Esempio n. 1
func Plot(g1, g2 gear.Gear, rotfrac int, fname string) {
	var width, height int

	border := 5.0

	if g1.Pd > g2.Pd {
		height = int(g1.GetOutsideDia() + (2 * border))
	} else {
		height = int(g2.GetOutsideDia() + (2 * border))
	width = int((g1.Pd + g2.Pd + g1.GetAddendum() + g2.GetAddendum()) + (2 * border))

	centerDist := (g1.Pd + g2.Pd) / 2
	cx := int((border + (g1.GetOutsideDia() / 2.0)) * factor)
	cy := height * factor / 2
	var canvas *svg.SVG
	var f *os.File
	var err error
	if fname != "" {
		f, err = os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("%s.svg", fname))
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Something failed creating file!")
		canvas = svg.New(f)
	} else {
		canvas = svg.New(os.Stdout)

	// Setup canvas so that each drawing unit is 0.01mm.
	canvas.StartviewUnit(width, height, "mm", 0, 0, width*factor, height*factor)
	plotGrid(cx, cy, width*factor, height*factor, canvas)
	rot := 0.0 + ((float64(rotfrac) / 100) * (360 / float64(g1.N)))
	plotGear(cx, cy, rot, g1, canvas)
	cx = cx + int(centerDist*factor)
	if math.Mod(float64(g2.N), 2) == 0 {
		rot = 180.0 / float64(g2.N)
	} else {
		rot = 0.0
	rot -= (float64(rotfrac) / 100) * (360 / float64(g2.N))
	plotGear(cx, cy, rot, g2, canvas)

	// canvas.Text(width *100 /2, height * 100 /2, "Hello, SVG", "text-anchor:middle;font-size:300;fill:black")
	if f != nil {
Esempio n. 2
func main() {

	var Centres float64 // Distance between Centres
	var Ratio float64   // Required Ratio
	var DriveTeeth int  // Number of teeth on drive gear
	var DrivenTeeth int // Number of teeth on drive gear
	var PressureAngle float64
	var Backlash float64
	var Rotation int    // Percent of rotation
	var FileName string // File name for output.

	var pCentres = flag.Int("c", 100, "Distance between centres. (Whole mm only)")
	var pDriveTeeth = flag.Int("n1", 7, "Number of teeth on the first gear")
	var pDrivenTeeth = flag.Int("n2", 23, "Number of teeth on the second gear")
	var pPressureAngle = flag.Int("p", 25, "Pressure angle")
	var pBacklash = flag.String("b", "0.5", "Backlash angle (degrees)")
	var pFileName = flag.String("o", "", "Output file name, .svg will be appended. stdout if not given")
	var pRotation = flag.Int("r", 0, "Rotation as percentage of one tooth")
	Centres = float64(*pCentres)
	DriveTeeth = *pDriveTeeth
	DrivenTeeth = *pDrivenTeeth
	PressureAngle = float64(*pPressureAngle)
	var err error
	Backlash, err = strconv.ParseFloat(*pBacklash, 64)
	if err != nil {
		Backlash = 0.0
	Rotation = *pRotation
	FileName = *pFileName

	Ratio = float64(DrivenTeeth) / float64(DriveTeeth)

	var Gear1 gear.Gear
	Gear1.Pd = (1 / (Ratio + 1)) * Centres * 2
	Gear1.N = DriveTeeth
	Gear1.A = PressureAngle
	Gear1.B = Backlash

	var Gear2 gear.Gear
	Gear2.Pd = (Ratio / (Ratio + 1)) * Centres * 2
	Gear2.N = DrivenTeeth
	Gear2.A = PressureAngle
	Gear2.B = Backlash

	plot.Plot(Gear1, Gear2, Rotation, FileName)
Esempio n. 3
func plotGear(cx int, cy int, rot float64, g gear.Gear, canvas *svg.SVG) {
	canvas.Gtransform(fmt.Sprintf("translate(%d, %d)", cx, cy))
	canvas.Circle(0, 0, int(g.Pd*factor/2), style("dash"))
	cntrLen := int(g.GetOutsideDia() * factor / 8)
	canvas.Line(-cntrLen, 0, cntrLen, 0, style("solid"))
	canvas.Line(0, -cntrLen, 0, cntrLen, style("solid"))
	canvas.Gtransform(fmt.Sprintf("rotate(%0.3f)", rot))
	for i := 0; i < g.N; i++ {
		canvas.Line(int((math.Cos((360/float64(g.N))*float64(i)*DegToRad) * g.GetRootCircleDia() * factor / 2)),
			int((math.Sin((360/float64(g.N))*float64(i)*DegToRad) * g.GetRootCircleDia() * factor / 2)),
			int((math.Cos((360/float64(g.N))*float64(i)*DegToRad) * g.GetOutsideDia() * factor / 2)),
			int((math.Sin((360/float64(g.N))*float64(i)*DegToRad) * g.GetOutsideDia() * factor / 2)),
		canvas.Gtransform(fmt.Sprintf("rotate(%f)", 360.0/float64(g.N)*float64(i)))
		plotInvCurve(g, canvas)
Esempio n. 4
func plotInvCurve(g gear.Gear, canvas *svg.SVG) {
	var px []int
	var py []int
	var pyi []int
	var x, y float64
	var r, sr, ang float64
	var offsetAng float64
	br := g.GetBaseCircleDia() * factor / 2 // Base Radius
	or := g.GetOutsideDia() * factor / 2    // Outside Radius
	rr := g.GetRootCircleDia() * factor / 2 // Root Radius
	pr := g.Pd * factor / 2                 // Pitch Circle Radius
	ang = involuteIntersectAngle(br, pr)
	x, y = xyLocation(br, ang)
	offsetAng = math.Atan(y/x) * -1
	offsetAng += (math.Pi / (float64(g.N) / 2.0)) / -4.0
	if rr > br {
		sr = rr
	} else {
		sr = br
	rinc := (or - sr) / 100
	for r = sr; r <= or; r += rinc {
		ang = involuteIntersectAngle(br, r)
		x, y = xyLocation(br, ang)
		px = append(px, int(x))
		py = append(py, int(y))
		pyi = append(pyi, int(y)*-1)
	if br > rr {
		px = append([]int{int(rr)}, px...)
		py = append([]int{0}, py...)
		pyi = append([]int{0}, pyi...)
	canvas.Gtransform(fmt.Sprintf("rotate(%0.4f)", offsetAng*RadToDeg))
	canvas.Polyline(px, py, style("solid"))
	canvas.Gtransform(fmt.Sprintf("rotate(%0.4f)", offsetAng*RadToDeg*-1.0))
	canvas.Polyline(px, pyi, style("solid"))
	sx, sy := rotXY(px[len(px)-1], py[len(py)-1], offsetAng)
	ex, ey := rotXY(px[len(px)-1], pyi[len(pyi)-1], offsetAng*-1.0)
	canvas.Path(fmt.Sprintf("M%d,%d A%d,%d 0 0 1 %d,%d",
		sx, sy, int(or), int(or),
		ex, ey), style("solid"))

	sx, sy = rotXY(px[0], py[0], -offsetAng)
	ex, ey = rotXY(px[0], py[0], ((2*math.Pi)/float64(g.N))+offsetAng)
	canvas.Path(fmt.Sprintf("M%d,%d A%d,%d 0 0 1 %d,%d",
		sx, sy, int(rr), int(rr),
		ex, ey), style("solid"))