Esempio n. 1
// chains must be in order of pb and be subsets of its literals
func (pb *Threshold) TranslateByMDDChain(chains Chains) {
	glob.A(!pb.Empty(), pb.Id, "works only for non-empty mdds")
	glob.A(pb.Positive(), pb.Id, "Weights need to be positive")
	glob.A(pb.Typ == LE, pb.Id, "works only on LE, but is", pb.Typ, pb.String())

	if len(chains) == 0 {
		pb.TransTyp = CMDD
	} else {
		pb.TransTyp = CMDDC

	store := mdd.InitIntervalMdd(len(pb.Entries))
	topId, _, _, err := CreateMDDChain(&store, pb.K, pb.Entries, chains)
	store.Top = topId

	if err != nil {
		pb.Err = err

	if *glob.MDD_redundant_flag {
		//glob.D("remove redundant nodes in MDD", removed)

	pb.Clauses.AddClauseSet(convertMDD2Clauses(store, pb))
Esempio n. 2
// returns the encoding of this PB
func (pb *Threshold) Translate(K_lessOffset int64) sat.ClauseSet {
	glob.A(pb.Positive(), "no negative coefficients beyond this point")

	K := K_lessOffset + pb.Offset
	if pb.SumWeights() <= K {
		glob.D("opt init ignored")
		return sat.ClauseSet{}

	pb_K := pb.Copy() //removes all clauses !
	pb_K.K = K
	pb_K.Typ = LE
	if len(pb_K.Chains) > 0 {
	} else {

	if pb_K.Err != nil { // case MDD construction did go wrong!
		glob.A(false, "Capacity of MDD reached, try to solve by not taking chains into account")
		pb_K := pb.Copy() //removes all clauses !
		pb_K.K = K
		pb_K.Typ = LE
	return pb_K.Clauses
Esempio n. 3
// finds the subexpression of chain1 in e and
// returns the entries of chain1 existing in e.
func CleanChain(entries []Entry, chain1 Chain) (chain2 Chain) {
	glob.A(len(chain1) > 0, "no non-empty chains")

	chain2 = make(Chain, len(chain1))

	e := 0
	// find start of chain
	for i, x := range entries {
		if x.Literal == chain1[0] {
			e = i
		glob.A(i <= len(entries)-1, "chain must exist within entries")

	j2 := 0
	for j1, l := range chain1 {
		//fmt.Println("e", e, "j1", j1, "j2", j2)
		if e+j2 == len(entries) {
		if l == entries[e+j2].Literal {
			chain2[j2] = chain1[j1]

	return chain2[:j2]
Esempio n. 4
func (pb *Threshold) TranslateComplexThreshold() {

	glob.A(!pb.Empty(), "No Empty at this point.")
	glob.A(len(pb.Chains) == 0, "should not contain a chain")

	pb.Normalize(LE, true)

	var err error
	switch *glob.Complex_flag {
	case "mdd":
		if pb.Err != nil {
		glob.D(pb.Id, " mdd:", pb.Clauses.Size())
	case "sn":
		if pb.Err != nil {
		glob.D(pb.Id, " Complex, SN:", pb.Clauses.Size())
	case "hybrid":
		tSN := pb.Copy()
		tMDD := pb.Copy()

		if tSN.Err != nil {

		glob.D(pb.Id, "Complex, SN:", tSN.Clauses.Size(), " mdd:", tMDD.Clauses.Size())

		if tMDD.Err == nil && tMDD.Clauses.Size() < tSN.Clauses.Size() {
			pb.TransTyp = CMDD
		} else {
			pb.TransTyp = CSN
		panic("Complex_flag option not available: " + *glob.Complex_flag)

	glob.A(pb.Clauses.Size() > 0, pb.Id, " non-trivial pb should produce some clauses...")

Esempio n. 5
func (pb *Threshold) TranslateBySN() {
	pb.TransTyp = CSN
	pb.Normalize(LE, true)
	glob.A(pb.Typ == LE, "does not work on OPT or ==, but we have", pb.Typ)
	sn := NewSortingNetwork(*pb)

	//glob.D("size of comparators", len(sn.Sorter.Comparators))

	//PrintThresholdTikZ("sn.tex", []SortingNetwork{sn})

	wh := 1
	var which [8]bool

	switch wh {
	case 1:
		which = [8]bool{false, false, false, true, true, true, false, false}
	case 2:
		which = [8]bool{false, false, false, true, true, true, false, true}
	case 3:
		which = [8]bool{false, true, true, true, true, true, true, false}
	case 4:
		which = [8]bool{false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true}

	pred := sat.Pred("auxSN_" + strconv.Itoa(pb.Id))
	pb.Clauses.AddClauseSet(CreateEncoding(sn.LitIn, which, []sat.Literal{}, "BnB", pred, sn.Sorter))
Esempio n. 6
// returns if preprocessing was successful
// Uses the translation of pb2 (count translation)
func PreprocessPBwithAMO(pb *Threshold, amo CardTranslation) bool {

	//check for correct property of pb2
	//check for overlap of literals
	//both pb1 and amo are in the same ordering

	glob.A(amo.PB != nil, "amo PB pointer is not set correctly!")
	b, es := CommonSlice(pb.Entries, amo.PB.Entries)
	//fmt.Println(amo.PB.Entries, es)

	if !b {
		panic("Check if amo fits  with the pb1")

	last := int64(0)
	for i, e := range es {
		es[i].Weight = e.Weight - last
		es[i].Literal = amo.Aux[i]
		last = e.Weight


	return true
Esempio n. 7
// all weights are the same; performs rounding
// if this is true, then all weights are 1, and K is the cardinality
func (t *Threshold) Cardinality() (allSame bool, literals []sat.Literal) {
	glob.A(len(t.Chains) == 0, "cant reorder Entries with chains")

	allSame = true

	coeff := t.Entries[0].Weight
	for _, x := range t.Entries {
		if x.Weight != coeff {
			allSame = false

	if allSame {
		literals = make([]sat.Literal, len(t.Entries))
		/// was ceil before, what happened here?
		t.K = int64(math.Floor(float64(t.K) / float64(coeff)))
		for i, x := range t.Entries {
			t.Entries[i].Weight = 1
			literals[i] = x.Literal


	return allSame, literals
Esempio n. 8
func (t *Threshold) NormalizePositiveLiterals() {
	glob.A(len(t.Chains) == 0, "cant reorder Entries with chains")

	for i, e := range t.Entries {
		if t.Entries[i].Literal.Sign == false {
			t.Entries[i].Literal = sat.Neg(e.Literal)
			t.K -= t.Entries[i].Weight
			t.Entries[i].Weight = -t.Entries[i].Weight
Esempio n. 9
File: sat.go Progetto: vale1410/bule
func nextOptIterative(lb int64, result *Result) (bool, int64) {
	if lb == result.Value {
		result.M = "OPTIMUM"
		return true, result.Value
	} else if lb < result.Value {
		return false, result.Value - 1
	} else {
		glob.A(false, "lb <= ub")
		return false, 0
Esempio n. 10
File: sat.go Progetto: vale1410/bule
func nextOptValue(lb int64, result *Result) (finished bool, nextOpt int64) {
	switch *glob.Search_strategy_flag {
	case "iterative":
		finished, nextOpt = nextOptIterative(lb, result)
	case "binary":
		finished, nextOpt = nextOptBinary(lb, result)
		glob.A(false, "Search strategy not implemented", *glob.Search_strategy_flag)
Esempio n. 11
func (pb *Threshold) PosAfterChains() int {
	current := 0

	for _, chain := range pb.Chains {
		for _, lit := range chain {
			glob.A(pb.Entries[current].Literal == lit, "chain is not aligned with PB", chain, pb)
	return current
Esempio n. 12
func doChaining(pbs []*Threshold, complOcc map[sat.Literal][]int, simplOcc map[sat.Literal][]int,
	lit2id map[sat.Literal]int, litSets []intsets.Sparse) {

	//2) Prepare Matchings

	checked := make(map[Match]bool, 0)

	//ex_matchings := make(map[int][]Matching, 0)  // simpl_id -> []Matchings
	//currently ex and amo matchings are treated equivalently, the only
	//difference is that ex adds the unit clause of the ladder encoding, thus
	//the rewrite is correct and after UP the first value in the Ex is propagated.
	// TODO: explicitly rewrite and remove smallest value

	amo_matchings := make(map[int][]Matching, 0) // compl_id -> []Matchings

	for lit, list := range complOcc {
		//id2lit[lit2id[lit]] = lit
		for _, c := range list {
			for _, s := range simplOcc[lit] {
				if !checked[Match{c, s}] {
					// of comp c and simpl s there is at least
					checked[Match{c, s}] = true
					// 0 means it has not been checked,
					// as there is at least one intersection
					var inter intsets.Sparse
					inter.Intersection(&litSets[c], &litSets[s])
					if pbs[s].Typ == LE {
						if inter.Len() >= *glob.Len_rewrite_amo_flag {
							amo_matchings[c] = append(amo_matchings[c], Matching{s, &inter})
					} else if pbs[s].Typ == EQ {
						if inter.Len() >= *glob.Len_rewrite_ex_flag {
							amo_matchings[c] = append(amo_matchings[c], Matching{s, &inter})
							//ex_matchings[c] = append(amo_matchings[c], Matching{s, &inter})
					} else {
						glob.A(false, "case not treated")

	glob.D("amo/ex_matchings:", len(amo_matchings))

	//3) amo/ex matchings

	for comp, _ := range pbs {
		if matchings, b := amo_matchings[comp]; b {
			workOnMatching(pbs, comp, matchings, lit2id, litSets)
Esempio n. 13
File: sat.go Progetto: vale1410/bule
func nextOptBinary(lb int64, result *Result) (bool, int64) {

	if lb == result.Value {
		result.M = "OPTIMUM"
		return true, result.Value
	} else if lb < result.Value {
		return false, (lb + result.Value) / 2
	} else {
		glob.A(false, "lb <= ub")
		return false, 0
Esempio n. 14
// normalizes the threshold
// Change EquationType in case of LE/GE
// in case of EQ and OPT, positive weights
func (t *Threshold) Normalize(typ EquationType, posWeights bool) {
	glob.A(len(t.Chains) == 0, "cant reorder Entries with chains")

	if (typ == LE && t.Typ == GE) || (typ == GE && t.Typ == LE) {

	if posWeights {
	} else {

Esempio n. 15
func (mddStore *IntervalMddStore) Insert(n IntervalNode) (id int) {

	//check code start TODO: remove for performance
	if a :=; a != nil {
		panic("node should not exist")
	//check code end

	n.Id = mddStore.NextId
	mddStore.Nodes = append(mddStore.Nodes, &n)

	glob.A(mddStore.NextId == len(mddStore.Nodes), "nextId calculation and length of Nodes list is wrong")

	return n.Id
Esempio n. 16
func printStats(stats []int) {

	glob.A(len(stats) == int(constraints.TranslationTypes), "Stats for translation errornous")

	trans := constraints.Facts
	for i := trans; i < constraints.TranslationTypes; i++ {
		if i > 0 {
			fmt.Printf("%v;", constraints.TranslationType(i))
	fmt.Print(*glob.Filename_flag, ";")
	for i := trans; i < constraints.TranslationTypes; i++ {
		if i > 0 {
			fmt.Printf("%v;", stats[i])
Esempio n. 17
File: sat.go Progetto: vale1410/bule
func (g *Gen) putAtom(a Atom) {
	if _, b := g.mapping[a.Id()]; !b {
		succ := false
		if *glob.Infer_var_ids {
			id, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimLeft(a.Id(), "v"))
			v := strings.TrimRight(a.Id(), "0123456789")
			if v == "v" && err == nil {
				glob.A(*glob.First_aux_id_flag > id, "Inferred number ID if higher than First_aux_id. Use values for first_aux  that a larger than id in all variables v<id>.")
				succ = true
				g.mapping[a.Id()] = id
				g.idMap[id] = a
		if !succ {
			g.mapping[a.Id()] = g.nextId
			g.idMap = append(g.idMap, a)

Esempio n. 18
// CreateCardinality takes set of literals and creates a sorting network
func (pb *Threshold) CreateCardinality() {

	for _, x := range pb.Entries {
		glob.A(x.Weight == 1, "Prerequisite for this translation")

	literals := pb.Literals()
	sx := strconv.Itoa(int(pb.K)) + "\\" + strconv.Itoa(len(literals))
	var s string
	var sorterEqTyp sorters.EquationType
	var w int // which type of clauses

	switch pb.Typ {
	case LE:
		w = 0
		sorterEqTyp = sorters.AtMost
		s = pb.IdS() + "pb<SN" + sx
	case GE:
		w = 3
		sorterEqTyp = sorters.AtLeast
		s = pb.IdS() + "pb>SN" + sx
	case EQ:
		w = 3
		s = pb.IdS() + "pb=SN" + sx
		sorterEqTyp = sorters.Equal
		panic("Not supported")

	sorter := sorters.CreateCardinalityNetwork(len(literals), int(pb.K), sorterEqTyp, sorters.Pairwise)
	pred := sat.Pred("SN-" + pb.IdS())
	output := make([]sat.Literal, 0)
	pb.Clauses.AddClauseSet(CreateEncoding(literals, sorters.WhichCls(w), output, s, pred, sorter))

Esempio n. 19
func workOnMatching(pbs []*Threshold, comp int, matchings []Matching,
	lit2id map[sat.Literal]int, litSets []intsets.Sparse) {
	glob.A(!pbs[comp].Translated, "comp", comp, "should not have been translated yet")

	var chains Chains
	//inter := &intsets.Sparse{}
	var comp_offset int // the  new first position of Entries in comp

	if !*glob.Amo_reuse_flag {
		//fmt.Println("before remove translated matches: len", len(matchings))
		// remove translated ones...
		p := len(matchings)
		for i := 0; i < p; i++ { // find the next non-translated one
			if pbs[matchings[i].simp].Translated {
				matchings[i] = matchings[p]
		matchings = matchings[:p]
		//fmt.Println("after removing translated matches: len", len(matchings))

	for len(matchings) > 0 {

		//fmt.Println("len(matchings", len(matchings))
		matching := matchings[0]
		//glob.D(comp, matching.simp, matching.inter.Len())
		// choose longest matching, that is not translated yet
		//fmt.Println("check matching: simp", matching.simp, "inter", matching.inter.String())
		//matching.inter.IntersectionWith(&litSets[comp]) //update matching
		if matching.inter.Len() < *glob.Len_rewrite_amo_flag {
		inter := matching.inter
		simp := matching.simp

		//glob.D("entries", comp, litSets[comp].String(), simp, litSets[simp].String(), inter.String())

		ind_entries := make(IndEntries, inter.Len())
		comp_rest := make([]*Entry, len(pbs[comp].Entries)-inter.Len()-comp_offset)
		simp_rest := make([]*Entry, len(pbs[simp].Entries)-inter.Len())
		simp_offset := len(simp_rest)

		ind_pos := 0
		rest_pos := 0
		for i := comp_offset; i < len(pbs[comp].Entries); i++ {
			if inter.Has(lit2id[pbs[comp].Entries[i].Literal]) {
				ind_entries[ind_pos].c = &pbs[comp].Entries[i]
			} else {
				comp_rest[rest_pos] = &pbs[comp].Entries[i]

		ind_pos = 0
		rest_pos = 0
		for i, x := range pbs[simp].Entries {
			if inter.Has(lit2id[x.Literal]) {
				ind_entries[ind_pos].s = &pbs[simp].Entries[i]
			} else {
				simp_rest[rest_pos] = &pbs[simp].Entries[i]

		//fmt.Println("intersection of", litSets[comp].String(), litSets[simp].String())
		//fmt.Println("intersection", inter.String(), " len:", inter.Len())

		{ // remove intersecting matchings
			//fmt.Println("before remove intersecting matches: len", len(matchings))
			p := len(matchings)
			for i := 1; i < p; i++ { // find the next non-translated one
				//var tmp intsets.Sparse
				//			glob.D("before", matchings[i].inter.String())
				//				glob.D("inter", inter.String())
				//			glob.D("after ", matchings[i].inter.String())
				//if tmp.Intersection(inter, matchings[i].inter); !tmp.IsEmpty() {
				if matchings[i].inter.IsEmpty() {
					//			fmt.Println("remove", matchings[i].inter.String())
					matchings[i] = matchings[p]
			matchings = matchings[1:p]
			//fmt.Println("after removing intersecting matches: len", len(matchings))


		compEntries := make([]Entry, len(pbs[comp].Entries))
		simpEntries := make([]Entry, len(pbs[simp].Entries))

		// fill the compEntries and simpEntries
		copy(compEntries, pbs[comp].Entries[:comp_offset])

		for i, ie := range ind_entries {
			glob.A(ie.c.Literal == ie.s.Literal, "Indicator entries should be aligned but", ie.c.Literal, ie.s.Literal)
			compEntries[i+comp_offset] = *ie.c
			simpEntries[i+simp_offset] = *ie.s
		for i, _ := range comp_rest {
			compEntries[comp_offset+len(ind_entries)+i] = *comp_rest[i]
		for i, _ := range simp_rest {
			simpEntries[i] = *simp_rest[i]

		pbs[comp].Entries = compEntries
		pbs[simp].Entries = simpEntries

		var simp_translation CardTranslation
		if pbs[simp].Typ == EQ {
			simp_translation = TranslateExactlyOne(Count, pbs[simp].IdS()+"-cnt", pbs[simp].Literals())
		} else {
			glob.A(pbs[simp].Typ == LE)
			simp_translation = TranslateAtMostOne(Count, pbs[simp].IdS()+"-cnt", pbs[simp].Literals())
		//simp_translation := TranslateAtMostOne(Count, pbs[simp].IdS()+"-cnt", pbs[simp].Literals())
		pbs[simp].Translated = true
		simp_translation.PB = pbs[simp]
		// replaces entries with auxiliaries of the AMO
		last := int64(0)
		for i, _ := range ind_entries {
			tmp := compEntries[i+comp_offset].Weight
			compEntries[i+comp_offset].Weight -= last
			glob.A(compEntries[i+comp_offset].Weight >= 0, "After rewriting PB weights cannot be negative")
			compEntries[i+comp_offset].Literal = simp_translation.Aux[i+simp_offset]
			last = tmp
		chain := CleanChain(pbs[comp].Entries, simp_translation.Aux[simp_offset:])
		glob.A(len(chain) > 0, "chain has to have at least one element")
		comp_offset += len(chain)
		chains = append(chains, chain)

		pbs[simp].SortVar() // for reuse of other constraints
	pbs[comp].Chains = chains
Esempio n. 20
func (t *SortingNetwork) CreateSorter() {

	glob.A(!t.pb.Empty(), "No empty at this point.")


	layers := make([]sorters.Sorter, len(t.Bags))

	for i, bag := range t.Bags {

		layers[i] = sorters.CreateSortingNetwork(len(bag), -1, t.typ)

		t.LitIn = append(t.LitIn, bag...)

	t.Sorter.In = make([]int, 0, len(t.LitIn))
	t.Sorter.Out = make([]int, 0, len(t.LitIn))

	offset := 2

	// determine the constant and what to add on both sides
	layerPow2 := int64(1 << uint(len(t.Bags)))

	tare := layerPow2 - ((t.pb.K + 1) % layerPow2)
	tare = tare % layerPow2
	t.Tare = tare
	bTare := Binary(tare)

	// output of sorter in layer $i-1$
	bIn := make([]int, 0)

	finalMapping := make(map[int]int, len(t.Sorter.In))

	for i, layer := range layers {

		offset = layer.Normalize(offset, []int{})
		t.Sorter.Comparators = append(t.Sorter.Comparators, layer.Comparators...)

		t.Sorter.In = append(t.Sorter.In, layer.In...)

		size := len(bIn) + len(layers[i].In)

		mergeIn := make([]int, 0, size)
		mergeIn = append(mergeIn, bIn...)
		mergeIn = append(mergeIn, layer.Out...)

		merger := sorters.CreateSortingNetwork(size, len(bIn), t.typ)
		offset = merger.Normalize(offset, mergeIn)

		// halving circuit:

		odd := 1

		if i < len(bTare) && bTare[i] == 1 {
			odd = 0
			bIn = make([]int, (len(merger.Out)+1)/2)
		} else {
			bIn = make([]int, len(merger.Out)/2)

		// Alternate depending on bTare
		for j, x := range merger.Out {
			if j%2 == odd {
				bIn[j/2] = x
			} else if i < len(layers)-1 { // not in last layer, but else
				finalMapping[x] = -1

		t.Sorter.Comparators = append(t.Sorter.Comparators, merger.Comparators...)


	// outLastLayer identifies the nth output in the last layer
	outLastLayer := ((t.pb.K + 1 + tare) / int64(layerPow2)) - 1

	// debug stuff:
	//glob.D("len last layer:", len(bIn), "kth output in last layer: ", outLastLayer)
	//glob.D("K+1+tar", t.pb.K+1+tare, "n layers", layerPow2)

	idSetToZero := bIn[outLastLayer]

	// and propagate the rest backwards
	setTo := -1 // dont care
	for _, id := range t.Sorter.ComputeOut() {
		if id == idSetToZero {
			setTo = 0
		if _, ok := finalMapping[id]; !ok {
			finalMapping[id] = setTo

	t.Sorter.Normalize(2, []int{})

	//fmt.Println("LitIn", t.LitIn)
	//fmt.Println("final debug: tSorter", t.Sorter)

Esempio n. 21
File: sat.go Progetto: vale1410/bule
func (g *Gen) Solve(cs ClauseSet, opt Optimizer, nextOpt int64, lb int64) (result Result) {

	glob.A(cs.Size() > 0, "Needs to contain at least 1 clause.")

	//generate the reverse mapping

	result_chan := make(chan rawResult)
	timeout := make(chan bool, 1)

	go func() {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(*glob.Timeout_flag) * time.Second)
		timeout <- true

	finished := false
	current := cs

	result.Value = math.MaxInt64

	if !opt.Empty() && nextOpt != math.MaxInt64 {
		glob.D("init", nextOpt, "lb", lb)
		opt_clauses := opt.Translate(nextOpt)
		fmt.Println("opt cls", opt_clauses.Size())
	result.Value = math.MaxInt64

	result.Assignment = make(Assignment, len(g.idMap))

	time_total := time.Now()

	iterations := 0

	for !finished {

		//glob.D("Writing", current.Size(), "clauses")
		fmt.Println("tot cls", current.Size())

		if opt.Empty() {
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("i: %v\tcur: %v\t lb: %v\tbest: %v\n", iterations, maxS(nextOpt), lb, maxS(result.Value))
		time_before := time.Now()

		if *glob.Cnf_tmp_flag != "" {
			g.PrintDIMACS(current, false)
		go g.solveProblem(current, result_chan)

		select {
		case r := <-result_chan:
			result.Solved = r.solved
			fmt.Printf("Time :\t%.3f s\n", time.Since(time_before).Seconds())
			if r.solved {
				if r.satisfiable {
					result.Satisfiable = true
					ss := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(r.assignment), " ")

					count := 0
					for _, x := range ss {
						x = strings.TrimSpace(x)
						if x == "" {
						id, err := strconv.Atoi(x)
						if err != nil {
							glob.A(false, err.Error())
						if id != 0 {
							sign := 1
							if id < 0 {
								sign = 0
								id = -id

							atom := g.idMap[id]
							if g.PrimaryVars[atom.Id()] {
								result.Assignment[atom.Id()] = sign

					glob.A(count == len(result.Assignment), "count != assignment")

					if !opt.Empty() {
						result.Value = opt.Evaluate(result.Assignment)
						glob.D("SAT for value =", result.Value)
						finished, nextOpt = nextOptValue(lb, &result)

						if !finished {
							current = cs
							opt_clauses := opt.Translate(nextOpt)
							fmt.Println("opt cls", opt_clauses.Size())
						} else {
							fmt.Println("OPTIMIUM", result.Value)

					} else {
						result.M = "SAT"
						finished = true

				} else { //UNSAT
					if !opt.Empty() {
						// update lower bound
						glob.D("UNSAT for opt <=", maxS(nextOpt))

						if nextOpt == math.MaxInt64 {
							result.M = "UNSAT"
							finished = true
						} else {
							lb = nextOpt + 1

							finished, nextOpt = nextOptValue(lb, &result)

							if !finished {
								current = cs
								opt_clauses := opt.Translate(nextOpt)
								fmt.Println("opt cls", opt_clauses.Size())
							} else {
								fmt.Println("OPTIMUM", result.Value)
					} else {
						finished = true
						result.Optimal = true
						result.M = "UNSAT"
			} else {
				result.Solved = false
				glob.D("Error received nothing solved, check log of solver?")
				result.M = "ERROR"
				finished = true
		case <-timeout:
			result.M = "TIMEOUT"
			finished = true
			result.Solved = false
			result.Timeout = true


	//	fmt.Printf("cTIME: %.3f s\n", time.Since(time_total).Seconds())
	//	fmt.Printf("%v;%v;%v;%v;%v;%v;%v;%.2f;%v;%v;%v\n", "name", "seed", "Amo_chain", "Amo_reuse", "Rewrite_same", "result.M", "maxS(result.Value)", "time ins", "iterations", "cs.Size()", "current.Size()-cs.Size()")
	//	fmt.Printf("%v;%v;%v;%v;%v;%v;%v;%.2f;%v;%v;%v\n", *glob.Filename_flag, *glob.Seed_flag, *glob.Amo_chain_flag, *glob.Amo_reuse_flag, *glob.Rewrite_same_flag, result.M, maxS(result.Value), time.Since(time_total).Seconds(), iterations, cs.Size(), current.Size()-cs.Size())
	fmt.Printf("%v;%v;%v;%.2f\n", *glob.Filename_flag, result.M, maxS(result.Value), time.Since(time_total).Seconds())

Esempio n. 22
File: sat.go Progetto: vale1410/bule
// TODO : set seed
func (g *Gen) solveProblem(clauses ClauseSet, result chan<- rawResult) {

	var solver *exec.Cmd

	switch *glob.Solver_flag {
	case "minisat":
		//solver = exec.Command("minisat", "-rnd-seed=123")
		//solver = exec.Command("minisat", "-rnd-seed="+strconv.FormatInt(*glob.Seed_flag, 10))
		solver = exec.Command("minisat")
	case "glucose":
		solver = exec.Command("glucose", "-model")
	case "clasp":
		solver = exec.Command("clasp")
	case "lingeling":
		solver = exec.Command("lingeling")
	case "treengeling":
		solver = exec.Command("treengeling")
	case "plingeling":
		solver = exec.Command("plingeling")
	case "dimetheus":
		solver = exec.Command("dimetheus", "-seed="+strconv.FormatInt(*glob.Seed_flag, 10))
	case "cmsat":
		solver = exec.Command("cmsat")
	case "local":
		solver = exec.Command("CCAnr", strconv.FormatInt(*glob.Seed_flag, 10))
	case "microsat":
		solver = exec.Command("microsat")
		glob.A(false, "Solver not available", *glob.Solver_flag)

	stdin, err := solver.StdinPipe()
	if err != nil {
	stdout, err := solver.StdoutPipe()
	if err != nil {
	err = solver.Start()
	if err != nil {

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	go func() {
		time_before := time.Now()
		defer stdin.Close()
		defer wg.Done()
		g.generateIds(clauses, false)
		io.Copy(stdin, bytes.NewReader([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("p cnf %v %v\n", g.nextId, len(clauses.list)))))
		for _, c := range clauses.list {
			io.Copy(stdin, bytes.NewReader(g.toBytes(c)))
		fmt.Printf("Read :\t%.3f s\n", time.Since(time_before).Seconds())

	var res rawResult
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		r := bufio.NewReader(stdout)
		s, err := r.ReadString('\n')

		for {
			if strings.HasPrefix(s, "v ") {
				res.assignment += s[1:]
			} else if strings.HasPrefix(s, "s ") {
				if strings.Contains(s, "UNSATISFIABLE") {
					res.solved = true
					res.satisfiable = false
				} else if strings.Contains(s, "SATISFIABLE") {
					res.solved = true
					res.satisfiable = true
				} else {
					res.solved = false
					glob.D("whats up? Result of sat solver does not contain proper answer!")
			s, err = r.ReadString('\n')
			//	fmt.Print(s)
			if err == io.EOF {
			if err != nil {

	err_tmp := solver.Wait()

	if err_tmp != nil {
		//glob.D("return value:",err_tmp() )

	// TODO: why is this uncommented?
	//if err = solver.Process.Kill(); err != nil {
	//	panic(err.Error())

	result <- res
Esempio n. 23
func CategorizeTranslate2(pbs []*Threshold) {

	//1) Categorize
	simplOcc := make(map[sat.Literal][]int, len(pbs)) // literal to list of simplifiers it occurs in
	complOcc := make(map[sat.Literal][]int, len(pbs)) // literal to list of complex pbs it occurs in
	litSets := make([]intsets.Sparse, len(pbs))       // pb.Id -> intsSet of literalIds

	nextId := 0
	lit2id := make(map[sat.Literal]int, 0) // literal to its id

	for i, pb := range pbs {

		if pb.Empty() {
			glob.D("pb is empty. pb.Id:", pb.Id)

		pb.Normalize(LE, true)


		switch pb.TransTyp {
		case UNKNOWN:
			addToCategory(&nextId, pb, complOcc, lit2id, &litSets[i])
		case AMO, EX1:
			//fmt.Println(pb.Id, len(pbs))
			addToCategory(&nextId, pb, simplOcc, lit2id, &litSets[i])
		default: // already translated
			glob.DT(pb.Clauses.Size() == 0, "Translated pb should contain clauses, special case?", pb.Id)
			pb.Translated = true
	if *glob.Amo_chain_flag || *glob.Ex_chain_flag {
		doChaining(pbs, complOcc, simplOcc, lit2id, litSets)

	for _, pb := range pbs {
		if pb.IsComplexTranslation() {


			if *glob.Rewrite_same_flag {

				//glob.D("rewrite same weights:", pb.Id, len(pb.Chains))


			if pb.Typ != OPT && len(pb.Chains) > 0 { //TODO: decide on what to use ...
				//pbTMP := pb.Copy()
				//pbTMP.Chains = nil
				//pb.Clauses = pbTMP.Clauses
				pb.Translated = true

		if !pb.Translated && pb.Typ != OPT {
			glob.A(len(pb.Chains) == 0, "At this point no chain.", pb)
			//glob.A(pb.Clauses.Size() == 0, pb.Id, pb, "not translation means also that there should not be any clauses.")
			pb.Translated = true

		if pb.Err != nil {
Esempio n. 24
func main() {
	if *glob.Ver {
		fmt.Println(`Bule CNF Grounder: Tag 0.97 Pseudo Booleans
Copyright (C) Data61 and Valentin Mayer-Eichberger
License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later <>
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.`)

	if len(flag.Args()) >= 2 {
		fmt.Println("Command line flags not recognized", flag.Args())

	if len(flag.Args()) == 1 {
		*glob.Filename_flag = flag.Args()[0]

	if *glob.Debug_filename != "" {

		var err error
		glob.Debug_file, err = os.Create(*glob.Debug_filename)

		if err != nil {
		defer glob.Debug_file.Close()

	glob.D("Running Debug Mode...")

	problem := parser.New(*glob.Filename_flag)

	if *glob.Pbo_flag {

	if *glob.Gringo_flag {

	if *glob.Gurobi_flag {

	pbs := problem.Pbs[1:] // opt is just a pointer to first in pbs.
	opt := problem.Opt

	primaryVars := make(map[string]bool, 0)

	for i, _ := range pbs {
		for _, x := range pbs[i].Entries {
			primaryVars[x.Literal.A.Id()] = true

	var clauses sat.ClauseSet

	// Categorize Version 1 (deprecated)
	switch *glob.Cat_flag {
	case 1:
			for _, pb := range pbs {
	case 2:
			for _, pb := range pbs {
		panic("Category not implemented")

	if *glob.Dimacs_flag {

	if *glob.Solve_flag {
		g := sat.IdGenerator(clauses.Size()*7 + 1)
		g.PrimaryVars = primaryVars
		opt.Offset = opt.K
		glob.A(opt.Positive(), "opt only has positive coefficients")
		g.Solve(clauses, opt, *glob.Opt_bound_flag, -opt.Offset)
Esempio n. 25
func (pb *Threshold) CatSimpl() {

	glob.A(!pb.Empty(), "pb should not be empty")

	if pb.Typ == OPT {
		glob.D(pb.IdS(), " is not simplyfied because is OPT")
		pb.TransTyp = UNKNOWN


	if pb.Empty() {
		pb.TransTyp = Facts
	} else {

		if b, literals := pb.Cardinality(); b {

			if pb.K == int64(len(pb.Entries)-1) {
				switch pb.Typ {
				case LE:
					pb.Normalize(GE, true)
					for i, x := range literals {
						literals[i] = sat.Neg(x)
				case GE:
					for i, x := range literals {
						literals[i] = sat.Neg(x)
					pb.Normalize(LE, true)
				case EQ:
					for i, x := range literals {
						literals[i] = sat.Neg(x)

			if pb.K == 1 {
				switch pb.Typ {
				case LE: // check for binary, which is also a clause ( ~l1 \/ ~l2 )
					if len(pb.Entries) == 2 {
						pb.Clauses.AddTaggedClause("Cls", sat.Neg(pb.Entries[0].Literal), sat.Neg(pb.Entries[1].Literal))
						pb.TransTyp = Clause
					} else {
						pb.TransTyp = AMO
				case GE: // its a clause!
					pb.Clauses.AddTaggedClause("Cls", literals...)
					pb.TransTyp = Clause
				case EQ:
					pb.TransTyp = EX1
			} else { //cardinality
				switch pb.Typ {
				case LE, GE, EQ:
					pb.TransTyp = CARD
Esempio n. 26
func main() {
	input, err2 := os.Open(*glob.Filename_flag)
	defer input.Close()
	if err2 != nil {
		panic("Could not read file")
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(input)
	buf := make([]byte, 0, 64*1024)
	scanner.Buffer(buf, 1024*1024)

	state := 0 // 0: read size, 1: read graph 1, 2: read graph 2
	vars := 0
	orig_vars := 0
	size := 0
	i := 0
	var entries []entry

	for scanner.Scan() {
		l := strings.Trim(scanner.Text(), " ")
		if l == "" || strings.HasPrefix(l, "%") || strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
		elements := strings.Fields(l)
		var b error
		switch state {
		case 0: // deprecated: for parsing the "header" of pb files, now parser is flexible
				vars, b = strconv.Atoi(elements[0])
				if b != nil {
					panic("bad conversion of numbers")
				orig_vars = vars
				size, b = strconv.Atoi(elements[1])
				if b != nil {
					panic("bad conversion of numbers")
				entries = make([]entry, size)
				state = 1
		case 1:
				entries[i].id1, b = strconv.Atoi(elements[0])
				if b != nil {
					panic("bad conversion of numbers")
				entries[i].id2, b = strconv.Atoi(elements[1])
				if b != nil {
					panic("bad conversion of numbers")
				var f float64
				f, b = strconv.ParseFloat(elements[2], 64)
				if b != nil {
					panic("bad conversion of numbers")
				entries[i].c = int64(f)
				if entries[i].id1 != entries[i].id2 {
					entries[i].and = vars

	var clauses sat.ClauseSet
	var opt constraints.Threshold
	opt.Typ = constraints.OPT

	lits := make([]sat.Literal, vars+1)

	primaryVars := make(map[string]bool, 0)
	for i := 0; i <= vars; i++ {
		primaryVars[sat.NewAtomP1(sat.Pred("x"), i).Id()] = true
	for i, _ := range lits {
		lits[i] = sat.Literal{true, sat.NewAtomP1(sat.Pred("x"), i)}

	for _, e := range entries {
		if e.id1 == e.id2 {
			opt.Entries = append(opt.Entries, constraints.Entry{lits[e.id1], int64(e.c)})
		} else {
			clauses.AddClause(sat.Neg(lits[e.id1]), sat.Neg(lits[e.id2]), lits[e.and])
			clauses.AddClause(lits[e.id1], sat.Neg(lits[e.and]))
			clauses.AddClause(lits[e.id2], sat.Neg(lits[e.and]))
			opt.Entries = append(opt.Entries, constraints.Entry{lits[e.and], int64(e.c)})

	if *glob.Gringo_flag {
		for i := 0; i <= orig_vars; i++ {
			fmt.Println("{x(", i, ")}.")
		for _, e := range entries {
			if e.id1 != e.id2 {
				fmt.Println(lits[e.and].ToTxt(), ":-", lits[e.id1].ToTxt(), ",", lits[e.id2].ToTxt(), ".")


	g := sat.IdGenerator(clauses.Size()*7 + 1)
	g.PrimaryVars = primaryVars
	opt.Offset = opt.K

	//	opt.PrintGringo()
	//	clauses.PrintDebug()
	glob.D("offset", opt.Offset)

	glob.A(opt.Positive(), "opt only has positive coefficients")
	g.Solve(clauses, &opt, *glob.Opt_bound_flag, -opt.Offset)

Esempio n. 27
// Chains is a set of chains in order of the PB
// Chain: there are clauses  xi <-xi+1 <- xi+2 ... <- xi+k, and xi .. xi+k are in order of PB
// assumption: chains are subsets of literals of PB and in their order
func CreateMDDChain(store *mdd.IntervalMddStore, K int64, entries []Entry, chains Chains) (int, int64, int64, error) {

	l := len(entries) ///level

	if store.MaxNodes < len(store.Nodes) {
		return 0, 0, 0, errors.New("mdd max nodes reached")

	//fmt.Println(l, K, entries)

	if id, wmin_cache, wmax_cache := store.GetByWeight(l, K); id != -1 {

		//	fmt.Println("exists", l, K, "[", wmin, wmax, "]")

		return id, wmin_cache, wmax_cache, nil

	} else {
		//domain of variable [0,1], extend to [0..n] soon (MDDs)
		// entry of variable domain, atom: Dom: 2

		var n mdd.IntervalNode
		var err error

		//glob.D(entries, chains)

		glob.A(len(chains) == 0 || len(chains[0]) > 0, "if exists, then chain must contain at least 1 element")
		if len(chains) > 0 && chains[0][0] == entries[0].Literal { //chain mode
			chain := chains[0]
			var jumpEntries []Entry
			if len(entries) <= len(chain) { // can this happen if entries and chains are perfectly aligned?
				jumpEntries = []Entry{}
			} else {
				jumpEntries = entries[len(chain):]
			// iterate over the chain
			n.Level = l
			n.Children = make([]int, len(chain)+1)

			n.Children[0], n.Wmin, n.Wmax, err = CreateMDDChain(store, K, jumpEntries, chains[1:])

			if err != nil {
				return 0, 0, 0, err

			acc := int64(0)

			//			fmt.Printf("entries:%v  chain: %v", entries, chain)
			for i, _ := range chain {

				glob.A(len(chain) <= len(entries), "chain and PB are not aligned!!!! ")
				glob.A(chain[i] == entries[i].Literal, "chain and PB are not aligned!!!! ")

				var wmin2, wmax2 int64
				acc += entries[i].Weight
				n.Children[i+1], wmin2, wmax2, err = CreateMDDChain(store, K-acc, jumpEntries, chains[1:])
				n.Wmin = maxx(n.Wmin, wmin2+acc)
				n.Wmax = min(n.Wmax, wmax2+acc)

				if err != nil {
					return 0, 0, 0, err


		} else { //usual mode or for int-variables
			dom := 2
			n.Level = l
			n.Children = make([]int, dom)
			n.Wmin = math.MinInt64
			n.Wmax = math.MaxInt64

			var err error
			for i := int64(0); i < int64(dom); i++ {
				var wmin2, wmax2 int64

				n.Children[i], wmin2, wmax2, err = CreateMDDChain(store, K-i*entries[0].Weight, entries[1:], chains)

				n.Wmin = maxx(n.Wmin, wmin2+i*entries[0].Weight)
				n.Wmax = min(n.Wmax, wmax2+i*entries[0].Weight)

				if err != nil {
					return 0, 0, 0, err

		return store.Insert(n), n.Wmin, n.Wmax, nil
Esempio n. 28
File: pbo.go Progetto: vale1410/bule
// returns list of *pb; first one is optimization statement, possibly empty
func parse(filename string) (pbs []*constraints.Threshold, err error) {

	input, err2 := os.Open(filename)
	defer input.Close()
	if err2 != nil {
		err = errors.New("Please specify correct path to instance. Does not exist")
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(input)
	buf := make([]byte, 0, 64*1024)
	scanner.Buffer(buf, 1024*1024)

	// 0 : first line, 1 : rest of the lines
	var count int
	state := 1
	t := 0
	pbs = make([]*constraints.Threshold, 0)

	for scanner.Scan() {
		l := strings.Trim(scanner.Text(), " ")
		if l == "" || strings.HasPrefix(l, "%") || strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {

		elements := strings.Fields(l)

		if len(elements) == 1 { // quick hack to ignore single element lines (not necessary)

		switch state {
		case 0: // deprecated: for parsing the "header" of pb files, now parser is flexible
				var b1 error
				count, b1 = strconv.Atoi(elements[4])
				vars, b2 := strconv.Atoi(elements[2])
				if b1 != nil || b2 != nil {
					glob.D("cant convert to threshold:", l)
					panic("bad conversion of numbers")
				glob.D("File PB file with", count, "constraints and", vars, "variables")
				state = 1
		case 1:

				var n int  // number of entries
				var f int  // index of entry
				var o bool //optimization
				var pb constraints.Threshold

				offset_back := 0
				if elements[len(elements)-1] != ";" {
					offset_back = 1

				if elements[0] == "min:" || elements[0] == "Min" {
					o = true
					n = (len(elements) + offset_back - 2) / 2
					f = 1
				} else {
					o = false
					n = (len(elements) + offset_back - 3) / 2
					f = 0

				pb.Entries = make([]constraints.Entry, n)

				for i := f; i < 2*n; i++ {

					weight, b1 := strconv.ParseInt(elements[i], 10, 64)
					if b1 != nil {
						glob.D("cant convert to threshold:", elements[i], "\nin PB\n", l)
						panic("bad conversion of numbers")
					atom := sat.NewAtomP(sat.Pred(elements[i]))
					pb.Entries[(i-f)/2] = constraints.Entry{sat.Literal{true, atom}, weight}
				// fake empty opt in case it does not exist
				if t == 0 && !o {
					pbs = append(pbs, &constraints.Threshold{})
				pb.Id = t
				if o {
					pb.Typ = constraints.OPT
					glob.D("Scanned optimization statement")
				} else {
					pb.K, err = strconv.ParseInt(elements[len(elements)-2+offset_back], 10, 64)

					if err != nil {
						glob.A(false, " cant parse threshold, error", err.Error(), pb.K)
					typS := elements[len(elements)-3+offset_back]

					if typS == ">=" {
						pb.Typ = constraints.GE
					} else if typS == "<=" {
						pb.Typ = constraints.LE
					} else if typS == "==" || typS == "=" {
						pb.Typ = constraints.EQ
					} else {
						glob.A(false, "cant convert to threshold, equationtype typS:", typS)

				pbs = append(pbs, &pb)

	glob.A(len(pbs) == t, "Id of constraint must correspond to position")
	glob.D("Scanned", t-1, "PB constraints.")
	if len(pbs) > 0 && !pbs[0].Empty() {
		glob.D("Scanned OPT statement.")