Esempio n. 1
// RegisterConflicts is defined on Validator.
func (v *validator) RegisterConflicts(reds, blues []string) {
	for _, red := range reds {
		v.conflicts[red] = set.NewStrings(blues...)
	for _, blue := range blues {
		v.conflicts[blue] = set.NewStrings(reds...)
Esempio n. 2
func (stringSetSuite) TestDifference(c *gc.C) {
	s1 := set.NewStrings("foo", "bar")
	s2 := set.NewStrings("foo", "baz", "bang")
	diff1 := s1.Difference(s2)
	diff2 := s2.Difference(s1)

	AssertValues(c, diff1, "bar")
	AssertValues(c, diff2, "baz", "bang")
Esempio n. 3
func (stringSetSuite) TestIntersection(c *gc.C) {
	s1 := set.NewStrings("foo", "bar")
	s2 := set.NewStrings("foo", "baz", "bang")
	int1 := s1.Intersection(s2)
	int2 := s2.Intersection(s1)

	AssertValues(c, int1, "foo")
	AssertValues(c, int2, "foo")
Esempio n. 4
func (stringSetSuite) TestUnion(c *gc.C) {
	s1 := set.NewStrings("foo", "bar")
	s2 := set.NewStrings("foo", "baz", "bang")
	union1 := s1.Union(s2)
	union2 := s2.Union(s1)

	AssertValues(c, union1, "foo", "bar", "baz", "bang")
	AssertValues(c, union2, "foo", "bar", "baz", "bang")
Esempio n. 5
func (stringSetSuite) TestSize(c *gc.C) {
	// Empty sets are empty.
	s := set.NewStrings()
	c.Assert(s.Size(), gc.Equals, 0)

	// Size returns number of unique values.
	s = set.NewStrings("foo", "foo", "bar")
	c.Assert(s.Size(), gc.Equals, 2)
Esempio n. 6
func (stringSetSuite) TestIsEmpty(c *gc.C) {
	// Empty sets are empty.
	s := set.NewStrings()
	c.Assert(s.IsEmpty(), gc.Equals, true)

	// Non-empty sets are not empty.
	s = set.NewStrings("foo")
	c.Assert(s.IsEmpty(), gc.Equals, false)
	// Newly empty sets work too.
	c.Assert(s.IsEmpty(), gc.Equals, true)
Esempio n. 7
// loadManifest loads, from dataPath, the manifest for the charm identified by the
// identity file at the supplied path within the charm directory.
func (d *manifestDeployer) loadManifest(urlFilePath string) (*charm.URL, set.Strings, error) {
	url, err := ReadCharmURL(d.CharmPath(urlFilePath))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, set.NewStrings(), err
	name := charm.Quote(url.String())
	path := filepath.Join(d.DataPath(manifestsDataPath), name)
	manifest := []string{}
	err = utils.ReadYaml(path, &manifest)
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		logger.Warningf("manifest not found at %q: files from charm %q may be left unremoved", path, url)
		err = nil
	return url, set.NewStrings(manifest...), err
Esempio n. 8
func (stringSetSuite) TestAdd(c *gc.C) {
	s := set.NewStrings()
	AssertValues(c, s, "foo", "bar")
Esempio n. 9
File: run.go Progetto: jameinel/core
// getAllUnitNames returns a sequence of valid Unit objects from state. If any
// of the service names or unit names are not found, an error is returned.
func getAllUnitNames(st *state.State, units, services []string) (result []*state.Unit, err error) {
	unitsSet := set.NewStrings(units...)
	for _, name := range services {
		service, err := st.Service(name)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		units, err := service.AllUnits()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for _, unit := range units {
	for _, unitName := range unitsSet.Values() {
		unit, err := st.Unit(unitName)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// We only operate on principal units, and only thise that have an
		// assigned machines.
		if unit.IsPrincipal() {
			if _, err := unit.AssignedMachineId(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		} else {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a principal unit", unit)
		result = append(result, unit)
	return result, nil
Esempio n. 10
func (task *provisionerTask) prepareNetworkAndInterfaces(networkInfo []network.Info) (
	networks []params.Network, ifaces []params.NetworkInterface) {
	if len(networkInfo) == 0 {
		return nil, nil
	visitedNetworks := set.NewStrings()
	for _, info := range networkInfo {
		networkTag := names.NetworkTag(info.NetworkName)
		if !visitedNetworks.Contains(networkTag) {
			networks = append(networks, params.Network{
				Tag:        networkTag,
				ProviderId: info.ProviderId,
				CIDR:       info.CIDR,
				VLANTag:    info.VLANTag,
		ifaces = append(ifaces, params.NetworkInterface{
			InterfaceName: info.InterfaceName,
			MACAddress:    info.MACAddress,
			NetworkTag:    networkTag,
			IsVirtual:     info.IsVirtual,
	return networks, ifaces
Esempio n. 11
func (s *BundleSuite) TestManifest(c *gc.C) {
	bundle, err := charm.ReadBundle(s.bundlePath)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	manifest, err := bundle.Manifest()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(manifest, jc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings(dummyManifest...))
Esempio n. 12
// SetUp is defined on the worker.NotifyWatchHandler interface.
func (kw *keyupdaterWorker) SetUp() (watcher.NotifyWatcher, error) {
	// Record the keys Juju knows about.
	jujuKeys, err :=
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.LoggedErrorf(logger, "reading Juju ssh keys for %q: %v", kw.tag, err)
	kw.jujuKeys = set.NewStrings(jujuKeys...)

	// Read the keys currently in ~/.ssh/authorised_keys.
	sshKeys, err := ssh.ListKeys(SSHUser, ssh.FullKeys)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.LoggedErrorf(logger, "reading ssh authorized keys for %q: %v", kw.tag, err)
	// Record any keys not added by Juju.
	for _, key := range sshKeys {
		_, comment, err := ssh.KeyFingerprint(key)
		// Also record keys which we cannot parse.
		if err != nil || !strings.HasPrefix(comment, ssh.JujuCommentPrefix) {
			kw.nonJujuKeys = append(kw.nonJujuKeys, key)
	// Write out the ssh authorised keys file to match the current state of the world.
	if err := kw.writeSSHKeys(jujuKeys); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.LoggedErrorf(logger, "adding current Juju keys to ssh authorised keys: %v", err)

	w, err :=
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.LoggedErrorf(logger, "starting key updater worker: %v", err)
	logger.Infof("%q key updater worker started", kw.tag)
	return w, nil
Esempio n. 13
func (*statusContext) processRelations(service *state.Service) (related map[string][]string, subord []string, err error) {
	// TODO(mue) This way the same relation is read twice (for each service).
	// Maybe add Relations() to state, read them only once and pass them to each
	// call of this function.
	relations, err := service.Relations()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	var subordSet set.Strings
	related = make(map[string][]string)
	for _, relation := range relations {
		ep, err := relation.Endpoint(service.Name())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		relationName := ep.Relation.Name
		eps, err := relation.RelatedEndpoints(service.Name())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		for _, ep := range eps {
			if ep.Scope == charm.ScopeContainer && !service.IsPrincipal() {
			related[relationName] = append(related[relationName], ep.ServiceName)
	for relationName, serviceNames := range related {
		sn := set.NewStrings(serviceNames...)
		related[relationName] = sn.SortedValues()
	return related, subordSet.SortedValues(), nil
Esempio n. 14
func (s *DeployLocalSuite) assertMachines(c *gc.C, service *state.Service, expectCons constraints.Value, expectIds ...string) {
	units, err := service.AllUnits()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(units, gc.HasLen, len(expectIds))
	unseenIds := set.NewStrings(expectIds...)
	for _, unit := range units {
		id, err := unit.AssignedMachineId()
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		machine, err := s.State.Machine(id)
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		cons, err := machine.Constraints()
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		c.Assert(cons, gc.DeepEquals, expectCons)
	c.Assert(unseenIds, gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings())
Esempio n. 15
// Manifest returns a set of the charm's contents.
func (b *Bundle) Manifest() (set.Strings, error) {
	zipr, err := b.zipOpen()
	if err != nil {
		return set.NewStrings(), err
	defer zipr.Close()
	paths, err := ziputil.Find(zipr.Reader, "*")
	if err != nil {
		return set.NewStrings(), err
	manifest := set.NewStrings(paths...)
	// We always write out a revision file, even if there isn't one in the
	// bundle; and we always strip ".", because that's sometimes not present.
	return manifest, nil
Esempio n. 16
func (stringSetSuite) TestUninitialized(c *gc.C) {
	var uninitialized set.Strings
	c.Assert(uninitialized.Size(), gc.Equals, 0)
	c.Assert(uninitialized.IsEmpty(), gc.Equals, true)
	// You can get values and sorted values from an unitialized set.
	AssertValues(c, uninitialized)
	// All contains checks are false
	c.Assert(uninitialized.Contains("foo"), gc.Equals, false)
	// Remove works on an uninitialized Strings

	var other set.Strings
	// Union returns a new set that is empty but initialized.
	c.Assert(uninitialized.Union(other), gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings())
	c.Assert(uninitialized.Intersection(other), gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings())
	c.Assert(uninitialized.Difference(other), gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings())

	other = set.NewStrings("foo", "bar")
	c.Assert(uninitialized.Union(other), gc.DeepEquals, other)
	c.Assert(uninitialized.Intersection(other), gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings())
	c.Assert(uninitialized.Difference(other), gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings())
	c.Assert(other.Union(uninitialized), gc.DeepEquals, other)
	c.Assert(other.Intersection(uninitialized), gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings())
	c.Assert(other.Difference(uninitialized), gc.DeepEquals, other)

	// Once something is added, the set becomes initialized.
	AssertValues(c, uninitialized, "foo")
Esempio n. 17
func (s *BundleSuite) TestManifestSymlink(c *gc.C) {
	srcPath := testing.Charms.ClonedDirPath(c.MkDir(), "dummy")
	if err := os.Symlink("../target", filepath.Join(srcPath, "hooks/symlink")); err != nil {
		c.Skip("cannot symlink")
	expected := append([]string{"hooks/symlink"}, dummyManifest...)

	bundle := bundleDir(c, srcPath)
	manifest, err := bundle.Manifest()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(manifest, gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings(expected...))
Esempio n. 18
// SeriesToUpload returns the supplied series with duplicates removed if
// non-empty; otherwise it returns a default list of series we should
// probably upload, based on cfg.
func SeriesToUpload(cfg *config.Config, series []string) []string {
	unique := set.NewStrings(series...)
	if unique.IsEmpty() {
		for _, toolsSeries := range toolsLtsSeries {
		if series, ok := cfg.DefaultSeries(); ok {
	return unique.Values()
Esempio n. 19
func (s *BundleSuite) TestManifestNoRevision(c *gc.C) {
	bundle, err := charm.ReadBundle(s.bundlePath)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	dirPath := c.MkDir()
	err = bundle.ExpandTo(dirPath)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = os.Remove(filepath.Join(dirPath, "revision"))
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	bundle = extBundleDir(c, dirPath)
	manifest, err := bundle.Manifest()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(manifest, gc.DeepEquals, set.NewStrings(dummyManifest...))
Esempio n. 20
// SupportedArchitectures returns all the image architectures for env matching the constraints.
func SupportedArchitectures(env environs.Environ, imageConstraint *imagemetadata.ImageConstraint) ([]string, error) {
	sources, err := imagemetadata.GetMetadataSources(env)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	matchingImages, _, err := imagemetadata.Fetch(sources, simplestreams.DefaultIndexPath, imageConstraint, false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var arches = set.NewStrings()
	for _, im := range matchingImages {
	return arches.Values(), nil
Esempio n. 21
// checkStopSomeInstances checks that instancesToStop are stopped while instancesToKeep are not.
func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) checkStopSomeInstances(c *gc.C,
	instancesToStop []instance.Instance, instancesToKeep []instance.Instance) {

	instanceIdsToStop := set.NewStrings()
	for _, instance := range instancesToStop {
	instanceIdsToKeep := set.NewStrings()
	for _, instance := range instancesToKeep {
	// Continue checking for stop instance calls until all the instances we
	// are waiting on to finish, actually finish, or we time out.
	for !instanceIdsToStop.IsEmpty() {
		select {
		case o := <-s.op:
			switch o := o.(type) {
			case dummy.OpStopInstances:
				for _, stoppedInstance := range o.Instances {
					instId := string(stoppedInstance.Id())
					if instanceIdsToKeep.Contains(instId) {
						c.Errorf("provisioner unexpectedly stopped instance %s", instId)
				c.Fatalf("unexpected operation %#v", o)
		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
			c.Fatalf("provisioner did not stop an instance")
Esempio n. 22
// currentKeyDataForAdd gathers data used when adding ssh keys.
func (api *KeyManagerAPI) currentKeyDataForAdd() (keys []string, fingerprints *set.Strings, err error) {
	fp := set.NewStrings()
	fingerprints = &fp
	cfg, err := api.state.EnvironConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("reading current key data: %v", err)
	keys = ssh.SplitAuthorisedKeys(cfg.AuthorizedKeys())
	for _, key := range keys {
		fingerprint, _, err := ssh.KeyFingerprint(key)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Warningf("ignoring invalid ssh key %q: %v", key, err)
	return keys, fingerprints, nil
Esempio n. 23
func (s *ManifestDeployerSuite) TestUpgradeConflictResolveRetrySameCharm(c *gc.C) {
	// Create base install.
	s.deployCharm(c, 1,
		ft.File{"shared-file", "old", 0755},
		ft.File{"old-file", "old", 0644},

	// Create mock upgrade charm that can (claim to) fail to expand...
	failDeploy := true
	upgradeContent := ft.Entries{
		ft.File{"shared-file", "new", 0755},
		ft.File{"new-file", "new", 0644},
	mockCharm := mockBundle{
		paths: set.NewStrings(upgradeContent.Paths()...),
		expand: func(targetPath string) error {
			upgradeContent.Create(c, targetPath)
			if failDeploy {
				return fmt.Errorf("oh noes")
			return nil
	info := s.addMockCharm(c, 2, mockCharm)
	err := s.deployer.Stage(info, nil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// ...and see it fail to expand. We're not too bothered about the actual
	// content of the target dir at this stage, but we do want to check it's
	// still marked as based on the original charm...
	err = s.deployer.Deploy()
	c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, charm.ErrConflict)
	s.assertCharm(c, 1)

	// ...and we want to verify that if we "fix the errors" and redeploy the
	// same charm...
	failDeploy = false
	err = s.deployer.NotifyResolved()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = s.deployer.Deploy()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// ...we end up with the right stuff in play.
	s.assertCharm(c, 2, upgradeContent...)
	ft.Removed{"old-file"}.Check(c, s.targetPath)
Esempio n. 24
// checkConflicts returns an error if the constraints Value contains conflicting attributes.
func (v *validator) checkConflicts(cons Value) error {
	attrValues := cons.attributesWithValues()
	attrSet := set.NewStrings()
	for attrTag := range attrValues {
	for attrTag := range attrValues {
		conflicts, ok := v.conflicts[attrTag]
		if !ok {
		for _, conflict := range conflicts.Values() {
			if attrSet.Contains(conflict) {
				return fmt.Errorf("ambiguous constraints: %q overlaps with %q", attrTag, conflict)
	return nil
Esempio n. 25
func (s *ManifestDeployerSuite) TestUpgradeConflictRevertRetryDifferentCharm(c *gc.C) {
	// Create base install and add a user file.
	s.deployCharm(c, 1,
		ft.File{"shared-file", "old", 0755},
		ft.File{"old-file", "old", 0644},
	userFile := ft.File{"user-file", "user", 0644}.Create(c, s.targetPath)

	// Create a charm upgrade that never works (but still writes a bunch of files),
	// and deploy it.
	badUpgradeContent := ft.Entries{
		ft.File{"shared-file", "bad", 0644},
		ft.File{"bad-file", "bad", 0644},
	badCharm := mockBundle{
		paths: set.NewStrings(badUpgradeContent.Paths()...),
		expand: func(targetPath string) error {
			badUpgradeContent.Create(c, targetPath)
			return fmt.Errorf("oh noes")
	badInfo := s.addMockCharm(c, 2, badCharm)
	err := s.deployer.Stage(badInfo, nil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = s.deployer.Deploy()
	c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, charm.ErrConflict)

	// Notify the Deployer that it'll be expected to revert the changes from
	// the last attempt.
	err = s.deployer.NotifyRevert()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// Create a charm upgrade that creates a bunch of different files, without
	// error, and deploy it; check user files are preserved, and nothing from
	// charm 1 or 2 is.
	s.deployCharm(c, 3,
		ft.File{"shared-file", "new", 0755},
		ft.File{"new-file", "new", 0644},
	userFile.Check(c, s.targetPath)
	ft.Removed{"old-file"}.Check(c, s.targetPath)
	ft.Removed{"bad-file"}.Check(c, s.targetPath)
Esempio n. 26
// Handle is defined on the worker.NotifyWatchHandler interface.
func (kw *keyupdaterWorker) Handle() error {
	// Read the keys that Juju has.
	newKeys, err :=
	if err != nil {
		return errors.LoggedErrorf(logger, "reading Juju ssh keys for %q: %v", kw.tag, err)
	// Figure out if any keys have been added or deleted.
	newJujuKeys := set.NewStrings(newKeys...)
	deleted := kw.jujuKeys.Difference(newJujuKeys)
	added := newJujuKeys.Difference(kw.jujuKeys)
	if added.Size() > 0 || deleted.Size() > 0 {
		logger.Debugf("adding ssh keys to authorised keys: %v", added)
		logger.Debugf("deleting ssh keys from authorised keys: %v", deleted)
		if err = kw.writeSSHKeys(newKeys); err != nil {
			return errors.LoggedErrorf(logger, "updating ssh keys: %v", err)
	kw.jujuKeys = newJujuKeys
	return nil
Esempio n. 27
// MarshalToolsMetadataIndexJSON marshals tools metadata to index JSON.
// updated is the time at which the JSON file was updated.
func MarshalToolsMetadataIndexJSON(metadata []*ToolsMetadata, updated time.Time) (out []byte, err error) {
	productIds := make([]string, len(metadata))
	for i, t := range metadata {
		productIds[i], err = t.productId()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	var indices simplestreams.Indices
	indices.Updated = updated.Format(time.RFC1123Z)
	indices.Format = "index:1.0"
	indices.Indexes = map[string]*simplestreams.IndexMetadata{
		ToolsContentId: &simplestreams.IndexMetadata{
			Updated:          indices.Updated,
			Format:           "products:1.0",
			DataType:         "content-download",
			ProductsFilePath: ProductMetadataPath,
			ProductIds:       set.NewStrings(productIds...).SortedValues(),
	return json.MarshalIndent(&indices, "", "    ")
Esempio n. 28
// appendMatchingTools updates matchingTools with tools metadata records from tools which belong to the
// specified series. If a tools record already exists in matchingTools, it is not overwritten.
func appendMatchingTools(source simplestreams.DataSource, matchingTools []interface{},
	tools map[string]interface{}, cons simplestreams.LookupConstraint) []interface{} {

	toolsMap := make(map[version.Binary]*ToolsMetadata, len(matchingTools))
	for _, val := range matchingTools {
		tm := val.(*ToolsMetadata)
		toolsMap[tm.binary()] = tm
	for _, val := range tools {
		tm := val.(*ToolsMetadata)
		if !set.NewStrings(cons.Params().Series...).Contains(tm.Release) {
		if toolsConstraint, ok := cons.(*ToolsConstraint); ok {
			tmNumber := version.MustParse(tm.Version)
			if toolsConstraint.Version == version.Zero {
				if toolsConstraint.Released && tmNumber.IsDev() {
				if toolsConstraint.MajorVersion >= 0 && toolsConstraint.MajorVersion != tmNumber.Major {
				if toolsConstraint.MinorVersion >= 0 && toolsConstraint.MinorVersion != tmNumber.Minor {
			} else {
				if toolsConstraint.Version != tmNumber {
		if _, ok := toolsMap[tm.binary()]; !ok {
			tm.FullPath, _ = source.URL(tm.Path)
			matchingTools = append(matchingTools, tm)
	return matchingTools
Esempio n. 29
// MarshalImageMetadataIndexJSON marshals image metadata to index JSON.
// updated is the time at which the JSON file was updated.
func MarshalImageMetadataIndexJSON(metadata []*ImageMetadata, cloudSpec []simplestreams.CloudSpec,
	updated time.Time) (out []byte, err error) {

	productIds := make([]string, len(metadata))
	for i, t := range metadata {
		productIds[i] = t.productId()
	var indices simplestreams.Indices
	indices.Updated = updated.Format(time.RFC1123Z)
	indices.Format = "index:1.0"
	indices.Indexes = map[string]*simplestreams.IndexMetadata{
		ImageContentId: &simplestreams.IndexMetadata{
			CloudName:        "custom",
			Updated:          indices.Updated,
			Format:           "products:1.0",
			DataType:         "image-ids",
			ProductsFilePath: ProductMetadataPath,
			ProductIds:       set.NewStrings(productIds...).SortedValues(),
			Clouds:           cloudSpec,
	return json.MarshalIndent(&indices, "", "    ")
Esempio n. 30
// FindSession attempts to find a debug hooks session for the unit specified
// in the context, and returns a new ServerSession structure for it.
func (c *HooksContext) FindSession() (*ServerSession, error) {
	cmd := exec.Command("tmux", "has-session", "-t", c.tmuxSessionName())
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		if len(out) != 0 {
			return nil, errors.New(string(out))
		} else {
			return nil, err
	// Parse the debug-hooks file for an optional hook name.
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.ClientFileLock())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var args hookArgs
	err = goyaml.Unmarshal(data, &args)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	hooks := set.NewStrings(args.Hooks...)
	session := &ServerSession{c, hooks}
	return session, nil