Esempio n. 1
func removeNegativeAttributeMatches(n *html.Node) *html.Node {
	for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
		if c.Type != html.TextNode && containerregrex.MatchString(c.Data) {
			for _, attr := range c.Attr {
				key := strings.ToLower(attr.Key)
				if key == "id" || key == "class" {
					val := strings.ToLower(attr.Val)
					values := nonwordregex.Split(val, -1)
					penalty := 0
					for _, value := range values {
						if negativeregex.MatchString(value) {
							penalty = penalty + 4
					if penalty > 0 {
						if c.PrevSibling != nil {
							c.PrevSibling.NextSibling = c.NextSibling
						} else {
							n.FirstChild = c.NextSibling
					} else {
						d := removeNegativeAttributeMatches(c)
						if c.PrevSibling != nil {
							c.PrevSibling.NextSibling = d
						} else {
							n.FirstChild = c.NextSibling
	return n
Esempio n. 2
   div                     div
       div                     p
           p         TO        img
           img                 p

	Operates from the *middle* div.
	Saves all children in inverted slice.
	Removes each child and reattaches it one level higher.
	Finally the intermediary, now childless div is removed.

   \                  /
    \       /\       /
     \_____/  \_____/

     \              /

       \__________/     => Breaks are gone

       \p1___p2___/     => Wrapping preserves breaks

func topDownV1(n *html.Node, couple []string, parentType string) {

	if noParent(n) {
	p := n.Parent

	parDiv := p.Type == html.ElementNode && p.Data == couple[0] // Parent is a div
	iAmDiv := n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == couple[1] // I am a div

	noSiblings := n.PrevSibling == nil && n.NextSibling == nil

	only1Child := n.FirstChild != nil && n.FirstChild == n.LastChild
	svrlChildn := n.FirstChild != nil && n.FirstChild != n.LastChild
	noChildren := n.FirstChild == nil

	_, _ = noSiblings, noChildren

	if parDiv && iAmDiv {

		if only1Child || svrlChildn {

			var children []*html.Node
			for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
				children = append([]*html.Node{c}, children...) // order inversion

			insertionPoint := n.NextSibling
			for _, c1 := range children {


				if c1.Type == html.TextNode || c1.Data == "a" {
					// pf("wrapping %v\n", NodeTypeStr(c1.Type))
					wrap := html.Node{Type: html.ElementNode, Data: "p",
						Attr: []html.Attribute{html.Attribute{Key: "cfrm", Val: "div"}}}
					wrap.FirstChild = c1
					p.InsertBefore(&wrap, insertionPoint)
					c1.Parent = &wrap
					insertionPoint = &wrap

				} else {
					p.InsertBefore(c1, insertionPoint)
					insertionPoint = c1

			if p.Data != parentType {
				p.Data = parentType



Esempio n. 3
func removeNegativeMatches(n *html.Node) *html.Node {
	for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
		if !negativeregex.MatchString(c.Data) || positiveregex.MatchString(c.Data) {
			d := removeNegativeMatches(c)
			if c.PrevSibling != nil {
				c.PrevSibling.NextSibling = d
			} else {
				n.FirstChild = d
		} else {
			if c.PrevSibling != nil {
				c.PrevSibling.NextSibling = c.NextSibling
			} else {
				n.FirstChild = c.NextSibling
	return n
Esempio n. 4
func (m *minificationText) openTag(node *html.Node) {
	parent := node.Parent
	for it := node.FirstChild; it != nil; it = it.NextSibling {
		it.Parent = parent
	parent.FirstChild = node.FirstChild
	parent.LastChild = node.LastChild
	node.FirstChild = nil
	node.LastChild = nil
	node.Parent = nil