Esempio n. 1
func (self *Shard) Query(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, processor cluster.QueryProcessor) error {
	if querySpec.IsListSeriesQuery() {
		return self.executeListSeriesQuery(querySpec, processor)
	} else if querySpec.IsDeleteFromSeriesQuery() {
		return self.executeDeleteQuery(querySpec, processor)

	seriesAndColumns := querySpec.SelectQuery().GetReferencedColumns()

	if !self.hasReadAccess(querySpec) {
		return errors.New("User does not have access to one or more of the series requested.")

	for series, columns := range seriesAndColumns {
		if regex, ok := series.GetCompiledRegex(); ok {
			seriesNames := self.metaStore.GetSeriesForDatabaseAndRegex(querySpec.Database(), regex)
			for _, name := range seriesNames {
				if !querySpec.HasReadAccess(name) {
				err := self.executeQueryForSeries(querySpec, name, columns, processor)
				if err != nil {
					return err
		} else {
			err := self.executeQueryForSeries(querySpec, series.Name, columns, processor)
			if err != nil {
				return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
func (self *LevelDbShard) executeListSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, processor cluster.QueryProcessor) error {
	it := self.db.NewIterator(self.readOptions)
	defer it.Close()

	database := querySpec.Database()
	seekKey := append(DATABASE_SERIES_INDEX_PREFIX, []byte(querySpec.Database()+"~")...)
	for it = it; it.Valid(); it.Next() {
		key := it.Key()
		if len(key) < dbNameStart || !bytes.Equal(key[:dbNameStart], DATABASE_SERIES_INDEX_PREFIX) {
		dbSeries := string(key[dbNameStart:])
		parts := strings.Split(dbSeries, "~")
		if len(parts) > 1 {
			if parts[0] != database {
			name := parts[1]
			shouldContinue := processor.YieldPoint(&name, nil, nil)
			if !shouldContinue {
				return nil
	return nil
Esempio n. 3
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runDeleteQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
	db := querySpec.Database()
	if !querySpec.User().IsDbAdmin(db) {
		return common.NewAuthorizationError("Insufficient permission to write to %s", db)
	querySpec.RunAgainstAllServersInShard = true
	return self.runQuerySpec(querySpec, seriesWriter)
Esempio n. 4
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runDeleteQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
	user := querySpec.User()
	db := querySpec.Database()
	if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDeleteQuery(user, db); !ok {
		return err
	querySpec.RunAgainstAllServersInShard = true
	return self.runQuerySpec(querySpec, seriesWriter)
Esempio n. 5
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runDropSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
	user := querySpec.User()
	db := querySpec.Database()
	series := querySpec.Query().DropSeriesQuery.GetTableName()
	if !user.IsClusterAdmin() && !user.IsDbAdmin(db) && !user.HasWriteAccess(series) {
		return common.NewAuthorizationError("Insufficient permissions to drop series")
	querySpec.RunAgainstAllServersInShard = true
	return self.runQuerySpec(querySpec, seriesWriter)
Esempio n. 6
func (self *Shard) executeDropSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, processor cluster.QueryProcessor) error {
	database := querySpec.Database()
	series := querySpec.Query().DropSeriesQuery.GetTableName()
	err := self.dropSeries(database, series)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 7
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runDropSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
	user := querySpec.User()
	db := querySpec.Database()
	series := querySpec.Query().DropSeriesQuery.GetTableName()
	if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDropSeries(user, db, series); !ok {
		return err
	querySpec.RunAgainstAllServersInShard = true
	return self.runQuerySpec(querySpec, seriesWriter)
Esempio n. 8
func (self *ShardData) createRequest(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec) *p.Request {
	queryString := querySpec.GetQueryString()
	user := querySpec.User()
	userName := user.GetName()
	database := querySpec.Database()
	isDbUser := !user.IsClusterAdmin()

	return &p.Request{
		Type:     &queryRequest,
		ShardId:  &,
		Query:    &queryString,
		UserName: &userName,
		Database: &database,
		IsDbUser: &isDbUser,
Esempio n. 9
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runDropSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
	user := querySpec.User()
	db := querySpec.Database()
	series := querySpec.Query().DropSeriesQuery.GetTableName()
	if ok, err := self.permissions.AuthorizeDropSeries(user, db, series); !ok {
		return err
	defer seriesWriter.Close()
	fmt.Println("DROP series")
	err := self.raftServer.DropSeries(db, series)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Println("DROP returning nil")
	return nil
Esempio n. 10
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runListSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
	series := self.clusterConfiguration.MetaStore.GetSeriesForDatabase(querySpec.Database())
	name := "list_series_result"
	fields := []string{"name"}
	points := make([]*protocol.Point, len(series), len(series))

	for i, s := range series {
		fieldValues := []*protocol.FieldValue{{StringValue: proto.String(s)}}
		points[i] = &protocol.Point{Values: fieldValues}

	seriesResult := &protocol.Series{Name: &name, Fields: fields, Points: points}
	return nil
Esempio n. 11
func (self *LevelDbShard) executeDeleteQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, processor cluster.QueryProcessor) error {
	query := querySpec.DeleteQuery()
	series := query.GetFromClause()
	database := querySpec.Database()
	if series.Type != parser.FromClauseArray {
		return fmt.Errorf("Merge and Inner joins can't be used with a delete query", series.Type)

	for _, name := range series.Names {
		var err error
		if regex, ok := name.Name.GetCompiledRegex(); ok {
			err = self.deleteRangeOfRegex(database, regex, query.GetStartTime(), query.GetEndTime())
		} else {
			err = self.deleteRangeOfSeries(database, name.Name.Name, query.GetStartTime(), query.GetEndTime())

		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 12
func (self *Shard) executeListSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, processor cluster.QueryProcessor) error {
	return self.yieldSeriesNamesForDb(querySpec.Database(), func(_name string) bool {
		name := _name
		return processor.YieldPoint(&name, nil, nil)
Esempio n. 13
func (self *Shard) executeQueryForSeries(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesName string, columns []string, processor cluster.QueryProcessor) error {
	startTimeBytes := self.byteArrayForTime(querySpec.GetStartTime())
	endTimeBytes := self.byteArrayForTime(querySpec.GetEndTime())

	fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(querySpec.Database(), seriesName, columns)
	if err != nil {
		// because a db is distributed across the cluster, it's possible we don't have the series indexed here. ignore
		switch err := err.(type) {
		case FieldLookupError:
			log.Debug("Cannot find fields %v", columns)
			return nil
			log.Error("Error looking up fields for %s: %s", seriesName, err)
			return fmt.Errorf("Error looking up fields for %s: %s", seriesName, err)

	fieldCount := len(fields)
	rawColumnValues := make([]rawColumnValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)
	query := querySpec.SelectQuery()

	aliases := query.GetTableAliases(seriesName)
	if querySpec.IsSinglePointQuery() {
		series, err := self.fetchSinglePoint(querySpec, seriesName, fields)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Error reading a single point: %s", err)
			return err
		if len(series.Points) > 0 {
			processor.YieldPoint(series.Name, series.Fields, series.Points[0])
		return nil

	fieldNames, iterators := self.getIterators(fields, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes, query.Ascending)
	defer func() {
		for _, it := range iterators {

	seriesOutgoing := &protocol.Series{Name: protocol.String(seriesName), Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0, self.pointBatchSize)}

	// TODO: clean up, this is super gnarly
	// optimize for the case where we're pulling back only a single column or aggregate
	buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	valueBuffer := proto.NewBuffer(nil)
	for {
		isValid := false
		point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)}

		for i, it := range iterators {
			if rawColumnValues[i].value != nil || !it.Valid() {
				if err := it.Error(); err != nil {
					return err

			key := it.Key()
			if len(key) < 16 {

			if !isPointInRange(fields[i].Id, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes, key) {

			value := it.Value()
			sequenceNumber := key[16:]

			rawTime := key[8:16]
			rawColumnValues[i] = rawColumnValue{time: rawTime, sequence: sequenceNumber, value: value}

		var pointTimeRaw []byte
		var pointSequenceRaw []byte
		// choose the highest (or lowest in case of ascending queries) timestamp
		// and sequence number. that will become the timestamp and sequence of
		// the next point.
		for _, value := range rawColumnValues {
			if value.value == nil {

			pointTimeRaw, pointSequenceRaw = value.updatePointTimeAndSequence(pointTimeRaw,
				pointSequenceRaw, query.Ascending)

		for i, iterator := range iterators {
			// if the value is nil or doesn't match the point's timestamp and sequence number
			// then skip it
			if rawColumnValues[i].value == nil ||
				!bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].time, pointTimeRaw) ||
				!bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].sequence, pointSequenceRaw) {

				point.Values[i] = &protocol.FieldValue{IsNull: &TRUE}

			// if we emitted at lease one column, then we should keep
			// trying to get more points
			isValid = true

			// advance the iterator to read a new value in the next iteration
			if query.Ascending {
			} else {

			fv := &protocol.FieldValue{}
			err := valueBuffer.Unmarshal(fv)
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("Error while running query: %s", err)
				return err
			point.Values[i] = fv
			rawColumnValues[i].value = nil

		var sequence uint64
		var t uint64

		// set the point sequence number and timestamp
		binary.Read(buffer, binary.BigEndian, &sequence)
		binary.Read(buffer, binary.BigEndian, &t)

		time := self.convertUintTimestampToInt64(&t)
		point.SequenceNumber = &sequence

		// stop the loop if we ran out of points
		if !isValid {

		shouldContinue := true

		seriesOutgoing.Points = append(seriesOutgoing.Points, point)

		if len(seriesOutgoing.Points) >= self.pointBatchSize {
			for _, alias := range aliases {
				series := &protocol.Series{
					Name:   proto.String(alias),
					Fields: fieldNames,
					Points: seriesOutgoing.Points,
				if !processor.YieldSeries(series) {
					log.Info("Stopping processing")
					shouldContinue = false
			seriesOutgoing = &protocol.Series{Name: protocol.String(seriesName), Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0, self.pointBatchSize)}

		if !shouldContinue {

	//Yield remaining data
	for _, alias := range aliases {
		log.Debug("Final Flush %s", alias)
		series := &protocol.Series{Name: protocol.String(alias), Fields: seriesOutgoing.Fields, Points: seriesOutgoing.Points}
		if !processor.YieldSeries(series) {

	log.Debug("Finished running query %s", query.GetQueryString())
	return nil
Esempio n. 14
func (self *LevelDbShard) executeDropSeriesQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, processor cluster.QueryProcessor) error {
	database := querySpec.Database()
	series := querySpec.Query().DropSeriesQuery.GetTableName()
	return self.dropSeries(database, series)
Esempio n. 15
func (self *ShardData) Query(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, response chan *p.Response) {
	log.Debug("QUERY: shard %d, query '%s'", self.Id(), querySpec.GetQueryString())
	defer common.RecoverFunc(querySpec.Database(), querySpec.GetQueryString(), func(err interface{}) {
		response <- &p.Response{Type: &endStreamResponse, ErrorMessage: p.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))}

	// This is only for queries that are deletes or drops. They need to be sent everywhere as opposed to just the local or one of the remote shards.
	// But this boolean should only be set to true on the server that receives the initial query.
	if querySpec.RunAgainstAllServersInShard {
		if querySpec.IsDeleteFromSeriesQuery() {
			self.logAndHandleDeleteQuery(querySpec, response)
		} else if querySpec.IsDropSeriesQuery() {
			self.logAndHandleDropSeriesQuery(querySpec, response)

	if self.IsLocal {
		var processor QueryProcessor
		var err error

		if querySpec.IsListSeriesQuery() {
			processor = engine.NewListSeriesEngine(response)
		} else if querySpec.IsDeleteFromSeriesQuery() || querySpec.IsDropSeriesQuery() || querySpec.IsSinglePointQuery() {
			maxDeleteResults := 10000
			processor = engine.NewPassthroughEngine(response, maxDeleteResults)
		} else {
			query := querySpec.SelectQuery()
			if self.ShouldAggregateLocally(querySpec) {
				log.Debug("creating a query engine")
				processor, err = engine.NewQueryEngine(query, response)
				if err != nil {
					response <- &p.Response{Type: &endStreamResponse, ErrorMessage: p.String(err.Error())}
					log.Error("Error while creating engine: %s", err)
				processor.SetShardInfo(int(self.Id()), self.IsLocal)
			} else if query.HasAggregates() {
				maxPointsToBufferBeforeSending := 1000
				log.Debug("creating a passthrough engine")
				processor = engine.NewPassthroughEngine(response, maxPointsToBufferBeforeSending)
			} else {
				maxPointsToBufferBeforeSending := 1000
				log.Debug("creating a passthrough engine with limit")
				processor = engine.NewPassthroughEngineWithLimit(response, maxPointsToBufferBeforeSending, query.Limit)

			if query.GetFromClause().Type != parser.FromClauseInnerJoin {
				// Joins do their own filtering since we need to get all
				// points before filtering. This is due to the fact that some
				// where expressions will be difficult to compute before the
				// points are joined together, think where clause with
				// left.column = 'something' or right.column =
				// 'something_else'. We can't filter the individual series
				// separately. The filtering happens in merge.go:55

				processor = engine.NewFilteringEngine(query, processor)
		shard, err :=
		if err != nil {
			response <- &p.Response{Type: &endStreamResponse, ErrorMessage: p.String(err.Error())}
			log.Error("Error while getting shards: %s", err)
		err = shard.Query(querySpec, processor)
		// if we call Close() in case of an error it will mask the error
		if err != nil {
			response <- &p.Response{Type: &endStreamResponse, ErrorMessage: p.String(err.Error())}
		response <- &p.Response{Type: &endStreamResponse}

	if server := self.randomHealthyServer(); server != nil {
		log.Debug("Querying server %d for shard %d", server.GetId(), self.Id())
		request := self.createRequest(querySpec)
		server.MakeRequest(request, response)

	message := fmt.Sprintf("No servers up to query shard %d",
	response <- &p.Response{Type: &endStreamResponse, ErrorMessage: &message}