func (l *label) commitResize(c *allocation, d *sizing) { if !l.standalone && c.neighbor != nil { c.neighbor.getAuxResizeInfo(d) if d.shouldVAlignTop { // don't bother aligning it to the first line of text in the control; this is harder than it's worth (thanks gregier in C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(l.misc, 0, 0) } else { C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(l.misc, 0, 0.5) } } basecommitResize(l, c, d) }
func gtk_label_new() *C.GtkWidget { label := C.gtk_label_new(emptystring) C.gtk_label_set_line_wrap(togtklabel(label), C.FALSE) // turn off line wrap // don't call gtk_label_set_line_wrap_mode(); there's no "wrap none" value there anyway C.gtk_label_set_ellipsize(togtklabel(label), C.PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE) // turn off ellipsizing; this + line wrapping above will guarantee cutoff as documented // there's a function gtk_label_set_justify() that indicates GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT is the default // but this actually is NOT the control justification, just the multi-line justification // so we need to do THIS instead // this will also valign to the top // thanks to mclasen in C.gtk_misc_set_alignment((*C.GtkMisc)(unsafe.Pointer(label)), 0, 0) return label }
func gtk_misc_set_alignment(widget *C.GtkWidget, x float64, y float64) { C.gtk_misc_set_alignment((*C.GtkMisc)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)), C.gfloat(x), C.gfloat(y)) }
// SetAlignment is a wrapper around gtk_misc_set_alignment(). func (v *Misc) SetAlignment(xAlign, yAlign float32) { C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(v.native(), C.gfloat(xAlign), C.gfloat(yAlign)) }
func main() { // init gtk var argc C.gtk_init(&argc, nil) // root window win := C.gtk_window_new(C.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) connect(win, "destroy", func() { // quit gtk when window is closed C.gtk_main_quit() }) // root grid grid := C.gtk_grid_new() C.gtk_container_add(asContainer(win), grid) // webview container pages := C.gtk_notebook_new() C.gtk_grid_attach(asGrid(grid), pages, 0, 0, 1, 1) C.gtk_widget_set_vexpand(pages, C.gtk_true()) C.gtk_widget_set_hexpand(pages, C.gtk_true()) C.gtk_notebook_set_tab_pos(asNotebook(pages), C.GTK_POS_LEFT) // new view constructor var newView func() *View newView = func() *View { view := NewView() label := C.gtk_label_new(nil) C.gtk_label_set_use_markup(asLabel(label), C.gtk_true()) C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(asMisc(label), 0, 0.5) C.gtk_notebook_append_page(asNotebook(pages), view.Widget, label) // new view is requested connect(view.View, "create", func() *C.GtkWidget { return newView().Widget }) // set tab label to page title connect(view.View, "notify::title", func() { var title string // trim long title for _, r := range fromGStr(C.webkit_web_view_get_title(view.View)) { if len(title) > 32 { break } title += string(r) } C.gtk_label_set_markup(asLabel(label), toGStr(fmt.Sprintf(`<span font="10">%s</span>`, title))) }) return view } // first view view := newView() C.webkit_web_view_load_uri(view.View, toGStr("")) // show window and run C.gtk_widget_show_all(win) C.gtk_main() }
func newStandaloneLabel(text string) Label { l := finishNewLabel(text, true) // standalone labels are always at the top left C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(l.misc, 0, 0) return l }