Esempio n. 1
func waitForValue(slot int) {
	if slotsManager.GetMaxRoundInPromises(slot) == 0 {
		preValue := <-valueChan
		str := strings.Split(preValue, "@")
		valueToDecide := str[1]
		slotsManager.SetValueToDecide(slot, valueToDecide)
		fmt.Println("Value to decide received :", valueToDecide, "in slot", strconv.Itoa(slot))

	} else {
		slotsManager.SetValueToDecide(slot, slotsManager.GetFromPromiseMap(slot, slotsManager.GetMaxRoundInPromises(slot)))
Esempio n. 2
// function handling the promise message
func gotPromise(data string) {
	res := strings.Split(data, "@")
	roundnumber, _ := strconv.Atoi(res[1])
	lastVotedRound, _ := strconv.Atoi(res[2])
	lastVotedValue := res[3]
	slot, _ := strconv.Atoi(res[4])
	//processID := res[4]
	slotRN := slotsManager.GetRoundNumber(slot)
	//println("############PROMISE DECRYPTED", strconv.Itoa(roundnumber),strconv.Itoa(slotRN))
	if roundnumber == slotRN {
		//println("$$$$$$$$ADDING TO PROMISE MAP")
		slotsManager.AddToPromiseMap(slot, lastVotedRound, lastVotedValue)
		if lastVotedRound > slotsManager.GetMaxRoundInPromises(slot) {
			slotsManager.SetMaxRoundInPromises(slot, lastVotedRound)
		if slotsManager.GetCptPromise(slot) > len(process)/2 {
			//println("WAITING FOR VALUE ##########")
			//println("VALUE DECIDED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
			curR := strconv.Itoa(slotRN) //// FIXME : modify for slotsManager !!!!!!!!!!
			sendAll("Accept@" + curR + "@" + slotsManager.GetValueToDecide(slot) + "@" + strconv.Itoa(slot))