Esempio n. 1
File: chan.go Progetto: kraj/gcc
// chanrecv receives on channel c and writes the received data to ep.
// ep may be nil, in which case received data is ignored.
// If block == false and no elements are available, returns (false, false).
// Otherwise, if c is closed, zeros *ep and returns (true, false).
// Otherwise, fills in *ep with an element and returns (true, true).
// A non-nil ep must point to the heap or the caller's stack.
func chanrecv(t *chantype, c *hchan, ep unsafe.Pointer, block bool) (selected, received bool) {
	// raceenabled: don't need to check ep, as it is always on the stack
	// or is new memory allocated by reflect.

	if debugChan {
		print("chanrecv: chan=", c, "\n")

	if c == nil {
		if !block {
		gopark(nil, nil, "chan receive (nil chan)", traceEvGoStop, 2)

	// Fast path: check for failed non-blocking operation without acquiring the lock.
	// After observing that the channel is not ready for receiving, we observe that the
	// channel is not closed. Each of these observations is a single word-sized read
	// (first c.sendq.first or c.qcount, and second c.closed).
	// Because a channel cannot be reopened, the later observation of the channel
	// being not closed implies that it was also not closed at the moment of the
	// first observation. We behave as if we observed the channel at that moment
	// and report that the receive cannot proceed.
	// The order of operations is important here: reversing the operations can lead to
	// incorrect behavior when racing with a close.
	if !block && (c.dataqsiz == 0 && c.sendq.first == nil ||
		c.dataqsiz > 0 && atomic.Loaduint(&c.qcount) == 0) &&
		atomic.Load(&c.closed) == 0 {

	var t0 int64
	if blockprofilerate > 0 {
		t0 = cputicks()


	if c.closed != 0 && c.qcount == 0 {
		if raceenabled {
		if ep != nil {
			memclr(ep, uintptr(c.elemsize))
		return true, false

	if sg := c.sendq.dequeue(); sg != nil {
		// Found a waiting sender. If buffer is size 0, receive value
		// directly from sender. Otherwise, receive from head of queue
		// and add sender's value to the tail of the queue (both map to
		// the same buffer slot because the queue is full).
		recv(c, sg, ep, func() { unlock(&c.lock) })
		return true, true

	if c.qcount > 0 {
		// Receive directly from queue
		qp := chanbuf(c, c.recvx)
		if raceenabled {
		if ep != nil {
			typedmemmove(c.elemtype, ep, qp)
		memclr(qp, uintptr(c.elemsize))
		if c.recvx == c.dataqsiz {
			c.recvx = 0
		return true, true

	if !block {
		return false, false

	// no sender available: block on this channel.
	gp := getg()
	mysg := acquireSudog()
	mysg.releasetime = 0
	if t0 != 0 {
		mysg.releasetime = -1
	// No stack splits between assigning elem and enqueuing mysg
	// on gp.waiting where copystack can find it.
	mysg.elem = ep
	mysg.waitlink = nil
	gp.waiting = mysg
	mysg.g = gp
	mysg.selectdone = nil
	mysg.c = c
	gp.param = nil
	goparkunlock(&c.lock, "chan receive", traceEvGoBlockRecv, 3)

	// someone woke us up
	if mysg != gp.waiting {
		throw("G waiting list is corrupted")
	gp.waiting = nil
	if mysg.releasetime > 0 {
		blockevent(mysg.releasetime-t0, 2)
	closed := gp.param == nil
	gp.param = nil
	mysg.c = nil
	return true, !closed
Esempio n. 2
File: chan.go Progetto: w-vi/talks
// `chanrecv` receives on channel c and writes the received data to `ep`. It is almost the same as [`chansend`](#chansend) but in reverse.
// - `ep` is the pointer where to store the received data, it may be nil, in which case received data is ignored. A non-nil `ep` must point to the heap or the caller's stack.
// - `block` comes from the select statemenet, should the receiver block or not? If not then the goroutine will not sleep but return if it could not complete.
//     If block == false and no elements are available, returns (false, false).
//     Otherwise, if c is closed, zeros *ep and returns (true, false).
//     Otherwise, fills in *ep with an element and returns (true, true).
func chanrecv(t *chantype, c *hchan, ep unsafe.Pointer, block bool) (selected, received bool) {
	if debugChan {
		print("chanrecv: chan=", c, "\n")

	//<a name="axiom3"/>
	// **AXIOM #3** - A receive from a nil channel blocks forever
	if c == nil {
		if !block {
		gopark(nil, nil, "chan receive (nil chan)", traceEvGoStop, 2)

	//*Original Comments:*
	// *Fast path: check for failed non-blocking operation without acquiring the lock.*
	// *After observing that the channel is not ready for receiving, we observe that the
	// channel is not closed. Each of these observations is a single word-sized read
	// (first c.sendq.first or c.qcount, and second c.closed).
	// Because a channel cannot be reopened, the later observation of the channel
	// being not closed implies that it was also not closed at the moment of the
	// first observation. We behave as if we observed the channel at that moment
	// and report that the receive cannot proceed.*
	// *The order of operations is important here: reversing the operations can lead to
	// incorrect behavior when racing with a close.*
	// Fast lock-free check whether there is a chance to receive.
	// If not blocking and the channel is not closed and one of the following conditions are met bail out and return false, we can’t receive at the moment.
	//  1. buffer has zero size and there is no sender (unbuffered channel)
	//  2. buffer has size and is empty (empty buffered channel)
	if !block && (c.dataqsiz == 0 && c.sendq.first == nil ||
		c.dataqsiz > 0 && atomic.Loaduint(&c.qcount) == 0) &&
		atomic.Load(&c.closed) == 0 {

	// Acquire the lock so we are thread safe from now on.
	var t0 int64
	if blockprofilerate > 0 {
		t0 = cputicks()


	//<a name="axiom4"/>
	//**AXIOM #4** - A receive from a closed channel returns the zero value immediately
	if c.closed != 0 && c.qcount == 0 {
		if raceenabled {
		if ep != nil {
			// Zero the destination memory and return.
			memclr(ep, uintptr(c.elemsize))
		return true, false

	if sg := c.sendq.dequeue(); sg != nil {
		// Found a waiting sender. If buffer is size 0, receive value
		// directly from sender. Otherwise, receive from head of queue
		// and add the sender's value to the tail of the queue (both map to
		// the same buffer slot because the queue is full).[`recv`](#recv)
		recv(c, sg, ep, func() { unlock(&c.lock) })
		return true, true

	// Receive directly from the ring buffer
	if c.qcount > 0 {
		qp := chanbuf(c, c.recvx)
		if raceenabled {
		if ep != nil {
			typedmemmove(c.elemtype, ep, qp)
		// Zero the memory in the ring buffer on the recvx slot.
		memclr(qp, uintptr(c.elemsize))
		// Because it is a ring buffer we wrap the `recvx` if it is
		// pointing beyond the buffer.
		if c.recvx == c.dataqsiz {
			c.recvx = 0
		// Unlock and return true as the value was received.
		return true, true

	// We are at the point where we couldn't receive any value the
	// ring buffer is empty and there is no sender, so if it should
	// not block bail out now.
	if !block {
		return false, false

	// No sender available: block on this channel.Create new `sudog`
	// struct for current receiver and channel and enqueue it to the
	// wait list.
	gp := getg()
	mysg := acquireSudog()
	mysg.releasetime = 0
	if t0 != 0 {
		mysg.releasetime = -1
	mysg.elem = ep
	mysg.waitlink = nil
	gp.waiting = mysg
	mysg.g = gp
	mysg.selectdone = nil
	mysg.c = c
	gp.param = nil
	// Here the goroutine goes to sleep and scheduler will wake it
	// once there is a sender on this channel. The lock is released
	// inside the function.
	goparkunlock(&c.lock, "chan receive", traceEvGoBlockRecv, 3)

	//<a name="rcv_wakeup" />
	// This comes after the blocking, the goroutine is awaken.
	if mysg != gp.waiting {
		throw("G waiting list is corrupted")
	gp.waiting = nil
	if mysg.releasetime > 0 {
		blockevent(mysg.releasetime-t0, 2)
	closed := gp.param == nil
	gp.param = nil
	mysg.c = nil
	return true, !closed