Esempio n. 1
// ParseType parses s into a Type.
func (p Process) ParseType(s string) Type {
	if s == "" {
		return Unknown

	// See if it's a special value.
	if s[0] == '[' {
		switch s {
		case "[heap]":
			return Heap
		case "[stack]":
			return Stack
		case "[vsdo]":
			return VSDO
		case "[vsyscall]":
			return VSyscall
		case "[vvar]":
			return VVar

		// Fish out stack with thread IDs like [stack:1234]
		if strings.HasPrefix(s, "[stack:") && s[len(s)-1] == ']' {
			return Stack

	// Probably is a path.
	// We can't use filepath.Ext here because if, for example, the path is:
	// /usr/share/lib/
	// filepath.Ext will return ".6" which is a false negative for a .so file.

	if strings.HasSuffix(s, ".so") ||
		strings.LastIndex(s, ".so.") > 0 {
		return Lib

	var stat unix.Stat_t
	if err := unix.Stat(s, &stat); err != nil {
		return Unknown

	ino := stat.Ino

	err := unix.Stat(p.exe, &stat)
	if err != nil {
		return Data

	if stat.Ino == ino {
		return Exe
	return Unknown
Esempio n. 2
func getStat(name string) (horcrux.Stat, error) {
	ustat := new(unix.Stat_t)
	err := unix.Stat(name, ustat)
	if err != nil {
		log.WithFields(log.Fields{"File": name, "Stat": ustat, "Error": err}).Error("Reducto: getStat -  unix.Stat failed")
		return horcrux.Stat{}, err

	mode := fileMode(ustat.Mode)
	stat := horcrux.Stat{Mode: mode, Uid: ustat.Uid, Gid: ustat.Gid, Size: ustat.Size}
	return stat, nil
Esempio n. 3
// LoadFileTime returns a FileTime associated with the file.
func LoadFileTime(path string) (FileTime, error) {
	var ft = FileTime{}
	var st = unix.Stat_t{}

	err := unix.Stat(path, &st)
	if err != nil {
		return ft, err

	ft.Changed = timeSpecToTime(st.Ctimespec)
	ft.Modified = timeSpecToTime(st.Mtimespec)
	ft.Accessed = timeSpecToTime(st.Atimespec)
	return ft, nil
	Describe("Execute", func() {
		var (
			nsInode uint64
			ns      *namespace.Netns
			nsName  string
			nsPath  string

		BeforeEach(func() {
			nsName = fmt.Sprintf("ns-test-ns-%d", GinkgoParallelNode())
			nsPath = fmt.Sprintf("/var/run/netns/%s", nsName)
			err := exec.Command("ip", "netns", "add", nsName).Run()

			var stat unix.Stat_t
			err = unix.Stat(nsPath, &stat)

			nsInode = stat.Ino

			nsFile, err := os.Open(nsPath)

			ns = &namespace.Netns{
				File:         nsFile,
				Logger:       logger,
				ThreadLocker: threadLocker,

		AfterEach(func() {
			It("returns the error from open", func() {
				_, err := ns.Open()

	Describe("Execute", func() {
		var nsInode uint64

		BeforeEach(func() {
			err := exec.Command("ip", "netns", "add", "ns-test-ns").Run()

			var stat unix.Stat_t
			err = unix.Stat("/var/run/netns/ns-test-ns", &stat)

			nsInode = stat.Ino

		AfterEach(func() {
			err := exec.Command("ip", "netns", "delete", "ns-test-ns").Run()

		It("runs the closure in the namespace", func() {
			ns := namespace.NewNamespace("/var/run/netns/ns-test-ns")

			var namespaceInode string
			closure := func(f *os.File) error {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			var err error
			repo, err = namespace.NewRepository(repoDir)

		It("creates a namespace in the repository", func() {
			ns, err := repo.Create("test-ns")

			nsPath := filepath.Join(repoDir, "test-ns")
			defer unix.Unmount(nsPath, unix.MNT_DETACH)

			var repoStat unix.Stat_t
			err = unix.Stat(nsPath, &repoStat)

			var namespaceInode string
			callback := func(_ *os.File) error {
				// Stat of "/proc/self/ns/net" seemed to be flakey
				output, err := exec.Command("stat", "-L", "-c", "%i", "/proc/self/ns/net").CombinedOutput()
				namespaceInode = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
				return err

			err = ns.Execute(callback)

			Expect(namespaceInode).To(Equal(fmt.Sprintf("%d", repoStat.Ino)))
func getInode(path string) uint64 {
	stat := &unix.Stat_t{}
	err := unix.Stat(path, stat)
	return stat.Ino