// AttemptToLoadRecycler tries decoding a pod from a filepath for use as a recycler for a volume. // If successful, this method will set the recycler on the config. // If unsuccessful, an error is returned. Function is exported for reuse downstream. func AttemptToLoadRecycler(path string, config *volume.VolumeConfig) error { if path != "" { recyclerPod, err := io.LoadPodFromFile(path) if err != nil { return err } config.RecyclerPodTemplate = recyclerPod } return nil }
// attemptToLoadRecycler tries decoding a pod from a filepath for use as a recycler for a volume. // If a path is not set as a CLI flag, no load will be attempted and no error returned. // If a path is set and the pod was successfully loaded, the recycler pod will be set on the config and no error returned. // Any failed attempt to load the recycler pod will return an error. // TODO: make this func re-usable upstream and use downstream. No need to duplicate this function. func attemptToLoadRecycler(path string, config *volume.VolumeConfig) error { glog.V(5).Infof("Attempting to load recycler pod file from %s", path) recyclerPod, err := io.LoadPodFromFile(path) if err != nil { return err } if len(recyclerPod.Spec.Volumes) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("Recycler pod is expected to have exactly 1 volume to scrub, but found %d", len(recyclerPod.Spec.Volumes)) } config.RecyclerPodTemplate = recyclerPod glog.V(5).Infof("Recycler set to %s/%s", config.RecyclerPodTemplate.Namespace, config.RecyclerPodTemplate.Name) return nil }
// AttemptToLoadRecycler tries decoding a pod from a filepath for use as a recycler for a volume. // If successful, this method will set the recycler on the config. // If unsuccessful, an error is returned. Function is exported for reuse downstream. func AttemptToLoadRecycler(path string, config *volume.VolumeConfig) error { if path != "" { recyclerPod, err := io.LoadPodFromFile(path) if err != nil { return err } if err = volume.ValidateRecyclerPodTemplate(recyclerPod); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Pod specification (%v): %v", path, err) } config.RecyclerPodTemplate = recyclerPod } return nil }