Esempio n. 1
func PrepareLocalFiles(target_box string) string {
	// create boom-magento-localsetup.yml

	// check if path exists
	path := "../../../../devops/ansible/"
	if _, path_err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(path_err) {
		// if path does not exists, create it
		fmt.Println("Cannot find devops/ansbile path!")

	// create empty yml file
	helper.CreateFile(path, "boom-magento-localsetup.yml")

	// read from example text file and write to newly created yml
	helper.ReadFromAndWriteTo("../setup/local/boom-magento-localsetup.txt", path+"boom-magento-localsetup.yml")

	// create boom-magento-localsetup under group_vars/

	path = "../../../../devops/ansible/group_vars/"
	if _, path_err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(path_err) {
		// if path does not exists, create it
		fmt.Println("Cannot find devops/ansbile/group_vars path!")

	// create empty boom-magento-localsetup file
	helper.CreateFile(path, "boom-magento-localsetup")

	// read from example boom-magento-localsetup file and write to the newly created file with vagrant params
	helper.ReadFromAndWriteTo("../setup/local/boom-magento-localsetup", path+"boom-magento-localsetup")

	// replace box name
	helper.ReplaceStringInFile(path+"boom-magento-localsetup", "replaceme", target_box, path+"boom-magento-localsetup")

	// add [boom-magento-localsetup] in hosts/myhosts and point to desired box
	// first mv original myhosts file to myhosts.tmp
	path = "../../../../devops/ansible/hosts/"
	err := os.Rename(path+"myhosts", path+"myhosts.temp")
	if err != nil {

	// then create a new myhosts, and replace box name in it
	helper.CreateFile(path, "myhosts")

	// read from example myhosts
	helper.ReadFromAndWriteTo("../setup/local/myhosts-localsetup.txt", path+"myhosts")

	// replace box name in file
	helper.ReplaceStringInFile(path+"myhosts", "replaceme", target_box, path+"myhosts")

	// at this state, ready to run ansible using boom-magento-localsetup.yml
	return "../../../../devops/ansible/boom-magento-localsetup.yml"
Esempio n. 2
func PrepareServerFiles(target_box string) string {
	// create boom-magento-serversetup.yml

	// check if path exists
	path := "../../../../devops/ansible/"
	if _, path_err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(path_err) {
		// if path does not exists, create it
		fmt.Println("Cannot find devops/ansbile path!")

	// create empty yml file
	helper.CreateFile(path, "boom-magento-serversetup.yml")

	// read from example text file and write to newly created yml
	helper.ReadFromAndWriteTo("../setup/server/boom-magento-serversetup.txt", path+"boom-magento-serversetup.yml")

	// create boom-magento-serversetup under group_vars/
	path = "../../../../devops/ansible/group_vars/"
	if _, path_err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(path_err) {
		// if path does not exists, create it
		fmt.Println("Cannot find devops/ansbile/group_vars path!")

	// create empty boom-magento-serversetup file
	helper.CreateFile(path, "boom-magento-serversetup")

	// read from example boom-magento-localsetup file and write to the newly created file with vagrant params
	helper.ReadFromAndWriteTo("../setup/server/boom-magento-serversetup", path+"boom-magento-serversetup")

	// replace box name
	helper.ReplaceStringInFile(path+"boom-magento-serversetup", "replaceme", target_box, path+"boom-magento-serversetup")
	// take out dash from box name
	box_name_no_dash_list := strings.Split(target_box, "-")
	list_len := len(box_name_no_dash_list)
	box_name_no_dash := ""
	for i := 0; i < list_len; i++ {
		box_name_no_dash = box_name_no_dash + box_name_no_dash_list[i]

	helper.ReplaceStringInFile(path+"boom-magento-serversetup", "replacemenodash", box_name_no_dash, path+"boom-magento-serversetup")

	// add [boom-magento-serversetup] in hosts/myhosts and point to desired box
	// first mv original myhosts file to myhosts.tmp
	path = "../../../../devops/ansible/hosts/"

	if _, err := os.Stat(path + "myhosts.temp"); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		err := os.Rename(path+"myhosts", path+"myhosts.temp")
		if err != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Print(path + "myhosts.temp already exists! Please review it first.")

	// then create a new myhosts, and replace box name in it
	helper.CreateFile(path, "myhosts")

	// read from example myhosts
	helper.ReadFromAndWriteTo("../setup/server/myhosts-serversetup.txt", path+"myhosts")

	// replace box name in file
	helper.ReplaceStringInFile(path+"myhosts", "replaceme", target_box, path+"myhosts")

	// at this state, ready to run ansible using boom-magento-serversetup.yml
	return "../../../../devops/ansible/boom-magento-serversetup.yml"