// TestMetrics tests that MetricProvider methods return sane values.
func TestMetrics(t *testing.T) {
	// Create an empty temp directory for the volume
	tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "host_path_test")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Can't make a tmp dir: %v", err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)

	plugMgr := volume.VolumePluginMgr{}
	plugMgr.InitPlugins(ProbeVolumePlugins(volume.VolumeConfig{}), volume.NewFakeVolumeHost(tmpDir, nil, nil))

	plug, err := plugMgr.FindPluginByName("kubernetes.io/host-path")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Can't find the plugin by name")
	spec := &api.Volume{
		Name:         "vol1",
		VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: tmpDir}},
	pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}}
	builder, err := plug.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(spec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err)

	expectedEmptyDirUsage, err := volume.FindEmptyDirectoryUsageOnTmpfs()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error finding expected empty directory usage on tmpfs: %v", err)

	metrics, err := builder.GetMetrics()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error when calling GetMetrics %v", err)
	if e, a := expectedEmptyDirUsage.Value(), metrics.Used.Value(); e != a {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected value for empty directory; expected %v, got %v", e, a)
	if metrics.Capacity.Value() <= 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected Capacity to be greater than 0")
	if metrics.Available.Value() <= 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected Available to be greater than 0")
Esempio n. 2
// TestMetrics tests that MetricProvider methods return sane values.
func TestMetrics(t *testing.T) {
	// Create an empty temp directory for the volume
	tmpDir, err := utiltesting.MkTmpdir("empty_dir_test")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Can't make a tmp dir: %v", err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)

	plug := makePluginUnderTest(t, "kubernetes.io/empty-dir", tmpDir)

	spec := &api.Volume{
		Name: "vol1",
	pod := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{UID: types.UID("poduid")}}
	builder, err := plug.NewBuilder(volume.NewSpecFromVolume(spec), pod, volume.VolumeOptions{RootContext: ""})
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to make a new Builder: %v", err)

	// Need to create the subdirectory
	os.MkdirAll(builder.GetPath(), 0755)

	expectedEmptyDirUsage, err := volume.FindEmptyDirectoryUsageOnTmpfs()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error finding expected empty directory usage on tmpfs: %v", err)

	// TODO(pwittroc): Move this into a reusable testing utility
	metrics, err := builder.GetMetrics()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error when calling GetMetrics %v", err)
	if e, a := expectedEmptyDirUsage.Value(), metrics.Used.Value(); e != a {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected value for empty directory; expected %v, got %v", e, a)
	if metrics.Capacity.Value() <= 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected Capacity to be greater than 0")
	if metrics.Available.Value() <= 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected Available to be greater than 0")