Esempio n. 1
func CommitTx(addr string, txBytes []byte) error {
	wsc := rpcclient.NewWSClient("ws://" + addr + "/websocket")
	if _, err := wsc.Start(); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := wsc.Subscribe(types.EventStringNewBlock()); err != nil {
		return err

	defer func() {

	c := rpcclient.NewClientURI("http://" + addr)
	params := map[string]interface{}{
		"tx": hex.EncodeToString(txBytes),
	var result ctypes.TMResult
	_, err := c.Call("broadcast_tx", params, &result)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	timeout := time.After(time.Second * 5)
	for {
		select {
		case data := <-wsc.ResultsCh:
			if data == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Websocket channel closed")
			_, edata, err := ctypes.UnmarshalEvent(data)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshalling websocket result: %v", err)

			if edata == nil {

			block := edata.(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block
			for _, tx := range block.Data.Txs {
				if bytes.Equal(tx, txBytes) {
					return nil
		case <-timeout:
			return fmt.Errorf("Timed out waiting for tx to commit (%x)", txBytes)
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
// Save Block, save the +2/3 Commits we've seen
func (cs *ConsensusState) saveBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet, commits *types.VoteSet) {

	// The proposal must be valid.
	if err := cs.stageBlock(block, blockParts); err != nil {
		PanicSanity(Fmt("saveBlock() an invalid block: %v", err))

	// Save to blockStore.
	if cs.blockStore.Height() < block.Height {
		seenValidation := commits.MakeValidation()
		cs.blockStore.SaveBlock(block, blockParts, seenValidation)

	// Commit to proxyAppCtx
	err := cs.stagedState.Commit(cs.proxyAppCtx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: handle this gracefully.
		PanicQ(Fmt("Commit failed for applicaiton"))

	// Save the state.

	// Update mempool.

	// Fire off event
	if cs.evsw != nil && cs.evc != nil {
		cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringNewBlock(), types.EventDataNewBlock{block})
		go cs.evc.Flush()

Esempio n. 3
func TestTxConcurrentWithCommit(t *testing.T) {

	state, privVals := randGenesisState(1, false, 10)
	cs := newConsensusState(state, privVals[0], NewCounterApplication())
	height, round := cs.Height, cs.Round
	newBlockCh := subscribeToEvent(cs.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewBlock(), 1)

	appendTxsRange := func(start, end int) {
		// Append some txs.
		for i := start; i < end; i++ {
			txBytes := make([]byte, 8)
			binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txBytes, uint64(i))
			err := cs.mempool.CheckTx(txBytes, nil)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatal("Error after CheckTx: %v", err)
			//	time.Sleep(time.Microsecond * time.Duration(rand.Int63n(3000)))

	NTxs := 10000
	go appendTxsRange(0, NTxs)

	startTestRound(cs, height, round)
	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5)
	for nTxs := 0; nTxs < NTxs; {
		select {
		case b := <-newBlockCh:
			nTxs += b.(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block.Header.NumTxs
		case <-ticker.C:
			t.Fatal("Timed out waiting to commit blocks with transactions")
Esempio n. 4
func (c *Crawler) OnStart() error {
	// connect to local node first, set info,
	// and fire peers onto the checkQueue
	if err := c.pollNode(c.self); err != nil {
		return err

	// connect to weboscket, subscribe to local events
	// and run the read loop to listen for new blocks
	_, err :=
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err :=; err != nil {
		return err
	go c.readLoop(c.self)

	// add ourselves to the nodes list
	c.nodes[c.self.Address()] = c.self

	// nodes we hear about get put on the checkQueue
	// by pollNode and are handled in the checkLoop.
	// if its a node we're not already connected to,
	// it gets put on the nodeQueue and
	// we attempt to connect in the connectLoop
	go c.checkLoop()
	go c.connectLoop()

	return nil
Esempio n. 5
// Save Block, save the +2/3 Commits we've seen
func (cs *ConsensusState) saveBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet, commits *types.VoteSet) {

	// The proposal must be valid.
	if err := cs.stageBlock(block, blockParts); err != nil {
		PanicSanity(Fmt("saveBlock() an invalid block: %v", err))

	// Save to blockStore.
	if cs.blockStore.Height() < block.Height {
		seenValidation := commits.MakeValidation()
		cs.blockStore.SaveBlock(block, blockParts, seenValidation)

	// Save the state.

	// Update mempool.
	cs.mempoolReactor.ResetForBlockAndState(block, cs.stagedState)

	// Fire off event
	if cs.evsw != nil && cs.evc != nil {
		cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringNewBlock(), types.EventDataNewBlock{block})
		go cs.evc.Flush()

Esempio n. 6
// run through propose, prevote, precommit commit with two validators
// where the first validator has to wait for votes from the second
func TestFullRound2(t *testing.T) {
	cs1, vss := randConsensusState(2)
	cs2 := vss[1]
	height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round

	voteCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringVote(), 1)
	newBlockCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewBlock(), 1)

	// start round and wait for propose and prevote
	startTestRound(cs1, height, round)

	<-voteCh // prevote

	// we should be stuck in limbo waiting for more prevotes

	propBlockHash, propPartsHeader := cs1.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs1.ProposalBlockParts.Header()

	// prevote arrives from cs2:
	signAddVoteToFrom(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs1, cs2, propBlockHash, propPartsHeader)

	<-voteCh //precommit

	// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
	validatePrecommit(t, cs1, 0, 0, vss[0], propBlockHash, propBlockHash)

	// we should be stuck in limbo waiting for more precommits

	// precommit arrives from cs2:
	signAddVoteToFrom(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs1, cs2, propBlockHash, propPartsHeader)

	// wait to finish commit, propose in next height
Esempio n. 7
// receive a few new block messages in a row, with increasing height
func TestWSBlockchainGrowth(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
	wsc := newWSClient(t)
	eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
	subscribe(t, wsc, eid)
	defer func() {
		unsubscribe(t, wsc, eid)

	// listen for NewBlock, ensure height increases by 1

	var initBlockN int
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		waitForEvent(t, wsc, eid, true, func() {}, func(eid string, eventData interface{}) error {
			block := eventData.(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block
			if i == 0 {
				initBlockN = block.Header.Height
			} else {
				if block.Header.Height != initBlockN+i {
					return fmt.Errorf("Expected block %d, got block %d", initBlockN+i, block.Header.Height)

			return nil
Esempio n. 8
func testGetStorage(t *testing.T, typ string) {
	con := newWSCon(t)
	eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
	subscribe(t, con, eid)
	defer func() {
		unsubscribe(t, con, eid)

	amt, gasLim, fee := int64(1100), int64(1000), int64(1000)
	code := []byte{0x60, 0x5, 0x60, 0x1, 0x55}
	tx := makeDefaultCallTx(t, typ, nil, code, amt, gasLim, fee)
	receipt := broadcastTx(t, typ, tx)
	if receipt.CreatesContract == 0 {
		t.Fatal("This tx creates a contract")
	if len(receipt.TxHash) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Failed to compute tx hash")
	contractAddr := receipt.ContractAddr
	if len(contractAddr) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Creates contract but resulting address is empty")

	// allow it to get mined
	waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {}, doNothing)
	mempoolCount = 0

	v := getStorage(t, typ, contractAddr, []byte{0x1})
	got := LeftPadWord256(v)
	expected := LeftPadWord256([]byte{0x5})
	if got.Compare(expected) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong storage value. Got %x, expected %x", got.Bytes(), expected.Bytes())
Esempio n. 9
// receive a few new block messages in a row, with increasing height
func TestWSBlockchainGrowth(t *testing.T) {
	con := newWSCon(t)
	eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
	subscribe(t, con, eid)
	defer func() {
		unsubscribe(t, con, eid)
	// listen for NewBlock, ensure height increases by 1
	unmarshalValidateBlockchain(t, con, eid)
Esempio n. 10
// receive a new block message
func TestWSNewBlock(t *testing.T) {
	wsc := newWSClient(t)
	eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
	subscribe(t, wsc, eid)
	defer func() {
		unsubscribe(t, wsc, eid)
	waitForEvent(t, wsc, eid, true, func() {}, func(eid string, b interface{}) error {
		fmt.Println("Check:", b)
		return nil
Esempio n. 11
// receive a new block message
func TestWSNewBlock(t *testing.T) {
	con := newWSCon(t)
	eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
	subscribe(t, con, eid)
	defer func() {
		unsubscribe(t, con, eid)
	waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {}, func(eid string, b []byte) error {
		fmt.Println("Check:", string(b))
		return nil
Esempio n. 12
func TestReplayCatchup(t *testing.T) {
	// write the needed wal to file
	f, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "replay_test_")
	if err != nil {
	name := f.Name()
	_, err = f.WriteString(testLog)
	if err != nil {

	cs := fixedConsensusState()

	// we've already precommitted on the first block
	// without replay catchup we would be halted here forever
	cs.privValidator.LastHeight = 1 // first block
	cs.privValidator.LastStep = 3   // precommit

	newBlockCh := subscribeToEvent(cs.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewBlock(), 0)

	// start timeout and receive routines

	// open wal and run catchup messages
	openWAL(t, cs, name)
	if err := cs.catchupReplay(cs.Height); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error on catchup replay %v", err)

	cs.enterNewRound(cs.Height, cs.Round)

	after := time.After(time.Second * 2)
	select {
	case <-newBlockCh:
	case <-after:
		t.Fatal("Timed out waiting for new block")

Esempio n. 13
func testCall(t *testing.T, typ string) {
	con := newWSCon(t)
	eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
	subscribe(t, con, eid)
	defer func() {
		unsubscribe(t, con, eid)

	client := clients[typ]

	// create the contract
	amt := uint64(6969)
	code, _, _ := simpleContract()
	_, receipt := broadcastTx(t, typ, userByteAddr, nil, code, userBytePriv, amt, 1000, 1000)
	if receipt.CreatesContract == 0 {
		t.Fatal("This tx creates a contract")
	if len(receipt.TxHash) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Failed to compute tx hash")
	contractAddr := receipt.ContractAddr
	if len(contractAddr) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Creates contract but resulting address is empty")

	// allow it to get mined
	waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {
	}, func(eid string, b []byte) error {
		return nil
	mempoolCount = 0

	// run a call through the contract
	data := []byte{}
	expected := []byte{0xb}
	callContract(t, client, contractAddr, data, expected)
Esempio n. 14
func testCall(t *testing.T, typ string) {
	con := newWSCon(t)
	eid := types.EventStringNewBlock()
	subscribe(t, con, eid)
	defer func() {
		unsubscribe(t, con, eid)

	client := clients[typ]

	// create the contract
	amt, gasLim, fee := int64(6969), int64(1000), int64(1000)
	code, _, _ := simpleContract()
	tx := makeDefaultCallTx(t, typ, nil, code, amt, gasLim, fee)
	receipt := broadcastTx(t, typ, tx)

	if receipt.CreatesContract == 0 {
		t.Fatal("This tx creates a contract")
	if len(receipt.TxHash) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Failed to compute tx hash")
	contractAddr := receipt.ContractAddr
	if len(contractAddr) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Creates contract but resulting address is empty")

	// allow it to get mined
	waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {}, doNothing)
	mempoolCount = 0

	// run a call through the contract
	data := []byte{}
	expected := []byte{0xb}
	callContract(t, client, user[0].PubKey.Address(), contractAddr, data, expected)
Esempio n. 15
// 4 vals.
// we receive a final precommit after going into next round, but others might have gone to commit already!
func TestHalt1(t *testing.T) {
	cs1, vss := randConsensusState(4)
	cs2, cs3, cs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]

	proposalCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringCompleteProposal(), 1)
	timeoutWaitCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringTimeoutWait(), 1)
	newRoundCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewRound(), 1)
	newBlockCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewBlock(), 1)
	voteCh := subscribeToVoter(cs1, cs1.privValidator.Address)

	// start round and wait for propose and prevote
	startTestRound(cs1, cs1.Height, 0)
	re := <-proposalCh
	rs := re.(types.EventDataRoundState).RoundState.(*RoundState)
	propBlock := rs.ProposalBlock
	propBlockParts := propBlock.MakePartSet()

	<-voteCh // prevote

	signAddVoteToFromMany(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs1, propBlock.Hash(), propBlockParts.Header(), cs3, cs4)
	<-voteCh // precommit

	// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
	validatePrecommit(t, cs1, 0, 0, vss[0], propBlock.Hash(), propBlock.Hash())

	// add precommits from the rest
	signAddVoteToFrom(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs1, cs2, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}) // didnt receive proposal
	signAddVoteToFrom(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs1, cs3, propBlock.Hash(), propBlockParts.Header())
	// we receive this later, but cs3 might receive it earlier and with ours will go to commit!
	precommit4 := signVote(cs4, types.VoteTypePrecommit, propBlock.Hash(), propBlockParts.Header())

	incrementRound(cs2, cs3, cs4)

	// timeout to new round
	re = <-newRoundCh
	rs = re.(types.EventDataRoundState).RoundState.(*RoundState)

	log.Notice("### ONTO ROUND 1")
	// we timeout and prevote our lock
	// a polka happened but we didn't see it!

	// go to prevote, prevote for locked block
	<-voteCh // prevote
	validatePrevote(t, cs1, 0, vss[0], rs.LockedBlock.Hash())

	// now we receive the precommit from the previous round
	addVoteToFrom(cs1, cs4, precommit4)

	// receiving that precommit should take us straight to commit
	re = <-newRoundCh
	rs = re.(types.EventDataRoundState).RoundState.(*RoundState)

	if rs.Height != 2 {
		t.Fatal("expected height to increment")
Esempio n. 16
// 4 vals, one precommits, other 3 polka at next round, so we unlock and precomit the polka
func TestLockPOLRelock(t *testing.T) {
	cs1, vss := randConsensusState(4)
	cs2, cs3, cs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]

	timeoutProposeCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringTimeoutPropose(), 1)
	timeoutWaitCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringTimeoutWait(), 1)
	proposalCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringCompleteProposal(), 1)
	voteCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringVote(), 1)
	newRoundCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewRound(), 1)
	newBlockCh := subscribeToEvent(cs1.evsw, "tester", types.EventStringNewBlock(), 1)

	log.Debug("cs2 last round", "lr", cs2.PrivValidator.LastRound)

	// everything done from perspective of cs1

		Round1 (cs1, B) // B B B B// B nil B nil

		eg. cs2 and cs4 didn't see the 2/3 prevotes

	// start round and wait for propose and prevote
	startTestRound(cs1, cs1.Height, 0)

	re := <-proposalCh
	rs := re.(types.EventDataRoundState).RoundState.(*RoundState)
	theBlockHash := rs.ProposalBlock.Hash()

	<-voteCh // prevote

	signAddVoteToFromMany(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs1, cs1.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs1.ProposalBlockParts.Header(), cs2, cs3, cs4)
	_, _, _ = <-voteCh, <-voteCh, <-voteCh // prevotes

	<-voteCh // our precommit
	// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
	validatePrecommit(t, cs1, 0, 0, vss[0], theBlockHash, theBlockHash)

	// add precommits from the rest
	signAddVoteToFromMany(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs1, nil, types.PartSetHeader{}, cs2, cs4)
	signAddVoteToFrom(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs1, cs3, cs1.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs1.ProposalBlockParts.Header())
	_, _, _ = <-voteCh, <-voteCh, <-voteCh // precommits

	// before we timeout to the new round set the new proposal
	prop, propBlock := decideProposal(cs1, cs2, cs2.Height, cs2.Round+1)
	propBlockParts := propBlock.MakePartSet()
	propBlockHash := propBlock.Hash()

	incrementRound(cs2, cs3, cs4)

	// timeout to new round

	//XXX: this isnt gauranteed to get there before the timeoutPropose ...
	cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(prop, propBlock, propBlockParts, "some peer")

	log.Notice("### ONTO ROUND 1")

		Round2 (cs2, C) // B C C C // C C C _)

		cs1 changes lock!

	// now we're on a new round and not the proposer
	// but we should receive the proposal
	select {
	case <-proposalCh:
	case <-timeoutProposeCh:

	// go to prevote, prevote for locked block (not proposal), move on
	validatePrevote(t, cs1, 0, vss[0], theBlockHash)

	// now lets add prevotes from everyone else for the new block
	signAddVoteToFromMany(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs1, propBlockHash, propBlockParts.Header(), cs2, cs3, cs4)
	_, _, _ = <-voteCh, <-voteCh, <-voteCh // prevotes

	// now either we go to PrevoteWait or Precommit
	select {
	case <-timeoutWaitCh: // we're in PrevoteWait, go to Precommit
	case <-voteCh: // we went straight to Precommit

	// we should have unlocked and locked on the new block
	validatePrecommit(t, cs1, 1, 1, vss[0], propBlockHash, propBlockHash)

	signAddVoteToFromMany(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs1, propBlockHash, propBlockParts.Header(), cs2, cs3)
	_, _ = <-voteCh, <-voteCh

	be := <-newBlockCh
	b := be.(types.EventDataNewBlock)
	re = <-newRoundCh
	rs = re.(types.EventDataRoundState).RoundState.(*RoundState)
	if rs.Height != 2 {
		t.Fatal("Expected height to increment")

	if !bytes.Equal(b.Block.Hash(), propBlockHash) {
		t.Fatal("Expected new block to be proposal block")
Esempio n. 17
func testNameReg(t *testing.T, typ string) {
	client := clients[typ]
	con := newWSCon(t)

	types.MinNameRegistrationPeriod = 1

	// register a new name, check if its there
	// since entries ought to be unique and these run against different clients, we append the typ
	name := "ye_old_domain_name_" + typ
	data := "if not now, when"
	fee := int64(1000)
	numDesiredBlocks := int64(2)
	amt := fee + numDesiredBlocks*types.NameCostPerByte*types.NameCostPerBlock*types.BaseEntryCost(name, data)

	eid := types.EventStringNameReg(name)
	subscribe(t, con, eid)

	tx := makeDefaultNameTx(t, typ, name, data, amt, fee)
	broadcastTx(t, typ, tx)
	// verify the name by both using the event and by checking get_name
	waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {}, func(eid string, b []byte) error {
		// TODO: unmarshal the response
		tx, err := unmarshalResponseNameReg(b)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if tx.Name != name {
			t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Err on received event tx.Name: Got %s, expected %s", tx.Name, name))
		if tx.Data != data {
			t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Err on received event tx.Data: Got %s, expected %s", tx.Data, data))
		return nil
	mempoolCount = 0
	entry := getNameRegEntry(t, typ, name)
	if entry.Data != data {
		t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Err on entry.Data: Got %s, expected %s", entry.Data, data))
	if bytes.Compare(entry.Owner, user[0].Address) != 0 {
		t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Err on entry.Owner: Got %s, expected %s", entry.Owner, user[0].Address))

	unsubscribe(t, con, eid)

	// for the rest we just use new block event
	// since we already tested the namereg event
	eid = types.EventStringNewBlock()
	subscribe(t, con, eid)
	defer func() {
		unsubscribe(t, con, eid)

	// update the data as the owner, make sure still there
	numDesiredBlocks = int64(2)
	data = "these are amongst the things I wish to bestow upon the youth of generations come: a safe supply of honey, and a better money. For what else shall they need"
	amt = fee + numDesiredBlocks*types.NameCostPerByte*types.NameCostPerBlock*types.BaseEntryCost(name, data)
	tx = makeDefaultNameTx(t, typ, name, data, amt, fee)
	broadcastTx(t, typ, tx)
	// commit block
	waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {}, doNothing)
	mempoolCount = 0
	entry = getNameRegEntry(t, typ, name)
	if entry.Data != data {
		t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Err on entry.Data: Got %s, expected %s", entry.Data, data))

	// try to update as non owner, should fail
	nonce := getNonce(t, typ, user[1].Address)
	data2 := "this is not my beautiful house"
	tx = types.NewNameTxWithNonce(user[1].PubKey, name, data2, amt, fee, nonce+1)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[1])
	_, err := client.BroadcastTx(tx)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error on NameTx")

	// commit block
	waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {}, doNothing)

	// now the entry should be expired, so we can update as non owner
	_, err = client.BroadcastTx(tx)
	waitForEvent(t, con, eid, true, func() {}, doNothing)
	mempoolCount = 0
	entry = getNameRegEntry(t, typ, name)
	if entry.Data != data2 {
		t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Error on entry.Data: Got %s, expected %s", entry.Data, data2))
	if bytes.Compare(entry.Owner, user[1].Address) != 0 {
		t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Err on entry.Owner: Got %s, expected %s", entry.Owner, user[1].Address))
Esempio n. 18
// Increment height and goto RoundStepNewHeight
func (cs *ConsensusState) finalizeCommit(height int) {
	if cs.Height != height || cs.Step != RoundStepCommit {
		log.Debug(Fmt("finalizeCommit(%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))

	hash, header, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound).TwoThirdsMajority()
	block, blockParts := cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts

	if !ok {
		PanicSanity(Fmt("Cannot finalizeCommit, commit does not have two thirds majority"))
	if !blockParts.HasHeader(header) {
		PanicSanity(Fmt("Expected ProposalBlockParts header to be commit header"))
	if !block.HashesTo(hash) {
		PanicSanity(Fmt("Cannot finalizeCommit, ProposalBlock does not hash to commit hash"))
	if err := cs.state.ValidateBlock(block); err != nil {
		PanicConsensus(Fmt("+2/3 committed an invalid block: %v", err))

	log.Notice(Fmt("Finalizing commit of block with %d txs", block.NumTxs), "height", block.Height, "hash", block.Hash())
	log.Info(Fmt("%v", block))

	// Fire off event for new block.
	// TODO: Handle app failure.  See #177
	cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringNewBlock(), types.EventDataNewBlock{block})

	// Create a copy of the state for staging
	stateCopy := cs.state.Copy()

	// Run the block on the State:
	// + update validator sets
	// + run txs on the proxyAppConn
	err := stateCopy.ExecBlock(cs.evsw, cs.proxyAppConn, block, blockParts.Header())
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: handle this gracefully.
		PanicQ(Fmt("Exec failed for application"))

	// Save to blockStore.
	if cs.blockStore.Height() < block.Height {
		commits := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound)
		seenValidation := commits.MakeValidation()
		cs.blockStore.SaveBlock(block, blockParts, seenValidation)

		// Commit to proxyAppConn
		err = cs.proxyAppConn.CommitSync()
		if err != nil {
			// TODO: handle this gracefully.
			PanicQ(Fmt("Commit failed for application"))

	// Save the state.

	// Update mempool.
	cs.mempool.Update(block.Height, block.Txs)

	// NewHeightStep!

	// cs.StartTime is already set.
	// Schedule Round0 to start soon.
	cs.scheduleRound0(height + 1)

	// By here,
	// * cs.Height has been increment to height+1
	// * cs.Step is now RoundStepNewHeight
	// * cs.StartTime is set to when we will start round0.