Esempio n. 1
File: keymap.go Progetto: wx13/sith
// MakeKeyMap initializes the KeyMap.
func (editor *Editor) MakeKeyMap() KeyMap {
	km := make(KeyMap)
	km.Add("backspace", func() { editor.file.Backspace() }, "")
	km.Add("delete", func() { editor.file.Delete() }, "")
	km.Add("ctrlD", func() { editor.file.Delete() }, "")
	km.Add("space", func() { editor.file.InsertChar(' ') }, "")
	km.Add("tab", func() { editor.file.InsertChar('\t') }, "")
	km.Add("enter", func() { editor.file.Newline() }, "")
	km.Add("arrowLeft", func() { editor.file.CursorLeft() }, "")
	km.Add("arrowRight", func() { editor.file.CursorRight() }, "")
	km.Add("arrowUp", func() { editor.file.CursorUp(1) }, "")
	km.Add("arrowDown", func() { editor.file.CursorDown(1) }, "")
	km.Add("ctrlJ", func() { editor.file.ScrollUp() }, "Scroll Up")
	km.Add("ctrlK", func() { editor.file.ScrollDown() }, "Scroll Down")
	km.Add("ctrlP", func() { editor.file.ScrollRight() }, "Scroll Right")
	km.Add("ctrlO", func() { editor.file.ScrollLeft() }, "Scroll Left")
	km.Add("pageDown", func() { editor.file.PageDown() }, "")
	km.Add("ctrlN", func() { editor.file.PageDown() }, "")
	km.Add("pageUp", func() { editor.file.PageUp() }, "")
	km.Add("ctrlB", func() { editor.file.PageUp() }, "")
	km.Add("ctrlG", func() { editor.file.GoToLine() }, "Go to line number")
	km.Add("altL", func() { editor.file.Refresh() }, "Refresh screen")
	km.Add("altO", editor.OpenNewFile, "Open new file")
	km.Add("altQ", editor.Quit, "Quit editor")
	km.Add("altW", func() { editor.CloseFile() }, "Close file")
	km.Add("altS", func() { editor.Suspend(); editor.keyboard = terminal.NewKeyboard() }, "Suspend")
	km.Add("altN", editor.NextFile, "Next file buffer")
	km.Add("altB", editor.PrevFile, "Previous file buffer")
	km.Add("altK", editor.LastFile, "Toggle between recent buffers")
	km.Add("altM", editor.SelectFile, "Select file buffer from menu")
	km.Add("ctrlX", func() { editor.file.AddCursor() }, "Add cursor")
	km.Add("altC", func() { editor.file.AddCursorCol() }, "Create column cursor")
	km.Add("altX", func() { editor.file.ClearCursors() }, "Clear multi-cursor")
	km.Add("ctrlU", func() { editor.file.Undo() }, "Undo")
	km.Add("ctrlY", func() { editor.file.Redo() }, "Redo")
	km.Add("altU", func() { editor.file.UndoSaved() }, "Macro undo")
	km.Add("altY", func() { editor.file.RedoSaved() }, "Macro redo")
	km.Add("ctrlS", editor.Save, "Save file")
	km.Add("ctrlA", func() { editor.file.StartOfLine() }, "Move to start of line")
	km.Add("ctrlE", func() { editor.file.EndOfLine() }, "Move to end of line")
	km.Add("altA", func() { editor.file.CutToStartOfLine() }, "Cut to start of line")
	km.Add("altE", func() { editor.file.CutToEndOfLine() }, "Cut to end of line")
	km.Add("ctrlW", func() { editor.file.NextWord() }, "Move cursor to next word")
	km.Add("ctrlQ", func() { editor.file.PrevWord() }, "Move cursor to previous word")
	km.Add("ctrlF", func() { editor.Search(false) }, "Search")
	km.Add("ctrlR", func() { editor.Search(true) }, "Multi-file search")
	km.Add("altF", func() { editor.SearchAndReplace(false) }, "Search and replace")
	km.Add("altR", func() { editor.SearchAndReplace(true) }, "Multi-file search and replace")
	km.Add("ctrlC", editor.Cut, "Cut line")
	km.Add("ctrlV", editor.Paste, "Paste")
	km.Add("altV", editor.PasteFromMenu, "Paste from menu")
	km.Add("altG", editor.GoFmt, "Go fmt")
	km.Add("altJ", func() { editor.file.Justify(72) }, "Justify")
	km.Add("altH", func() { editor.file.Justify(0) }, "Unjustify")
	km.Add("altI", func() { editor.file.ToggleAutoIndent() }, "Toggle auto-indent")
	km.Add("altT", func() { editor.file.ToggleAutoTab() }, "Toggle Auto-tab")
	km.Add("alt6", editor.ExtraMode, "Extra mode")
	km.Add("ctrlSlash", editor.CmdMenu, "Display command menu")
	return km
Esempio n. 2
File: editor.go Progetto: wx13/sith
// Listen is the main editor loop.
func (editor *Editor) Listen() {

	editor.keyboard = terminal.NewKeyboard()
	editor.keymap = editor.MakeKeyMap()
	editor.xKeymap = editor.MakeExtraKeyMap()
	for {
		cmd, r := editor.keyboard.GetKey()
		editor.handleCmd(cmd, r)
