Esempio n. 1
// compute blake2 hash of message id
func (msgid MessageID) Blake2Hash() string {
	h := crypto.Hash()
	io.WriteString(h, msgid.String())
	return strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)))
Esempio n. 2
// store attachment onto filesystem
func (fs FilesystemStorage) StoreAttachment(r io.Reader, filename string) (fpath string, err error) {
	if fs.discardAttachments {
		_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r)
	// open temp file for storage
	var tf *os.File
	tf, err = fs.obtainTempFile()
	if err == nil {
		// we have the temp file

		// close tempfile when done
		defer func() {
			n := tf.Name()

		// create hasher
		h := crypto.Hash()
		// create multiwriter
		mw := io.MultiWriter(tf, h)

			"pkg":      "fs-store",
			"filename": filename,
		}).Debug("writing to disk")
		var n int64
		// write all of the reader to the multiwriter
		n, err = io.Copy(mw, r)

		if err == nil {
			// successful write

			// get file checksum
			d := h.Sum(nil)

			// rename file to hash + extension from filename
			fpath = base32.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(d) + filepath.Ext(filename)
			fpath = filepath.Join(fs.AttachmentDir(), fpath)

			_, err = os.Stat(fpath)
			// is that file there?
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				// it's not there, let's write it
				var f *os.File
				f, err = os.OpenFile(fpath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
				if err == nil {
					// file opened
					defer f.Close()
					// seek to beginning of tempfile
					tf.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
					// write all of the temp file to the storage file
					n, err = io.Copy(f, tf)
					// if err == nil by here it's all good
					l := log.WithFields(log.Fields{
						"pkg":      "fs-store",
						"filename": filename,
						"hash":     d,
						"filepath": fpath,
						"size":     n,
					if err == nil {
						l.Debug("wrote attachment to disk")
					} else {
						l.Error("failed to write attachment to disk", err)
				} else {
						"pkg":      "fs-store",
						"filename": filename,
						"hash":     d,
						"filepath": fpath,
					}).Error("failed to open file")
			} else {
					"pkg":      "fs-store",
					"filename": filename,
					"hash":     d,
					"filepath": fpath,
					"size":     n,
				}).Debug("attachment exists on disk")
	} else {
			"pkg":      "fs-store",
			"filename": filename,
		}).Error("cannot open temp file for attachment", err)