Esempio n. 1
func main() {
	mongoSession, err := mgo.Dial("")
	if err != nil {
	defer mongoSession.Close()

	mongoSession.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true)

	log := zap.NewJSON(
		zap.Fields(zap.Int("count", 1)),
	url := "http://example.local"
	tryNum := 42
	startTime := time.Now()
	for i := range [logCounts]struct{}{} {
		log.Info("Failed to fetch URL.",
			zap.String("url", url),
			zap.Int("attempt", tryNum),
			zap.Duration("backoff", time.Since(startTime)),
			zap.Int("index", i),
	fmt.Printf("Finished in %v\n", time.Since(startTime))
Esempio n. 2
func (conn *Connection) reader(responses chan<- Response, logger zap.Logger) {
	buffer := make([]byte, 6)
	for {
		n, err := conn.conn.Read(buffer)
		if err != nil && n < 6 {
			logger.Info("APNS: Connection error before reading complete response",
				zap.Int("n", n),
			conn.shouldReconnect <- true
		} else if err != nil {
			logger.Info("APNS: Connection error before reading complete response",
		command := uint8(buffer[0])
		if command != 8 {
			logger.Info("APNS: Something went wrong in a connection - Command should have been 8 but it had other value instead",
				zap.Object("commandValue", command),
		resp := newResponse()
		resp.Identifier = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buffer[2:6])
		resp.Status = uint8(buffer[1])
		responses <- resp
		conn.shouldReconnect <- true
Esempio n. 3
func (c *Connection) spinUntilReconnect(logger zap.Logger) {
	var backoff = time.Duration(100)
	for {
		logger.Info("APNS: Connection lost. Reconnecting",
		err := c.connect(logger)
		if err != nil {
			//Exponential backoff up to a limit
			logger.Info("APNS: Error connecting to server",
			backoff = backoff * 2
			if backoff > maxBackoff {
				backoff = maxBackoff
		} else {
			backoff = 100
			logger.Info("APNS: New connection established",
Esempio n. 4
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) topicListConsumer(topics []string, logger zap.Logger) {
	for {
		select {
		case <-cg.stopper:

		consumers, consumerChanges, err :=
		if err != nil {
			logger.Fatal("KAFKA: FAILED to get list of registered consumer instances for replica",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),

		cg.consumers = consumers
		logger.Info("KAFKA: Got currently registered consumers for replica",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			zap.Int("numRegisteredConsumers", len(cg.consumers)),

		stopper := make(chan struct{})

		for _, topic := range topics {
			go cg.topicConsumer(topic, cg.messages, cg.errors, stopper, logger)

		select {
		case <-cg.stopper:

		case event := <-consumerChanges:
			if event.Err == zk.ErrSessionExpired || event.Err == zk.ErrConnectionClosed {
				logger.Info("KAFKA: Session was expired, reloading consumer for replica",
					zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
				go cg.reload(logger)
			} else {
				logger.Info("KAFKA: Triggering rebalance due to consumer list change in replica",
					zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
Esempio n. 5
// TestLogError ...
func TestLogError(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Check Log standart error", t, func() {
		buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
		logger := zap.NewJSON(zap.DebugLevel, zap.Output(zap.AddSync(buf)))

		LogError(logger, errors.New("message"))
		So(string(buf.Bytes()), ShouldEqual, `{"msg":"message","level":"error","ts":0,"fields":{}}`+"\n")

	Convey("Check Log ErrorEx", t, func() {
		callerTest = true
		defer func() { callerTest = false }()

		buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
		logger := zap.NewJSON(zap.DebugLevel, zap.Output(zap.AddSync(buf)))

		LogError(logger, NewEx(zap.DebugLevel, "message",
			zap.String("field1", "field1 data"),
			zap.Int("field2", 5)))

		So(string(buf.Bytes()), ShouldEqual,
			`{"msg":"message","level":"debug","ts":0,"fields":{"caller":"<fake>","field1":"field1 data","field2":5}}`+"\n")

Esempio n. 6
func (zom *zookeeperOffsetManager) FinalizePartition(topic string, partition int32, lastOffset int64, timeout time.Duration, replicaId int, logger zap.Logger) error {
	tracker := zom.offsets[topic][partition]

	if lastOffset >= 0 {
		if lastOffset-tracker.highestProcessedOffset > 0 {
			logger.Info("ZOOKEEPER: Finalizing partition. Waiting before processing remaining messages",
				zap.Int("replicaId", replicaId),
				zap.String("topic", topic),
				zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
				zap.Int64("lastProcessedOffset", tracker.highestProcessedOffset),
				zap.Duration("waitingTimeToProcessMoreMessages", timeout/time.Second),
				zap.Int64("numMessagesToProcess", lastOffset-tracker.highestProcessedOffset),
			if !tracker.waitForOffset(lastOffset, timeout) {
				return fmt.Errorf("REP %d - TIMEOUT waiting for offset %d. Last committed offset: %d", replicaId, lastOffset, tracker.lastCommittedOffset)

		if err := zom.commitOffset(topic, partition, tracker, logger); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("REP %d - FAILED to commit offset %d to Zookeeper. Last committed offset: %d", replicaId, tracker.highestProcessedOffset, tracker.lastCommittedOffset)

	delete(zom.offsets[topic], partition)

	return nil
Esempio n. 7
//Stop gracefully closes the connection - it waits for the sending queue to clear, and then shuts down.
func (conn *Connection) Stop(logger zap.Logger) chan bool {
	logger.Info("APNS: Shutting down one of the connections",
	conn.stopping <- true
	return conn.stopped
	//Thought: Don't necessarily need a channel here. Could signal finishing by closing errors?
Esempio n. 8
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) reload(logger zap.Logger) error {
	defer cg.reloadMutex.Unlock()
	cg.singleReload.Do(func() {
		logger.Info("KAFKA: Closing down old connections for replica",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		err := cg.Close(logger)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("KAFKA: Failed to close consumergroup for replica",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
	return nil
Esempio n. 9
func checkStatusCode(statusCode int) error {
	if statusCode != 200 {
		lvl := zap.ErrorLevel
		// 401 Unauthorized
		// 404 Not Found
		if statusCode == 404 || statusCode == 401 {
			lvl = zap.WarnLevel
		return werrors.NewEx(lvl, ErrStatusCode, zap.Int("status_code", statusCode))

	return nil
Esempio n. 10
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) Close(logger zap.Logger) error {
	shutdownError := AlreadyClosing
	cg.singleShutdown.Do(func() {
		defer cg.kazoo.Close()

		shutdownError = nil
		if err := cg.offsetManager.Close(logger); err != nil {
			logger.Error("KAFKA: FAILED closing the offset manager for replica!",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		if shutdownError = cg.instance.Deregister(); shutdownError != nil {
			logger.Warn("KAFKA: Replica FAILED deregistering consumer instance",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		} else {
			logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica deregistered consumer instance",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
				zap.String("instanceId", cg.instance.ID),
		if shutdownError = cg.consumer.Close(); shutdownError != nil {
			logger.Error("Replica FAILED closing the Sarama client",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		cg.instance = nil
	return shutdownError
Esempio n. 11
//Start initiates a connection to APNS and asnchronously sends notifications which have been queued.
func (conn *Connection) Start(logger zap.Logger) error {
	//Connect to APNS. The reason this is here as well as in sender is that this probably catches any unavoidable errors in a synchronous fashion, while in sender it can reconnect after temporary errors (which should work most of the time.)
	err := conn.connect(logger)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Fatal("APNS: Failed to connect",
		return err
	//Start sender goroutine
	sent := make(chan PushNotification, 10000)
	go conn.sender(conn.queue, sent, logger)
	//Start limbo goroutine
	go conn.limbo(sent, conn.responses, conn.errors, conn.queue, logger)
	return nil
Esempio n. 12
func (m *hostsManager) resolveURL(hostName string) (string, error) {
	hostURL := NormalizeURL(&url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: hostName})
	response, err := http.Get(hostURL)
	if err == nil {
		err = response.Body.Close()
		if response.StatusCode != 200 {
			return "", werrors.NewFields(ErrResolveBaseURL,
				zap.Int("status_code", response.StatusCode),
				zap.String("url", hostURL))
	if err != nil {
		return "", werrors.NewFields(ErrGetRequest,
			zap.String("details", err.Error()),
			zap.String("url", hostURL))

	return response.Request.URL.String(), nil
Esempio n. 13
func (r *responseParser) processBody(body []byte, contentType string) (database.State, error) {
	if !isHTML(body) {
		return database.StateParseError, werrors.New(ErrBodyNotHTML)

	bodyReader, err := bodyToUTF8(body, contentType)
	if err != nil {
		return database.StateEncodingError, err

	node, err := html.Parse(bodyReader)
	if err != nil {
		return database.StateParseError, werrors.NewDetails(ErrHTMLParse, err)

	parser, err := RunDataExtrator(r.hostMng, node, r.meta.GetURL())
	if err != nil {
		return database.StateParseError, err
	if !parser.MetaTagIndex {
		return database.StateNoFollow, werrors.NewLevel(zap.InfoLevel, WarnPageNotIndexed)

	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err = bodyMinification(node, &buf)
	if err != nil {
		return database.StateParseError, err

	r.URLs = parser.URLs
	r.meta.SetContent(proxy.NewContent(buf.Bytes(), parser.GetTitle()))

	r.logger.Debug(DbgBodySize, zap.Int("size", buf.Len()))
	return database.StateSuccess, nil
Esempio n. 14
func (s *Sentinel) updateCluster(cd *cluster.ClusterData) (*cluster.ClusterData, error) {
	newcd := cd.DeepCopy()
	switch cd.Cluster.Status.Phase {
	case cluster.ClusterPhaseInitializing:
		switch *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().InitMode {
		case cluster.ClusterInitModeNew:
			// Is there already a keeper choosed to be the new master?
			if cd.Cluster.Status.Master == "" {
				log.Info("trying to find initial master")
				k, err := s.findInitialKeeper(cd)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot choose initial master: %v", err)
				log.Info("initializing cluster", zap.String("keeper", k.UID))
				db := &cluster.DB{
					UID:        s.UIDFn(),
					Generation: cluster.InitialGeneration,
					ChangeTime: time.Now(),
					Spec: &cluster.DBSpec{
						KeeperUID:     k.UID,
						InitMode:      cluster.DBInitModeNew,
						Role:          common.RoleMaster,
						Followers:     []string{},
						IncludeConfig: *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MergePgParameters,
				newcd.DBs[db.UID] = db
				newcd.Cluster.Status.Master = db.UID
				log.Debug("newcd dump", zap.String("newcd", spew.Sdump(newcd)))
			} else {
				db, ok := cd.DBs[cd.Cluster.Status.Master]
				if !ok {
					panic(fmt.Errorf("db %q object doesn't exists. This shouldn't happen", cd.Cluster.Status.Master))
				// Check that the choosed db for being the master has correctly initialized
				switch s.dbConvergenceState(db, cd.Cluster.DefSpec().InitTimeout.Duration) {
				case Converged:
					if db.Status.Healthy {
						log.Info("db initialized", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID))
						// Set db initMode to none, not needed but just a security measure
						db.Spec.InitMode = cluster.DBInitModeNone
						// Don't include previous config anymore
						db.Spec.IncludeConfig = false
						// Replace reported pg parameters in cluster spec
						if *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MergePgParameters {
							newcd.Cluster.Spec.PGParameters = db.Status.PGParameters
						// Cluster initialized, switch to Normal state
						newcd.Cluster.Status.Phase = cluster.ClusterPhaseNormal
				case Converging:
					log.Info("waiting for db", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID))
				case ConvergenceFailed:
					log.Info("db failed to initialize", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID))
					// Empty DBs
					newcd.DBs = cluster.DBs{}
					// Unset master so another keeper can be choosen
					newcd.Cluster.Status.Master = ""
		case cluster.ClusterInitModeExisting:
			if cd.Cluster.Status.Master == "" {
				wantedKeeper := cd.Cluster.DefSpec().ExistingConfig.KeeperUID
				log.Info("trying to use keeper as initial master", zap.String("keeper", wantedKeeper))

				k, ok := cd.Keepers[wantedKeeper]
				if !ok {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("keeper %q state not available", wantedKeeper)

				log.Info("initializing cluster using selected keeper as master db owner", zap.String("keeper", k.UID))

				db := &cluster.DB{
					UID:        s.UIDFn(),
					Generation: cluster.InitialGeneration,
					ChangeTime: time.Now(),
					Spec: &cluster.DBSpec{
						KeeperUID:     k.UID,
						InitMode:      cluster.DBInitModeExisting,
						Role:          common.RoleMaster,
						Followers:     []string{},
						IncludeConfig: *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MergePgParameters,
				newcd.DBs[db.UID] = db
				newcd.Cluster.Status.Master = db.UID
				log.Debug("newcd dump", zap.String("newcd", spew.Sdump(newcd)))
			} else {
				db, ok := newcd.DBs[cd.Cluster.Status.Master]
				if !ok {
					panic(fmt.Errorf("db %q object doesn't exists. This shouldn't happen", cd.Cluster.Status.Master))
				// Check that the choosed db for being the master has correctly initialized
				if db.Status.Healthy && s.dbConvergenceState(db, cd.Cluster.DefSpec().ConvergenceTimeout.Duration) == Converged {
					log.Info("db initialized", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID))
					// Don't include previous config anymore
					db.Spec.IncludeConfig = false
					// Replace reported pg parameters in cluster spec
					if *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MergePgParameters {
						newcd.Cluster.Spec.PGParameters = db.Status.PGParameters
					// Cluster initialized, switch to Normal state
					newcd.Cluster.Status.Phase = cluster.ClusterPhaseNormal
		case cluster.ClusterInitModePITR:
			// Is there already a keeper choosed to be the new master?
			if cd.Cluster.Status.Master == "" {
				log.Info("trying to find initial master")
				k, err := s.findInitialKeeper(cd)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot choose initial master: %v", err)
				log.Info("initializing cluster using selected keeper as master db owner", zap.String("keeper", k.UID))
				db := &cluster.DB{
					UID:        s.UIDFn(),
					Generation: cluster.InitialGeneration,
					ChangeTime: time.Now(),
					Spec: &cluster.DBSpec{
						KeeperUID:     k.UID,
						InitMode:      cluster.DBInitModePITR,
						PITRConfig:    cd.Cluster.DefSpec().PITRConfig,
						Role:          common.RoleMaster,
						Followers:     []string{},
						IncludeConfig: *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MergePgParameters,
				newcd.DBs[db.UID] = db
				newcd.Cluster.Status.Master = db.UID
				log.Debug("newcd dump", zap.String("newcd", spew.Sdump(newcd)))
			} else {
				db, ok := cd.DBs[cd.Cluster.Status.Master]
				if !ok {
					panic(fmt.Errorf("db %q object doesn't exists. This shouldn't happen", cd.Cluster.Status.Master))
				// Check that the choosed db for being the master has correctly initialized
				// TODO(sgotti) set a timeout (the max time for a restore operation)
				switch s.dbConvergenceState(db, 0) {
				case Converged:
					if db.Status.Healthy {
						log.Info("db initialized", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID))
						// Set db initMode to none, not needed but just a security measure
						db.Spec.InitMode = cluster.DBInitModeNone
						// Don't include previous config anymore
						db.Spec.IncludeConfig = false
						// Replace reported pg parameters in cluster spec
						if *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MergePgParameters {
							newcd.Cluster.Spec.PGParameters = db.Status.PGParameters
						// Cluster initialized, switch to Normal state
						newcd.Cluster.Status.Phase = cluster.ClusterPhaseNormal
				case Converging:
					log.Info("waiting for db to converge", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID))
				case ConvergenceFailed:
					log.Info("db failed to initialize", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID))
					// Empty DBs
					newcd.DBs = cluster.DBs{}
					// Unset master so another keeper can be choosen
					newcd.Cluster.Status.Master = ""
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown init mode %q", cd.Cluster.DefSpec().InitMode)
	case cluster.ClusterPhaseNormal:
		// TODO(sgotti) When keeper removal is implemented, remove DBs for unexistent keepers

		// Calculate current master status
		curMasterDBUID := cd.Cluster.Status.Master
		wantedMasterDBUID := curMasterDBUID

		masterOK := true
		curMasterDB := cd.DBs[curMasterDBUID]
		if curMasterDB == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("db for keeper %q not available. This shouldn't happen!", curMasterDBUID)
		log.Debug("db dump", zap.String("db", spew.Sdump(curMasterDB)))

		if !curMasterDB.Status.Healthy {
			log.Info("master db is failed", zap.String("db", curMasterDB.UID), zap.String("keeper", curMasterDB.Spec.KeeperUID))
			masterOK = false

		// Check that the wanted master is in master state (i.e. check that promotion from standby to master happened)
		if s.dbConvergenceState(curMasterDB, cd.Cluster.DefSpec().ConvergenceTimeout.Duration) == ConvergenceFailed {
			log.Info("db not converged", zap.String("db", curMasterDB.UID), zap.String("keeper", curMasterDB.Spec.KeeperUID))
			masterOK = false

		if !masterOK {
			log.Info("trying to find a new master to replace failed master")
			bestNewMasters := s.findBestNewMasters(cd, curMasterDB)
			if len(bestNewMasters) == 0 {
				log.Error("no eligible masters")
			} else {
				// if synchronous replication is enabled, only choose new master in the synchronous replication standbys.
				var bestNewMasterDB *cluster.DB
				if *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().SynchronousReplication {
					onlyFake := true
					// if only fake synchronous standbys are defined we cannot choose any standby
					for _, dbUID := range curMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys {
						if dbUID != fakeStandbyName {
							onlyFake = false
					if !onlyFake {
						if !util.CompareStringSlice(curMasterDB.Status.SynchronousStandbys, curMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys) {
							log.Warn("cannot choose synchronous standby since the latest master reported synchronous standbys are different from the db spec ones", zap.Object("reported", spew.Sdump(curMasterDB.Status.SynchronousStandbys)), zap.Object("spec", spew.Sdump(curMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys)))
						} else {
							for _, nm := range bestNewMasters {
								if util.StringInSlice(curMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys, nm.UID) {
									bestNewMasterDB = nm
				} else {
					bestNewMasterDB = bestNewMasters[0]
				if bestNewMasterDB != nil {
					log.Info("electing db as the new master", zap.String("db", bestNewMasterDB.UID), zap.String("keeper", bestNewMasterDB.Spec.KeeperUID))
					wantedMasterDBUID = bestNewMasterDB.UID
				} else {
					log.Error("no eligible masters")

		// New master elected
		if curMasterDBUID != wantedMasterDBUID {
			// maintain the current role, remove followers
			oldMasterdb := newcd.DBs[curMasterDBUID]
			oldMasterdb.Spec.Followers = []string{}

			newcd.Cluster.Status.Master = wantedMasterDBUID
			newMasterDB := newcd.DBs[wantedMasterDBUID]
			newMasterDB.Spec.Role = common.RoleMaster
			newMasterDB.Spec.FollowConfig = nil

			// Tell proxy that there's currently no active master
			newcd.Proxy.Spec.MasterDBUID = ""
			newcd.Proxy.ChangeTime = time.Now()

			// Setup synchronous standbys to the one of the previous master (replacing ourself with the previous master)
			if *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().SynchronousReplication {
				for _, dbUID := range oldMasterdb.Spec.SynchronousStandbys {
					newMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys = []string{}
					if dbUID != newMasterDB.UID {
						newMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys = append(newMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys, dbUID)
					} else {
						newMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys = append(newMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys, oldMasterdb.UID)
				if len(newMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys) == 0 {
					newMasterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys = []string{fakeStandbyName}

		// TODO(sgotti) Wait for the proxies being converged (closed connections to old master)?

		// Setup standbys, do this only when there's no master change
		if curMasterDBUID == wantedMasterDBUID {
			masterDB := newcd.DBs[curMasterDBUID]
			// Set standbys to follow master only if it's healthy and converged
			if masterDB.Status.Healthy && s.dbConvergenceState(masterDB, cd.Cluster.DefSpec().ConvergenceTimeout.Duration) == Converged {
				// Tell proxy that there's a new active master
				newcd.Proxy.Spec.MasterDBUID = wantedMasterDBUID
				newcd.Proxy.ChangeTime = time.Now()

				// Remove old masters
				toRemove := []*cluster.DB{}
				for _, db := range newcd.DBs {
					if db.UID == wantedMasterDBUID {
					if s.dbType(newcd, db.UID) != dbTypeMaster {
					log.Info("removing old master db", zap.String("db", db.UID))
					toRemove = append(toRemove, db)
				for _, db := range toRemove {
					delete(newcd.DBs, db.UID)

				// Remove invalid dbs
				toRemove = []*cluster.DB{}
				for _, db := range newcd.DBs {
					if db.UID == wantedMasterDBUID {
					if s.dbValidity(newcd, db.UID) != dbValidityInvalid {
					log.Info("removing invalid db", zap.String("db", db.UID))
					toRemove = append(toRemove, db)
				for _, db := range toRemove {
					delete(newcd.DBs, db.UID)

				goodStandbys, failedStandbys, convergingStandbys := s.validStandbysByStatus(newcd)
				goodStandbysCount := len(goodStandbys)
				failedStandbysCount := len(failedStandbys)
				convergingStandbysCount := len(convergingStandbys)
				log.Debug("standbys states", zap.Int("good", goodStandbysCount), zap.Int("failed", failedStandbysCount), zap.Int("converging", convergingStandbysCount))

				// Setup synchronous standbys
				if *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().SynchronousReplication {
					// make a map of synchronous standbys starting from the current ones
					synchronousStandbys := map[string]struct{}{}
					for _, dbUID := range masterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys {
						// filter out fake standby
						if dbUID == fakeStandbyName {
						synchronousStandbys[dbUID] = struct{}{}

					// Check if the current synchronous standbys are healthy or remove them
					toRemove := map[string]struct{}{}
					for dbUID, _ := range synchronousStandbys {
						if _, ok := goodStandbys[dbUID]; !ok {
							log.Info("removing failed synchronous standby", zap.String("masterDB", masterDB.UID), zap.String("db", dbUID))
							toRemove[dbUID] = struct{}{}
					for dbUID, _ := range toRemove {
						delete(synchronousStandbys, dbUID)

					// Remove synchronous standbys in excess
					if uint16(len(synchronousStandbys)) > *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MaxSynchronousStandbys {
						rc := len(synchronousStandbys) - int(*cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MaxSynchronousStandbys)
						removedCount := 0
						toRemove = map[string]struct{}{}
						for dbUID, _ := range synchronousStandbys {
							if removedCount >= rc {
							log.Info("removing synchronous standby in excess", zap.String("masterDB", masterDB.UID), zap.String("db", dbUID))
							toRemove[dbUID] = struct{}{}
						for dbUID, _ := range toRemove {
							delete(synchronousStandbys, dbUID)

					// try to add missing standbys up to *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MaxSynchronousStandbys
					bestStandbys := s.findBestStandbys(newcd, curMasterDB)
					ac := int(*cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MaxSynchronousStandbys) - len(synchronousStandbys)
					addedCount := 0
					for _, bestStandby := range bestStandbys {
						if addedCount >= ac {
						if _, ok := synchronousStandbys[bestStandby.UID]; ok {
						log.Info("adding synchronous standby", zap.String("masterDB", masterDB.UID), zap.String("synchronousStandbyDB", bestStandby.UID))
						synchronousStandbys[bestStandby.UID] = struct{}{}

					// If there're not enough real synchronous standbys add a fake synchronous standby because we have to be strict and make the master block transactions until MaxSynchronousStandbys real standbys are available
					if len(synchronousStandbys) < int(*cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MinSynchronousStandbys) {
						log.Info("using a fake synchronous standby since there are not enough real standbys available", zap.String("masterDB", masterDB.UID), zap.Int("required", int(*cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MinSynchronousStandbys)))
						synchronousStandbys[fakeStandbyName] = struct{}{}

					masterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys = []string{}
					for dbUID, _ := range synchronousStandbys {
						masterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys = append(masterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys, dbUID)

					// Sort synchronousStandbys so we can compare the slice regardless of its order

				// NotFailed != Good since there can be some dbs that are converging
				// it's the total number of standbys - the failed standbys
				// or the sum of good + converging standbys
				notFailedStandbysCount := goodStandbysCount + convergingStandbysCount

				// Remove dbs in excess if we have a good number >= MaxStandbysPerSender
				if uint16(goodStandbysCount) >= *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MaxStandbysPerSender {
					toRemove := []*cluster.DB{}
					// Remove all non good standbys
					for _, db := range newcd.DBs {
						if s.dbType(newcd, db.UID) != dbTypeStandby {
						if _, ok := goodStandbys[db.UID]; !ok {
							log.Info("removing non good standby", zap.String("db", db.UID))
							toRemove = append(toRemove, db)
					// Remove good standbys in excess
					nr := int(uint16(goodStandbysCount) - *cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MaxStandbysPerSender)
					i := 0
					for _, db := range goodStandbys {
						if i >= nr {
						// Don't remove standbys marked as synchronous standbys
						if util.StringInSlice(masterDB.Spec.SynchronousStandbys, db.UID) {
						log.Info("removing good standby in excess", zap.String("db", db.UID))
						toRemove = append(toRemove, db)
					for _, db := range toRemove {
						delete(newcd.DBs, db.UID)

				} else {
					// Add new dbs to substitute failed dbs. we
					// don't remove failed db until the number of
					// good db is >= MaxStandbysPerSender since they can come back

					// define, if there're available keepers, new dbs
					// nc can be negative if MaxStandbysPerSender has been lowered
					nc := int(*cd.Cluster.DefSpec().MaxStandbysPerSender - uint16(notFailedStandbysCount))
					// Add missing DBs until MaxStandbysPerSender
					freeKeepers := s.freeKeepers(newcd)
					nf := len(freeKeepers)
					for i := 0; i < nc && i < nf; i++ {
						freeKeeper := freeKeepers[i]
						db := &cluster.DB{
							UID:        s.UIDFn(),
							Generation: cluster.InitialGeneration,
							ChangeTime: time.Now(),
							Spec: &cluster.DBSpec{
								KeeperUID:    freeKeeper.UID,
								InitMode:     cluster.DBInitModeResync,
								Role:         common.RoleStandby,
								Followers:    []string{},
								FollowConfig: &cluster.FollowConfig{Type: cluster.FollowTypeInternal, DBUID: wantedMasterDBUID},
						newcd.DBs[db.UID] = db
						log.Info("added new standby db", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID))

				// Reconfigure all standbys as followers of the current master
				for _, db := range newcd.DBs {
					if s.dbType(newcd, db.UID) != dbTypeStandby {

					db.Spec.Role = common.RoleStandby
					// Remove followers
					db.Spec.Followers = []string{}
					db.Spec.FollowConfig = &cluster.FollowConfig{Type: cluster.FollowTypeInternal, DBUID: wantedMasterDBUID}

				// Set followers for master DB
				masterDB.Spec.Followers = []string{}
				for _, db := range newcd.DBs {
					if masterDB.UID == db.UID {
					fc := db.Spec.FollowConfig
					if fc != nil {
						if fc.Type == cluster.FollowTypeInternal && fc.DBUID == wantedMasterDBUID {
							masterDB.Spec.Followers = append(masterDB.Spec.Followers, db.UID)
				// Sort followers so the slice won't be considered changed due to different order of the same entries.

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown cluster phase %s", cd.Cluster.Status.Phase)

	// Copy the clusterSpec parameters to the dbSpec

	// Update generation on DBs if they have changed
	for dbUID, db := range newcd.DBs {
		prevDB, ok := cd.DBs[dbUID]
		if !ok {
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(db.Spec, prevDB.Spec) {
			log.Debug("db spec changed, updating generation", zap.String("prevDB", spew.Sdump(prevDB.Spec)), zap.String("db", spew.Sdump(db.Spec)))
			db.ChangeTime = time.Now()

	return newcd, nil
Esempio n. 15
// TestErrorEx ...
func TestErrorEx(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Check Caller", t, func() {
		caller := helperGetCaller()
		So(caller, ShouldStartWith, `[errors_test.go:`)
		So(caller, ShouldEndWith, `werrors.helperGetCaller`)

	Convey("Check stack error", t, func() {
		originalSkip := callerSkip
		callerSkip = 1e3
		defer func() { callerSkip = originalSkip }()

		So(helperGetCaller(), ShouldEqual, ErrFailedGetCaller)

	Convey("Check NewEx", t, func() {
		callerTest = true
		defer func() { callerTest = false }()

		msg := "message"
		lvl := zap.InfoLevel

		err := NewEx(lvl, msg, zap.String("field1", "field1 data"), zap.Int("field2", 5))
		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)

		werr, ok := err.(*ErrorEx)
		So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
		So(werr.Level, ShouldEqual, lvl)
		So(werr.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)
		So(werr.Fields, ShouldResemble,
			[]zap.Field{zap.String("caller", "<fake>"), zap.String("field1", "field1 data"), zap.Int("field2", 5)})

	Convey("Check New", t, func() {
		callerTest = true
		defer func() { callerTest = false }()

		msg := "message"

		err := New(msg)
		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)

		werr, ok := err.(*ErrorEx)
		So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
		So(werr.Level, ShouldEqual, zap.ErrorLevel)
		So(werr.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)
		So(werr.Fields, ShouldResemble, []zap.Field{zap.String("caller", "<fake>")})

	Convey("Check Newlevel", t, func() {
		callerTest = true
		defer func() { callerTest = false }()

		msg := "message"
		lvl := zap.WarnLevel

		err := NewLevel(lvl, msg)
		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)

		werr, ok := err.(*ErrorEx)
		So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
		So(werr.Level, ShouldEqual, lvl)
		So(werr.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)
		So(werr.Fields, ShouldResemble, []zap.Field{zap.String("caller", "<fake>")})

	Convey("Check NewDetails", t, func() {
		callerTest = true
		defer func() { callerTest = false }()

		msg := "message"
		details := "details message"

		err := NewDetails(msg, errors.New(details))
		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)

		werr, ok := err.(*ErrorEx)
		So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
		So(werr.Level, ShouldEqual, zap.ErrorLevel)
		So(werr.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)
		So(werr.Fields, ShouldResemble,
			[]zap.Field{zap.String("caller", "<fake>"), zap.String("details", details)})

	Convey("Check NewFields", t, func() {
		callerTest = true
		defer func() { callerTest = false }()

		msg := "message"

		err := NewFields(msg, zap.String("field1", "field1 data"), zap.Int("field2", 5))
		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)

		werr, ok := err.(*ErrorEx)
		So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
		So(werr.Level, ShouldEqual, zap.ErrorLevel)
		So(werr.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)
		So(werr.Fields, ShouldResemble,
			[]zap.Field{zap.String("caller", "<fake>"), zap.String("field1", "field1 data"), zap.Int("field2", 5)})

	Convey("Check AddFields for base error", t, func() {
		callerTest = true
		defer func() { callerTest = false }()

		msg := "message"

		err := errors.New(msg)
		err = AddFields(err, zap.String("field1", "field1 data"), zap.Int("field2", 5))
		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)

		werr, ok := err.(*ErrorEx)
		So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
		So(werr.Level, ShouldEqual, zap.ErrorLevel)
		So(werr.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)
		So(werr.Fields, ShouldResemble,
			[]zap.Field{zap.String("caller", "<fake>"), zap.String("field1", "field1 data"), zap.Int("field2", 5)})

	Convey("Check AddFields for ErrorEx", t, func() {
		callerTest = true
		defer func() { callerTest = false }()

		msg := "message"

		err := NewFields(msg, zap.String("field1", "field1 data"))
		err = AddFields(err, zap.Int("field2", 5))
		So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)

		werr, ok := err.(*ErrorEx)
		So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
		So(werr.Level, ShouldEqual, zap.ErrorLevel)
		So(werr.Error(), ShouldEqual, msg)
		So(werr.Fields, ShouldResemble,
			[]zap.Field{zap.String("caller", "<fake>"), zap.String("field1", "field1 data"), zap.Int("field2", 5)})
Esempio n. 16
// Consumes a partition
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) partitionConsumer(topic string, partition int32, messages chan<- *sarama.ConsumerMessage, errors chan<- *sarama.ConsumerError, wg *sync.WaitGroup, stopper <-chan struct{}, logger zap.Logger) {
	defer wg.Done()

	select {
	case <-stopper:

	for maxRetries, tries := 3, 0; tries < maxRetries; tries++ {
		if err := cg.instance.ClaimPartition(topic, partition); err == nil {
		} else if err == kazoo.ErrPartitionClaimedByOther && tries+1 < maxRetries {
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		} else {
			logger.Warn("KAFKA: Replica FAILED to claim partition",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
				zap.String("topic", topic),
				zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
	defer cg.instance.ReleasePartition(topic, partition)

	nextOffset, err := cg.offsetManager.InitializePartition(topic, partition)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("KAFKA: Replica FAILED to determine initial offset",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			zap.String("topic", topic),
			zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),

	if nextOffset >= 0 {
		logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer starting at offset",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			zap.String("topic", topic),
			zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
			zap.Int64("nextOffset", nextOffset),
	} else {
		nextOffset = cg.config.Offsets.Initial
		if nextOffset == sarama.OffsetOldest {
			logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer starting at the oldest available offset",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
				zap.String("topic", topic),
				zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
		} else if nextOffset == sarama.OffsetNewest {
			logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer listening for new messages only",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
				zap.String("topic", topic),
				zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),

	consumer, err := cg.consumer.ConsumePartition(topic, partition, nextOffset)
	if err == sarama.ErrOffsetOutOfRange {
		logger.Warn("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer offset out of Range",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			zap.String("topic", topic),
			zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
		// if the offset is out of range, simplistically decide whether to use OffsetNewest or OffsetOldest
		// if the configuration specified offsetOldest, then switch to the oldest available offset, else
		// switch to the newest available offset.
		if cg.config.Offsets.Initial == sarama.OffsetOldest {
			nextOffset = sarama.OffsetOldest
			logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer offset reset to oldest available offset",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
				zap.String("topic", topic),
				zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
		} else {
			nextOffset = sarama.OffsetNewest
			logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer offset reset to newest available offset",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
				zap.String("topic", topic),
				zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
		// retry the consumePartition with the adjusted offset
		consumer, err = cg.consumer.ConsumePartition(topic, partition, nextOffset)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Replica FAILED to start partition consumer",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			zap.String("topic", topic),
			zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
	defer consumer.Close()

	err = nil
	var lastOffset int64 = -1 // aka unknown
	for {
		select {
		case <-stopper:
			break partitionConsumerLoop

		case err := <-consumer.Errors():
			for {
				select {
				case errors <- err:
					continue partitionConsumerLoop

				case <-stopper:
					break partitionConsumerLoop

		case message := <-consumer.Messages():
			for {
				select {
				case <-stopper:
					break partitionConsumerLoop

				case messages <- message:
					lastOffset = message.Offset
					continue partitionConsumerLoop

	logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica is stopping partition consumer at offset",
		zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		zap.String("topic", topic),
		zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
		zap.Int64("lastOffset", lastOffset),
	if err = cg.offsetManager.FinalizePartition(topic, partition, lastOffset, cg.config.Offsets.ProcessingTimeout, cg.replicaId, logger); err != nil {
		logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Replica error trying to stop partition consumer",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			zap.String("topic", topic),
			zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
	logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica successfully stoped partition",
		zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		zap.String("topic", topic),
		zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)),
Esempio n. 17
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) topicConsumer(topic string, messages chan<- *sarama.ConsumerMessage, errors chan<- *sarama.ConsumerError, stopper <-chan struct{}, logger zap.Logger) {
	defer cg.wg.Done()

	select {
	case <-stopper:

	logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica started consumer for topic",
		zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		zap.String("topic", topic),

	// Fetch a list of partition IDs
	partitions, err := cg.kazoo.Topic(topic).Partitions()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Replica FAILED to get list of partitions for topic",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			zap.String("topic", topic),
		cg.errors <- &sarama.ConsumerError{
			Topic:     topic,
			Partition: -1,
			Err:       err,

	partitionLeaders, err := retrievePartitionLeaders(partitions)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Replica FAILED to get leaders of partitions for topic",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			zap.String("topic", topic),
		cg.errors <- &sarama.ConsumerError{
			Topic:     topic,
			Partition: -1,
			Err:       err,

	dividedPartitions := dividePartitionsBetweenConsumers(cg.consumers, partitionLeaders)
	myPartitions := dividedPartitions[cg.instance.ID]
	logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica is claiming partitions",
		zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		zap.String("topic", topic),
		zap.Int("claimedPartitions", len(myPartitions)),
		zap.Int("numPartitionLeaders", len(partitionLeaders)),
	// Consume all the assigned partitions
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	myPartitionsStr := ""
	for _, pid := range myPartitions {
		myPartitionsStr += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", pid.ID)
		go cg.partitionConsumer(topic, pid.ID, messages, errors, &wg, stopper, logger)
	logger.Info("KAFKA: Retrieved replica's partitions",
		zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		zap.String("myPartitions", myPartitionsStr),
	logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica stopped consumer of a topic",
		zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		zap.String("topic", topic),
Esempio n. 18
func (conn *Connection) sender(queue <-chan PushNotification, sent chan PushNotification, logger zap.Logger) {
	i := 0
	stopping := false
	defer conn.conn.Close()
	defer conn.connAux.Close()
	logger.Info("APNS: Starting sender for connection",
	for {
		select {
		case pn, ok := <-conn.queue:
			if !ok {
				logger.Info("APNS: Connection not okay; queue closed",
				//That means the Connection is stopped
				//close sent?
			//This means we saw a response; connection is over.
			select {
			case <-conn.shouldReconnect:
				conn.conn = nil
				conn.connAux = nil
			//Then send the push notification
			pn.Priority = 10
			payload, err := pn.ToBytes()
			if err != nil {
				logger.Info("APNS: Connection Error",
				//Should report this on the bad notifications channel probably
			} else {
				if conn.conn == nil {
				_, err = conn.conn.Write(payload)
				if err != nil {
					logger.Info("APNS: Error writing payload",
					go func() {
						conn.shouldReconnect <- true
				} else {
					sent <- pn
					if stopping && len(queue) == 0 {
						conn.senderFinished <- true
		case <-conn.stopping:
			logger.Info("APNS: Connection sender - Got a stop message",
			stopping = true
			if len(queue) == 0 {
				logger.Info("APNS: Connection sender - Stopping because ran out of things to send. Let's see if limbo is empty",
				conn.senderFinished <- true
		case <-conn.ackFinished:
			logger.Info("APNS: Connection sender - limbo is empty",
			if len(queue) == 0 {
				logger.Info("APNS: Connection sender - limbo is empty and so am I",
Esempio n. 19
func (conn *Connection) limbo(sent <-chan PushNotification, responses chan Response, errors chan BadPushNotification, queue chan PushNotification, logger zap.Logger) {
	stopping := false
	limbo := make([]timedPushNotification, 0, SentBufferSize)
	ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
	for {
		select {
		case pn, ok := <-sent:
			limbo = append(limbo, pn.timed())
			stopping = false
			if !ok {
				logger.Info("APNS: Connection limbo - sent is closed, so sender is done. So am I, then",
				conn.stopped <- true
		case <-conn.senderFinished:
			//senderFinished means the sender thinks it's done.
			//However, sender might not be - limbo could resend some, if there are any left here.
			//So we just take note of this until limbo is empty too.
			stopping = true
		case resp, ok := <-responses:
			if !ok {
				//If the responses channel is closed,
				//that means we're shutting down the connection.
			for i, pn := range limbo {
				if pn.Identifier == resp.Identifier {
					if resp.Status != 10 {
						//It was an error, we should report this on the error channel
						bad := BadPushNotification{PushNotification: pn.PushNotification, Status: resp.Status}
						errors <- bad
					if len(limbo) > i {
						toRequeue := len(limbo) - (i + 1)
						if toRequeue > 0 {
							//We resent some notifications: that means we should wait for sender to tell us it's done, again.
							stopping = false
			limbo = make([]timedPushNotification, 0, SentBufferSize)
		case <-ticker.C:
			flushed := false
			for i := range limbo {
				if limbo[i].After(time.Now().Add(-TimeoutSeconds * time.Second)) {
					if i > 0 {
						newLimbo := make([]timedPushNotification, len(limbo[i:]), SentBufferSize)
						copy(newLimbo, limbo[i:])
						limbo = newLimbo
						flushed = true
			if !flushed {
				limbo = make([]timedPushNotification, 0, SentBufferSize)
			if stopping && len(limbo) == 0 {
				//sender() is finished and so is limbo - so the connection is done.
				logger.Info("APNS: Connection limbo - I've flushed all my notifications. Tell sender I'm done",
				conn.ackFinished <- true
Esempio n. 20
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) Load(logger zap.Logger) error {
	var kz *kazoo.Kazoo
	var err error
	if kz, err = kazoo.NewKazoo(cg.zookeeper, cg.config.Zookeeper); err != nil {
		return err

	logger.Info("KAFKA: Getting broker list for replica",
		zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
	brokers, err := kz.BrokerList()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	group := kz.Consumergroup(cg.config.ClientID)
	instance := group.NewInstance()

	var consumer sarama.Consumer
	if consumer, err = sarama.NewConsumer(brokers, cg.config.Config); err != nil {
		return err

	cg.kazoo = kz = group
	cg.instance = instance
	cg.messages = make(chan *sarama.ConsumerMessage, cg.config.ChannelBufferSize)
	cg.consumer = consumer
	cg.singleShutdown = sync.Once{}
	cg.errors = make(chan *sarama.ConsumerError, cg.config.ChannelBufferSize)
	cg.stopper = make(chan struct{})

	if exists, err :=; err != nil {
		logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Replica failed to check existence of consumergroup",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		return err
	} else if !exists {
		logger.Info("KAFKA: Consumergroup does not exist, creating it",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		if err :=; err != nil {
			logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Failed to create consumergroup in Zookeeper",
				zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
			return err

	if err := cg.instance.Register(cg.topics); err != nil {
		logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Failed to create consumer instance",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),
		return err
	} else {
		logger.Info("KAFKA: Consumer instance registered",
			zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId),

	offsetConfig := OffsetManagerConfig{
		CommitInterval:   cg.config.Offsets.CommitInterval,
		EnableAutoCommit: cg.config.EnableOffsetAutoCommit,
	cg.offsetManager = NewZookeeperOffsetManager(cg, &offsetConfig, logger)
	go cg.topicListConsumer(cg.topics, logger)

	return nil