Esempio n. 1
func (t *ttfParser) ParseName() (err error) {
	err = t.Seek("name")
	if err == nil {
		tableOffset, _ := t.f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_CUR)
		t.rec.PostScriptName = ""
		t.Skip(2) // format
		count := t.ReadUShort()
		stringOffset := t.ReadUShort()
		for j := uint16(0); j < count && t.rec.PostScriptName == ""; j++ {
			t.Skip(3 * 2) // platformID, encodingID, languageID
			nameID := t.ReadUShort()
			length := t.ReadUShort()
			offset := t.ReadUShort()
			if nameID == 6 {
				// PostScript name
				t.f.Seek(int64(tableOffset)+int64(stringOffset)+int64(offset), os.SEEK_SET)
				var s string
				s, err = t.ReadStr(int(length))
				if err != nil {
				s = strings.Replace(s, "\x00", "", -1)
				var re *regexp.Regexp
				if re, err = regexp.Compile("[(){}<> /%[\\]]"); err != nil {
				t.rec.PostScriptName = re.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
		if t.rec.PostScriptName == "" {
			err = fmt.Errorf("the name PostScript was not found")
Esempio n. 2
// writeNewFile creates a new file and writes the lines to the file, stripping out the prefix if it exists.
// This will return an error if the file already exists, or if there are any errors during creation.
// the prefix will be removed if it is the first non-whitespace text in any line
func writeNewFile(name string, lines []string, prefix string) error {
	out, err := createNew(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var reg *regexp.Regexp
	if len(prefix) > 0 {
		reg = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`^(\s*)%s`, regexp.QuoteMeta(prefix)))

	for _, line := range lines {
		if reg != nil {
			line = reg.ReplaceAllString(line, fmt.Sprintf(`$1`))
		if _, err := out.Write([]byte(line)); err != nil {
			if err2 := out.Close(); err2 != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error writing to and closing newfile %s: %s%s", name, err, err2)
			return fmt.Errorf("Error writing to newfile %s: %s", name, err)

	if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error closing newfile %s: %s", name, err)
	return nil
func replaceString(src string, expr string, repl string) (ret string, err error) {
	var reg *regexp.Regexp
	if reg, err = regexp.Compile(expr); err != nil {

	ret = reg.ReplaceAllString(src, repl)

Esempio n. 4
File: syms.go Progetto: evmar/hp
func replaceAll(re *regexp.Regexp, str string) string {
	for {
		newstr := re.ReplaceAllString(str, "")
		if newstr == str {
			return str
		str = newstr
	return str
Esempio n. 5
func replaceFirst(re *regexp.Regexp, s string, replacement string) string {
	// Note that ReplaceAllStringFunc cannot be used here since it does
	// not replace $1 placeholders.
	loc := re.FindStringIndex(s)
	if nil == loc {
		return s
	firstMatch := s[loc[0]:loc[1]]
	firstMatchReplaced := re.ReplaceAllString(firstMatch, replacement)
	return s[0:loc[0]] + firstMatchReplaced + s[loc[1]:]
Esempio n. 6
// Parse sets a operand value to the register operand and
// returns the remain string and true.
// If the source is invalid,
// This returns the source itself and false.
// In this case doesn't change the register operand.
func (operand *Single) Parse(source string, byRegex *regexp.Regexp) (string, bool) {
	matches := byRegex.FindAllString(string(source), 1)
	if len(matches) <= 0 {
		return source, false
	operand.SingleValue = strings.Trim(matches[0], " \t,")
	operand.HasValue = true
	remains := byRegex.ReplaceAllString(string(source), "")
	if strings.HasSuffix(matches[0], ",") {
		remains = "," + remains
	return remains, true
Esempio n. 7
func generateRandomString() string {
	var r *regexp.Regexp
	var err error

	r, err = regexp.Compile(`[^\w]`)

	b := make([]byte, 32)
	_, err = rand.Read(b)
	if err != nil {
		// not sure what to do here...
		log.Fatal("couldn't read random bytes...")
	return r.ReplaceAllString(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b), "")
Esempio n. 8
 * 根据URL 规则,替换路径
func (this *Server) ReplacePath(path string) string {
	var r *regexp.Regexp

	for _, reg := range this.UrlRegulars {
		r, _ = regexp.Compile(reg.regular)

		if r.MatchString(path) {
			path = r.ReplaceAllString(path,

	return path
Esempio n. 9
// // splits the postPhrase into individual words
func parsePostPhrase(sentence string, re *regexp.Regexp) []string {
	tokens := strings.Split(re.ReplaceAllString(sentence, "\u2980$1\u2980"), "\u2980")
	output := []string{}
	for _, token := range tokens {
		// unless the token is empty
		if strings.TrimSpace(token) != "" {
			// unless the token is :punctuation, we prepend a space
			if !re.MatchString(token) {
				token = " " + token
			output = append(output, token)
	return output
Esempio n. 10
func replaceAllNamesRegex(reg *regexp.Regexp, repl string) Option {
	return func(cfg *Config) Option {
		prev := cfg.nameTransform
		return replaceNameTransform(func(name xml.Name) xml.Name {
			if prev != nil {
				name = prev(name)
			s := reg.ReplaceAllString(name.Local, repl)
			if s != name.Local {
				cfg.debugf("changed %s -> %s", name.Local, s)
			name.Local = s
			return name
Esempio n. 11
func sanitise(s string, strict bool) string {
	var reg *regexp.Regexp
	var err error

	if strict {
		reg, err = regexp.Compile("[^A-Za-z0-9]+")
	} else {
		reg, err = regexp.Compile("[^A-Za-z0-9éèàìòù]+")
	if err != nil {

	s = reg.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
	s = strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(s, "-"))
	return s
Esempio n. 12
func RegexpReplace(str, replace string, regex *regexp.Regexp, count int) string {
	if 0 == count {
		return str
	if regex != nil {
		if count < 0 {
			return regex.ReplaceAllString(str, replace)
		return regex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(str, func(s string) string {
			if count != 0 {
				count -= 1
				return replace
			return s
	return str
Esempio n. 13
// Returns a sanitized name based on input raw input string. By a sanitized name
// it means only alpha-numeric cachacters, all lower.
func sanitizeName(rawName string) (string, error) {
	var err error
	var reg *regexp.Regexp
	var safe string

	if reg, err = regexp.Compile("[^A-Za-z0-9]+"); err != nil {
		return "", err

	safe = reg.ReplaceAllString(rawName, "")
	safe = strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(safe, ""))

	if len(safe) <= 1 {
		err = errors.New("Result string is too short.")
		return "", err

	return safe, nil
Esempio n. 14
// SanitizeString replaces separators with - and removes characters listed in the regexp provided from string. Accents, spaces, and all characters not in A-Za-z0-9 are replaced.
func SanitizeString(s string, r *regexp.Regexp) string {

	// Remove any trailing space to avoid ending on -
	s = strings.Trim(s, " ")

	// Flatten accents first so that if we remove non-ascii we still get a legible name
	s = RemoveAccents(s)

	// Replace certain joining characters with a dash
	s = separators.ReplaceAllString(s, "-")

	// Remove all other unrecognised characters - NB we do allow any printable characters
	s = r.ReplaceAllString(s, "")

	// Remove any multiple dashes caused by replacements above
	s = dashes.ReplaceAllString(s, "-")

	return s
Esempio n. 15
func formatTimes(timeStr string) string {
	var (
		re    *regexp.Regexp
		err   error
		times string

	times = ""

	if re, err = regexp.Compile("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T"); err == nil {
		times = re.ReplaceAllString(timeStr, "")

		if re, err = regexp.Compile("Z"); err == nil {
			times = re.ReplaceAllString(times, "")

	return times
Esempio n. 16
func sed(rx *regexp.Regexp, repl string, r io.Reader) bool {
	matched := false
	s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
	for {
		if !s.Scan() {
		t := s.Text()

		if rx.MatchString(t) {
			matched = true
		} else {

		rs := rx.ReplaceAllString(t, repl)
	return matched
Esempio n. 17
// Marshals a part of the EDIFACT. You can pass a slice callback
// to be called if a slice is found, so you can use different
// delimiters depending on certain factors.
// I don't really like passing in delimiterRegexp, but it saves
// CPU cycles. Could possibly use cache:
func marshalPart(hdr Header, data reflect.Value, delimiter byte, delimiterRegexp *regexp.Regexp, sliceCallback SliceCallback) ([]byte, error) {
	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}

	if data.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
		data = data.Elem()

	switch data.Kind() {
		return []byte(""), errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown data type: %s", data.Kind()))
	case reflect.String:
		escapedData := delimiterRegexp.ReplaceAllString(data.String(), string(hdr.ReleaseIndicator())+"$1")
	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
		// Byte slices are special. We treat them just like the string case.
		if data.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
			escapedData := delimiterRegexp.ReplaceAll(data.Bytes(), []byte(string(hdr.ReleaseIndicator())+"$1"))

		for n := 0; n < data.Len(); n++ {
			cdata := data.Index(n)

			if sliceCallback != nil {
				cbBytes, err := sliceCallback(cdata)
				if err != nil {
					return []byte(""), err

			// we don't want to write the delimiter after the last element
			if n+1 < data.Len() {

	return buf.Bytes(), nil
Esempio n. 18
func pgKeyReplace(key string, re, bs, ps *regexp.Regexp) string {
	k := re.ReplaceAllString(key, "_")
	k = bs.ReplaceAllString(k, "_")
	k = ps.ReplaceAllString(k, ".")
	k = strings.Trim(k, "_")
	// on the off hand chance we get leading or trailing dots
	k = strings.Trim(k, ".")
	// finally, if converting search query syntax, convert all _ to '.'.
	// This may need to be revisited in more detail if we find ourselves
	// needing more finesse with escaping underscores.
	if config.Config.ConvertSearch {
		k = strings.Replace(k, "_", ".", -1)
		k = ps.ReplaceAllString(k, ".")
	return k
Esempio n. 19
func (tb *TableBlock) unpackStrCol(dec *gob.Decoder, info SavedColumnInfo) {
	records := tb.RecordList[:]

	into := &SavedStrColumn{}
	err := dec.Decode(into)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("DECODE COL ERR:", err)

	string_lookup := make(map[int32]string)
	key_table_len := len(tb.table.KeyTable)
	col_id := tb.table.get_key_id(into.Name)

	if int(col_id) >= key_table_len {
		log.Println("IGNORING COLUMN", into.Name, "SINCE ITS NOT IN KEY TABLE IN BLOCK", tb.Name)

	col := tb.GetColumnInfo(col_id)
	// unpack the string table

	// Run our replacements!
	str_replace, ok := OPTS.STR_REPLACEMENTS[into.Name]
	bucket_replace := make(map[int32]int32)
	var re *regexp.Regexp
	if ok {
		re, err = regexp.Compile(str_replace.pattern)

	for k, v := range into.StringTable {
		var nv = v
		if re != nil {
			nv = re.ReplaceAllString(v, str_replace.replace)

		existing_key, exists := col.StringTable[nv]

		v = nv

		if exists {
			bucket_replace[int32(k)] = existing_key
		} else {
			bucket_replace[int32(k)] = int32(k)
			col.StringTable[v] = int32(k)

		string_lookup[int32(k)] = v

	col.val_string_id_lookup = string_lookup

	is_path_col := false
	if FLAGS.PATH_KEY != nil {
		is_path_col = into.Name == *FLAGS.PATH_KEY
	var record *Record
	var r uint32

	if into.BucketEncoded {
		prev := uint32(0)
		did := into.DeltaEncodedIDs

		for _, bucket := range into.Bins {
			prev = 0
			value := bucket.Value
			new_value, should_replace := bucket_replace[value]
			if should_replace {
				value = new_value

			cast_value := StrField(new_value)
			for _, r = range bucket.Records {

				if did {
					r = prev + r

				prev = r
				record = records[r]

					if record.Populated[col_id] != _NO_VAL {
						log.Fatal("OVERWRITING RECORD VALUE", record, into.Name, col_id, bucket.Value)

				records[r].Populated[col_id] = STR_VAL
				records[r].Strs[col_id] = cast_value

				if is_path_col {
					record.Path = string_lookup[new_value]

	} else {
		for r, v := range into.Values {
			new_value, should_replace := bucket_replace[v]
			if should_replace {
				v = new_value

			records[r].Strs[col_id] = StrField(v)
			records[r].Populated[col_id] = STR_VAL

Esempio n. 20
// ReplaceBy replace a line by r.
func (source *Source) ReplaceBy(r *regexp.Regexp, replaced string) string {
	old := source.line
	source.line = r.ReplaceAllString(source.line, replaced)
	return old
Esempio n. 21
func (p NumericParser) parse(s string) (*Numeric, error) {
	var (
		n        *Numeric
		err      error
		sign     string
		reStr    string
		re       *regexp.Regexp
		parseErr = errors.New(ParseNumericError)

	// Record whether the input string has a currency symbol.
	// If so, it can only be a monetary value.
	hasCurrency := p.currencyRegex.MatchString(s)
	if hasCurrency {
		s = p.removeCurrencySymbol(s)

	// Now determine whether the string's initial character is a + or -.
	// If so, strip it away and record the sign.
	sign = ""
	re = regexp.MustCompile("^[\\+-]")
	if re.MatchString(s) {
		if re.FindString(s) == "-" {
			sign = "-"
		s = s[1:]

	// Since currency and sign symbols have been stripped, we now check that the
	// expression begins with a decimal separator (possibly) and digit.
	// Valid strings thus look like either: .x* or x*.
	reStr = "^" + p.decimalReStr + "?" + "[0-9]"
	re = regexp.MustCompile(reStr)
	if !re.MatchString(s) {
		return nil, parseErr

	// Prepend a 0 if the string begins with a decimal separator.
	reStr = "^" + p.decimalReStr
	re = regexp.MustCompile(reStr)
	if re.MatchString(s) {
		s = "0" + s

	// If the input ends with the decimal separator, remove it.
	re = regexp.MustCompile(p.decimalReStr + "$")
	if re.MatchString(s) {
		s = re.ReplaceAllString(s, "")

	// Create the main validating regex.
	reStr = "^\\d+" + "(" + p.digitReStr + "\\d{3})*" + p.decimalReStr + "?\\d*$"
	re = regexp.MustCompile(reStr)
	if !re.MatchString(s) {
		return nil, parseErr

	// We can now assume that the string is valid except for
	// intermediate delimiters.
	// Before attempting to parse the string further, we (possibly) perform
	// some basic sanitization.
	var parsed string
	tmp, err := p.sanitize(s)
	if err == nil {
		parsed = tmp
	} else {
		// Probably the parser cannot distinguish between decimal and digit
		// separators.  So we handle this case separately.
		re = regexp.MustCompile(p.digitReStr + "|" + p.decimalReStr)
		locs := re.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(s, -1)
		switch len(locs) {
		case 0: // The number is an integer.  No additional parsing needed.
			parsed = s
			err = nil
		case 1: // Need to deal with 1,234 vs 123,456 vs 12.345, etc.
			parsed, err = p.parseOneUnknownSeparator(s, locs[0][0])
		default: // Try to find the last separator and determine its type.
			parsed, err = p.parseManyUnknownSeparators(s, locs)


	parsed = sign + parsed
	f, ferr := strconv.ParseFloat(parsed, 64)
	if err != nil || ferr != nil {
		return nil, err

	// We now know that the parsed string correctly parses as a float.
	n = &Numeric{
		isFloat: true,
		f:       f,
	if hasCurrency {
		n.isMoney = true
	_, err = strconv.Atoi(parsed)
	if err == nil {
		n.isInt = true

	return n, nil
Esempio n. 22
File: parse.go Progetto: kdar/health
// Parses the text and returns a parse tree.
func Parse(text string) (listnode *ListNode, err error) {
	tree := &Tree{
		Root: newList(),
		lex:  lex("", text),

	// these are two regexps to help us in removing the
	// release indicator from text and replacing it if
	// necessary and appropriate
	// --
	// this first regex's job is to take any release indicator
	// that is not paired with a delimiter, and replace it with
	// a space. now this is not in the spec at all but I have seen
	// this in the wild (relayhealth) where they will use the release
	// indicator as a space. Such as: "CVS?PHARMACY"
	var releaseRegex1 *regexp.Regexp
	// this regex will simply just remove the release indicator
	// wherever it is paired with a delimiter. Such as:
	// "??" -> "?" and "?^_?^" -> "^_^"
	var releaseRegex2 *regexp.Regexp

	for {
		tok :=
		switch tok.Typ {
		case token.EOF:
			break LOOP
		case token.ERROR:
			return nil, errors.New(tok.Val)
			// If we get a segment terminator, then append it
			// to our root and clear the stack.
			seg := newSegment()
			seg.List.Nodes = append(seg.List.Nodes, tree.stack...)
		case token.UNA_SEGMENT:
		case token.UNA_TEXT:
			hdr := newHeader()
			hdr.SegmentName = tree.stack.last()
			hdr.Text = newText(tok.Val)

			// at this point our lex parsed all the delimiters.
			// so we can create our release regexps.

			// the %%s will get replaced later for the regex's
			// specific purpose.
			// i use QuoteMeta here just in case our delimiters
			// conflict with the regexp.
			baseRegStr := fmt.Sprintf(`%s([%%s%s])`,
				regexp.QuoteMeta(fmt.Sprintf("%c%c%c%c%c", tree.lex.componentDelimiter, tree.lex.dataDelimiter,
					tree.lex.releaseIndicator, tree.lex.repetitionDelimiter,

			releaseRegex1, err = regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(baseRegStr, "^"))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			releaseRegex2, err = regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(baseRegStr, ""))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
		case token.TEXT:
			// explanation of this is commented by the regexp declarations
			tok.Val = releaseRegex1.ReplaceAllString(tok.Val, " $1")
			tok.Val = releaseRegex2.ReplaceAllString(tok.Val, "$1")
			// if addToStack is true, then we push the text onto
			// the stack.
			addToStack := true
			if tree.stack.len() > 0 {
				lastnode := tree.stack.last()

				// Try to find a reduce function in our table for
				// the given last node on the stack and the lookahead
				// token.
				if tokMap, ok := REDUCETABLE[lastnode.Type()]; ok {
					if reducefn, ok := tokMap[tok.Typ]; ok {
						// we don't add this to stack since we found a
						// reduce function to handle it
						addToStack = false
						reducedNode, err := reducefn(lastnode, tok)
						if err != nil {
							return nil, err

						// replace the last node of the stack with our
						// reduced node.

			// add the text to the stack if we didn't find a reduce
			// function and this is a segment or text.
			if addToStack && (tok.Typ == token.SEGMENT || tok.Typ == token.TEXT) {

	return tree.Root, nil