Esempio n. 1
// Configure sets the database connection values
func (writer *influxDBWriter09) configure(conf core.PluginConfig, prod *InfluxDB) error { = conf.GetString("Host", "localhost:8086")
	writer.username = conf.GetString("User", "")
	writer.password = conf.GetString("Password", "")
	writer.databaseTemplate = conf.GetString("Database", "default")
	writer.buffer = shared.NewByteStream(4096)
	writer.connectionUp = false
	writer.Control = prod.Control

	writer.writeURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/write",
	writer.queryURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/query",
	writer.pingURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/ping",
	writer.separator = '?'
	writer.timeBasedDBName = conf.GetBool("TimeBasedName", true)

	if writer.username != "" {
		credentials := fmt.Sprintf("?u=%s&p=%s", url.QueryEscape(writer.username), url.QueryEscape(writer.password))
		writer.writeURL += credentials
		writer.queryURL += credentials
		writer.separator = '&'

	if retentionPolicy := conf.GetString("RetentionPolicy", ""); retentionPolicy != "" {
		writer.messageHeader = fmt.Sprintf("{\"database\":\"%%s\",\"retentionPolicy\":\"%s\",\"points\":[", retentionPolicy)
	} else {
		writer.messageHeader = "{\"database\":\"%s\",\"points\":["

	return nil
Esempio n. 2
// Configure initializes this producer with values from a plugin config.
func (prod *Scribe) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := prod.ProducerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	host := conf.GetString("Address", "localhost:1463")
	bufferSizeMax := conf.GetInt("BatchSizeMaxKB", 8<<10) << 1 // 8 MB

	prod.category = make(map[core.MessageStreamID]string, 0)
	prod.batchSize = conf.GetInt("BatchSizeByte", 8192)
	prod.batchTimeout = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("BatchTimeoutSec", 5)) * time.Second
	prod.batch = createScribeMessageBatch(bufferSizeMax)
	prod.bufferSizeKB = conf.GetInt("ConnectionBufferSizeKB", 1<<10) // 1 MB
	prod.category = conf.GetStreamMap("Category", "")

	// Initialize scribe connection

	prod.socket, err = thrift.NewTSocket(host)
	if err != nil {
		Log.Error.Print("Scribe socket error:", err)
		return err

	prod.transport = thrift.NewTFramedTransport(prod.socket)
	binProtocol := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocol(prod.transport, false, false)
	prod.scribe = scribe.NewScribeClientProtocol(prod.transport, binProtocol, binProtocol)

	return nil
Esempio n. 3
// Configure initializes this producer with values from a plugin config.
func (prod *Redis) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := prod.ProducerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fieldFormat, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("FieldFormatter", "format.Identifier"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err // ### return, plugin load error ###
	prod.fieldFormat = fieldFormat.(core.Formatter)

	prod.password = conf.GetString("Password", "")
	prod.database = int64(conf.GetInt("Database", 0))
	prod.key = conf.GetString("Key", "default")
	prod.fieldFromParsed = conf.GetBool("FieldAfterFormat", false)
	prod.address, prod.protocol = shared.ParseAddress(conf.GetString("Address", ":6379"))

	switch strings.ToLower(conf.GetString("Storage", "hash")) {
	case "hash": = prod.storeHash
	case "list": = prod.storeList
	case "set": = prod.storeSet
	case "sortedset": = prod.storeSortedSet
	case "string": = prod.storeString

	return nil
Esempio n. 4
// Configure initializes this producer with values from a plugin config.
func (prod *Socket) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := prod.ProducerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	prod.batchMaxCount = conf.GetInt("BatchMaxCount", 8192)
	prod.batchFlushCount = conf.GetInt("BatchFlushCount", prod.batchMaxCount/2)
	prod.batchFlushCount = shared.MinI(prod.batchFlushCount, prod.batchMaxCount)
	prod.batchTimeout = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("BatchTimeoutSec", 5)) * time.Second
	prod.bufferSizeByte = conf.GetInt("ConnectionBufferSizeKB", 1<<10) << 10 // 1 MB

	prod.acknowledge = shared.Unescape(conf.GetString("Acknowledge", ""))
	prod.ackTimeout = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("AckTimeoutMs", 2000)) * time.Millisecond
	prod.address, prod.protocol = shared.ParseAddress(conf.GetString("Address", ":5880"))

	if prod.protocol != "unix" {
		if prod.acknowledge != "" {
			prod.protocol = "tcp"
		} else {
			prod.protocol = "udp"

	prod.batch = core.NewMessageBatch(prod.batchMaxCount)
	prod.assembly = core.NewWriterAssembly(nil, prod.Drop, prod.GetFormatter())

	return nil
Esempio n. 5
// Configure initializes this producer with values from a plugin config.
func (prod *Socket) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := prod.ProducerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	bufferSizeMax := conf.GetInt("BatchSizeMaxKB", 8<<10) << 10

	prod.batchSize = conf.GetInt("BatchSizeByte", 8192)
	prod.batchTimeout = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("BatchTimeoutSec", 5)) * time.Second
	prod.bufferSizeKB = conf.GetInt("ConnectionBufferSizeKB", 1<<10) // 1 MB

	prod.acknowledge = shared.Unescape(conf.GetString("Acknowledge", ""))
	prod.address, prod.protocol = shared.ParseAddress(conf.GetString("Address", ":5880"))

	if prod.protocol != "unix" {
		if prod.acknowledge != "" {
			prod.protocol = "tcp"
		} else {
			prod.protocol = "udp"

	prod.batch = core.NewMessageBatch(bufferSizeMax, prod.ProducerBase.GetFormatter())

	return nil
Esempio n. 6
// Configure initializes this producer with values from a plugin config.
func (prod *Spooling) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	conf.Override("Formatter", "format.Serialize")
	err := prod.ProducerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	prod.path = conf.GetString("Path", "/var/run/gollum/spooling")

	prod.maxFileSize = int64(conf.GetInt("MaxFileSizeMB", 512)) << 20
	prod.maxFileAge = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("MaxFileAgeMin", 1)) * time.Minute
	prod.batchMaxCount = conf.GetInt("BatchMaxCount", 100)
	prod.batchTimeout = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("BatchTimeoutSec", 5)) * time.Second
	prod.outfile = make(map[core.MessageStreamID]*spoolFile)
	prod.rotation = fileRotateConfig{
		timeout:  prod.maxFileAge,
		sizeByte: prod.maxFileSize,
		atHour:   -1,
		atMinute: -1,
		enabled:  true,
		compress: false,

	return nil
Esempio n. 7
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *CollectdToInflux08) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("CollectdToInfluxFormatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)
	return nil
Esempio n. 8
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *Runlength) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("RunlengthFormatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)
	return nil
Esempio n. 9
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *Hostname) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("HostnameFormatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	format.separator = conf.GetString("HostnameSeparator", " ")
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)
	return nil
Esempio n. 10
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *Serialize) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("SerializeFormatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	format.encode = conf.GetBool("SerializeStringEncode", true)
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)
	return nil
Esempio n. 11
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *CollectdToInflux10) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("CollectdToInflux1009", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)
	format.tagString = strings.NewReplacer(",", "\\,", " ", "\\ ")
	format.stringString = strings.NewReplacer("\"", "\\\"")
	return nil
Esempio n. 12
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *StreamName) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("StreamNameFormatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	format.separator = conf.GetString("StreamNameSeparator", " ")
	format.usePrevious = conf.GetBool("StreamNameHistory", false)
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)
	return nil
Esempio n. 13
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *Timestamp) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("TimestampFormatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)
	format.timestampFormat = conf.GetString("Timestamp", "2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST | ")

	return nil
Esempio n. 14
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *StreamRoute) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("StreamRouteFormatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	format.delimiter = []byte(conf.GetString("StreamRouteDelimiter", ":"))
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)

	return nil
Esempio n. 15
// Configure initializes this consumer with values from a plugin config.
func (cons *Http) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := cons.ConsumerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cons.address = conf.GetString("Address", ":80")
	cons.readTimeoutSec = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("ReadTimeoutSec", 3)) * time.Second
	cons.withHeaders = conf.GetBool("WithHeaders", true)
	return err
Esempio n. 16
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *Base64Decode) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	dict := conf.GetString("Dictionary", "")
	if dict == "" {
		format.dictionary = base64.StdEncoding
	} else {
		if len(dict) != 64 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Base64 dictionary must contain 64 characters.")
		format.dictionary = base64.NewEncoding(dict)
	return nil
Esempio n. 17
// Configure initializes this producer with values from a plugin config.
func (prod *Websocket) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := prod.ProducerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	prod.address = conf.GetString("Address", ":81")
	prod.path = conf.GetString("Path", "/")
	prod.readTimeoutSec = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("ReadTimeoutSec", 3)) * time.Second

	return nil
Esempio n. 18
// Configure initializes this consumer with values from a plugin config.
func (cons *File) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := cons.ConsumerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !conf.HasValue("File") {
		return core.NewConsumerError("No file configured for consumer.File")

	cons.file = nil
	cons.fileName = conf.GetString("File", "")
	cons.offsetFileName = conf.GetString("OffsetFile", "")
	cons.delimiter = shared.Unescape(conf.GetString("Delimiter", "\n"))

	switch strings.ToLower(conf.GetString("DefaultOffset", fileOffsetEnd)) {
	case fileOffsetEnd: = 2
		cons.seekOffset = 0

	case fileOffsetStart: = 1
		cons.seekOffset = 0

	return nil
Esempio n. 19
// Configure sets the database connection values
func (writer *influxDBWriter10) configure(conf core.PluginConfig, prod *InfluxDB) error { = conf.GetString("Host", "localhost:8086")
	writer.username = conf.GetString("User", "")
	writer.password = conf.GetString("Password", "")
	writer.databaseTemplate = conf.GetString("Database", "default")
	writer.buffer = shared.NewByteStream(4096)
	writer.connectionUp = false
	writer.timeBasedDBName = conf.GetBool("TimeBasedName", true)
	writer.Control = prod.Control

	writer.writeURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/write",
	writer.queryURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/query",
	writer.pingURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/ping",
	writer.separator = '?'

	if writer.username != "" {
		credentials := fmt.Sprintf("?u=%s&p=%s", url.QueryEscape(writer.username), url.QueryEscape(writer.password))
		writer.writeURL += credentials
		writer.queryURL += credentials
		writer.separator = '&'

	writer.writeURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s%cprecision=ms", writer.writeURL, writer.separator)
	return nil
Esempio n. 20
// Configure initializes this consumer with values from a plugin config.
func (cons *File) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := cons.ConsumerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err


	cons.file = nil
	cons.fileName = conf.GetString("File", "/var/run/system.log")
	cons.offsetFileName = conf.GetString("OffsetFile", "")
	cons.delimiter = shared.Unescape(conf.GetString("Delimiter", "\n"))

	switch strings.ToLower(conf.GetString("DefaultOffset", fileOffsetEnd)) {
	case fileOffsetEnd: = 2
		cons.seekOffset = 0

	case fileOffsetStart: = 1
		cons.seekOffset = 0

	return nil
Esempio n. 21
// Configure initializes this consumer with values from a plugin config.
func (cons *Socket) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := cons.ConsumerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cons.acknowledge = shared.Unescape(conf.GetString("Acknowledge", ""))
	cons.address, cons.protocol = shared.ParseAddress(conf.GetString("Address", ":5880"))

	if cons.protocol != "unix" {
		if cons.acknowledge != "" {
			cons.protocol = "tcp"
		} else {
			cons.protocol = "udp"

	cons.delimiter = shared.Unescape(conf.GetString("Delimiter", "\n"))
	cons.offset = conf.GetInt("Offset", 0)
	cons.flags = 0

	partitioner := strings.ToLower(conf.GetString("Partitioner", "delimiter"))
	switch partitioner {
	case "binary_be":
		cons.flags |= shared.BufferedReaderFlagBigEndian

	case "binary", "binary_le":
		cons.flags |= shared.BufferedReaderFlagEverything
		switch conf.GetInt("Size", 4) {
		case 1:
			cons.flags |= shared.BufferedReaderFlagMLE8
		case 2:
			cons.flags |= shared.BufferedReaderFlagMLE16
		case 4:
			cons.flags |= shared.BufferedReaderFlagMLE32
		case 8:
			cons.flags |= shared.BufferedReaderFlagMLE64
			return fmt.Errorf("Size only supports the value 1,2,4 and 8")

	case "fixed":
		cons.flags |= shared.BufferedReaderFlagMLEFixed
		cons.offset = conf.GetInt("Size", 1)

	case "ascii":
		cons.flags |= shared.BufferedReaderFlagMLE

	case "delimiter":
		// Nothing to add

		return fmt.Errorf("Unknown partitioner: %s", partitioner)

	cons.quit = false
	return err
Esempio n. 22
// Configure initializes this consumer with values from a plugin config.
func (cons *PcapHTTPConsumer) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := cons.ConsumerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cons.netInterface = conf.GetString("Interface", "eth0")
	cons.promiscuous = conf.GetBool("Promiscuous", true)
	cons.filter = conf.GetString("Filter", "dst port 80 and dst host")
	cons.sessions = make(pcapSessionMap)
	cons.sessionTimeout = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("TimeoutMs", 3000)) * time.Millisecond
	cons.sessionGuard = new(sync.Mutex)

	return nil
Esempio n. 23
// Configure initializes this consumer with values from a plugin config.
func (cons *Profiler) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := cons.ConsumerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	numTemplates := conf.GetInt("TemplateCount", 10)

	cons.profileRuns = conf.GetInt("Runs", 10000)
	cons.batches = conf.GetInt("Batches", 10)
	cons.chars = conf.GetString("Characters", profilerDefaultCharacters)
	cons.message = conf.GetString("Message", "%# %256s")
	cons.templates = make([][]byte, numTemplates)

	return nil
Esempio n. 24
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *Base64Decode) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("Base64Formatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)

	dict := conf.GetString("Base64Dictionary", "")
	if dict == "" {
		format.dictionary = base64.StdEncoding
	} else {
		if len(dict) != 64 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Base64 dictionary must contain 64 characters.")
		format.dictionary = base64.NewEncoding(dict)
	return nil
Esempio n. 25
// Configure initializes this producer with values from a plugin config.
func (prod *Scribe) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := prod.ProducerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	host := conf.GetString("Address", "localhost:1463")

	prod.batchMaxCount = conf.GetInt("BatchMaxCount", 8192)
	prod.windowSize = prod.batchMaxCount
	prod.batchFlushCount = conf.GetInt("BatchFlushCount", prod.batchMaxCount/2)
	prod.batchFlushCount = shared.MinI(prod.batchFlushCount, prod.batchMaxCount)
	prod.batchTimeout = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("BatchTimeoutSec", 5)) * time.Second
	prod.batch = core.NewMessageBatch(prod.batchMaxCount)

	prod.bufferSizeByte = conf.GetInt("ConnectionBufferSizeKB", 1<<10) << 10 // 1 MB
	prod.category = conf.GetStreamMap("Category", "")

	// Initialize scribe connection

	prod.socket, err = thrift.NewTSocket(host)
	if err != nil {
		Log.Error.Print("Scribe socket error:", err)
		return err

	prod.transport = thrift.NewTFramedTransport(prod.socket)
	binProtocol := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocol(prod.transport, false, false)
	prod.scribe = scribe.NewScribeClientProtocol(prod.transport, binProtocol, binProtocol)
	prod.lastMetricUpdate = time.Now()
	prod.counters = make(map[string]*int64)

	shared.Metric.SetI(scribeMetricWindowSize, prod.windowSize)

	for _, category := range prod.category {
		shared.Metric.New(scribeMetricMessages + category)
		shared.Metric.New(scribeMetricMessagesSec + category)
		prod.counters[category] = new(int64)

	return nil
Esempio n. 26
// Configure initializes this producer with values from a plugin config.
func (prod *Console) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := prod.ProducerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	console := conf.GetString("Console", "stdout")

	switch strings.ToLower(console) {
	case "stdout":
		prod.console = os.Stdout
	case "stderr":
		prod.console = os.Stderr

	return nil
Esempio n. 27
// Configure initializes this consumer with values from a plugin config.
func (cons *Syslogd) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := cons.ConsumerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cons.address, cons.protocol = shared.ParseAddress(conf.GetString("Address", "udp://"))
	format := conf.GetString("Format", "RFC6587")

	switch cons.protocol {
	case "udp", "tcp", "unix":
		return fmt.Errorf("Syslog: unknown protocol type %s", cons.protocol) // ### return, unknown protocol ###

	switch format {
	case "RFC3164":
		cons.format = syslog.RFC3164
		if cons.protocol == "tcp" {
			Log.Warning.Print("Syslog: RFC3164 demands UDP")
			cons.protocol = "udp"

	case "RFC5424":
		cons.format = syslog.RFC5424
		if cons.protocol == "tcp" {
			Log.Warning.Print("Syslog: RFC5424 demands UDP")
			cons.protocol = "udp"

	case "RFC6587":
		cons.format = syslog.RFC6587

		err = fmt.Errorf("Syslog: Format %s is not supported", format)

	cons.sequence = new(uint64)
	return err
Esempio n. 28
// Configure initializes this filter with values from a plugin config.
func (filter *RegExp) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	var err error

	exp := conf.GetString("FilterExpression", "")
	if exp != "" {
		filter.exp, err = regexp.Compile(exp)
		if err != nil {
			return err // ### return, regex parser error ###

	exp = conf.GetString("FilterExpressionNot", "")
	if exp != "" {
		filter.expNot, err = regexp.Compile(exp)
		if err != nil {
			return err // ### return, regex parser error ###

	return nil
Esempio n. 29
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *Identifier) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("IdentifierDataFormatter", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)

	switch strings.ToLower(conf.GetString("IdentifierType", "time")) {
	case "hash":
		format.hash = format.idHash
	case "seq":
		format.hash = format.idSeq
	case "seqhex":
		format.hash = format.idSeqHex
	case "time":
		format.hash = format.idTime
	return nil
Esempio n. 30
// Configure initializes this consumer with values from a plugin config.
func (cons *Http) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	err := cons.ConsumerBase.Configure(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cons.address = conf.GetString("Address", ":80")
	cons.readTimeoutSec = time.Duration(conf.GetInt("ReadTimeoutSec", 3)) * time.Second
	cons.withHeaders = conf.GetBool("WithHeaders", true)

	certificateFile := conf.GetString("Certificate", "")
	keyFile := conf.GetString("PrivateKey", "")

	if certificateFile != "" || keyFile != "" {
		if certificateFile == "" || keyFile == "" {
			return fmt.Errorf("There must always be a certificate and a private key or none of both")

		cons.certificate = new(tls.Config)
		cons.certificate.NextProtos = []string{"http/1.1"}

		keypair, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certificateFile, keyFile)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		cons.certificate.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{keypair}

	return err