Esempio n. 1
// NewLoggerAPI creates a new server-side logger API end point.
func NewLoggerAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*LoggerAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthMachineAgent() && !authorizer.AuthUnitAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	return &LoggerAPI{state: st, resources: resources, authorizer: authorizer}, nil
Esempio n. 2
// NewCharmRevisionUpdaterAPI creates a new server-side charmrevisionupdater API end point.
func NewCharmRevisionUpdaterAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*CharmRevisionUpdaterAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthMachineAgent() && !authorizer.AuthEnvironManager() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	return &CharmRevisionUpdaterAPI{
		state: st, resources: resources, authorizer: authorizer}, nil
Esempio n. 3
// NewRsyslogAPI creates a new instance of the Rsyslog API.
func NewRsyslogAPI(st *state.State, resources *common.Resources, authorizer common.Authorizer) (*RsyslogAPI, error) {
	// Can always watch for environ changes.
	getCanWatch := common.AuthAlways(true)
	// Does not get the secrets.
	getCanReadSecrets := common.AuthAlways(false)
	return &RsyslogAPI{
		EnvironWatcher: common.NewEnvironWatcher(st, resources, getCanWatch, getCanReadSecrets),
		st:             st,
		canModify:      authorizer.AuthEnvironManager(),
	}, nil
Esempio n. 4
// NewAPI returns an object implementing an agent API
// with the given authorizer representing the currently logged in client.
func NewAPI(st *state.State, auth common.Authorizer) (*API, error) {
	// Agents are defined to be any user that's not a client user.
	if !auth.AuthMachineAgent() && !auth.AuthUnitAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	getCanChange := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return auth.AuthOwner, nil
	return &API{
		PasswordChanger: common.NewPasswordChanger(st, getCanChange),
		st:              st,
		auth:            auth,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 5
// NewKeyUpdaterAPI creates a new server-side keyupdater API end point.
func NewKeyUpdaterAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*KeyUpdaterAPI, error) {
	// Only machine agents have access to the keyupdater service.
	if !authorizer.AuthMachineAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	// No-one else except the machine itself can only read a machine's own credentials.
	getCanRead := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return authorizer.AuthOwner, nil
	return &KeyUpdaterAPI{state: st, resources: resources, authorizer: authorizer, getCanRead: getCanRead}, nil
Esempio n. 6
func NewUserManagerAPI(
	st *state.State,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*UserManagerAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthClient() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm

	// TODO(mattyw) - replace stub with real canWrite function
	getCanWrite := common.AuthAlways(true)
	return &UserManagerAPI{
			state:       st,
			authorizer:  authorizer,
			getCanWrite: getCanWrite},
Esempio n. 7
// NewUpgraderAPI creates a new client-side UpgraderAPI facade.
func NewUpgraderAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*UpgraderAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthMachineAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	getCanReadWrite := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return authorizer.AuthOwner, nil
	return &UpgraderAPI{
		ToolsGetter: common.NewToolsGetter(st, getCanReadWrite),
		ToolsSetter: common.NewToolsSetter(st, getCanReadWrite),
		st:          st,
		resources:   resources,
		authorizer:  authorizer,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 8
// NewMachinerAPI creates a new instance of the Machiner API.
func NewMachinerAPI(st *state.State, resources *common.Resources, authorizer common.Authorizer) (*MachinerAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthMachineAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	getCanModify := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return authorizer.AuthOwner, nil
	getCanRead := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return authorizer.AuthOwner, nil
	return &MachinerAPI{
		LifeGetter:         common.NewLifeGetter(st, getCanRead),
		StatusSetter:       common.NewStatusSetter(st, getCanModify),
		DeadEnsurer:        common.NewDeadEnsurer(st, getCanModify),
		AgentEntityWatcher: common.NewAgentEntityWatcher(st, resources, getCanRead),
		APIAddresser:       common.NewAPIAddresser(st, resources),
		st:                 st,
		auth:               authorizer,
		getCanModify:       getCanModify,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 9
// NewUnitUpgraderAPI creates a new server-side UnitUpgraderAPI facade.
func NewUnitUpgraderAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
	dataDir string,
) (*UnitUpgraderAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthUnitAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm

	getCanWrite := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return authorizer.AuthOwner, nil
	return &UnitUpgraderAPI{
		ToolsSetter: common.NewToolsSetter(st, getCanWrite),
		st:          st,
		resources:   resources,
		authorizer:  authorizer,
		dataDir:     dataDir,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 10
// NewDeployerAPI creates a new server-side DeployerAPI facade.
func NewDeployerAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*DeployerAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthMachineAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	getAuthFunc := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		// Get all units of the machine and cache them.
		thisMachineTag := authorizer.GetAuthTag()
		units, err := getAllUnits(st, thisMachineTag)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// Then we just check if the unit is already known.
		return func(tag string) bool {
			for _, unit := range units {
				if names.UnitTag(unit) == tag {
					return true
			return false
		}, nil
	getCanWatch := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return authorizer.AuthOwner, nil
	return &DeployerAPI{
		Remover:         common.NewRemover(st, true, getAuthFunc),
		PasswordChanger: common.NewPasswordChanger(st, getAuthFunc),
		LifeGetter:      common.NewLifeGetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		StateAddresser:  common.NewStateAddresser(st),
		APIAddresser:    common.NewAPIAddresser(st, resources),
		UnitsWatcher:    common.NewUnitsWatcher(st, resources, getCanWatch),
		st:              st,
		resources:       resources,
		authorizer:      authorizer,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 11
// NewUniterAPI creates a new instance of the Uniter API.
func NewUniterAPI(st *state.State, resources *common.Resources, authorizer common.Authorizer) (*UniterAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthUnitAgent() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	accessUnit := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return authorizer.AuthOwner, nil
	accessService := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		unit, ok := authorizer.GetAuthEntity().(*state.Unit)
		if !ok {
			panic("authenticated entity is not a unit")
		return func(tag string) bool {
			return tag == names.ServiceTag(unit.ServiceName())
		}, nil
	accessUnitOrService := common.AuthEither(accessUnit, accessService)
	// Uniter can always watch for environ changes.
	getCanWatch := common.AuthAlways(true)
	// Uniter can not get the secrets.
	getCanReadSecrets := common.AuthAlways(false)
	return &UniterAPI{
		LifeGetter:         common.NewLifeGetter(st, accessUnitOrService),
		StatusSetter:       common.NewStatusSetter(st, accessUnit),
		DeadEnsurer:        common.NewDeadEnsurer(st, accessUnit),
		AgentEntityWatcher: common.NewAgentEntityWatcher(st, resources, accessUnitOrService),
		APIAddresser:       common.NewAPIAddresser(st, resources),
		EnvironWatcher:     common.NewEnvironWatcher(st, resources, getCanWatch, getCanReadSecrets),

		st:            st,
		auth:          authorizer,
		resources:     resources,
		accessUnit:    accessUnit,
		accessService: accessService,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 12
// NewKeyManagerAPI creates a new server-side keyupdater API end point.
func NewKeyManagerAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*KeyManagerAPI, error) {
	// Only clients and environment managers can access the key manager service.
	if !authorizer.AuthClient() && !authorizer.AuthEnvironManager() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	// TODO(wallyworld) - replace stub with real canRead function
	// For now, only admins can read authorised ssh keys.
	getCanRead := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return func(tag string) bool {
			return authorizer.GetAuthTag() == "user-admin"
		}, nil
	// TODO(wallyworld) - replace stub with real canWrite function
	// For now, only admins can write authorised ssh keys for users.
	// Machine agents can write the juju-system-key.
	getCanWrite := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		return func(tag string) bool {
			// Are we a machine agent writing the Juju system key.
			if tag == config.JujuSystemKey {
				_, _, err := names.ParseTag(authorizer.GetAuthTag(), names.MachineTagKind)
				return err == nil
			// Are we writing the auth key for a user.
			if _, err := st.User(tag); err != nil {
				return false
			return authorizer.GetAuthTag() == "user-admin"
		}, nil
	return &KeyManagerAPI{
		state: st, resources: resources, authorizer: authorizer, getCanRead: getCanRead, getCanWrite: getCanWrite}, nil
Esempio n. 13
// NewFirewallerAPI creates a new server-side FirewallerAPI facade.
func NewFirewallerAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*FirewallerAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthEnvironManager() {
		// Firewaller must run as environment manager.
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	// Set up the various authorization checkers.
	accessUnit := getAuthFuncForTagKind(names.UnitTagKind)
	accessService := getAuthFuncForTagKind(names.ServiceTagKind)
	accessMachine := getAuthFuncForTagKind(names.MachineTagKind)
	accessEnviron := getAuthFuncForTagKind("")
	accessUnitOrService := common.AuthEither(accessUnit, accessService)
	accessUnitServiceOrMachine := common.AuthEither(accessUnitOrService, accessMachine)

	// Life() is supported for units, services or machines.
	lifeGetter := common.NewLifeGetter(
	// EnvironConfig() and WatchForEnvironConfigChanges() are allowed
	// with unrestriced access.
	environWatcher := common.NewEnvironWatcher(
	// Watch() is supported for units or services.
	entityWatcher := common.NewAgentEntityWatcher(
	// WatchUnits() is supported for machines.
	unitsWatcher := common.NewUnitsWatcher(st,
	// WatchEnvironMachines() is allowed with unrestricted access.
	machinesWatcher := common.NewEnvironMachinesWatcher(
	// InstanceId() is supported for machines.
	instanceIdGetter := common.NewInstanceIdGetter(
	return &FirewallerAPI{
		LifeGetter:             lifeGetter,
		EnvironWatcher:         environWatcher,
		AgentEntityWatcher:     entityWatcher,
		UnitsWatcher:           unitsWatcher,
		EnvironMachinesWatcher: machinesWatcher,
		InstanceIdGetter:       instanceIdGetter,
		st:                     st,
		resources:              resources,
		authorizer:             authorizer,
		accessUnit:             accessUnit,
		accessService:          accessService,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 14
// NewProvisionerAPI creates a new server-side ProvisionerAPI facade.
func NewProvisionerAPI(
	st *state.State,
	resources *common.Resources,
	authorizer common.Authorizer,
) (*ProvisionerAPI, error) {
	if !authorizer.AuthMachineAgent() && !authorizer.AuthEnvironManager() {
		return nil, common.ErrPerm
	getAuthFunc := func() (common.AuthFunc, error) {
		isEnvironManager := authorizer.AuthEnvironManager()
		isMachineAgent := authorizer.AuthMachineAgent()
		authEntityTag := authorizer.GetAuthTag()

		return func(tag string) bool {
			if isMachineAgent && tag == authEntityTag {
				// A machine agent can always access its own machine.
				return true
			_, id, err := names.ParseTag(tag, names.MachineTagKind)
			if err != nil {
				return false
			parentId := state.ParentId(id)
			if parentId == "" {
				// All top-level machines are accessible by the
				// environment manager.
				return isEnvironManager
			// All containers with the authenticated machine as a
			// parent are accessible by it.
			return isMachineAgent && names.MachineTag(parentId) == authEntityTag
		}, nil
	// Both provisioner types can watch the environment.
	getCanWatch := common.AuthAlways(true)
	// Only the environment provisioner can read secrets.
	getCanReadSecrets := common.AuthAlways(authorizer.AuthEnvironManager())
	return &ProvisionerAPI{
		Remover:                common.NewRemover(st, false, getAuthFunc),
		StatusSetter:           common.NewStatusSetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		DeadEnsurer:            common.NewDeadEnsurer(st, getAuthFunc),
		PasswordChanger:        common.NewPasswordChanger(st, getAuthFunc),
		LifeGetter:             common.NewLifeGetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		StateAddresser:         common.NewStateAddresser(st),
		APIAddresser:           common.NewAPIAddresser(st, resources),
		ToolsGetter:            common.NewToolsGetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		EnvironWatcher:         common.NewEnvironWatcher(st, resources, getCanWatch, getCanReadSecrets),
		EnvironMachinesWatcher: common.NewEnvironMachinesWatcher(st, resources, getCanReadSecrets),
		InstanceIdGetter:       common.NewInstanceIdGetter(st, getAuthFunc),
		st:                     st,
		resources:              resources,
		authorizer:             authorizer,
		getAuthFunc:            getAuthFunc,
		getCanWatchMachines:    getCanReadSecrets,
	}, nil