Esempio n. 1
func ResetAnims(u *uistate.UIState) {
	for _, ch := range u.AnimChans {
		ch <- true
	u.SwitchingViews = false
	u.AnimChans = make([]chan bool, 0)
Esempio n. 2
func beginClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	u.CurCard = findClickedCard(t, u)
	if u.CurCard != nil {
		reposition.BringNodeToFront(u.CurCard.GetNode(), u)
	buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
	for _, b := range buttonList {
		if b == u.Buttons["toggleSplit"] && !u.SwitchingViews {
			ch := make(chan bool)
			u.SwitchingViews = true
			reposition.AnimateOutSplit(ch, u)
			quit := make(chan bool)
			u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
			go func() {
				onDone := func() {
					u.SwitchingViews = false
					if u.CurView == uistate.Split {
						view.LoadPlayView(false, u)
				reposition.SwitchOnChan(ch, quit, onDone, u)
		} else if b == u.Buttons["takeTrick"] {
			pressButton(b, u)
		} else {
			handleDebugButtonClick(b, u)
Esempio n. 3
func onStop(u *uistate.UIState) {
	u.Done = true
Esempio n. 4
// Creates a new gamelog syncgroup
func CreateLogSyncgroup(u *uistate.UIState) (string, string) {
	fmt.Println("Creating Log Syncgroup")
	u.IsOwner = true
	// Generate random gameID information to advertise this game
	gameID := rand.Intn(1000000)
	u.GameID = gameID
	gameMap := make(map[string]interface{})
	gameMap["type"] = "Hearts"
	gameMap["playerNumber"] = 0
	gameMap["gameID"] = gameID
	gameMap["ownerID"] = util.UserID
	value, err := json.Marshal(gameMap)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM:", err)
	// Create gamelog syncgroup
	logSGName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/croupier/%s/%%%%sync/gaming-%d", util.MountPoint, util.SBName, gameID)
	allAccess := access.AccessList{In: []security.BlessingPattern{"..."}}
	permissions := access.Permissions{
		"Admin":   allAccess,
		"Write":   allAccess,
		"Read":    allAccess,
		"Resolve": allAccess,
		"Debug":   allAccess,
	logPref := wire.TableRow{util.LogName, fmt.Sprintf("%d", u.GameID)}
	logPrefs := []wire.TableRow{logPref}
	tables := []string{util.MountPoint + "/croupier"}
	logSpec := wire.SyncgroupSpec{
		Description: "croupier syncgroup",
		Perms:       permissions,
		Prefixes:    logPrefs,
		MountTables: tables,
		IsPrivate:   false,
	myInfoCreator := wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{8, true}
	app := u.Service.App(util.AppName)
	db := app.Database(util.DbName, nil)
	logSG := db.Syncgroup(logSGName)
	err = logSG.Create(u.Ctx, logSpec, myInfoCreator)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP CREATE ERROR: ", err)
		fmt.Println("JOINING INSTEAD...")
		_, err2 := logSG.Join(u.Ctx, myInfoCreator)
		if err2 != nil {
			fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP JOIN ERROR: ", err2)
			return string(value), ""
		} else {
			return string(value), logSGName
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Syncgroup created")
		if logSGName != u.LogSG {
			ResetGame(logSGName, true, u)
		return string(value), logSGName
Esempio n. 5
func endClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	if u.CurCard != nil {
		if u.CurTable.GetTrick()[u.CurPlayerIndex] == nil {
			if dropCardHere(u.CurCard, u.DropTargets[0], t, u) {
				if u.CurTable.WhoseTurn() == u.CurPlayerIndex {
					ch := make(chan bool)
					if err := sync.PlayCard(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u); err != "" {
						view.ChangePlayMessage(err, u)
						if sync.RemoveCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u) {
							u.CardToPlay = nil
							u.BackgroundImgs[0].GetNode().Arranger = nil
							var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
							u.Eng.SetSubTex(u.BackgroundImgs[0].GetNode(), emptyTex)
						// add card back to hand
						reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
				} else {
					u.CardToPlay = u.CurCard
					reposition.AlternateImgs(u.BackgroundImgs[0], u)
			} else {
				// add card back to hand
				if sync.RemoveCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u) {
					u.CardToPlay = nil
					u.BackgroundImgs[0].GetNode().Arranger = nil
					var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
					u.Eng.SetSubTex(u.BackgroundImgs[0].GetNode(), emptyTex)
				reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
				reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
		} else {
			// add card back to hand
			reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
			reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
	pressed := getPressed(u)
	unpress := true
	for _, b := range pressed {
		if b == u.Buttons["takeTrick"] {
		} else if b == u.Buttons["toggleSplit"] {
			unpress = false
	if unpress {
Esempio n. 6
func ResetGame(logName string, creator bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
	defer u.M.Unlock()
	go sendTrueIfExists(u.GameChan)
	u.PlayerData = make(map[int]int)
	u.CurPlayerIndex = -1
	u.LogSG = logName
	writeLogAddr(logName, creator)
	tmp := strings.Split(logName, "-")
	gameID, _ := strconv.Atoi(tmp[len(tmp)-1])
	u.GameID = gameID
	u.GameChan = make(chan bool)
	go UpdateGame(u.GameChan, u)
Esempio n. 7
func RemoveAnimChan(ch chan bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
	for i, c := range u.AnimChans {
		if ch == c {
			u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans[:i], u.AnimChans[i+1:]...)
Esempio n. 8
func onStart(glctx gl.Context, u *uistate.UIState) {
	flag.Set("v23.credentials", "/sdcard/credentials")
	vlog.Log.Configure(vlog.OverridePriorConfiguration(true), vlog.LogToStderr(true))
	vlog.Log.Configure(vlog.OverridePriorConfiguration(true), vlog.Level(0))
	ctx, shutdown := v23.Init()
	u.Shutdown = shutdown
	u.Ctx = ctx
	u.Service = syncbase.NewService(util.MountPoint + "/croupier/" + util.SBName)
	namespace := v23.GetNamespace(u.Ctx)
	allAccess := access.AccessList{In: []security.BlessingPattern{"..."}}
	permissions := access.Permissions{
		"Admin":   allAccess,
		"Write":   allAccess,
		"Read":    allAccess,
		"Resolve": allAccess,
		"Debug":   allAccess,
	namespace.SetPermissions(u.Ctx, util.MountPoint, permissions, "")
	namespace.SetPermissions(u.Ctx, util.MountPoint+"/croupier", permissions, "")
	u.Service.SetPermissions(u.Ctx, permissions, "")
	u.Images = glutil.NewImages(glctx)
	fps = debug.NewFPS(u.Images)
	u.Eng = glsprite.Engine(u.Images)
	u.Texs = texture.LoadTextures(u.Eng)
	u.CurTable = table.InitializeGame(u.NumPlayers, u.Texs)
	// Create watch stream to update game state based on Syncbase updates
	go sync.UpdateSettings(u)
Esempio n. 9
func UpdateImgPositions(sz size.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	// must copy u.WindowSize instead of creating a pointer to it
	oldWindowSize := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X, u.WindowSize.Y)
	updateWindowSize(sz, u)
	if windowExists(oldWindowSize) && windowExists(u.WindowSize) {
		u.Padding = scaleVar(u.Padding, oldWindowSize, u.WindowSize)
		AdjustImgs(oldWindowSize, u)
Esempio n. 10
func endClickArrange(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	pressed := unpressButtons(u)
	for _, b := range pressed {
		if b == u.Buttons["exit"] {
			if u.SGChan != nil {
				u.SGChan <- true
				u.SGChan = nil
			u.IsOwner = false
			u.DiscGroups = make(map[string]*uistate.DiscStruct)
			u.ScanChan = make(chan bool)
			go sync.ScanForSG(u.Ctx, u.ScanChan, u)
		} else if b == u.Buttons["start"] {
			if u.CurTable.AllReadyForNewRound() {
				successStart := sync.LogGameStart(u)
				for !successStart {
					successStart = sync.LogGameStart(u)
				newHands := u.CurTable.Deal()
				successDeal := sync.LogDeal(u, u.CurPlayerIndex, newHands)
				for !successDeal {
					successDeal = sync.LogDeal(u, u.CurPlayerIndex, newHands)
		} else {
			for key, button := range u.Buttons {
				if b == button && (u.CurPlayerIndex < 0 || u.Debug) {
					if key == "joinTable" {
						u.CurPlayerIndex = 4
					} else {
						playerNum := strings.Split(key, "-")[1]
						u.CurPlayerIndex, _ = strconv.Atoi(playerNum)
Esempio n. 11
func handleDebugButtonClick(b *staticimg.StaticImg, u *uistate.UIState) {
	if b == u.Buttons["player0"] {
		u.CurPlayerIndex = 0
	} else if b == u.Buttons["player1"] {
		u.CurPlayerIndex = 1
	} else if b == u.Buttons["player2"] {
		u.CurPlayerIndex = 2
	} else if b == u.Buttons["player3"] {
		u.CurPlayerIndex = 3
	} else if b == u.Buttons["table"] {
	} else if b == u.Buttons["hand"] {
	} else if b == u.Buttons["restart"] {
		sync.ResetGame(u.LogSG, u.IsOwner, u)
Esempio n. 12
func endClickDiscovery(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	pressed := unpressButtons(u)
	for _, button := range pressed {
		if button == u.Buttons["newGame"] {
			gameStartData, logName := sync.CreateLogSyncgroup(u)
			settingsName := sync.CreateSettingsSyncgroup(u)
			if logName != "" && settingsName != "" {
				sync.LogSettingsName(settingsName, u)
				u.ScanChan <- true
				u.ScanChan = nil
				u.SGChan = make(chan bool)
				go sync.Advertise(logName, settingsName, gameStartData, u.SGChan, u.Ctx)
		} else {
			for _, b := range u.Buttons {
				if button == b {
					s := strings.Split(b.GetInfo(), "|")
					logAddr := s[0]
					creator, _ := strconv.ParseBool(s[1])
					fmt.Println("TRYING TO JOIN:", logAddr)
					success := sync.JoinLogSyncgroup(logAddr, creator, u)
					if success {
						sgName := sync.CreateSettingsSyncgroup(u)
						if sgName != "" {
							sync.LogSettingsName(sgName, u)
						u.ScanChan <- true
						u.ScanChan = nil
					} else {
						fmt.Println("Failed to join")
Esempio n. 13
func beginClickPass(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	u.CurCard = findClickedCard(t, u)
	if u.CurCard != nil {
		reposition.BringNodeToFront(u.CurCard.GetNode(), u)
	buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
	for _, b := range buttonList {
		if b == u.Buttons["pass"] {
			pressButton(b, u)
		} else {
			handleDebugButtonClick(b, u)
Esempio n. 14
func onPaint(glctx gl.Context, sz size.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	if u.CurView == uistate.None {
		u.ScanChan = make(chan bool)
		go sync.ScanForSG(u.Ctx, u.ScanChan, u)
	glctx.ClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
	now := clock.Time(time.Since(u.StartTime) * 60 / time.Second)
	u.Eng.Render(u.Scene, now, sz)
	if u.Debug {
Esempio n. 15
func onPlayerNum(key, value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
	userID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(key, "/")[2])
	playerNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(value)
	if playerNum >= 0 && playerNum < 4 {
		u.PlayerData[playerNum] = userID
	if playerNum == u.CurPlayerIndex && userID != util.UserID {
		u.CurPlayerIndex = -1
	if u.CurView == uistate.Arrange {
		if u.CurTable.AllReadyForNewRound() && u.IsOwner {
			b := u.Buttons["start"]
			u.Eng.SetSubTex(b.GetNode(), b.GetImage())
			if u.SGChan != nil {
				u.SGChan <- true
				u.SGChan = nil
Esempio n. 16
func beginClickPlay(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	u.CurCard = findClickedCard(t, u)
	if u.CurCard != nil {
		reposition.BringNodeToFront(u.CurCard.GetNode(), u)
	buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
	for _, b := range buttonList {
		if b == u.Buttons["toggleSplit"] && !u.SwitchingViews {
			view.LoadSplitView(false, u)
		} else if b == u.Buttons["takeTrick"] {
			pressButton(b, u)
		} else {
			handleDebugButtonClick(b, u)
Esempio n. 17
func handleGameUpdate(file *os.File, key string, value []byte, u *uistate.UIState) {
	curTime := time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000000
	valueStr := string(value)
	fmt.Fprintf(file, fmt.Sprintf("key: %s\n", key))
	fmt.Fprintf(file, fmt.Sprintf("value: %s\n", valueStr))
	fmt.Fprintf(file, fmt.Sprintf("time: %v\n", curTime))
	tmp := strings.Split(key, "/")
	if len(tmp) == 3 {
		keyTime, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strings.Split(tmp[2], "-")[0], 10, 64)
		if keyTime > u.LatestTimestamp {
			u.LatestTimestamp = keyTime
		fmt.Fprintf(file, fmt.Sprintf("diff: %d milliseconds\n\n", curTime-keyTime))
	} else {
		fmt.Fprintf(file, "\n")
	fmt.Println(key, valueStr)
	keyType := strings.Split(key, "/")[1]
	switch keyType {
	case "log":
		updateType := strings.Split(valueStr, "|")[0]
		switch updateType {
		case Deal:
			onDeal(valueStr, u)
		case Pass:
			onPass(valueStr, u)
		case Take:
			onTake(valueStr, u)
		case Play:
			onPlay(valueStr, u)
		case TakeTrick:
			onTakeTrick(valueStr, u)
		case Ready:
			onReady(valueStr, u)
	case "players":
		switch strings.Split(key, "/")[3] {
		case "player_number":
			onPlayerNum(key, valueStr, u)
		case "settings_sg":
			onSettings(key, valueStr, u)
Esempio n. 18
// Joins gamelog syncgroup
func JoinLogSyncgroup(logName string, creator bool, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
	fmt.Println("Joining gamelog syncgroup")
	u.IsOwner = creator
	app := u.Service.App(util.AppName)
	db := app.Database(util.DbName, nil)
	logSg := db.Syncgroup(logName)
	myInfoJoiner := wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{8, creator}
	_, err := logSg.Join(u.Ctx, myInfoJoiner)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP JOIN ERROR: ", err)
		return false
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Syncgroup joined")
		if u.LogSG != logName {
			ResetGame(logName, creator, u)
		return true
Esempio n. 19
func endClickTake(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	pressed := unpressButtons(u)
	for _, b := range pressed {
		if b == u.Buttons["take"] {
			cards := make([]*card.Card, 0)
			for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
				c := d.GetCardHere()
				if c != nil {
					cards = append(cards, c)
			for _, c := range cards {
				sync.RemoveCardFromTarget(c, u)
				// add card back to hand
				reposition.ResetCardPosition(c, u.Eng)
				reposition.RealignSuit(c.GetSuit(), c.GetInitial().Y, u)
			ch := make(chan bool)
			success := takeCards(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u)
			quit := make(chan bool)
			u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
			go func() {
				onDone := func() {
					if !success {
						fmt.Println("Invalid take")
					} else {
						if u.CurView == uistate.Take {
							view.LoadPlayView(false, u)
				reposition.SwitchOnChan(ch, quit, onDone, u)
Esempio n. 20
func onReady(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
	// logic
	playerInt, _ := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
	// UI
	if u.CurTable.AllReadyForNewRound() && u.IsOwner {
		if u.CurView == uistate.Arrange {
			b := u.Buttons["start"]
			u.Eng.SetSubTex(b.GetNode(), b.GetImage())
			if u.SGChan != nil {
				u.SGChan <- true
				u.SGChan = nil
		} else if u.CurView == uistate.Score {
			newHands := u.CurTable.Deal()
			successDeal := LogDeal(u, u.CurPlayerIndex, newHands)
			for !successDeal {
				successDeal = LogDeal(u, u.CurPlayerIndex, newHands)
Esempio n. 21
func onTake(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
	// logic
	playerInt, _ := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
	p := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerInt]
	passed := p.GetPassedTo()
	for _, c := range passed {
	if u.SequentialPhases {
		if u.CurTable.AllDoneTaking() {
			for _, player := range u.CurTable.GetPlayers() {
				if player.HasTwoOfClubs() {
			// UI
			if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
				view.LoadPlayView(true, u)
	} else if p.HasTwoOfClubs() {
		// UI
		if u.CurView == uistate.Play && u.CurPlayerIndex != playerInt {
			view.LoadPlayView(true, u)
	// UI
	if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
		quit := make(chan bool)
		u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
		reposition.AnimateTableCardTake(passed, u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerInt], quit, u)
Esempio n. 22
func onPass(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
	// logic
	playerInt, curCards := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
	var receivingPlayer int
	switch u.CurTable.GetDir() {
	case direction.Right:
		receivingPlayer = (playerInt + 3) % u.NumPlayers
	case direction.Left:
		receivingPlayer = (playerInt + 1) % u.NumPlayers
	case direction.Across:
		receivingPlayer = (playerInt + 2) % u.NumPlayers
	for _, c := range curCards {
	// UI
	if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
		quit := make(chan bool)
		u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
		reposition.AnimateTableCardPass(curCards, receivingPlayer, quit, u)
	} else if u.CurView == uistate.Take {
		if u.SequentialPhases {
			if u.CurTable.AllDonePassing() {
		} else if u.CurPlayerIndex == receivingPlayer {
	} else if u.CurView == uistate.Play && u.CurTable.AllDonePassing() {
		view.LoadPlayView(true, u)
Esempio n. 23
func OnTouch(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	if t.Type == touch.TypeBegin {
		u.ViewOnTouch = u.CurView
		beganTouchX = t.X
		beganTouchY = t.Y
	} else if u.CurView != u.ViewOnTouch {
	// tap 5 times to trigger debug mode
	if t.Type == touch.TypeEnd {
		if t.X == beganTouchX && t.Y == beganTouchY && time.Since(timeStartedTapping).Seconds() <= 5.0 {
			if numTaps == 5 {
				fmt.Println("TOGGLING DEBUG")
				u.Debug = !u.Debug
				numTaps = 0
		} else {
			numTaps = 0
			timeStartedTapping = time.Now()
	switch u.CurView {
	case uistate.Discovery:
		switch t.Type {
		case touch.TypeBegin:
			beginClickDiscovery(t, u)
		case touch.TypeMove:
			moveClickDiscovery(t, u)
		case touch.TypeEnd:
			endClickDiscovery(t, u)
	case uistate.Arrange:
		switch t.Type {
		case touch.TypeBegin:
			beginClickArrange(t, u)
		case touch.TypeMove:
			moveClickArrange(t, u)
		case touch.TypeEnd:
			endClickArrange(t, u)
	case uistate.Table:
		switch t.Type {
		case touch.TypeBegin:
			beginClickTable(t, u)
		case touch.TypeMove:
			moveClickTable(t, u)
		case touch.TypeEnd:
			endClickTable(t, u)
	case uistate.Pass:
		switch t.Type {
		case touch.TypeBegin:
			beginClickPass(t, u)
		case touch.TypeMove:
			moveClickPass(t, u)
		case touch.TypeEnd:
			endClickPass(t, u)
	case uistate.Take:
		switch t.Type {
		case touch.TypeBegin:
			beginClickTake(t, u)
		case touch.TypeMove:
			moveClickTake(t, u)
		case touch.TypeEnd:
			endClickTake(t, u)
	case uistate.Play:
		switch t.Type {
		case touch.TypeBegin:
			beginClickPlay(t, u)
		case touch.TypeMove:
			moveClickPlay(t, u)
		case touch.TypeEnd:
			endClickPlay(t, u)
	case uistate.Split:
		switch t.Type {
		case touch.TypeBegin:
			beginClickSplit(t, u)
		case touch.TypeMove:
			moveClickSplit(t, u)
		case touch.TypeEnd:
			endClickSplit(t, u)
	case uistate.Score:
		switch t.Type {
		case touch.TypeBegin:
			beginClickScore(t, u)
		case touch.TypeMove:
			moveClickScore(t, u)
		case touch.TypeEnd:
			endClickScore(t, u)
	u.LastMouseXY.X = t.X
	u.LastMouseXY.Y = t.Y
Esempio n. 24
func onTakeTrick(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
	trickCards := u.CurTable.GetTrick()
	recipient := u.CurTable.GetTrickRecipient()
	roundOver := u.CurTable.SendTrick(recipient)
	if roundOver {
		u.RoundScores, u.Winners = u.CurTable.EndRound()
	// UI
	if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
		sound.PlaySound(1, u)
		var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
		u.Eng.SetSubTex(u.Buttons["takeTrick"].GetNode(), emptyTex)
		var trickDir direction.Direction
		switch recipient {
		case 0:
			trickDir = direction.Down
		case 1:
			trickDir = direction.Left
		case 2:
			trickDir = direction.Across
		case 3:
			trickDir = direction.Right
		quit := make(chan bool)
		u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
		reposition.AnimateTableCardTakeTrick(trickCards, trickDir, quit, u)
	} else if u.CurView == uistate.Split {
		var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
		u.Eng.SetSubTex(u.Buttons["takeTrick"].GetNode(), emptyTex)
		if roundOver {
		} else {
			var trickDir direction.Direction
			switch recipient {
			case u.CurPlayerIndex:
				sound.PlaySound(0, u)
				trickDir = direction.Down
			case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 1) % u.NumPlayers:
				trickDir = direction.Left
			case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 2) % u.NumPlayers:
				trickDir = direction.Across
			case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 3) % u.NumPlayers:
				trickDir = direction.Right
			quit := make(chan bool)
			u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
			reposition.AnimateTableCardTakeTrick(trickCards, trickDir, quit, u)
			view.LoadSplitView(true, u)
	} else if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
		if roundOver {
		} else {
			if recipient == u.CurPlayerIndex {
				sound.PlaySound(0, u)
			view.LoadPlayView(true, u)
	// logic
	if len(u.Winners) > 0 {
Esempio n. 25
func onPlay(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
	// logic
	playerInt, curCards := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
	playedCard := curCards[0]
	u.CurTable.SetPlayedCard(playedCard, playerInt)
	trickOver := u.CurTable.TrickOver()
	var recipient int
	if trickOver {
		recipient = u.CurTable.GetTrickRecipient()
	// UI
	if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
		sound.PlaySound(0, u)
		quit := make(chan bool)
		u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
		reposition.AnimateTableCardPlay(playedCard, playerInt, quit, u)
		if trickOver {
			// display take trick button
			b := u.Buttons["takeTrick"]
			u.Eng.SetSubTex(b.GetNode(), b.GetImage())
	} else if u.CurView == uistate.Split {
		if playerInt != u.CurPlayerIndex {
			quit := make(chan bool)
			u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
			reposition.AnimateSplitCardPlay(playedCard, playerInt, quit, u)
		view.LoadSplitView(true, u)
		if trickOver {
			if recipient == u.CurPlayerIndex {
				// display take trick button
				b := u.Buttons["takeTrick"]
				u.Eng.SetSubTex(b.GetNode(), b.GetImage())
		} else if u.CardToPlay != nil && u.CurTable.WhoseTurn() == u.CurPlayerIndex {
			ch := make(chan bool)
			if err := PlayCard(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u); err != "" {
				view.ChangePlayMessage(err, u)
				RemoveCardFromTarget(u.CardToPlay, u)
				// add card back to hand
				reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CardToPlay, u.Eng)
			u.CardToPlay = nil
			u.BackgroundImgs[0].GetNode().Arranger = nil
			var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
			u.Eng.SetSubTex(u.BackgroundImgs[0].GetNode(), emptyTex)
	} else if u.CurView == uistate.Play && u.CurPlayerIndex != playerInt {
		view.LoadPlayView(true, u)
		if u.CardToPlay != nil && u.CurTable.WhoseTurn() == u.CurPlayerIndex {
			ch := make(chan bool)
			if err := PlayCard(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u); err != "" {
				view.ChangePlayMessage(err, u)
				RemoveCardFromTarget(u.CardToPlay, u)
				// add card back to hand
				reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CardToPlay, u.Eng)
				reposition.RealignSuit(u.CardToPlay.GetSuit(), u.CardToPlay.GetInitial().Y, u)
			u.CardToPlay = nil
			quit := make(chan bool)
			u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
			go func() {
				onDone := func() {
					if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
						view.LoadPlayView(true, u)
				reposition.SwitchOnChan(ch, quit, onDone, u)
Esempio n. 26
func endClickPlay(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	if u.CurCard != nil {
		if u.CurTable.GetTrick()[u.CurPlayerIndex] == nil {
			if dropCardOnTarget(u.CurCard, t, u) {
				if u.CurTable.WhoseTurn() == u.CurPlayerIndex {
					ch := make(chan bool)
					if err := sync.PlayCard(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u); err != "" {
						view.ChangePlayMessage(err, u)
						sync.RemoveCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
						u.CardToPlay = nil
						// add card back to hand
						reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
						reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
					quit := make(chan bool)
					u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
					go func() {
						onDone := func() {
							if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
								view.LoadPlayView(true, u)
						reposition.SwitchOnChan(ch, quit, onDone, u)
				} else {
					u.CardToPlay = u.CurCard
			} else {
				// add card back to hand
				if sync.RemoveCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u) {
					u.CardToPlay = nil
				reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
				reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
		} else {
			// add card back to hand
			reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
			reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
	pressed := unpressButtons(u)
	for _, b := range pressed {
		if b == u.Buttons["takeTrick"] {
			var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
			u.Eng.SetSubTex(b.GetNode(), emptyTex)
			u.Buttons["takeTrick"] = nil
			for _, takenCard := range u.TableCards {
				sync.RemoveCardFromTarget(takenCard, u)
				reposition.BringNodeToFront(takenCard.GetNode(), u)
			ch := make(chan bool)
			reposition.AnimateHandCardTakeTrick(ch, u.TableCards, u)
			quit := make(chan bool)
			u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
			go func() {
				onDone := func() {
				reposition.SwitchOnChan(ch, quit, onDone, u)
Esempio n. 27
func endClickPass(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	if u.CurCard != nil {
		if !dropCardOnTarget(u.CurCard, t, u) {
			// check to see if card was removed from a drop target
			sync.RemoveCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
			// add card back to hand
			reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
			reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
		// check to see whether pull tab should be displayed
		readyToPass := true
		for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
			if d.GetCardHere() == nil {
				readyToPass = false
		passButton := u.Buttons["pass"]
		if readyToPass {
			if passButton.GetDisplayingImage() {
				u.Eng.SetSubTex(passButton.GetNode(), passButton.GetImage())
			for _, img := range u.Other {
				if img.GetDisplayingImage() {
					u.Eng.SetSubTex(img.GetNode(), img.GetAlt())
		} else {
			var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
			u.Eng.SetSubTex(passButton.GetNode(), emptyTex)
			for _, img := range u.Other {
				if !img.GetDisplayingImage() {
					u.Eng.SetSubTex(img.GetNode(), img.GetImage())
	pressed := unpressButtons(u)
	for _, p := range pressed {
		if p == u.Buttons["pass"] {
			ch := make(chan bool)
			success := passCards(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u)
			quit := make(chan bool)
			u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
			go func() {
				onDone := func() {
					if !success {
						fmt.Println("Invalid pass")
					} else if u.CurView == uistate.Pass {
				reposition.SwitchOnChan(ch, quit, onDone, u)
	u.CurCard = nil
Esempio n. 28
func updateWindowSize(sz size.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
	u.WindowSize.SetVec(float32(sz.WidthPt), float32(sz.HeightPt))
	u.PixelsPerPt = float32(sz.WidthPx) / u.WindowSize.X