func crawl(index *structs.Index, fileNames []string) {
	// channel to recieve doc-keyword pairs.
	c := make(chan DocKeywordPair)
	// channel to count number of go-routines.
	w := make(chan string)

	semaphore := make(chan interface{}, MAX_FILES_OPEN)

	goroutinesCount := len(fileNames)
	for _, fileName := range fileNames {
		go processFile(fileName, c, w, semaphore)
	for goroutinesCount > 0 {
		select {
		case docKeywordPair := <-c:
		case name := <-w:
			percentage := (1.0 - float64(goroutinesCount)/float64(len(fileNames))) * 100
			fmt.Printf("Processed file %v\t%6.2f%%\n", name, percentage)
func connect(index *structs.Index, keyword string, doc string) {
	index.ConnectKeywordDoc(keyword, doc)
	fmt.Printf("%q and %q were connected in the index\n", keyword, doc)