Esempio n. 1
// Tick constructs a ticker with interval, and calls the given ProcessFunc every
// time the ticker fires.
// This is sequentially rate limited, only one call will be in-flight at a time.
//  p := periodicproc.Tick(time.Second, func(proc goprocess.Process) {
//  	fmt.Println("fire!")
//  })
//  <-time.After(3 * time.Second)
//  p.Close()
//  // Output:
//  // fire!
//  // fire!
//  // fire!
func Tick(interval time.Duration, procfunc gp.ProcessFunc) gp.Process {
	return gp.Go(func(proc gp.Process) {
		ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
		callOnTicker(ticker.C, procfunc)(proc)
Esempio n. 2
// EveryGo calls the given ProcessFunc at periodic intervals. Internally, it uses
// <-time.After(interval)
// This is not rate limited, multiple calls could be in-flight at the same time.
func EveryGo(interval time.Duration, procfunc gp.ProcessFunc) gp.Process {
	return gp.Go(func(proc gp.Process) {
		for {
			select {
			case <-time.After(interval):
			case <-proc.Closing(): // we're told to close
Esempio n. 3
// OnSignalGo calls the given ProcessFunc every time the signal fires.
// This is not rate limited, multiple calls could be in-flight at the same time.
//  sig := make(chan struct{})
//  p := periodicproc.OnSignalGo(sig, func(proc goprocess.Process) {
//  	fmt.Println("fire!")
//  	<-time.After(time.Second) // wont block execution
//  })
//  sig<- struct{}
//  sig<- struct{}
//  sig<- struct{}
//  // Output:
//  // fire!
//  // fire!
//  // fire!
func OnSignalGo(sig <-chan struct{}, procfunc gp.ProcessFunc) gp.Process {
	return gp.Go(func(proc gp.Process) {
		for {
			select {
			case <-sig:
			case <-proc.Closing(): // we're told to close
Esempio n. 4
// Every calls the given ProcessFunc at periodic intervals. Internally, it uses
// <-time.After(interval), so it will have the behavior of waiting _at least_
// interval in between calls. If you'd prefer the time.Ticker behavior, use
// periodicproc.Tick instead.
// This is sequentially rate limited, only one call will be in-flight at a time.
func Every(interval time.Duration, procfunc gp.ProcessFunc) gp.Process {
	return gp.Go(func(proc gp.Process) {
		for {
			select {
			case <-time.After(interval):
				select {
				case <-proc.Go(procfunc).Closed(): // spin it out as a child, and wait till it's done.
				case <-proc.Closing(): // we're told to close
			case <-proc.Closing(): // we're told to close
Esempio n. 5
// OnSignal calls the given ProcessFunc every time the signal fires, and waits for it to exit.
// This is sequentially rate limited, only one call will be in-flight at a time.
//  sig := make(chan struct{})
//  p := periodicproc.OnSignal(sig, func(proc goprocess.Process) {
//  	fmt.Println("fire!")
//  	<-time.After(time.Second) // delays sequential execution by 1 second
//  })
//  sig<- struct{}
//  sig<- struct{}
//  sig<- struct{}
//  // Output:
//  // fire!
//  // fire!
//  // fire!
func OnSignal(sig <-chan struct{}, procfunc gp.ProcessFunc) gp.Process {
	return gp.Go(func(proc gp.Process) {
		for {
			select {
			case <-sig:
				select {
				case <-proc.Go(procfunc).Closed(): // spin it out as a child, and wait till it's done.
				case <-proc.Closing(): // we're told to close
			case <-proc.Closing(): // we're told to close
Esempio n. 6
// TickerGo calls the given ProcessFunc every time the ticker fires.
// This is not rate limited, multiple calls could be in-flight at the same time.
func TickerGo(ticker <-chan time.Time, procfunc gp.ProcessFunc) gp.Process {
	return gp.Go(goCallOnTicker(ticker, procfunc))
Esempio n. 7
func TestRepublish(t *testing.T) {
	// set cache life to zero for testing low-period repubs

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	// create network
	mn := mocknet.New(ctx)

	var nodes []*core.IpfsNode
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		nd, err := core.NewNode(ctx, &core.BuildCfg{
			Online: true,
			Host:   mock.MockHostOption(mn),
		if err != nil {

		nd.Namesys = namesys.NewNameSystem(nd.Routing, nd.Repo.Datastore(), 0)

		nodes = append(nodes, nd)


	bsinf := core.BootstrapConfigWithPeers(

	for _, n := range nodes[1:] {
		if err := n.Bootstrap(bsinf); err != nil {

	// have one node publish a record that is valid for 1 second
	publisher := nodes[3]
	p := path.FromString("/ipfs/QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn") // does not need to be valid
	rp := namesys.NewRoutingPublisher(publisher.Routing, publisher.Repo.Datastore())
	err := rp.PublishWithEOL(ctx, publisher.PrivateKey, p, time.Now().Add(time.Second))
	if err != nil {

	name := "/ipns/" + publisher.Identity.Pretty()
	if err := verifyResolution(nodes, name, p); err != nil {

	// Now wait a second, the records will be invalid and we should fail to resolve
	if err := verifyResolutionFails(nodes, name); err != nil {

	// The republishers that are contained within the nodes have their timeout set
	// to 12 hours. Instead of trying to tweak those, we're just going to pretend
	// they dont exist and make our own.
	repub := NewRepublisher(publisher.Routing, publisher.Repo.Datastore(), publisher.Peerstore)
	repub.Interval = time.Second
	repub.RecordLifetime = time.Second * 5

	proc := goprocess.Go(repub.Run)
	defer proc.Close()

	// now wait a couple seconds for it to fire
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)

	// we should be able to resolve them now
	if err := verifyResolution(nodes, name, p); err != nil {