Esempio n. 1
// Given a card object, populates it with its positioning values and sets its position on-screen for the player hand view
func SetCardPositionHand(c *card.Card, indexInSuit int, suitCounts []int, u *uistate.UIState) {
	suitCount := float32(suitCounts[c.GetSuit()])
	heightScaler := float32(4 - c.GetSuit())
	diff := suitCount*(u.Padding+u.CardDim.X) - (u.WindowSize.X - u.Padding)
	x := u.Padding + float32(indexInSuit)*(u.Padding+u.CardDim.X)
	if diff > 0 && indexInSuit > 0 {
		x -= diff * float32(indexInSuit) / (suitCount - 1)
	y := u.WindowSize.Y - heightScaler*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) - u.BottomPadding
	pos := coords.MakeVec(x, y)
	c.Move(pos, u.CardDim, u.Eng)
Esempio n. 2
// Given a card object, populates it with its positioning values and sets its position on-screen for the table view
// cardIndex has an X of the total number of cards in hand, and a Y of the position within the hand of the current card
// padding has an X of the padding along the top edge, and a Y of the padding along each other edge
func SetCardPositionTable(c *card.Card, playerIndex int, cardIndex *coords.Vec, u *uistate.UIState) {
	pos := CardPositionTable(playerIndex, cardIndex, u)
	c.Move(pos, u.TableCardDim, u.Eng)