Esempio n. 1
// Send a line to the node, once we have a synchronized connection to it.
// If the node is unreachable, we drop the line.
// Must be run from the node's goroutine.
func (n *Node) sendSyncLine(line *mmn.Line) {

	// If this node is ourselves, send it directly to our receive chan.
	if n == Me {
		n.receive <- line

	// If we have a synchronized connection now, send it now.
	if n.conn != nil && n.conn.State == connect.ConnStateNormal {
		err := n.conn.WriteLine(line)
		if err != nil {

	// Otherwise, add it to the queue.
	n.queue = append(n.queue, line)

	// If we have no connection, make an attempt to establish one.
	// Drop the line if we get an error.
	if n.conn == nil {
		var err error
		n.conn, err = connect.NewOutgoing(n.ConnInfo)
		if err != nil {
			n.queue = n.queue[:0]
Esempio n. 2
// The node's goroutine. Handle lines sent to or received from this node.
// TODO: Figure out how not to deadlock when two nodes send to each other.
// Use an intermediary?
func (n *Node) process() {
	for {
		select {

		// Handle a received line on our connection.
		case line, ok := <-n.receive:

			// Check for connection closed.
			if ok {
				// Process the line.

			n.receive = nil // Stop us selecting on closed chan.

			// If we have a waiting incoming connection, take that.
			if n.waiting != nil {
				n.conn = connect.NewIncoming(n.waiting)
				n.waiting = nil
				n.receive = make(chan *mmn.Line, 10)
				go n.conn.ReadLines(n.receive)

				// Send initial connection message.
				line := connect.MakeVersionList()


			// Otherwise, try to make a new connection.
			var err error
			n.conn, err = connect.NewOutgoing(n.ConnInfo)
			if err == nil {
				n.receive = make(chan *mmn.Line, 10)
				go n.conn.ReadLines(n.receive)

		// Handle a line to be sent on our connection.
		case line := <-n.send:

			// Send the line.

		// Handle a new connection from this node.
		case conn := <-n.NewConn:

			// If we have no existing connection, adopt this one.
			if n.conn == nil {
				n.conn = connect.NewIncoming(conn)
				n.receive = make(chan *mmn.Line, 10)
				go n.conn.ReadLines(n.receive)

				// Send initial connection message.
				line := connect.MakeVersionList()


			// If our connection's state is not a new outgoing,
			// close it, wait for reading to end, then adopt
			// this as our connection.
			if n.conn.State != connect.ConnStateInitialOutgoing {
				n.waiting = conn

			// TODO: What to do if it is?
			// Two outgoing connections crossing.
			// For now, close it; two connections exactly at once
			// can fail, but hopefully a retry will deal with it.

		// Asks the node to attempt to make a connection.
		// Only does anything if it doesn't currently have one.
		case <-n.connect:

			// If they already have a connection, skip.
			if n.conn != nil {

			// Otherwise, attempt an outgoing connection.
			var err error
			n.conn, err = connect.NewOutgoing(n.ConnInfo)
			if err == nil {
				n.receive = make(chan *mmn.Line, 10)
				go n.conn.ReadLines(n.receive)