コード例 #1
ファイル: core.go プロジェクト: Gwill/go-R
func Eval(expression string) (*Result, error) {

	var status C.ParseStatus

	cmd := C.CString(expression)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cmd))

	cmdRChar := C.mkChar(cmd)
	protector := Protect(cmdRChar)
	defer protector.Unprotect()

	cmdSexp := C.allocVector(C.STRSXP, 1)

	C.SET_STRING_ELT(cmdSexp, 0, cmdRChar)

	parsedCmd := C.R_ParseVector(cmdSexp, -1, (*C.ParseStatus)(unsafe.Pointer(&status)), C.R_NilValue)
	if status != C.PARSE_OK {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid command: %s", C.GoString(cmd))


	var result C.SEXP
	errorOccured := 0
	/* Loop is needed here as EXPSEXP will be of length > 1 */
	for i := 0; i < int(C.Rf_length(parsedCmd)); i++ {
		result = C.R_tryEval(C.VECTOR_ELT(parsedCmd, C.R_xlen_t(i)), C.R_GlobalEnv, (*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(&errorOccured))) //R 3.0
		if errorOccured != 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("R error occured executing: %s", C.GoString(cmd))
	return NewResult(result), nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: rmq.go プロジェクト: go-binder/rmq
func toIface(s C.SEXP) interface{} {
	// generate a go map or slice or scalar value, then encode it

	n := int(C.Rf_xlength(s))
	if n == 0 {
		return nil // drops type info. Meh.

	switch C.TYPEOF(s) {
	case C.VECSXP:
		// an R generic vector; e.g list()
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees VECSXP\n")

		// could be a map or a slice. Check out the names.
		rnames := C.Rf_getAttrib(s, C.R_NamesSymbol)
		rnamesLen := int(C.Rf_xlength(rnames))
		VPrintf("namesLen = %d\n", rnamesLen)
		if rnamesLen > 0 {
			myMap := map[string]interface{}{}
			for i := 0; i < rnamesLen; i++ {
				myMap[C.GoString(C.get_string_elt(rnames, C.int(i)))] = toIface(C.VECTOR_ELT(s, C.R_xlen_t(i)))
			VPrintf("VECSXP myMap = '%#v'\n", myMap)
			return myMap
		} else {
			// else: no names, so we treat it as an array instead of as a map
			mySlice := make([]interface{}, n)
			for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
				mySlice[i] = toIface(C.VECTOR_ELT(s, C.R_xlen_t(i)))
			VPrintf("VECSXP mySlice = '%#v'\n", mySlice)
			return mySlice

	case C.REALSXP:
		// a vector of float64 (numeric)
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees REALSXP\n")
		mySlice := make([]float64, n)
		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
			mySlice[i] = float64(C.get_real_elt(s, C.int(i)))
		VPrintf("VECSXP mySlice = '%#v'\n", mySlice)
		return mySlice

	case C.INTSXP:
		// a vector of int32
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees INTSXP\n")
		mySlice := make([]int, n)
		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
			mySlice[i] = int(C.get_int_elt(s, C.int(i)))
		VPrintf("INTSXP mySlice = '%#v'\n", mySlice)
		return mySlice

	case C.RAWSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees RAWSXP\n")
		mySlice := make([]byte, n)
		C.memcpy(unsafe.Pointer(&mySlice[0]), unsafe.Pointer(C.RAW(s)), C.size_t(n))
		VPrintf("RAWSXP mySlice = '%#v'\n", mySlice)
		return mySlice

	case C.STRSXP:
		// a vector of string (pointers to charsxp that are interned)
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees STRSXP\n")
		mySlice := make([]string, n)
		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
			mySlice[i] = C.GoString(C.get_string_elt(s, C.int(i)))
		VPrintf("STRSXP mySlice = '%#v'\n", mySlice)
		return mySlice

	case C.NILSXP:
		// c(); an empty vector
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees NILSXP\n")
		return nil

	case C.CHARSXP:
		// a single string, interned in a global pool for reuse by STRSXP.
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees CHARSXP\n")
	case C.SYMSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees SYMSXP\n")
	case C.LISTSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees LISTSXP\n")
	case C.CLOSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees CLOSXP\n")
	case C.ENVSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees ENVSXP\n")
	case C.PROMSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees PROMSXP\n")
	case C.LANGSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees LANGSXP\n")
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees SPECIALSXP\n")
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees BUILTINSXP\n")
	case C.LGLSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees LGLSXP\n")
	case C.CPLXSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees CPLXSXP\n")
	case C.DOTSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees DOTSXP\n")
	case C.ANYSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees ANYSXP\n")
	case C.EXPRSXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees EXPRSXP\n")
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees BCODESXP\n")
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees EXTPTRSXP\n")
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees WEAKREFSXP\n")
	case C.S4SXP:
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees S4SXP\n")
		VPrintf("encodeRIntoMsgpack sees <unknown>\n")
	VPrintf("... warning: encodeRIntoMsgpack() ignoring this input.\n")

	return nil