Esempio n. 1
func hasSubquery(node sqlparser.SQLNode) bool {
	has := false
	_ = sqlparser.Walk(func(node sqlparser.SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error) {
		if _, ok := node.(*sqlparser.Subquery); ok {
			has = true
			return false, errors.New("dummy")
		return true, nil
	}, node)
	return has
Esempio n. 2
// findRoute identifies the right-most route for expr. In situations where
// the expression addresses multiple routes, the expectation is that the
// executor will use the results of the previous routes to feed the necessary
// values for the external references.
// If the expression contains a subquery, the right-most route identification
// also follows the same rules of a normal expression. This is achieved by
// looking at the Externs field of its symbol table that contains the list of
// external references.
// Once the target route is identified, we have to verify that the subquery's
// route can be merged with it. If it cannot, we fail the query. This is because
// we don't have the ability to wire up subqueries through expression evaluation
// primitives. Consequently, if the plan for a subquery comes out as a Join,
// we can immediately error out.
// Since findRoute can itself be called from within a subquery, it has to assume
// that some of the external references may actually be pointing to an outer
// query. The isLocal response from the symtab is used to make sure that we
// only analyze symbols that point to the current symtab.
// If an expression has no references to the current query, then the left-most
// route is chosen as the default.
func findRoute(expr sqlparser.Expr, bldr builder) (rb *route, err error) {
	highestRoute := bldr.Leftmost()
	var subroutes []*route
	err = sqlparser.Walk(func(node sqlparser.SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error) {
		switch node := node.(type) {
		case *sqlparser.ColName:
			newRoute, isLocal, err := bldr.Symtab().Find(node, true)
			if err != nil {
				return false, err
			if isLocal && newRoute.Order() > highestRoute.Order() {
				highestRoute = newRoute
		case *sqlparser.Subquery:
			sel, ok := node.Select.(*sqlparser.Select)
			if !ok {
				return false, errors.New("unsupported: union operator in subqueries")
			subplan, err := processSelect(sel, bldr.Symtab().VSchema, bldr)
			if err != nil {
				return false, err
			subroute, ok := subplan.(*route)
			if !ok {
				return false, errors.New("unsupported: complex join in subqueries")
			for _, extern := range subroute.Symtab().Externs {
				// No error expected. These are resolved externs.
				newRoute, isLocal, _ := bldr.Symtab().Find(extern, false)
				if isLocal && newRoute.Order() > highestRoute.Order() {
					highestRoute = newRoute
			subroutes = append(subroutes, subroute)
			return false, nil
		return true, nil
	}, expr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for _, subroute := range subroutes {
		err = subqueryCanMerge(highestRoute, subroute)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// This should be moved out if we become capable of processing
		// subqueries without push-down.
		subroute.Redirect = highestRoute
	return highestRoute, nil
Esempio n. 3
// getBindvars returns a map of the bind vars referenced in the statement.
func getBindvars(node sqlparser.SQLNode) map[string]struct{} {
	bindvars := make(map[string]struct{})
	_ = sqlparser.Walk(func(node sqlparser.SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error) {
		switch node := node.(type) {
		case sqlparser.ValArg:
			bindvars[string(node[1:])] = struct{}{}
		case sqlparser.ListArg:
			bindvars[string(node[2:])] = struct{}{}
		return true, nil
	}, node)
	return bindvars
Esempio n. 4
// pushGroupBy processes the group by clause. It resolves all symbols,
// and ensures that there are no subqueries. It also verifies that the
// references don't addres an outer query. We only support group by
// for unsharded or single shard routes.
func pushGroupBy(groupBy sqlparser.GroupBy, bldr builder) error {
	if groupBy == nil {
		return nil
	rb, ok := bldr.(*route)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("unsupported: complex join and group by")
	err := sqlparser.Walk(func(node sqlparser.SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error) {
		switch node := node.(type) {
		case *sqlparser.ColName:
			_, isLocal, err := bldr.Symtab().Find(node, true)
			if err != nil {
				return false, err
			if !isLocal {
				return false, errors.New("unsupported: subquery references outer query in group by")
		case *sqlparser.Subquery:
			// TODO(sougou): better error.
			return false, errors.New("unsupported: subqueries in group by expression")
		return true, nil
	}, groupBy)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if rb.IsSingle() {
		return nil
	// It's a scatter route. We can allow group by if it references a
	// column with a unique vindex.
	for _, expr := range groupBy {
		vindex := bldr.Symtab().Vindex(expr, rb, true)
		if vindex != nil && vindexes.IsUnique(vindex) {
			return nil
	return errors.New("unsupported: scatter and group by")
Esempio n. 5
// checkAggregates returns an error if the select statement
// has aggregates that cannot be pushed down due to a complex
// plan.
func checkAggregates(sel *sqlparser.Select, bldr builder) error {
	hasAggregates := false
	if sel.Distinct != "" {
		hasAggregates = true
	} else {
		_ = sqlparser.Walk(func(node sqlparser.SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error) {
			switch node := node.(type) {
			case *sqlparser.FuncExpr:
				if node.IsAggregate() {
					hasAggregates = true
					return false, errors.New("dummy")
			return true, nil
		}, sel.SelectExprs)
	if !hasAggregates {
		return nil

	// Check if we can allow aggregates.
	rb, ok := bldr.(*route)
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("unsupported: complex join with aggregates")
	if rb.IsSingle() {
		return nil
	// It's a scatter rb. We can allow aggregates if there is a unique
	// vindex in the select list.
	for _, selectExpr := range sel.SelectExprs {
		switch selectExpr := selectExpr.(type) {
		case *sqlparser.NonStarExpr:
			vindex := bldr.Symtab().Vindex(selectExpr.Expr, rb, true)
			if vindex != nil && vindexes.IsUnique(vindex) {
				return nil
	return errors.New("unsupported: scatter with aggregates")
Esempio n. 6
// Wireup performs the wire-up tasks.
func (rb *route) Wireup(bldr builder, jt *jointab) error {
	// Resolve values stored in the builder.
	var err error
	switch vals := rb.ERoute.Values.(type) {
	case *sqlparser.ComparisonExpr:
		// A comparison expression is stored only if it was an IN clause.
		// We have to convert it to use a list argutment and resolve values.
		rb.ERoute.Values, err = rb.procureValues(bldr, jt, vals.Right)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		vals.Right = sqlparser.ListArg("::" + engine.ListVarName)
		rb.ERoute.Values, err = rb.procureValues(bldr, jt, vals)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Fix up the AST.
	_ = sqlparser.Walk(func(node sqlparser.SQLNode) (bool, error) {
		switch node := node.(type) {
		case *sqlparser.Select:
			if len(node.SelectExprs) == 0 {
				node.SelectExprs = sqlparser.SelectExprs([]sqlparser.SelectExpr{
						Expr: sqlparser.NumVal([]byte{'1'}),
		case *sqlparser.ComparisonExpr:
			if node.Operator == sqlparser.EqualStr {
				if exprIsValue(node.Left, rb) && !exprIsValue(node.Right, rb) {
					node.Left, node.Right = node.Right, node.Left
		return true, nil
	}, &rb.Select)

	// Generate query while simultaneously resolving values.
	varFormatter := func(buf *sqlparser.TrackedBuffer, node sqlparser.SQLNode) {
		switch node := node.(type) {
		case *sqlparser.ColName:
			if !rb.isLocal(node) {
				joinVar := jt.Procure(bldr, node, rb.Order())
				rb.ERoute.JoinVars[joinVar] = struct{}{}
				buf.Myprintf("%a", ":"+joinVar)
		case *sqlparser.TableName:
	buf := sqlparser.NewTrackedBuffer(varFormatter)
	varFormatter(buf, &rb.Select)
	rb.ERoute.Query = buf.ParsedQuery().Query
	rb.ERoute.FieldQuery = rb.generateFieldQuery(&rb.Select, jt)
	return nil