Esempio n. 1
// startApplet starts a new applet instance connected to its dock icon and instance.
func (o *AppManager) startApplet(mi *gldi.ModuleInstance, kf *keyfile.KeyFile) {
	icon := mi.Icon()
	vc := mi.Module().VisitCard()
	name := vc.GetName()

	// Get the mandatory create applet func.
	newfunc := cdtype.Applets.GetNewFunc(name)
	if newfunc == nil {
		o.log.NewErr(name, "StartApplet: applet unknown (maybe not enabled at compile)")

	// Default desklet renderer.
	if desklet := mi.Desklet(); desklet != nil {

	// Default icon image.
	if icon != nil && icon.GetFileName() == "" {

		// 		gtk_widget_queue_draw (pModuleInstance->pContainer->pWidget);

	// Upgrade configuration file if needed.
	// It seem it's already done by the dock, but we'll display a readable info.
	if kf != nil && gldi.ConfFileNeedUpdate(kf, vc.GetModuleVersion()) {
		original := filepath.Join(vc.GetShareDataDir(), vc.GetConfFileName())

		o.log.Info("Conf file upgrade", mi.GetConfFilePath(), original)
		// gldi.ConfFileUpgrade(kf, mi.GetConfFilePath(), original, true)

		// 			gchar *cTemplate = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", pModuleInstance->pModule->pVisitCard->cShareDataDir, pModuleInstance->pModule->pVisitCard->cConfFileName);
		// 			cairo_dock_upgrade_conf_file (pModuleInstance->cConfFilePath, pKeyFile, cTemplate);
		// 			g_free (cTemplate);

	// Create applet instance and set its core data.
	callnew := cdtype.Applets.GetNewFunc(name)
	appbase := cdapplet.New()
	appbase.SetBase(name, mi.GetConfFilePath(), globals.DirDockData(), vc.GetShareDataDir()) // TODO: need rootdir
	app := cdapplet.Start(callnew, appbase)

	if app == nil {
		o.log.NewErr(name, "failed to start applet")

	if o.log.GetDebug() { // If the service debug is active, force it also on applets.
	o.log.Debug("applet started", name)

	callinit := app.SetEvents(app)
	e := callinit()
	if app.Log().Err(e, "failed to init") {

	// Everything was fine. We can add the applet in the managed list.
	o.actives[unsafe.Pointer(icon.ToNative())] = app