Esempio n. 1
func (app *App) errorPage(ctx *Context, elapsed time.Duration, skip int, stackSkip int, req string, err interface{}) {
	t := newInternalTemplate(app)
	if terr := t.parse("panic.html", devserver.TemplateVars(&Context{})); terr != nil {
	if devserver.IsActive() {
	if terr := t.prepare(); terr != nil {
	stack := runtimeutil.FormatStackHTML(stackSkip + 1)
	location, code := runtimeutil.FormatCallerHTML(skip+1, 5, true, true)
	ctx.statusCode = -http.StatusInternalServerError
	data := map[string]interface{}{
		"Error":       fmt.Sprintf("%v", err),
		"Subtitle":    fmt.Sprintf("(after %s)", elapsed),
		"Location":    location,
		"Code":        code,
		"Stack":       stack,
		"Request":     req,
		"Name":        filepath.Base(os.Args[0]),
		"IsDevServer": devserver.IsDevServer(app),
	if err := t.Execute(ctx, data); err != nil {
		var msg string
		if file, line, ok := runtimeutil.PanicLocation(); ok {
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("error rendering error page: %v @ %s:%d)", err, file, line)
		} else {
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("error rendering error page: %v", err)
Esempio n. 2
// Prepare is automatically called for you. This function is
// only exposed because the package needs
// to call it to set the App up without making it listen on
// a port.
func (app *App) Prepare() error {
	// Make Prepare() idempotent. Otherwise the tester package
	// would need a lot of extra logic to deal with GAE vs
	// non-GAE environments.
	if app.prepared {
		return nil
	// Initialize the ORM first, so admin commands
	// run with the ORM ready to be used.
	if app.parent == nil {
		err := app.prepareOrm()
		if err != nil && err != errNoDefaultDatabase && err != errNoAppOrm {
			return err
	if s := app.cfg.Secret; s != "" && len(s) < 32 &&
		os.Getenv("GONDOLA_ALLOW_SHORT_SECRET") == "" && !devserver.IsDevServer(app) {
		return fmt.Errorf("secret %q is too short, must be at least 32 characters - use gondola random-string to generate one", s)
	for _, v := range app.included {
		child :=
		child.cfg = app.cfg
		child.CookieOptions = app.CookieOptions
		child.CookieCodec = app.CookieCodec
		child.Hasher = app.Hasher
		child.Cipherer = app.Cipherer
		child.languageHandler = app.languageHandler
		child.userFunc = app.userFunc
		child.Logger = app.Logger
	// Add template plugins from each included app to all the other apps
	for _, h := range app.templatePlugins {
		if h.Position == assets.None {
		for _, v := range app.included {
			child :=
			has := false
			for _, ch := range child.templatePlugins {
				if ch == h {
					has = true
			if !has {
				child.templatePlugins = append(child.templatePlugins, h)
	app.prepared = true
	return nil