Esempio n. 1
func init() {
	if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) == 1 {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to serve xrefs")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Exposes HTTP/GRPC interfaces for the search, xrefs, and filetree services",
		"(--graphstore spec | --serving_table path) [--listen addr] [--grpc_listen addr] [--public_resources dir]")
Esempio n. 2
func init() {
	if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) == 1 {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Write a delimited stream of entries from stdin to a GraphStore",
		"[--batch_size entries] [--workers n] --graphstore spec")
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to which to write the entry stream")
Esempio n. 3
func init() {
	if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) == 1 {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to read")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Creates a combined xrefs/filetree/search serving table based on a given GraphStore",
		"--graphstore spec --out path")
Esempio n. 4
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Write a delimited stream of entries from stdin to a GraphStore",
		"[--batch_size entries] [--workers n] --graphstore spec")
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to which to write the entry stream")
Esempio n. 5
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "Path to GraphStore to convert to triples (instead of an entry stream)")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Converts an Entry stream to a stream of triples",
		"[(--graphstore path | entries_file) [triples_out]]")
Esempio n. 6
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to read")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Creates a combined xrefs/filetree/search serving table based on a given GraphStore",
		"--graphstore spec --out path")
Esempio n. 7
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to read")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Scans/reads the entries from a GraphStore, emitting a delimited entry stream to stdout",
		"--graphstore spec [--count] [--shards N [--shard_index I] --sharded_file path] [--edge_kind] ([--fact_prefix str] [--target ticket] | [ticket...])")
Esempio n. 8
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to serve xrefs")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Exposes HTTP/GRPC interfaces for the xrefs and filetree services",
		"(--graphstore spec | --serving_table path) [--listen addr] [--grpc_listen addr] [--public_resources dir]")
Esempio n. 9
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to read (mutually exclusive with --entries)")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage(
		"Creates a combined xrefs/filetree/search serving table based on a given GraphStore or stream of GraphStore-ordered entries",
		"(--graphstore spec | --entries path) --out path")