コード例 #1
//export Go_callback
func Go_callback(playerInfo unsafe.Pointer, queue C.AudioQueueRef, buffer C.AudioQueueBufferRef) {
	audioData := ((*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer((*buffer).mAudioData)))[:buffer.mAudioDataBytesCapacity]
	pktDescs := (*[1 << 30]C.AudioStreamPacketDescription)(unsafe.Pointer(buffer.mPacketDescriptions))
	npackets := 0

	upto := audioData
	if peeked != nil {
		copy(upto, peeked)
		pktDescs[npackets].mStartOffset = C.SInt64(int64(len(audioData) - len(upto)))
		pktDescs[npackets].mDataByteSize = C.UInt32(int32(len(peeked)))
		upto = upto[len(peeked):]

	peeked = <-packetsin
	for len(peeked) <= len(upto) {
		copy(upto, peeked)
		pktDescs[npackets].mStartOffset = C.SInt64(int64(len(audioData) - len(upto)))
		pktDescs[npackets].mDataByteSize = C.UInt32(int32(len(peeked)))
		pktDescs[npackets].mVariableFramesInPacket = C.UInt32(int32(0))
		upto = upto[len(peeked):]
		peeked = <-packetsin

	buffer.mAudioDataByteSize = C.UInt32(len(audioData) - len(upto))
	buffer.mPacketDescriptionCount = C.UInt32(npackets)

	C.AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(queue, buffer, 0, (*C.AudioStreamPacketDescription)(nil))
コード例 #2
ファイル: convert.go プロジェクト: jcf/go-osx-plist
// there is no uint64 CFNumber type, so we have to use the SInt64 one
func convertUInt32ToCFNumber(u uint32) C.CFNumberRef {
	sint := C.SInt64(u)
	return C.CFNumberCreate(nil, C.kCFNumberSInt64Type, unsafe.Pointer(&sint))
コード例 #3
ファイル: convert.go プロジェクト: jcf/go-osx-plist
// ===== CFNumber =====
// for simplicity's sake, only include the largest of any given numeric datatype
func convertInt64ToCFNumber(i int64) C.CFNumberRef {
	sint := C.SInt64(i)
	return C.CFNumberCreate(nil, C.kCFNumberSInt64Type, unsafe.Pointer(&sint))
コード例 #4
ファイル: audiofile.go プロジェクト: gophergala2016/papercast
//export go_audiofile_getsizeproc
func go_audiofile_getsizeproc(data unsafe.Pointer) C.SInt64 {
	af := (*AudioFile)(data)
	return C.SInt64(af.fileSize)