Esempio n. 1
func commandInitShardMaster(ctx context.Context, wr *wrangler.Wrangler, subFlags *flag.FlagSet, args []string) error {
	force := subFlags.Bool("force", false, "will force the reparent even if the provided tablet is not a master or the shard master")
	waitSlaveTimeout := subFlags.Duration("wait_slave_timeout", 30*time.Second, "time to wait for slaves to catch up in reparenting")
	if err := subFlags.Parse(args); err != nil {
		return err
	if subFlags.NArg() != 2 {
		return fmt.Errorf("action InitShardMaster requires <keyspace/shard> <tablet alias>")
	keyspace, shard, err := topoproto.ParseKeyspaceShard(subFlags.Arg(0))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	tabletAlias, err := topoproto.ParseTabletAlias(subFlags.Arg(1))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return wr.InitShardMaster(ctx, keyspace, shard, tabletAlias, *force, *waitSlaveTimeout)