//Convert an 8-bit paletted frame into a frame with a color depth of 24 bits. func SwsConvertpalette8topacked24(s, d *uint8, px int, p *uint8) { C.sws_convertPalette8ToPacked24((*C.uint8_t)(s), (*C.uint8_t)(d), C.int(px), (*C.uint8_t)(p)) }
//void sws_convertPalette8ToPacked24 (const uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dst, int num_pixels, const uint8_t *palette) //Convert an 8-bit paletted frame into a frame with a color depth of 24 bits. func Sws_convertPalette8ToPacked24(s, d *C.uint8_t, px int, p *C.uint8_t) { C.sws_convertPalette8ToPacked24(s, d, C.int(px), p) }