Esempio n. 1
// podListMetrics returns a list of metric timeseries for each for the listed nodes
func (a *HistoricalApi) podListMetrics(request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
	start, end, err := getStartEndTimeHistorical(request)
	if err != nil {
		response.WriteError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

	keys := []core.HistoricalKey{}
	if request.PathParameter("pod-id-list") != "" {
		for _, podId := range strings.Split(request.PathParameter("pod-id-list"), ",") {
			key := core.HistoricalKey{
				ObjectType: core.MetricSetTypePod,
				PodId:      podId,
			keys = append(keys, key)
	} else {
		for _, podName := range strings.Split(request.PathParameter("pod-list"), ",") {
			key := core.HistoricalKey{
				ObjectType:    core.MetricSetTypePod,
				NamespaceName: request.PathParameter("namespace-name"),
				PodName:       podName,
			keys = append(keys, key)

	labels, err := getLabels(request)
	if err != nil {
		response.WriteError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

	metricName := request.PathParameter("metric-name")
	convertedMetricName := convertMetricName(metricName)

	var metrics map[core.HistoricalKey][]core.TimestampedMetricValue
	if labels != nil {
		metrics, err = a.historicalSource.GetLabeledMetric(convertedMetricName, labels, keys, start, end)
	} else {
		metrics, err = a.historicalSource.GetMetric(convertedMetricName, keys, start, end)

	if err != nil {
		response.WriteError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

	result := types.MetricResultList{
		Items: make([]types.MetricResult, 0, len(keys)),
	for _, key := range keys {
		result.Items = append(result.Items, exportTimestampedMetricValue(metrics[key]))
func (tc *testCase) prepareTestClient(t *testing.T) *fake.Clientset {
	namespace := "test-namespace"
	tc.namespace = namespace
	podNamePrefix := "test-pod"
	podLabels := map[string]string{"name": podNamePrefix}
	tc.selector = labels.SelectorFromSet(podLabels)

	fakeClient := &fake.Clientset{}

	fakeClient.AddReactor("list", "pods", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		if tc.podListOverride != nil {
			return true, tc.podListOverride, nil
		obj := &api.PodList{}
		for i := 0; i < tc.replicas; i++ {
			podName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i)
			pod := buildPod(namespace, podName, podLabels, api.PodRunning)
			obj.Items = append(obj.Items, pod)
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddProxyReactor("services", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret restclient.ResponseWrapper, err error) {
		metrics := heapster.MetricResultList{}
		var latestTimestamp time.Time
		for _, reportedMetricPoints := range tc.reportedMetricsPoints {
			var heapsterMetricPoints []heapster.MetricPoint
			for _, reportedMetricPoint := range reportedMetricPoints {
				timestamp := fixedTimestamp.Add(time.Duration(reportedMetricPoint.timestamp) * time.Minute)
				if latestTimestamp.Before(timestamp) {
					latestTimestamp = timestamp
				heapsterMetricPoint := heapster.MetricPoint{Timestamp: timestamp, Value: reportedMetricPoint.level, FloatValue: nil}
				heapsterMetricPoints = append(heapsterMetricPoints, heapsterMetricPoint)
			metric := heapster.MetricResult{
				Metrics:         heapsterMetricPoints,
				LatestTimestamp: latestTimestamp,
			metrics.Items = append(metrics.Items, metric)
		heapsterRawMemResponse, _ := json.Marshal(&metrics)
		return true, newFakeResponseWrapper(heapsterRawMemResponse), nil

	return fakeClient
Esempio n. 3
func (a *Api) podListMetrics(request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
	start, end, err := getStartEndTime(request)
	if err != nil {
		response.WriteError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
	ns := request.PathParameter("namespace-name")
	keys := []string{}
	metricName := request.PathParameter("metric-name")
	convertedMetricName := convertMetricName(metricName)
	for _, podName := range strings.Split(request.PathParameter("pod-list"), ",") {
		keys = append(keys, core.PodKey(ns, podName))
	metrics := a.metricSink.GetMetric(convertedMetricName, keys, start, end)
	result := types.MetricResultList{
		Items: make([]types.MetricResult, 0, len(keys)),
	for _, key := range keys {
		result.Items = append(result.Items, exportTimestampedMetricValue(metrics[key]))
Esempio n. 4
func (tc *testCase) prepareTestClient(t *testing.T) *fake.Clientset {
	namespace := "test-namespace"
	hpaName := "test-hpa"
	podNamePrefix := "test-pod"
	selector := &metav1.LabelSelector{
		MatchLabels: map[string]string{"name": podNamePrefix},


	tc.scaleUpdated = false
	tc.statusUpdated = false
	tc.eventCreated = false
	tc.processed = make(chan string, 100)
	if tc.CPUCurrent == 0 {

	// TODO(madhusudancs): HPA only supports resources in extensions/v1beta1 right now. Add
	// tests for "v1" replicationcontrollers when HPA adds support for cross-group scale.
	if tc.resource == nil {
		tc.resource = &fakeResource{
			name:       "test-rc",
			apiVersion: "extensions/v1beta1",
			kind:       "replicationcontrollers",

	fakeClient := &fake.Clientset{}
	fakeClient.AddReactor("list", "horizontalpodautoscalers", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList{
			Items: []autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{
					ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
						Name:      hpaName,
						Namespace: namespace,
						SelfLink:  "experimental/v1/namespaces/" + namespace + "/horizontalpodautoscalers/" + hpaName,
					Spec: autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec{
						ScaleTargetRef: autoscaling.CrossVersionObjectReference{
							Kind:       tc.resource.kind,
							APIVersion: tc.resource.apiVersion,
						MinReplicas: &tc.minReplicas,
						MaxReplicas: tc.maxReplicas,
					Status: autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus{
						CurrentReplicas: tc.initialReplicas,
						DesiredReplicas: tc.initialReplicas,

		if tc.CPUTarget > 0.0 {
			obj.Items[0].Spec.TargetCPUUtilizationPercentage = &tc.CPUTarget
		if tc.cmTarget != nil {
			b, err := json.Marshal(tc.cmTarget)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Failed to marshal cm: %v", err)
			obj.Items[0].Annotations = make(map[string]string)
			obj.Items[0].Annotations[HpaCustomMetricsTargetAnnotationName] = string(b)
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("get", "replicationcontrollers", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &extensions.Scale{
			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
				Namespace: namespace,
			Spec: extensions.ScaleSpec{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
			Status: extensions.ScaleStatus{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
				Selector: selector.MatchLabels,
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("get", "deployments", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &extensions.Scale{
			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
				Namespace: namespace,
			Spec: extensions.ScaleSpec{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
			Status: extensions.ScaleStatus{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
				Selector: selector.MatchLabels,
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("get", "replicasets", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &extensions.Scale{
			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
				Namespace: namespace,
			Spec: extensions.ScaleSpec{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
			Status: extensions.ScaleStatus{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
				Selector: selector.MatchLabels,
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("list", "pods", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &v1.PodList{}
		for i := 0; i < len(tc.reportedCPURequests); i++ {
			podReadiness := v1.ConditionTrue
			if tc.reportedPodReadiness != nil {
				podReadiness = tc.reportedPodReadiness[i]
			podName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i)
			pod := v1.Pod{
				Status: v1.PodStatus{
					Phase: v1.PodRunning,
					Conditions: []v1.PodCondition{
							Type:   v1.PodReady,
							Status: podReadiness,
				ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
					Name:      podName,
					Namespace: namespace,
					Labels: map[string]string{
						"name": podNamePrefix,
				Spec: v1.PodSpec{
					Containers: []v1.Container{
							Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{
								Requests: v1.ResourceList{
									v1.ResourceCPU: tc.reportedCPURequests[i],
			obj.Items = append(obj.Items, pod)
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddProxyReactor("services", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret restclient.ResponseWrapper, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		var heapsterRawMemResponse []byte

		if tc.useMetricsApi {
			metrics := metricsapi.PodMetricsList{}
			for i, cpu := range tc.reportedLevels {
				podMetric := metricsapi.PodMetrics{
					ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
						Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i),
						Namespace: namespace,
					Timestamp: unversioned.Time{Time: time.Now()},
					Containers: []metricsapi.ContainerMetrics{
							Name: "container",
							Usage: v1.ResourceList{
								v1.ResourceCPU: *resource.NewMilliQuantity(
								v1.ResourceMemory: *resource.NewQuantity(
				metrics.Items = append(metrics.Items, podMetric)
			heapsterRawMemResponse, _ = json.Marshal(&metrics)
		} else {
			// only return the pods that we actually asked for
			proxyAction := action.(core.ProxyGetAction)
			pathParts := strings.Split(proxyAction.GetPath(), "/")
			// pathParts should look like [ api, v1, model, namespaces, $NS, pod-list, $PODS, metrics, $METRIC... ]
			if len(pathParts) < 9 {
				return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid heapster path %q", proxyAction.GetPath())

			podNames := strings.Split(pathParts[7], ",")
			podPresent := make([]bool, len(tc.reportedLevels))
			for _, name := range podNames {
				if len(name) <= len(podNamePrefix)+1 {
					return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown pod %q", name)
				num, err := strconv.Atoi(name[len(podNamePrefix)+1:])
				if err != nil {
					return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown pod %q", name)
				podPresent[num] = true

			timestamp := time.Now()
			metrics := heapster.MetricResultList{}
			for i, level := range tc.reportedLevels {
				if !podPresent[i] {

				metric := heapster.MetricResult{
					Metrics:         []heapster.MetricPoint{{Timestamp: timestamp, Value: level, FloatValue: nil}},
					LatestTimestamp: timestamp,
				metrics.Items = append(metrics.Items, metric)
			heapsterRawMemResponse, _ = json.Marshal(&metrics)

		return true, newFakeResponseWrapper(heapsterRawMemResponse), nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("update", "replicationcontrollers", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale)
		replicas := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale).Spec.Replicas
		assert.Equal(t, tc.desiredReplicas, replicas, "the replica count of the RC should be as expected")
		tc.scaleUpdated = true
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("update", "deployments", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale)
		replicas := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale).Spec.Replicas
		assert.Equal(t, tc.desiredReplicas, replicas, "the replica count of the deployment should be as expected")
		tc.scaleUpdated = true
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("update", "replicasets", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale)
		replicas := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale).Spec.Replicas
		assert.Equal(t, tc.desiredReplicas, replicas, "the replica count of the replicaset should be as expected")
		tc.scaleUpdated = true
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("update", "horizontalpodautoscalers", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler)
		assert.Equal(t, namespace, obj.Namespace, "the HPA namespace should be as expected")
		assert.Equal(t, hpaName, obj.Name, "the HPA name should be as expected")
		assert.Equal(t, tc.desiredReplicas, obj.Status.DesiredReplicas, "the desired replica count reported in the object status should be as expected")
		if tc.verifyCPUCurrent {
			assert.NotNil(t, obj.Status.CurrentCPUUtilizationPercentage, "the reported CPU utilization percentage should be non-nil")
			assert.Equal(t, tc.CPUCurrent, *obj.Status.CurrentCPUUtilizationPercentage, "the report CPU utilization percentage should be as expected")
		tc.statusUpdated = true
		// Every time we reconcile HPA object we are updating status.
		tc.processed <- obj.Name
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("*", "events", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.CreateAction).GetObject().(*v1.Event)
		if tc.verifyEvents {
			switch obj.Reason {
			case "SuccessfulRescale":
				assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("New size: %d; reason: CPU utilization above target", tc.desiredReplicas), obj.Message)
			case "DesiredReplicasComputed":
				assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(
					"Computed the desired num of replicas: %d (avgCPUutil: %d, current replicas: %d)",
					(int64(tc.reportedLevels[0])*100)/tc.reportedCPURequests[0].MilliValue(), tc.initialReplicas), obj.Message)
				assert.False(t, true, fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected event: %s / %s", obj.Reason, obj.Message))
		tc.eventCreated = true
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeWatch := watch.NewFake()
	fakeClient.AddWatchReactor("*", core.DefaultWatchReactor(fakeWatch, nil))

	return fakeClient
Esempio n. 5
func (tc *testCase) prepareTestClient(t *testing.T) *fake.Clientset {
	namespace := "test-namespace"
	hpaName := "test-hpa"
	podNamePrefix := "test-pod"
	selector := &unversioned.LabelSelector{
		MatchLabels: map[string]string{"name": podNamePrefix},


	tc.scaleUpdated = false
	tc.statusUpdated = false
	tc.eventCreated = false
	tc.processed = make(chan string, 100)

	// TODO(madhusudancs): HPA only supports resources in extensions/v1beta1 right now. Add
	// tests for "v1" replicationcontrollers when HPA adds support for cross-group scale.
	if tc.resource == nil {
		tc.resource = &fakeResource{
			name:       "test-rc",
			apiVersion: "extensions/v1beta1",
			kind:       "replicationcontrollers",

	fakeClient := &fake.Clientset{}
	fakeClient.AddReactor("list", "horizontalpodautoscalers", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList{
			Items: []autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
						Name:      hpaName,
						Namespace: namespace,
						SelfLink:  "experimental/v1/namespaces/" + namespace + "/horizontalpodautoscalers/" + hpaName,
					Spec: autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec{
						ScaleTargetRef: autoscaling.CrossVersionObjectReference{
							Kind:       tc.resource.kind,
							APIVersion: tc.resource.apiVersion,
						MinReplicas: &tc.minReplicas,
						MaxReplicas: tc.maxReplicas,
					Status: autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerStatus{
						CurrentReplicas: tc.initialReplicas,
						DesiredReplicas: tc.initialReplicas,

		if tc.CPUTarget > 0.0 {
			obj.Items[0].Spec.TargetCPUUtilizationPercentage = &tc.CPUTarget
		if tc.cmTarget != nil {
			b, err := json.Marshal(tc.cmTarget)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Failed to marshal cm: %v", err)
			obj.Items[0].Annotations = make(map[string]string)
			obj.Items[0].Annotations[HpaCustomMetricsTargetAnnotationName] = string(b)
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("get", "replicationcontrollers", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &extensions.Scale{
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
				Namespace: namespace,
			Spec: extensions.ScaleSpec{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
			Status: extensions.ScaleStatus{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
				Selector: selector,
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("get", "deployments", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &extensions.Scale{
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
				Namespace: namespace,
			Spec: extensions.ScaleSpec{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
			Status: extensions.ScaleStatus{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
				Selector: selector,
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("get", "replicasets", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &extensions.Scale{
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
				Namespace: namespace,
			Spec: extensions.ScaleSpec{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
			Status: extensions.ScaleStatus{
				Replicas: tc.initialReplicas,
				Selector: selector,
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("list", "pods", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := &api.PodList{}
		for i := 0; i < len(tc.reportedCPURequests); i++ {
			podName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i)
			pod := api.Pod{
				Status: api.PodStatus{
					Phase: api.PodRunning,
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
					Name:      podName,
					Namespace: namespace,
					Labels: map[string]string{
						"name": podNamePrefix,
				Spec: api.PodSpec{
					Containers: []api.Container{
							Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{
								Requests: api.ResourceList{
									api.ResourceCPU: tc.reportedCPURequests[i],
			obj.Items = append(obj.Items, pod)
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddProxyReactor("services", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret restclient.ResponseWrapper, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		var heapsterRawMemResponse []byte

		if tc.useMetricsApi {
			metrics := []*metrics_api.PodMetrics{}
			for i, cpu := range tc.reportedLevels {
				podMetric := &metrics_api.PodMetrics{
					ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
						Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i),
						Namespace: namespace,
					Timestamp: unversioned.Time{Time: time.Now()},
					Containers: []metrics_api.ContainerMetrics{
							Name: "container",
							Usage: v1.ResourceList{
								v1.ResourceCPU: *resource.NewMilliQuantity(
								v1.ResourceMemory: *resource.NewQuantity(
				metrics = append(metrics, podMetric)
			heapsterRawMemResponse, _ = json.Marshal(&metrics)
		} else {
			timestamp := time.Now()
			metrics := heapster.MetricResultList{}
			for _, level := range tc.reportedLevels {
				metric := heapster.MetricResult{
					Metrics:         []heapster.MetricPoint{{timestamp, level, nil}},
					LatestTimestamp: timestamp,
				metrics.Items = append(metrics.Items, metric)
			heapsterRawMemResponse, _ = json.Marshal(&metrics)

		return true, newFakeResponseWrapper(heapsterRawMemResponse), nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("update", "replicationcontrollers", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale)
		replicas := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale).Spec.Replicas
		assert.Equal(t, tc.desiredReplicas, replicas)
		tc.scaleUpdated = true
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("update", "deployments", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale)
		replicas := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale).Spec.Replicas
		assert.Equal(t, tc.desiredReplicas, replicas)
		tc.scaleUpdated = true
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("update", "replicasets", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale)
		replicas := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*extensions.Scale).Spec.Replicas
		assert.Equal(t, tc.desiredReplicas, replicas)
		tc.scaleUpdated = true
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("update", "horizontalpodautoscalers", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler)
		assert.Equal(t, namespace, obj.Namespace)
		assert.Equal(t, hpaName, obj.Name)
		assert.Equal(t, tc.desiredReplicas, obj.Status.DesiredReplicas)
		if tc.verifyCPUCurrent {
			assert.NotNil(t, obj.Status.CurrentCPUUtilizationPercentage)
			assert.Equal(t, tc.CPUCurrent, *obj.Status.CurrentCPUUtilizationPercentage)
		tc.statusUpdated = true
		// Every time we reconcile HPA object we are updating status.
		tc.processed <- obj.Name
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddReactor("*", "events", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		defer tc.Unlock()

		obj := action.(core.CreateAction).GetObject().(*api.Event)
		if tc.verifyEvents {
			assert.Equal(t, "SuccessfulRescale", obj.Reason)
			assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("New size: %d; reason: CPU utilization above target", tc.desiredReplicas), obj.Message)
		tc.eventCreated = true
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeWatch := watch.NewFake()
	fakeClient.AddWatchReactor("*", core.DefaultWatchReactor(fakeWatch, nil))

	return fakeClient
func (tc *testCase) prepareTestClient(t *testing.T) *fake.Clientset {
	namespace := "test-namespace"
	tc.namespace = namespace
	podNamePrefix := "test-pod"
	podLabels := map[string]string{"name": podNamePrefix}
	tc.selector = labels.SelectorFromSet(podLabels)

	fakeClient := &fake.Clientset{}

	fakeClient.AddReactor("list", "pods", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		if tc.podListOverride != nil {
			return true, tc.podListOverride, nil
		obj := &api.PodList{}
		for i := 0; i < tc.replicas; i++ {
			podName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i)
			pod := buildPod(namespace, podName, podLabels, api.PodRunning, "1024")
			obj.Items = append(obj.Items, pod)
		return true, obj, nil

	if tc.useMetricsApi {
		fakeClient.AddProxyReactor("services", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret restclient.ResponseWrapper, err error) {
			metrics := metrics_api.PodMetricsList{}
			for i, containers := range tc.reportedPodMetrics {
				metric := metrics_api.PodMetrics{
					ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
						Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i),
						Namespace: namespace,
					Timestamp:  unversioned.Time{Time: fixedTimestamp.Add(time.Duration(tc.targetTimestamp) * time.Minute)},
					Containers: []metrics_api.ContainerMetrics{},
				for j, cpu := range containers {
					cm := metrics_api.ContainerMetrics{
						Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-container-%d", podNamePrefix, i, j),
						Usage: v1.ResourceList{
							v1.ResourceCPU: *resource.NewMilliQuantity(
							v1.ResourceMemory: *resource.NewQuantity(
					metric.Containers = append(metric.Containers, cm)
				metrics.Items = append(metrics.Items, metric)
			heapsterRawMemResponse, _ := json.Marshal(&metrics)
			return true, newFakeResponseWrapper(heapsterRawMemResponse), nil
	} else {
		fakeClient.AddProxyReactor("services", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret restclient.ResponseWrapper, err error) {
			metrics := heapster.MetricResultList{}
			var latestTimestamp time.Time
			for _, reportedMetricPoints := range tc.reportedMetricsPoints {
				var heapsterMetricPoints []heapster.MetricPoint
				for _, reportedMetricPoint := range reportedMetricPoints {
					timestamp := fixedTimestamp.Add(time.Duration(reportedMetricPoint.timestamp) * time.Minute)
					if latestTimestamp.Before(timestamp) {
						latestTimestamp = timestamp
					heapsterMetricPoint := heapster.MetricPoint{Timestamp: timestamp, Value: reportedMetricPoint.level, FloatValue: nil}
					heapsterMetricPoints = append(heapsterMetricPoints, heapsterMetricPoint)
				metric := heapster.MetricResult{
					Metrics:         heapsterMetricPoints,
					LatestTimestamp: latestTimestamp,
				metrics.Items = append(metrics.Items, metric)
			heapsterRawMemResponse, _ := json.Marshal(&metrics)
			return true, newFakeResponseWrapper(heapsterRawMemResponse), nil

	return fakeClient
func (tc *replicaCalcTestCase) prepareTestClient(t *testing.T) *fake.Clientset {

	fakeClient := &fake.Clientset{}
	fakeClient.AddReactor("list", "pods", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		obj := &v1.PodList{}
		for i := 0; i < int(tc.currentReplicas); i++ {
			podReadiness := v1.ConditionTrue
			if tc.podReadiness != nil {
				podReadiness = tc.podReadiness[i]
			podName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i)
			pod := v1.Pod{
				Status: v1.PodStatus{
					Phase: v1.PodRunning,
					Conditions: []v1.PodCondition{
							Type:   v1.PodReady,
							Status: podReadiness,
				ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
					Name:      podName,
					Namespace: testNamespace,
					Labels: map[string]string{
						"name": podNamePrefix,
				Spec: v1.PodSpec{
					Containers: []v1.Container{{}, {}},

			if tc.resource != nil && i < len(tc.resource.requests) {
				pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources = v1.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: v1.ResourceList{ tc.resource.requests[i],
				pod.Spec.Containers[1].Resources = v1.ResourceRequirements{
					Requests: v1.ResourceList{ tc.resource.requests[i],
			obj.Items = append(obj.Items, pod)
		return true, obj, nil

	fakeClient.AddProxyReactor("services", func(action core.Action) (handled bool, ret restclient.ResponseWrapper, err error) {
		var heapsterRawMemResponse []byte

		if tc.resource != nil {
			metrics := metricsapi.PodMetricsList{}
			for i, resValue := range tc.resource.levels {
				podName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", podNamePrefix, i)
				if len(tc.resource.podNames) > i {
					podName = tc.resource.podNames[i]
				podMetric := metricsapi.PodMetrics{
					ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
						Name:      podName,
						Namespace: testNamespace,
					Timestamp: unversioned.Time{Time: tc.timestamp},
					Containers: []metricsapi.ContainerMetrics{
							Name: "container1",
							Usage: v1.ResourceList{
								v1.ResourceName( *resource.NewMilliQuantity(
							Name: "container2",
							Usage: v1.ResourceList{
								v1.ResourceName( *resource.NewMilliQuantity(
				metrics.Items = append(metrics.Items, podMetric)
			heapsterRawMemResponse, _ = json.Marshal(&metrics)
		} else {
			// only return the pods that we actually asked for
			proxyAction := action.(core.ProxyGetAction)
			pathParts := strings.Split(proxyAction.GetPath(), "/")
			// pathParts should look like [ api, v1, model, namespaces, $NS, pod-list, $PODS, metrics, $METRIC... ]
			if len(pathParts) < 9 {
				return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid heapster path %q", proxyAction.GetPath())

			podNames := strings.Split(pathParts[7], ",")
			podPresent := make([]bool, len(tc.metric.levels))
			for _, name := range podNames {
				if len(name) <= len(podNamePrefix)+1 {
					return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown pod %q", name)
				num, err := strconv.Atoi(name[len(podNamePrefix)+1:])
				if err != nil {
					return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown pod %q", name)
				podPresent[num] = true

			timestamp := tc.timestamp
			metrics := heapster.MetricResultList{}
			for i, level := range tc.metric.levels {
				if !podPresent[i] {

				metric := heapster.MetricResult{
					Metrics:         []heapster.MetricPoint{{Timestamp: timestamp, Value: uint64(level), FloatValue: &tc.metric.levels[i]}},
					LatestTimestamp: timestamp,
				metrics.Items = append(metrics.Items, metric)
			heapsterRawMemResponse, _ = json.Marshal(&metrics)

		return true, newFakeResponseWrapper(heapsterRawMemResponse), nil

	return fakeClient