Esempio n. 1
// There are certain operations we only want to run once per overall test invocation
// (such as deleting old namespaces, or verifying that all system pods are running.
// Because of the way Ginkgo runs tests in parallel, we must use SynchronizedBeforeSuite
// to ensure that these operations only run on the first parallel Ginkgo node.
// This function takes two parameters: one function which runs on only the first Ginkgo node,
// returning an opaque byte array, and then a second function which runs on all Ginkgo nodes,
// accepting the byte array.
var _ = ginkgo.SynchronizedBeforeSuite(func() []byte {
	// Run only on Ginkgo node 1

	if err := setupProviderConfig(); err != nil {
		framework.Failf("Failed to setup provider config: %v", err)

	c, err := framework.LoadClient()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatal("Error loading client: ", err)

	// Delete any namespaces except default and kube-system. This ensures no
	// lingering resources are left over from a previous test run.
	if framework.TestContext.CleanStart {
		deleted, err := framework.DeleteNamespaces(c, nil /* deleteFilter */, []string{api.NamespaceSystem, api.NamespaceDefault})
		if err != nil {
			framework.Failf("Error deleting orphaned namespaces: %v", err)
		glog.Infof("Waiting for deletion of the following namespaces: %v", deleted)
		if err := framework.WaitForNamespacesDeleted(c, deleted, framework.NamespaceCleanupTimeout); err != nil {
			framework.Failf("Failed to delete orphaned namespaces %v: %v", deleted, err)
Esempio n. 2
// to ensure that these operations only run on the first parallel Ginkgo node.
// This function takes two parameters: one function which runs on only the first Ginkgo node,
// returning an opaque byte array, and then a second function which runs on all Ginkgo nodes,
// accepting the byte array.
var _ = ginkgo.SynchronizedBeforeSuite(func() []byte {
	// Run only on Ginkgo node 1

	if err := setupProviderConfig(); err != nil {
		framework.Failf("Failed to setup provider config: %v", err)

	// Delete any namespaces except default and kube-system. This ensures no
	// lingering resources are left over from a previous test run.
	if framework.TestContext.CleanStart {
		c, err := framework.LoadClient()
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatal("Error loading client: ", err)

		deleted, err := framework.DeleteNamespaces(c, nil /* deleteFilter */, []string{api.NamespaceSystem, api.NamespaceDefault})
		if err != nil {
			framework.Failf("Error deleting orphaned namespaces: %v", err)
		glog.Infof("Waiting for deletion of the following namespaces: %v", deleted)
		if err := framework.WaitForNamespacesDeleted(c, deleted, framework.NamespaceCleanupTimeout); err != nil {
			framework.Failf("Failed to delete orphaned namespaces %v: %v", deleted, err)

	// Ensure all pods are running and ready before starting tests (otherwise,