func ChangePasswordToken(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ctx *models.Context) error { go models.RemoveOldPasswordTokens() // should not be logged in if ctx.User != nil { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.SUCCESS, trans("You can change password normally!", ctx))) http.Redirect(w, req, reverse("index"), http.StatusSeeOther) return nil } uuid := req.URL.Query().Get(":uuid") if uuid == "" { return perform_status(w, req, http.StatusForbidden) } pt := &models.PasswordToken{} if err := ctx.C(PT).FindId(uuid).One(&pt); err != nil { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.SUCCESS, trans("Password token expired!", ctx))) http.Redirect(w, req, reverse("index"), http.StatusSeeOther) return nil } if req.FormValue("csrf_token") != ctx.Session.Values["csrf_token"] { return perform_status(w, req, http.StatusForbidden) } new_pass := req.FormValue("password1") if len(new_pass) < 5 { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Passwords too short (5 chars or more)", ctx))) return ChangePasswordForm(w, req, ctx) } vfy_pass := req.FormValue("password2") if new_pass != vfy_pass { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Password did not match", ctx))) return ChangePasswordForm(w, req, ctx) } hpass, err := models.EncryptPassword(new_pass) if err != nil { return internal_error(w, req, err.Error()) } // set new password to database if err := ctx.C(U).UpdateId(pt.User, bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"password": hpass}}); err != nil { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Problem changing password:"******"user"] = pt.User // delete password token if err := ctx.C(PT).RemoveId(pt.Uuid); err != nil { models.Log("error deleting password token: ", err.Error()) } ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.SUCCESS, trans("Password changed succesfully!", ctx))) http.Redirect(w, req, reverse("index"), http.StatusSeeOther) return nil }
func ChangePassword(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ctx *models.Context) error { if ctx.User == nil { http.Redirect(w, req, reverse("login"), http.StatusSeeOther) return nil } if req.FormValue("csrf_token") != ctx.Session.Values["csrf_token"] { return perform_status(w, req, http.StatusForbidden) } old_pass := req.FormValue("password") u := models.User{} if err := ctx.C(U).Find(bson.M{"email": ctx.User.Email}).One(&u); err != nil { return perform_status(w, req, http.StatusNotFound) } if len(u.Password) > 0 { // if the account was not created with social auth err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(u.Password, []byte(old_pass)) if err != nil { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Invalid Old Password", ctx))) return ChangePasswordForm(w, req, ctx) } } new_pass := req.FormValue("password1") if len(new_pass) < 5 { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Passwords too short (5 chars or more)", ctx))) return ChangePasswordForm(w, req, ctx) } vfy_pass := req.FormValue("password2") if new_pass != vfy_pass { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Password did not match", ctx))) return ChangePasswordForm(w, req, ctx) } hpass, err := models.EncryptPassword(new_pass) if err != nil { return internal_error(w, req, err.Error()) } // set new password to database if err := ctx.C(U).UpdateId(ctx.User.Id, bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"password": hpass}}); err != nil { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Problem changing password:"******"Password changed succesfully!", ctx))) http.Redirect(w, req, reverse("index"), http.StatusSeeOther) return nil }
func Register(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ctx *models.Context) error { if ctx.User != nil { http.Redirect(w, req, reverse("logout"), http.StatusSeeOther) return nil } if req.FormValue("csrf_token") != ctx.Session.Values["csrf_token"] { return perform_status(w, req, http.StatusForbidden) } ctx.Data["title"] = "Register" r := (&models.UserForm).Load(req) ctx.Data["result"] = r if len(r.Errors) != 0 { return RegisterForm(w, req, ctx) } u := r.Value.(map[string]interface{}) password1 := u["password1"].(string) if len(password1) < 5 { r.Errors["password1"] = errors.New("Passwords too short (5 chars or more)") } password2 := u["password2"].(string) if password2 != password1 { r.Errors["password2"] = errors.New("Passwords do not match") } gender := u["gender"].(string) if gender != "m" && gender != "f" { r.Errors["gender"] = errors.New("Please select Male or Female") } now := time.Now() oldest := time.Date(now.Year()-120, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) bDate := u["birthdate"].(time.Time) if bDate.Before(oldest) || bDate.After(now) { r.Errors["birthdate"] = errors.New("Invalid birth date") } if len(r.Errors) != 0 { return RegisterForm(w, req, ctx) } if r.Err != nil { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Problem registering user:"******"captchaId"), req.FormValue("captchaSolution")) { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("The control numbers do not match!", ctx))) return RegisterForm(w, req, ctx) } pass, err := models.EncryptPassword(u["password1"].(string)) if err != nil { return internal_error(w, req, err.Error()) // bcrypt errors on invalid costs } u["password"] = pass delete(u, "password1") delete(u, "password2") u["_id"] = bson.NewObjectId() u["avatar"] = gravatar.UrlSize(u["email"].(string), 80) if err := ctx.C("users").Insert(u); err != nil { ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.ERROR, trans("Problem registering user:"******"user"] = u["_id"] ctx.Session.AddFlash(models.F(models.SUCCESS, trans("Welcome to!", ctx))) http.Redirect(w, req, reverse("index"), http.StatusSeeOther) return nil }