func CreateACMessageNACL(context *ackp.SecKey, rnd, msg, myNick []byte) (out []byte, err error) { //var noncebyte [24]byte /* lets build our header */ myHdr, intHdr, err := BuildHeader([]byte(msgHdrAC)) if err != nil { return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -1, Msg: "CreateACMessageNACL().BuildHeader(): ", Err: err} } // first let's compress myBody, err := acutl.CompressData(msg) if err != nil { return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -2, Msg: "CreateACMessageNACL().CompressData(): ", Err: err} } //BuildNonceAC(inonce uint32, bob, mynick, myhdr []byte) (nonce []byte, noncebyte *[24]byte, err error) _, noncebyte, err := BuildNonceAC(context.GetNonce(), context.GetBob(), myNick, myHdr) // OPEN the key // XXX new to check rnd and context.key are the same size /* for j := 0; j < len(rnd); j++ { context.key[j] = context.key[j] ^ rnd[j] } */ context.RndKey(rnd) // encrypt myCipher := secretbox.Seal(nil, myBody, noncebyte, context.GetSealKey()) // close the key context.RndKey(rnd) /* for j := 0; j < len(rnd); j++ { context.key[j] = context.key[j] ^ rnd[j] } */ // XXX error checking out, err = packMessageAC(&intHdr, context.GetNonce(), &myCipher) //fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "NACL PB == AC MSG OUT[%d]: %s\n", len(out), out) //context.nonce++ context.IncNonce(0) return out, nil }
func CreateKXMessageNACL(context *ackp.SecKey, rnd []byte, peerPubkey, myPrivkey *[32]byte, channel, myNick, peerNick []byte) (out []byte, err error) { /* lets build our header */ myHdr, intHdr, err := BuildHeader([]byte(msgHdrKX)) if err != nil { return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -1, Msg: "CreateKXMessageNACL().BuildHeader(): ", Err: err} } // Open the key context.RndKey(rnd) //fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "CREATE KX KEY: %s\n", hex.EncodeToString(context.key[:])) // first let's compress myBody, err := acutl.CompressData(context.GetKey()) if err != nil { return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -2, Msg: "CreateKXMessageNACL().CompressData(): ", Err: err} } // Close the key context.RndKey(rnd) //fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "channel: %s context.bob: %s\n", channel, context.bob) kx_channel := IsChannelOrPriv(channel, myNick, peerNick) // XXX i can probably use context.bob instead of a specific channel specification... //BuildNonceAC(inonce uint32, bob, mynick, myhdr []byte) (nonce []byte, noncebyte *[24]byte, err error) _, noncebyte, err := BuildNonceKX(context.GetNonce(), kx_channel, myNick, peerNick, myHdr) //fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "peerpk : %p myprivkey: %p\n", peerPubkey, myPrivkey) // XXX TODO: need serious cleanup and error checking!! //fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "body.Bytes(): %p, noncebyte: %p, peerPub: %p myPriv: %p\n", myBody, &noncebyte, peerPubkey, myPrivkey) cipherKex := box.Seal(nil, myBody, noncebyte, peerPubkey, myPrivkey) //func packMessageKX(hdr, nonce *uint32, dst, blob *[]byte) (out []byte, err error) { out, err = packMessageKX(&intHdr, context.GetNonce(), peerNick, cipherKex) if err != nil { return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -3, Msg: "CreateKXMessageNACL().packMessageKX(): ", Err: err} } //context.nonce++ context.IncNonce(0) return }
func OpenACMessageNACL(context *ackp.SecKey, rnd, cmsg, peerNick, myNick []byte) (out []byte, err error) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "OpenACMessageNACL()\n") b64, err := acutl.B64DecodeData(cmsg) if err != nil { return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -1, Msg: "OpenACMessageNACL(): ", Err: err} } cnonce, myHdr, ciphertext, err := unpackMessageAC(b64) if err != nil { return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -2, Msg: "OpenACMessageNACL(): ", Err: err} } // XXX this is to handle private message instead of channel communication // as the destination are assymetrical eau's dst is frl and frl's dst is eau // ac_bob := context.GetBob() ok_bob, _ := IsValidChannelName(ac_bob) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[+] OpenACMessage: is %s a valid channel: %t\n", ac_bob, ok_bob) if ok_bob == false && len(myNick) > 0 { ac_bob = myNick } /* let's build the nonce */ //BuildNonceAC(inonce uint32, bob, mynick, myhdr []byte) (nonce []byte, noncebyte *[24]byte, err error) _, noncebyte, err := BuildNonceAC(cnonce, ac_bob, peerNick, myHdr) // OPEN the key context.RndKey(rnd) // XXX new to check rnd and context.key are the same size /* for j := 0; j < len(rnd); j++ { context.key[j] = context.key[j] ^ rnd[j] } */ packed, ok := secretbox.Open(nil, ciphertext, noncebyte, context.GetSealKey()) // Close the key context.RndKey(rnd) /* for j := 0; j < len(rnd); j++ { context.key[j] = context.key[j] ^ rnd[j] } */ if ok == false { //return nil, acprotoError(1, "OpenACMessage().SecretOpen(): false ", nil) return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -3, Msg: "OpenACMessageNACL().SecretOpen(): ", Err: nil} } out, err = acutl.DecompressData(packed) if err != nil { return nil, &acutl.AcError{Value: -3, Msg: "OpenACMessageNACL().DecompressData(): ", Err: err} } //nonceval = acIn.GetNonce() // update the nonce value /* if cnonce > context.nonce { context.nonce = cnonce + 1 } else { context.nonce++ } */ context.IncNonce(cnonce) return out, nil //return nil, nil }