Esempio n. 1
func Reset() {
	cmdList = newCmdList()
	cmdList.Runner = jiri.RunnerFunc(runList)
	cmdEnv = newCmdEnv()
	listFlags.ReaderFlagValues = nil
	envFlags.ReaderFlagValues = nil
Esempio n. 2
// newCmdAvailable represents the "profile available" command.
func newCmdAvailable() *cmdline.Command {
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runAvailable),
		Name:   "available",
		Short:  "List the available profiles",
		Long:   "List the available profiles.",
Esempio n. 3
// newCmdCleanup represents the "profile cleanup" command.
func newCmdCleanup() *cmdline.Command {
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Runner:   jiri.RunnerFunc(runCleanup),
		Name:     "cleanup",
		Short:    "Cleanup the locally installed profiles",
		Long:     "Cleanup the locally installed profiles. This is generally required when recovering from earlier bugs or when preparing for a subsequent change to the profiles implementation.",
		ArgsName: "<profiles>",
		ArgsLong: "<profiles> is a list of profiles to cleanup, if omitted all profiles are cleaned.",
Esempio n. 4
// newCmdUpdate represents the "profile update" command.
func newCmdUpdate() *cmdline.Command {
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Runner:   jiri.RunnerFunc(runUpdate),
		Name:     "update",
		Short:    "Install the latest default version of the given profiles",
		Long:     "Install the latest default version of the given profiles.",
		ArgsName: "<profiles>",
		ArgsLong: "<profiles> is a list of profiles to update, if omitted all profiles are updated.",
Esempio n. 5
// newCmdUninstall represents the "profile uninstall" command.
func newCmdUninstall() *cmdline.Command {
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Runner:   jiri.RunnerFunc(runUninstall),
		Name:     "uninstall",
		Short:    "Uninstall the given profiles",
		Long:     "Uninstall the given profiles.",
		ArgsName: "<profiles>",
		ArgsLong: "<profiles> is a list of profiles to uninstall.",
Esempio n. 6
// newCmdOSPackages represents the "profile os-packages" command.
func newCmdOSPackages() *cmdline.Command {
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Runner:   jiri.RunnerFunc(runPackages),
		Name:     "os-packages",
		Short:    "List the commands to install the OS packages required by the given profiles",
		Long:     "List or optionally run the commands to install the OS packages required by the given profiles.",
		ArgsName: "<profiles>",
		ArgsLong: "<profiles> is a list of profiles to list OS packages for.",
Esempio n. 7
// Use a factory to avoid an initialization loop between between the
// Runner function and the ParsedFlags field in the Command.
func newCmdCLMail() *cmdline.Command {
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runCLMail),
		Name:   "mail",
		Short:  "Mail a changelist for review",
		Long: `
Command "mail" squashes all commits of a local branch into a single
"changelist" and mails this changelist to Gerrit as a single
commit. First time the command is invoked, it generates a Change-Id
for the changelist, which is appended to the commit
message. Consecutive invocations of the command use the same Change-Id
by default, informing Gerrit that the incomming commit is an update of
an existing changelist.
Esempio n. 8
func newCmdEnv() *cmdline.Command {
	// cmdEnv represents the "profile env" command.
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runEnv),
		Name:   "env",
		Short:  "Display profile environment variables",
		Long: `
List profile specific and target specific environment variables. If the
requested environment variable name ends in = then only the value will
be printed, otherwise both name and value are printed, i.e. CFLAGS="foo" vs
just "foo".

If no environment variable names are requested then all will be printed
in <name>=<val> format.
		ArgsName: "[<environment variable names>]",
		ArgsLong: "[<environment variable names>] is an optional list of environment variables to display",
Esempio n. 9
func newRunP() *cmdline.Command {
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runRunp),
		Name:   "runp",
		Short:  "Run a command in parallel across jiri projects",
		Long: `
Run a command in parallel across one or more jiri projects using the specified
profile target's environment. Commands are run using the shell specified by the
users $SHELL environment variable, or "sh" if that's not set. Thus commands
are run as $SHELL -c "args..."
		ArgsName: "<command line>",
		ArgsLong: `
	A command line to be run in each project specified by the supplied command
line flags. Any environment variables intended to be evaluated when the
command line is run must be quoted to avoid expansion before being passed to
runp by the shell.
Esempio n. 10
var (
	gcFlag       bool
	attemptsFlag int

func init() {

	cmdUpdate.Flags.BoolVar(&gcFlag, "gc", false, "Garbage collect obsolete repositories.")
	cmdUpdate.Flags.IntVar(&attemptsFlag, "attempts", 1, "Number of attempts before failing.")

// cmdUpdate represents the "jiri update" command.
var cmdUpdate = &cmdline.Command{
	Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runUpdate),
	Name:   "update",
	Short:  "Update all jiri tools and projects",
	Long: `
Updates all projects, builds the latest version of all tools, and installs the
resulting binaries into $JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_root/bin. The sequence in which the
individual updates happen guarantees that we end up with a consistent set of
tools and source code. The set of projects and tools to update is described in
the manifest.

Run "jiri help manifest" for details on manifests.

func runUpdate(jirix *jiri.X, _ []string) error {
	seq := jirix.NewSeq()
Esempio n. 11
	flagImportOverwrite bool
	flagImportOut       string

func init() {
	cmdImport.Flags.StringVar(&flagImportName, "name", "manifest", `The name of the remote manifest project.`)
	cmdImport.Flags.StringVar(&flagImportProtocol, "protocol", "git", `The version control protocol used by the remote manifest project.`)
	cmdImport.Flags.StringVar(&flagImportRemoteBranch, "remote-branch", "master", `The branch of the remote manifest project to track, without the leading "origin/".`)
	cmdImport.Flags.StringVar(&flagImportRoot, "root", "", `Root to store the manifest project locally.`)

	cmdImport.Flags.BoolVar(&flagImportOverwrite, "overwrite", false, `Write a new .jiri_manifest file with the given specification.  If it already exists, the existing content will be ignored and the file will be overwritten.`)
	cmdImport.Flags.StringVar(&flagImportOut, "out", "", `The output file.  Uses $JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_manifest if unspecified.  Uses stdout if set to "-".`)

var cmdImport = &cmdline.Command{
	Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runImport),
	Name:   "import",
	Short:  "Adds imports to .jiri_manifest file",
	Long: `
Command "import" adds imports to the $JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_manifest file, which
specifies manifest information for the jiri tool.  The file is created if it
doesn't already exist, otherwise additional imports are added to the existing

An <import> element is added to the manifest representing a remote manifest
import.  The manifest file path is relative to the root directory of the remote
import repository.

  $ jiri import myfile
Esempio n. 12
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package main

import (


// cmdRebuild represents the "jiri rebuild" command.
var cmdRebuild = &cmdline.Command{
	Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runRebuild),
	Name:   "rebuild",
	Short:  "Rebuild all jiri tools",
	Long: `
Rebuilds all jiri tools and installs the resulting binaries into
$JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_root/bin. This is similar to "jiri update", but does not update
any projects before building the tools. The set of tools to rebuild is described
in the manifest.

Run "jiri help manifest" for details on manifests.

func runRebuild(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) (e error) {
	projects, tools, err := project.LoadManifest(jirix)
	if err != nil {
Esempio n. 13

var cmdSnapshot = &cmdline.Command{
	Name:  "snapshot",
	Short: "Manage project snapshots",
	Long: `
The "jiri snapshot" command can be used to manage project snapshots.
In particular, it can be used to create new snapshots and to list
existing snapshots.
	Children: []*cmdline.Command{cmdSnapshotCheckout, cmdSnapshotCreate, cmdSnapshotList},

// cmdSnapshotCreate represents the "jiri snapshot create" command.
var cmdSnapshotCreate = &cmdline.Command{
	Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runSnapshotCreate),
	Name:   "create",
	Short:  "Create a new project snapshot",
	Long: `
The "jiri snapshot create <label>" command captures the current project state
in a manifest.  If the -push-remote flag is provided, the snapshot is committed
and pushed upstream.

Internally, snapshots are organized as follows:

Esempio n. 14
func init() {
	cmdList = newCmdList()
	cmdList.Runner = jiri.RunnerFunc(runList)
Esempio n. 15
	cmdProjectShellPrompt.Flags.BoolVar(&checkDirtyFlag, "check-dirty", true, "If false, don't check for uncommitted changes or untracked files. Setting this option to false is dangerous: dirty master branches will not appear in the output.")
	cmdProjectShellPrompt.Flags.BoolVar(&showNameFlag, "show-name", false, "Show the name of the current repo.")
	cmdProjectInfo.Flags.StringVar(&formatFlag, "f", "{{.Project.Name}}", "The go template for the fields to display.")

// cmdProject represents the "jiri project" command.
var cmdProject = &cmdline.Command{
	Name:     "project",
	Short:    "Manage the jiri projects",
	Long:     "Manage the jiri projects.",
	Children: []*cmdline.Command{cmdProjectClean, cmdProjectInfo, cmdProjectList, cmdProjectShellPrompt},

// cmdProjectClean represents the "jiri project clean" command.
var cmdProjectClean = &cmdline.Command{
	Runner:   jiri.RunnerFunc(runProjectClean),
	Name:     "clean",
	Short:    "Restore jiri projects to their pristine state",
	Long:     "Restore jiri projects back to their master branches and get rid of all the local branches and changes.",
	ArgsName: "<project ...>",
	ArgsLong: "<project ...> is a list of projects to clean up.",

func runProjectClean(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) (e error) {
	localProjects, err := project.LocalProjects(jirix, project.FullScan)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	var projects project.Projects
	if len(args) > 0 {
		for _, arg := range args {
Esempio n. 16
// Runner function and the ParsedFlags field in the Command.
func newCmdCL() *cmdline.Command {
	return &cmdline.Command{
		Name:     "cl",
		Short:    "Manage changelists for multiple projects",
		Long:     "Manage changelists for multiple projects.",
		Children: []*cmdline.Command{cmdCLCleanup, cmdCLMail, cmdCLNew, cmdCLSync},

// cmdCLCleanup represents the "jiri cl cleanup" command.
// TODO(jsimsa): Replace this with a "submit" command that talks to
// Gerrit to submit the CL and then (optionally) removes it locally.
var cmdCLCleanup = &cmdline.Command{
	Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runCLCleanup),
	Name:   "cleanup",
	Short:  "Clean up changelists that have been merged",
	Long: `
Command "cleanup" checks that the given branches have been merged into
the corresponding remote branch. If a branch differs from the
corresponding remote branch, the command reports the difference and
stops. Otherwise, it deletes the given branches.
	ArgsName: "<branches>",
	ArgsLong: "<branches> is a list of branches to cleanup.",

func cleanupCL(jirix *jiri.X, branches []string) (e error) {
	git := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq())
	originalBranch, err := git.CurrentBranchName()