// GetJoystickButtons returns a slice of button values. func GetJoystickButtons(joy Joystick) []byte { var length int buttons := C.glfwGetJoystickButtons(C.int(joy), (*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(&length))) panicError() if buttons == nil { return nil } b := make([]byte, length) for i := 0; i < length; i++ { b[i] = byte(C.GetButtonsAtIndex(buttons, C.int(i))) } return b }
//GetJoystickButtons returns a slice of button values. func GetJoystickButtons(joy Joystick) ([]byte, error) { var length int buttons := C.glfwGetJoystickButtons(C.int(joy), (*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(&length))) if buttons == nil { return nil, errors.New("Joystick is not present.") } b := make([]byte, length) for i := 0; i < length; i++ { b[i] = byte(C.GetButtonsAtIndex(buttons, C.int(i))) } return b, nil }