Esempio n. 1
		framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke")

		ps = testutils.NewPodStore(f.Client, api.NamespaceSystem, labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())

	AfterEach(func() {
		if ps != nil {

	It("should restart all nodes and ensure all nodes and pods recover", func() {
		nn := framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes

		By("ensuring all nodes are ready")
		nodeNamesBefore, err := framework.CheckNodesReady(f.Client, framework.NodeReadyInitialTimeout, nn)
		framework.Logf("Got the following nodes before restart: %v", nodeNamesBefore)

		By("ensuring all pods are running and ready")
		allPods := ps.List()
		pods := filterIrrelevantPods(allPods)

		podNamesBefore := make([]string, len(pods))
		for i, p := range pods {
			podNamesBefore[i] = p.ObjectMeta.Name
		ns := api.NamespaceSystem
		if !framework.CheckPodsRunningReadyOrSucceeded(f.Client, ns, podNamesBefore, framework.PodReadyBeforeTimeout) {
			framework.Failf("At least one pod wasn't running and ready or succeeded at test start.")
Esempio n. 2
			framework.Logf("Deleting all petset in ns %v", ns)
			deleteAllStatefulSets(c, ns)

		It("should come back up if node goes down [Slow] [Disruptive]", func() {
			petMounts := []api.VolumeMount{{Name: "datadir", MountPath: "/data/"}}
			podMounts := []api.VolumeMount{{Name: "home", MountPath: "/home"}}
			ps := newStatefulSet(psName, ns, headlessSvcName, 3, petMounts, podMounts, labels)
			_, err := c.Apps().StatefulSets(ns).Create(ps)

			pst := statefulSetTester{c: c}

			nn := framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes
			nodeNames, err := framework.CheckNodesReady(f.ClientSet, framework.NodeReadyInitialTimeout, nn)
			restartNodes(f, nodeNames)

			By("waiting for pods to be running again")
			pst.waitForRunningAndReady(ps.Spec.Replicas, ps)

		It("should not reschedule pets if there is a network partition [Slow] [Disruptive]", func() {
			ps := newStatefulSet(psName, ns, headlessSvcName, 3, []api.VolumeMount{}, []api.VolumeMount{}, labels)
			_, err := c.Apps().StatefulSets(ns).Create(ps)

			pst := statefulSetTester{c: c}
			pst.waitForRunningAndReady(ps.Spec.Replicas, ps)