Esempio n. 1
// see if any of the rigid bodys contact
func generateContacts(delta float64) (bool, []*cubez.Contact) {
	var returnFound bool
	var found bool
	var contacts []*cubez.Contact

	for _, cube := range cubes {
		// see if we have a collision with the ground
		found, contacts = cube.Collider.CheckAgainstHalfSpace(groundPlane, contacts)
		if found == true {
			returnFound = true

		// check it against the other cubes. yes this is O(n^2) and not good practice
		for _, otherCube := range cubes {
			if cube == otherCube {
			found, contacts = cubez.CheckForCollisions(cube.Collider, otherCube.Collider, contacts)
			if found == true {
				returnFound = true

	return returnFound, contacts
Esempio n. 2
// see if any of the rigid bodys contact
func generateContacts(delta float64) (bool, []*cubez.Contact) {
	var returnFound bool

	// create the ground plane
	groundPlane := cubez.NewCollisionPlane(m.Vector3{0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, 0.0)

	// see if we have a collision with the ground
	found, contacts := cubez.CheckForCollisions(cube.Collider, groundPlane, nil)
	if found {
		returnFound = true
	// see if there's a collision against the backboard
	found, contacts = cubez.CheckForCollisions(cube.Collider, backboard.Collider, contacts)
	if found {
		returnFound = true

	// run collision checks on bullets
	for _, bullet := range bullets {
		// check against the ground
		found, contacts = cubez.CheckForCollisions(bullet.Collider, groundPlane, contacts)
		if found {
			returnFound = true

		// check against the cube
		found, contacts = cubez.CheckForCollisions(cube.Collider, bullet.Collider, contacts)
		if found {
			returnFound = true

		// check against the backboard
		found, contacts = cubez.CheckForCollisions(backboard.Collider, bullet.Collider, contacts)
		if found {
			returnFound = true

		// check against other bullets
		for _, bullet2 := range bullets {
			if bullet2 == bullet {
			found, contacts = cubez.CheckForCollisions(bullet2.Collider, bullet.Collider, contacts)
			if found {
				returnFound = true

	return returnFound, contacts
Esempio n. 3
// UpdatePhysics makes sure the physics objects are updated.
func (gm *LocalGameManager) UpdatePhysics(frameDelta float32) {
	if gm.physicsEnabled == false {

	physicsNow := time.Now()
	physicsDelta := float32(physicsNow.Sub(gm.physicsLastTime).Seconds())

	// sync physics to no more than 60 fps
	if physicsDelta < 1.0/60.0 {

	// conversely, if it's been too long, we just act like nothing happened ...
	// what's up with that?
	if physicsDelta > 0.50 {
		// try again next time to see if we can process the world
		gm.physicsLastTime = physicsNow
		groggy.Logsf("INFO", "LGM:UpdatePhycis() had to skip a physics frame due to excessive lag in delta time (%f)", physicsDelta)

	// update the collider in each entity
	gm.entityManager.Map(func(e *entity.Entity) {
		if e.Collider != nil {

	// generate any contacts
	//groggy.Logsf("DEBUG", "LGM: UpdatePhysics: checking start")
	var contacts []*physics.Contact
	gm.entityManager.Map(func(e *entity.Entity) {
		if e.Collider != nil {
			// test collisions against other entities
			// TODO: do better coarse collision detection
			gm.entityManager.Map(func(otherEnt *entity.Entity) {
				if e != otherEnt && otherEnt.Collider != nil {
					//groggy.Logsf("DEBUG", "\tLGM: UpdatePhysics: checking entitys:")
					//groggy.Logsf("DEBUG", "\t\tentity %d(%s) @ (%v)", e.Id, e.Name, e.Collider.GetTransform())
					//groggy.Logsf("DEBUG", "\t\t%v", e.Collider.GetBody())
					//groggy.Logsf("DEBUG", "\t\tentity %d(%s) @ (%v)", otherEnt.Id, otherEnt.Name, otherEnt.Collider.GetTransform())
					//groggy.Logsf("DEBUG", "\t\t%v", otherEnt.Collider.GetBody())
					_, contacts = physics.CheckForCollisions(e.Collider, otherEnt.Collider, contacts)

			// stop here with the infinite mass, non-movable entities
			if e.Collider.GetBody().HasFiniteMass() == false {

			// Now check the entity against the landscape chunks
			// TODO: super lame selections of chunks and very wasteful
			intX, intZ := int(e.Location[0]), int(e.Location[2])
			chunks := gm.landscapeMan.GetChunksFor(intX, intZ)
			chunks = append(chunks, gm.landscapeMan.GetChunksFor(intX, intZ+1)...)
			chunks = append(chunks, gm.landscapeMan.GetChunksFor(intX, intZ-1)...)
			chunks = append(chunks, gm.landscapeMan.GetChunksFor(intX+1, intZ-1)...)
			chunks = append(chunks, gm.landscapeMan.GetChunksFor(intX-1, intZ-1)...)
			for _, chunk := range chunks {
				// check collision against the relevant landscape collisions
				for _, chunkCollider := range chunk.Colliders {
					_, contacts = physics.CheckForCollisions(e.Collider, chunkCollider, contacts)

	// resolve the contacts
	if contacts != nil && len(contacts) > 0 {
		physics.ResolveContacts(len(contacts)*2, contacts, physmath.Real(physicsDelta))

	gm.physicsLastTime = physicsNow