Esempio n. 1
// Returns the textual version of Value, possibly emmitting an error
// can't merge with indirectValue, as this is used by emit-func-setup to get register names
func (l langType) Value(v interface{}, errorInfo string) string {
	val, ok := v.(ssa.Value)
	if !ok {
		return "" // if it is not a value, an empty string will be returned
	switch v.(type) {
	case *ssa.Global:
		return "Go." + l.LangName(v.(*ssa.Global).Pkg.Object.Name(), v.(*ssa.Global).Name())
	case *ssa.Alloc, *ssa.MakeSlice:
		return pogo.RegisterName(v.(ssa.Value))
	case *ssa.FieldAddr, *ssa.IndexAddr:
		return pogo.RegisterName(v.(ssa.Value))
	case *ssa.Const:
		ci := v.(*ssa.Const)
		_, c := l.Const(*ci, errorInfo)
		return c
	case *ssa.Parameter:
		return "p_" + pogo.MakeId(v.(*ssa.Parameter).Name())
	case *ssa.Capture:
		for b := range v.(*ssa.Capture).Parent().FreeVars {
			if v.(*ssa.Capture) == v.(*ssa.Capture).Parent().FreeVars[b] { // comparing the name gives the wrong result
				return `_bds[` + fmt.Sprintf("%d", b) + `]`
		pogo.LogError(errorInfo, "Haxe", fmt.Errorf("haxe.Value(): *ssa.Capture name not found: %s", v.(*ssa.Capture).Name()))
		return `_bds["_b` + "ERROR: Captured bound variable name not found" + `"]` // TODO proper error
	case *ssa.Function:
		pk := "unknown"
		if v.(*ssa.Function).Signature.Recv() != nil { // it's a method
			pk = v.(*ssa.Function).Signature.Recv().Pkg().Name() + "." + v.(*ssa.Function).Signature.Recv().Name()
		} else {
			if v.(*ssa.Function).Pkg != nil {
				if v.(*ssa.Function).Pkg.Object != nil {
					pk = v.(*ssa.Function).Pkg.Object.Name()
		if len(v.(*ssa.Function).Blocks) > 0 { //the function actually exists
			return "new Closure(Go_" + l.LangName(pk, v.(*ssa.Function).Name()) + ".call,[])" //TODO will change for go instr
		// function has no implementation
		// TODO maybe put a list of over-loaded functions here and only error if not found
		// NOTE the reflect package comes through this path TODO fix!
		pogo.LogWarning(errorInfo, "Haxe", fmt.Errorf("haxe.Value(): *ssa.Function has no implementation: %s", v.(*ssa.Function).Name()))
		return "new Closure(null,[])" // Should fail at runtime if it is used...
	case *ssa.UnOp:
		return pogo.RegisterName(val)
	case *ssa.BinOp:
		return pogo.RegisterName(val)
	case *ssa.MakeInterface:
		return pogo.RegisterName(val)
		return pogo.RegisterName(val)
Esempio n. 2
func (l langType) inlineRegisterName(vi interface{}) string {
	vp, okPtr := vi.(*ssa.Value)
	if !okPtr {
		v, ok := vi.(ssa.Value)
		if !ok {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("inlineRegisterName not a pointer to a value, or a value; it is a %T", vi))
		vp = &v
	nm := strings.TrimSpace(pogo.RegisterName(*vp))
	if l.CanInline(vi) {
		code, found := pogo.InlineMap(nm)
		if !found {
			//for k, v := range pogo.InlineMap {
			//	println("DEBUG dump pogo.InlineMap[", k, "] is ", v)
			//pogo.LogError(vi.(ssa.Instruction).Parent().String(), "haxe", errors.New("internal error - cannot find "+nm+" in pogo.InlineMap"))
			return nm
		return code
	return nm