formName, v) {
		field := field{
			Name:        fieldName,
			Label:       v.GetString("stormpath.web." + formName + ".form.fields." + fieldName + ".label"),
			PlaceHolder: v.GetString("stormpath.web." + formName + ".form.fields." + fieldName + ".placeHolder"),
			Visible:     v.GetBool("stormpath.web." + formName + ".form.fields." + fieldName + ".visible"),
			Enabled:     v.GetBool("stormpath.web." + formName + ".form.fields." + fieldName + ".enabled"),
			Required:    v.GetBool("stormpath.web." + formName + ".form.fields." + fieldName + ".required"),
			Type:        v.GetString("stormpath.web." + formName + ".form.fields." + fieldName + ".type"),
		if field.Enabled {
			form.Fields = append(form.Fields, field)

	return form
Esempio n. 9
File: tuf.go Progetto: cyli/notary
// getTransport returns an http.RoundTripper to be used for all http requests.
// It correctly handles the auth challenge/credentials required to interact
// with a notary server over both HTTP Basic Auth and the JWT auth implemented
// in the notary-server
// The readOnly flag indicates if the operation should be performed as an
// anonymous read only operation. If the command entered requires write
// permissions on the server, readOnly must be false
func getTransport(config *viper.Viper, gun string, readOnly bool) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
	// Attempt to get a root CA from the config file. Nil is the host defaults.
	rootCAFile := utils.GetPathRelativeToConfig(config, "remote_server.root_ca")
	clientCert := utils.GetPathRelativeToConfig(config, "remote_server.tls_client_cert")
	clientKey := utils.GetPathRelativeToConfig(config, "remote_server.tls_client_key")

	insecureSkipVerify := false
	if config.IsSet("remote_server.skipTLSVerify") {
		insecureSkipVerify = config.GetBool("remote_server.skipTLSVerify")

	if clientCert == "" && clientKey != "" || clientCert != "" && clientKey == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("either pass both client key and cert, or neither")

	tlsConfig, err := tlsconfig.Client(tlsconfig.Options{
		CAFile:             rootCAFile,
		InsecureSkipVerify: insecureSkipVerify,
		CertFile:           clientCert,
		KeyFile:            clientKey,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to configure TLS: %s", err.Error())

	base := &http.Transport{
		Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
		Dial: (&net.Dialer{
			Timeout:   30 * time.Second,
			KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
			DualStack: true,
		TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
		TLSClientConfig:     tlsConfig,
		DisableKeepAlives:   true,
	trustServerURL := getRemoteTrustServer(config)
	return tokenAuth(trustServerURL, base, gun, readOnly)
Esempio n. 10
func loadOAuth2Config(v *viper.Viper) {
	Config.OAuth2Enabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.oauth2.enabled")
	Config.OAuth2URI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.oauth2.uri")
	Config.OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantTypeEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.oauth2.client_credentials.enabled")
	Config.OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantTypeAccessTokenTTL = time.Duration(v.GetInt("stormpath.web.oauth2.client_credentials.accessToken.ttl")) * time.Second
	Config.OAuth2PasswordGrantTypeEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.oauth2.password.enabled")
	Config.OAuth2PasswordGrantTypeValidationStrategy = v.GetString("stormpath.web.oauth2.password.validationStrategy")
Esempio n. 11
func getTransport(config *viper.Viper, gun string, readOnly bool) http.RoundTripper {
	// Attempt to get a root CA from the config file. Nil is the host defaults.
	rootCAFile := config.GetString("remote_server.root_ca")
	if rootCAFile != "" {
		// If we haven't been given an Absolute path, we assume it's relative
		// from the configuration directory (~/.notary by default)
		if !filepath.IsAbs(rootCAFile) {
			rootCAFile = filepath.Join(configPath, rootCAFile)

	insecureSkipVerify := false
	if config.IsSet("remote_server.skipTLSVerify") {
		insecureSkipVerify = config.GetBool("remote_server.skipTLSVerify")
	tlsConfig, err := utils.ConfigureClientTLS(&utils.ClientTLSOpts{
		RootCAFile:         rootCAFile,
		InsecureSkipVerify: insecureSkipVerify,
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Fatal("Unable to configure TLS: ", err.Error())

	base := &http.Transport{
		Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
		Dial: (&net.Dialer{
			Timeout:   30 * time.Second,
			KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
			DualStack: true,
		TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
		TLSClientConfig:     tlsConfig,
		DisableKeepAlives:   true,
	return tokenAuth(config, base, gun, readOnly)
Esempio n. 12
func loadEndpointsConfig(v *viper.Viper) {
	Config.LoginURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.login.uri")
	Config.LoginNextURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.login.nextUri")
	Config.LoginView = v.GetString("stormpath.web.login.view")
	Config.LoginEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.login.enabled")
	Config.LoginForm = buildForm("login", v)
	Config.RegisterURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.register.uri")
	Config.RegisterView = v.GetString("stormpath.web.register.view")
	Config.RegisterNextURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.register.uri")
	Config.RegisterEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.register.enabled")
	Config.RegisterAutoLoginEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.register.autoLogin")
	Config.RegisterForm = buildForm("register", v)
	Config.VerifyURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.verifyEmail.uri")
	Config.VerifyEnabled = loadBoolPtr("stormpath.web.verifyEmail.enabled", v)
	Config.VerifyView = v.GetString("stormpath.web.verifyEmail.view")
	Config.VerifyNextURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.verifyEmail.nextUri")
	//Forgot Password
	Config.ForgotPasswordURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.forgotPassword.uri")
	Config.ForgotPasswordNextURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.forgotPassword.nextUri")
	Config.ForgotPasswordView = v.GetString("stormpath.web.forgotPassword.view")
	Config.ForgotPasswordEnabled = loadBoolPtr("stormpath.web.forgotPassword.enabled", v)
	//Change Password
	Config.ChangePasswordURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.changePassword.uri")
	Config.ChangePasswordNextURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.changePassword.nextUri")
	Config.ChangePasswordView = v.GetString("stormpath.web.changePassword.view")
	Config.ChangePasswordEnabled = loadBoolPtr("stormpath.web.changePassword.enabled", v)
	Config.ChangePasswordAutoLoginEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.changePassword.autoLogin")
	Config.ChangePasswordErrorURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.changePassword.errorUri")
	Config.LogoutURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.logout.uri")
	Config.LogoutNextURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.logout.nextUri")
	Config.LogoutEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.logout.enabled")
	Config.IDSiteEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.idSite.enabled")
	Config.IDSiteLoginURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.idSite.loginUri")
	Config.IDSiteForgotURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.idSite.forgotUri")
	Config.IDSiteRegisterURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.idSite.registerUri")
	Config.CallbackEnabled = v.GetBool("stormpath.web.callback.enabled")
	Config.CallbackURI = v.GetString("stormpath.web.callback.uri")
	Config.MeEnabled = v.GetBool("")
	Config.MeURI = v.GetString("")
	Config.MeExpand = v.GetStringMap("")
Esempio n. 13
func newPbftCore(id uint64, config *viper.Viper, consumer innerStack, etf events.TimerFactory) *pbftCore {
	var err error
	instance := &pbftCore{} = id
	instance.consumer = consumer

	instance.newViewTimer = etf.CreateTimer()
	instance.vcResendTimer = etf.CreateTimer()
	instance.nullRequestTimer = etf.CreateTimer()

	instance.N = config.GetInt("general.N")
	instance.f = config.GetInt("general.f")
	if instance.f*3+1 > instance.N {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("need at least %d enough replicas to tolerate %d byzantine faults, but only %d replicas configured", instance.f*3+1, instance.f, instance.N))

	instance.K = uint64(config.GetInt("general.K"))

	instance.logMultiplier = uint64(config.GetInt("general.logmultiplier"))
	if instance.logMultiplier < 2 {
		panic("Log multiplier must be greater than or equal to 2")
	instance.L = instance.logMultiplier * instance.K // log size
	instance.viewChangePeriod = uint64(config.GetInt("general.viewchangeperiod"))

	instance.byzantine = config.GetBool("general.byzantine")

	instance.requestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.request"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse request timeout: %s", err))
	instance.vcResendTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.resendviewchange"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse request timeout: %s", err))
	instance.newViewTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.viewchange"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse new view timeout: %s", err))
	instance.nullRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.nullrequest"))
	if err != nil {
		instance.nullRequestTimeout = 0
	instance.broadcastTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.broadcast"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse new broadcast timeout: %s", err))

	instance.activeView = true
	instance.replicaCount = instance.N

	logger.Infof("PBFT type = %T", instance.consumer)
	logger.Infof("PBFT Max number of validating peers (N) = %v", instance.N)
	logger.Infof("PBFT Max number of failing peers (f) = %v", instance.f)
	logger.Infof("PBFT byzantine flag = %v", instance.byzantine)
	logger.Infof("PBFT request timeout = %v", instance.requestTimeout)
	logger.Infof("PBFT view change timeout = %v", instance.newViewTimeout)
	logger.Infof("PBFT Checkpoint period (K) = %v", instance.K)
	logger.Infof("PBFT broadcast timeout = %v", instance.broadcastTimeout)
	logger.Infof("PBFT Log multiplier = %v", instance.logMultiplier)
	logger.Infof("PBFT log size (L) = %v", instance.L)
	if instance.nullRequestTimeout > 0 {
		logger.Infof("PBFT null requests timeout = %v", instance.nullRequestTimeout)
	} else {
		logger.Infof("PBFT null requests disabled")
	if instance.viewChangePeriod > 0 {
		logger.Infof("PBFT view change period = %v", instance.viewChangePeriod)
	} else {
		logger.Infof("PBFT automatic view change disabled")

	// init the logs
	instance.certStore = make(map[msgID]*msgCert)
	instance.reqBatchStore = make(map[string]*RequestBatch)
	instance.checkpointStore = make(map[Checkpoint]bool)
	instance.chkpts = make(map[uint64]string)
	instance.viewChangeStore = make(map[vcidx]*ViewChange)
	instance.pset = make(map[uint64]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.qset = make(map[qidx]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.newViewStore = make(map[uint64]*NewView)

	// initialize state transfer
	instance.hChkpts = make(map[uint64]uint64)

	instance.chkpts[0] = "XXX GENESIS"

	instance.lastNewViewTimeout = instance.newViewTimeout
	instance.outstandingReqBatches = make(map[string]*RequestBatch)
	instance.missingReqBatches = make(map[string]bool)


	instance.viewChangeSeqNo = ^uint64(0) // infinity

	return instance
Esempio n. 14
func newPbftCore(id uint64, config *viper.Viper, consumer innerStack, startupID []byte) *pbftCore {
	var err error
	instance := &pbftCore{} = id
	instance.consumer = consumer
	instance.closed = make(chan bool)
	instance.notifyCommit = make(chan bool, 1)

	instance.N = config.GetInt("general.N")
	instance.f = config.GetInt("general.f")
	if instance.f*3+1 > instance.N {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("need at least %d enough replicas to tolerate %d byzantine faults, but only %d replicas configured", instance.f*3+1, instance.f, instance.N))

	instance.K = uint64(config.GetInt("general.K"))
	instance.logMultiplier = uint64(config.GetInt("general.logmultiplier"))

	instance.byzantine = config.GetBool("general.byzantine")

	instance.requestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.request"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse request timeout: %s", err))
	instance.newViewTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.viewchange"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse new view timeout: %s", err))

	instance.activeView = true
	instance.L = instance.logMultiplier * instance.K // log size
	instance.replicaCount = instance.N

	logger.Info("PBFT type = %T", instance.consumer)
	logger.Info("PBFT Max number of validating peers (N) = %v", instance.N)
	logger.Info("PBFT Max number of failing peers (f) = %v", instance.f)
	logger.Info("PBFT byzantine flag = %v", instance.byzantine)
	logger.Info("PBFT request timeout = %v", instance.requestTimeout)
	logger.Info("PBFT view change timeout = %v", instance.newViewTimeout)
	logger.Info("PBFT Checkpoint period (K) = %v", instance.K)
	logger.Info("PBFT Log multiplier = %v", instance.logMultiplier)
	logger.Info("PBFT log size (L) = %v", instance.L)

	// init the logs
	instance.certStore = make(map[msgID]*msgCert)
	instance.reqStore = make(map[string]*Request)
	instance.checkpointStore = make(map[Checkpoint]bool)
	instance.chkpts = make(map[uint64]string)
	instance.viewChangeStore = make(map[vcidx]*ViewChange)
	instance.pset = make(map[uint64]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.qset = make(map[qidx]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.newViewStore = make(map[uint64]*NewView)

	// initialize state transfer
	instance.hChkpts = make(map[uint64]uint64)

	instance.chkpts[0] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(startupID)

	// create non-running timer XXX ugly
	instance.newViewTimer = time.NewTimer(100 * time.Hour)
	instance.timerResetCount = 1
	instance.lastNewViewTimeout = instance.newViewTimeout
	instance.outstandingReqs = make(map[string]*Request)
	instance.missingReqs = make(map[string]bool)

	go instance.timerHander()

	return instance
Esempio n. 15
func newPbftCore(id uint64, config *viper.Viper, consumer innerStack, ledger consensus.LedgerStack) *pbftCore {
	var err error
	instance := &pbftCore{} = id
	instance.consumer = consumer
	instance.ledger = ledger
	instance.closed = make(chan bool)
	instance.notifyCommit = make(chan bool, 1)
	instance.notifyExec = sync.NewCond(&instance.internalLock)

	instance.N = config.GetInt("general.N")
	instance.f = config.GetInt("general.f")
	if instance.f*3+1 > instance.N {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("need at least %d enough replicas to tolerate %d byzantine faults, but only %d replicas configured", instance.f*3+1, instance.f, instance.N))

	instance.K = uint64(config.GetInt("general.K"))

	instance.byzantine = config.GetBool("general.byzantine")

	instance.requestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.request"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse request timeout: %s", err))
	instance.newViewTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.viewchange"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse new view timeout: %s", err))

	instance.activeView = true
	instance.L = 2 * instance.K // log size
	instance.replicaCount = instance.N

	// init the logs
	instance.certStore = make(map[msgID]*msgCert)
	instance.reqStore = make(map[string]*Request)
	instance.checkpointStore = make(map[Checkpoint]bool)
	instance.chkpts = make(map[uint64]*blockState)
	instance.viewChangeStore = make(map[vcidx]*ViewChange)
	instance.pset = make(map[uint64]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.qset = make(map[qidx]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.newViewStore = make(map[uint64]*NewView)

	// initialize state transfer
	instance.hChkpts = make(map[uint64]uint64)

	defaultPeerIDs := make([]*protos.PeerID, instance.replicaCount-1)
	if instance.replicaCount > 1 {
		// For some tests, only 1 replica will be present, and defaultPeerIDs makes no sense
		for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(instance.replicaCount); i++ {
			handle, err := getValidatorHandle(i)
			if err != nil {
				panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot retrieve handle for peer which must exist : %s", err))
			if i < {
				logger.Debug("Replica %d assigning %v to index %d for replicaCount %d and id %d",, handle, i, instance.replicaCount,
				defaultPeerIDs[i] = handle
			} else if i > {
				logger.Debug("Replica %d assigning %v to index %d for replicaCount %d and id %d",, handle, i-1, instance.replicaCount,
				defaultPeerIDs[i-1] = handle
			} else {
				// This is our ID, do not add it to the list of default peers
	} else {
		logger.Debug("Replica %d not initializing defaultPeerIDs, as replicaCount is %d",, instance.replicaCount)

	if myHandle, err := getValidatorHandle(; err != nil {
		panic("Could not retrieve own handle")
	} else {
		instance.sts = statetransfer.NewStateTransferState(myHandle, config, ledger, defaultPeerIDs)

	listener := struct{ statetransfer.ProtoListener }{}
	listener.CompletedImpl = instance.stateTransferCompleted

	// load genesis checkpoint
	genesisBlock, err := instance.ledger.GetBlock(0)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot load genesis block: %s", err))
	genesisHash, err := ledger.HashBlock(genesisBlock)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot hash genesis block: %s", err))
	instance.chkpts[0] = &blockState{
		blockNumber: 0,
		blockHash:   base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(genesisHash),

	// create non-running timer XXX ugly
	instance.newViewTimer = time.NewTimer(100 * time.Hour)
	instance.timerResetCount = 1
	instance.lastNewViewTimeout = instance.newViewTimeout
	instance.outstandingReqs = make(map[string]*Request)
	instance.missingReqs = make(map[string]bool)

	go instance.timerHander()
	go instance.executeRoutine()

	return instance
Esempio n. 16
func newPbftCore(id uint64, config *viper.Viper, consumer innerStack) *pbftCore {
	var err error
	instance := &pbftCore{} = id
	instance.consumer = consumer
	instance.closed = make(chan struct{})
	instance.incomingChan = make(chan *pbftMessage)
	instance.stateUpdatedChan = make(chan *checkpointMessage)
	instance.stateUpdatingChan = make(chan *checkpointMessage)
	instance.execCompleteChan = make(chan struct{})
	instance.idleChan = make(chan struct{})
	instance.injectChan = make(chan func())

	// TODO Ultimately, the timer factory will be passed in, and the existence of the manager
	// will be hidden from pbftCore, but in the interest of a small PR, leaving it here for now
	instance.manager = newEventManagerImpl(instance)
	etf := newEventTimerFactoryImpl(instance.manager)
	instance.newViewTimer = etf.createTimer()

	instance.N = config.GetInt("general.N")
	instance.f = config.GetInt("general.f")
	if instance.f*3+1 > instance.N {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("need at least %d enough replicas to tolerate %d byzantine faults, but only %d replicas configured", instance.f*3+1, instance.f, instance.N))

	instance.K = uint64(config.GetInt("general.K"))

	instance.logMultiplier = uint64(config.GetInt("general.logmultiplier"))
	if instance.logMultiplier < 2 {
		panic("Log multiplier must be greater than or equal to 2")
	instance.L = instance.logMultiplier * instance.K // log size

	instance.byzantine = config.GetBool("general.byzantine")

	instance.requestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.request"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse request timeout: %s", err))
	instance.newViewTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(config.GetString("general.timeout.viewchange"))
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse new view timeout: %s", err))

	instance.activeView = true
	instance.replicaCount = instance.N

	logger.Info("PBFT type = %T", instance.consumer)
	logger.Info("PBFT Max number of validating peers (N) = %v", instance.N)
	logger.Info("PBFT Max number of failing peers (f) = %v", instance.f)
	logger.Info("PBFT byzantine flag = %v", instance.byzantine)
	logger.Info("PBFT request timeout = %v", instance.requestTimeout)
	logger.Info("PBFT view change timeout = %v", instance.newViewTimeout)
	logger.Info("PBFT Checkpoint period (K) = %v", instance.K)
	logger.Info("PBFT Log multiplier = %v", instance.logMultiplier)
	logger.Info("PBFT log size (L) = %v", instance.L)

	// init the logs
	instance.certStore = make(map[msgID]*msgCert)
	instance.reqStore = make(map[string]*Request)
	instance.checkpointStore = make(map[Checkpoint]bool)
	instance.chkpts = make(map[uint64]string)
	instance.viewChangeStore = make(map[vcidx]*ViewChange)
	instance.pset = make(map[uint64]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.qset = make(map[qidx]*ViewChange_PQ)
	instance.newViewStore = make(map[uint64]*NewView)

	// initialize state transfer
	instance.hChkpts = make(map[uint64]uint64)

	instance.chkpts[0] = "XXX GENESIS"

	instance.lastNewViewTimeout = instance.newViewTimeout
	instance.outstandingReqs = make(map[string]*Request)
	instance.missingReqs = make(map[string]bool)


	return instance
Esempio n. 17
func loadConfig(v *viper.Viper) *runnerConf {
	v.SetDefault("check_timeout", 10)
	v.SetDefault("host_window", 60)
	v.SetDefault("host_threshold", 5)
	v.SetDefault("flood_window", 120)
	v.SetDefault("flood_threshold", 100)
	v.SetDefault("flap_window", 1200)
	v.SetDefault("flap_threshold", 5)
	v.SetDefault("alert_threshold", 3)
	v.SetDefault("worker_id", "worker1")
	v.SetDefault("check_key", "canhazstatus")
	conf := &runnerConf{}
	conf.checkTimeout = v.GetDuration("check_timeout")
	conf.hostWindow = int64(v.GetInt("host_window"))
	conf.hostThreshold = v.GetInt("host_threshold")
	conf.floodWindow = int64(v.GetInt("flood_window"))
	conf.floodThreshold = v.GetInt("flood_threshold")
	conf.flapWindow = v.GetInt("flap_window")
	conf.flapThreshold = v.GetInt("flap_threshold")
	conf.alertThreshold = v.GetInt("alert_threshold")
	conf.workerQueue = v.GetString("worker_id")
	conf.checkKey = v.GetString("check_key")

	//twilio config
	v.SetDefault("twilio_enable", false)
	conf.twilioEnabled = v.GetBool("twilio_enable")
	conf.twsid = v.GetString("twiliosid")
	conf.twtoken = v.GetString("twiliotoken")
	conf.twfrom = v.GetString("twiliofrom")
	conf.twdest = v.GetStringSlice("twiliodest")

	//pagerduty config
	v.SetDefault("pagerduty_enable", false)
	conf.pagerDutyEnabled = v.GetBool("pagerduty_enable")
	conf.pagerDutyPriOneKey = v.GetString("pagerduty_priority_one_key")
	conf.pagerDutyPriTwoKey = v.GetString("pagerduty_priority_two_key")
	conf.pagerDutyIncidentKeyPrefix = v.GetString("pagerduty_incident_key_prefix")

	return conf