Esempio n. 1
// afterAction needs to be run after an action may have changed the current
// state of the tablet.
func (agent *ActionAgent) afterAction(context string, reloadSchema bool) {
	log.Infof("Executing post-action change callbacks")

	// Save the old tablet so callbacks can have a better idea of
	// the precise nature of the transition.
	oldTablet := agent.Tablet().Tablet

	// Actions should have side effects on the tablet, so reload the data.
	if err := agent.readTablet(); err != nil {
		log.Warningf("Failed rereading tablet after %v - services may be inconsistent: %v", context, err)
	} else {
		if updatedTablet := actor.CheckTabletMysqlPort(agent.TopoServer, agent.Mysqld, agent.Tablet()); updatedTablet != nil {
			agent._tablet = updatedTablet

		agent.runChangeCallback(oldTablet, context)

	// Maybe invalidate the schema.
	// This adds a dependency between tabletmanager and tabletserver,
	// so it's not ideal. But I (alainjobart) think it's better
	// to have up to date schema in vtocc.
	if reloadSchema {
	log.Infof("Done with post-action change callbacks")
Esempio n. 2
// A non-nil return signals that event processing should stop.
func (agent *ActionAgent) dispatchAction(actionPath, data string) error {
	relog.Info("action dispatch %v", actionPath)
	actionNode, err := ActionNodeFromJson(data, actionPath)
	if err != nil {
		relog.Error("action decode failed: %v %v", actionPath, err)
		return nil

	logfile := flag.Lookup("logfile").Value.String()
	if !strings.HasPrefix(logfile, "/dev") {
		logfile = path.Join(path.Dir(logfile), "vtaction.log")
	cmd := []string{
		"-action", actionNode.Action,
		"-action-node", actionPath,
		"-action-guid", actionNode.ActionGuid,
		"-mycnf-file", agent.MycnfFile,
		"-logfile", logfile,
	cmd = append(cmd, agent.ts.GetSubprocessFlags()...)
	if agent.DbConfigsFile != "" {
		cmd = append(cmd, "-db-configs-file", agent.DbConfigsFile)
	if agent.DbCredentialsFile != "" {
		cmd = append(cmd, "-db-credentials-file", agent.DbCredentialsFile)
	relog.Info("action launch %v", cmd)
	vtActionCmd := exec.Command(cmd[0], cmd[1:]...)

	stdOut, vtActionErr := vtActionCmd.CombinedOutput()
	if vtActionErr != nil {
		relog.Error("agent action failed: %v %v\n%s", actionPath, vtActionErr, stdOut)
		// If the action failed, preserve single execution path semantics.
		return vtActionErr

	relog.Info("agent action completed %v %s", actionPath, stdOut)

	// Save the old tablet so callbacks can have a better idea of the precise
	// nature of the transition.
	oldTablet := agent.Tablet().Tablet

	// Actions should have side effects on the tablet, so reload the data.
	if err := agent.readTablet(); err != nil {
		relog.Warning("failed rereading tablet after action - services may be inconsistent: %v %v", actionPath, err)
	} else {
		agent.runChangeCallbacks(oldTablet, actionPath)

	// Maybe invalidate the schema.
	// This adds a dependency between tabletmanager and tabletserver,
	// so it's not ideal. But I (alainjobart) think it's better
	// to have up to date schema in vtocc.
	if actionNode.Action == TABLET_ACTION_APPLY_SCHEMA {

	return nil
Esempio n. 3
// ReloadSchema will reload the schema
// Should be called under RpcWrapLockAction.
func (agent *ActionAgent) ReloadSchema() {
	if agent.DBConfigs == nil {
		// we skip this for test instances that can't connect to the DB anyway

	// This adds a dependency between tabletmanager and tabletserver,
	// so it's not ideal. But I (alainjobart) think it's better
	// to have up to date schema in vttablet.
Esempio n. 4
// ReloadSchema will reload the schema
// Should be called under RpcWrapLockAction.
func (agent *ActionAgent) ReloadSchema() {
	// This adds a dependency between tabletmanager and tabletserver,
	// so it's not ideal. But I (alainjobart) think it's better
	// to have up to date schema in vttablet.