コード例 #1
ファイル: cgen.go プロジェクト: klueska/go-akaros
 * generate:
 *	res = &n;
 * The generated code checks that the result is not nil.
func agen(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		gc.Dump("\nagen-res", res)
		gc.Dump("agen-r", n)

	if n == nil || n.Type == nil {

	for n.Op == gc.OCONVNOP {
		n = n.Left

	if gc.Isconst(n, gc.CTNIL) && n.Type.Width > int64(gc.Widthptr) {
		// Use of a nil interface or nil slice.
		// Create a temporary we can take the address of and read.
		// The generated code is just going to panic, so it need not
		// be terribly efficient. See issue 3670.
		var n1 gc.Node
		gc.Tempname(&n1, n.Type)

		var n2 gc.Node
		regalloc(&n2, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], res)
		var n3 gc.Node
		n3.Op = gc.OADDR
		n3.Left = &n1
		gins(ppc64.AMOVD, &n3, &n2)
		gmove(&n2, res)

	if n.Addable != 0 {
		var n1 gc.Node
		n1.Op = gc.OADDR
		n1.Left = n
		var n2 gc.Node
		regalloc(&n2, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], res)
		gins(ppc64.AMOVD, &n1, &n2)
		gmove(&n2, res)

	nl := n.Left

	switch n.Op {
		gc.Fatal("agen: unknown op %v", gc.Nconv(n, obj.FmtShort|obj.FmtSign))

		// TODO(minux): 5g has this: Release res so that it is available for cgen_call.
	// Pick it up again after the call for OCALLMETH and OCALLFUNC.
	case gc.OCALLMETH:
		gc.Cgen_callmeth(n, 0)

		cgen_aret(n, res)

	case gc.OCALLINTER:
		cgen_callinter(n, res, 0)
		cgen_aret(n, res)

	case gc.OCALLFUNC:
		cgen_call(n, 0)
		cgen_aret(n, res)

	case gc.OSLICE,
		var n1 gc.Node
		gc.Tempname(&n1, n.Type)
		gc.Cgen_slice(n, &n1)
		agen(&n1, res)

	case gc.OEFACE:
		var n1 gc.Node
		gc.Tempname(&n1, n.Type)
		gc.Cgen_eface(n, &n1)
		agen(&n1, res)

	case gc.OINDEX:
		var n1 gc.Node
		agenr(n, &n1, res)
		gmove(&n1, res)

		// should only get here with names in this func.
	case gc.ONAME:
		if n.Funcdepth > 0 && n.Funcdepth != gc.Funcdepth {
			gc.Dump("bad agen", n)
			gc.Fatal("agen: bad ONAME funcdepth %d != %d", n.Funcdepth, gc.Funcdepth)

		// should only get here for heap vars or paramref
		if n.Class&gc.PHEAP == 0 && n.Class != gc.PPARAMREF {
			gc.Dump("bad agen", n)
			gc.Fatal("agen: bad ONAME class %#x", n.Class)

		cgen(n.Heapaddr, res)
		if n.Xoffset != 0 {
			ginsadd(optoas(gc.OADD, gc.Types[gc.Tptr]), n.Xoffset, res)

	case gc.OIND:
		cgen(nl, res)

	case gc.ODOT:
		agen(nl, res)
		if n.Xoffset != 0 {
			ginsadd(optoas(gc.OADD, gc.Types[gc.Tptr]), n.Xoffset, res)

	case gc.ODOTPTR:
		cgen(nl, res)
		if n.Xoffset != 0 {
			ginsadd(optoas(gc.OADD, gc.Types[gc.Tptr]), n.Xoffset, res)
コード例 #2
ファイル: cgen.go プロジェクト: klueska/go-akaros
 * generate:
 *	newreg = &n;
 * caller must regfree(a).
 * The generated code checks that the result is not nil.
func agenr(n *gc.Node, a *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		gc.Dump("agenr-n", n)

	nl := n.Left
	nr := n.Right

	switch n.Op {
	case gc.ODOT,
		var n1 gc.Node
		igen(n, &n1, res)
		regalloc(a, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], &n1)
		agen(&n1, a)

	case gc.OIND:
		cgenr(n.Left, a, res)

	case gc.OINDEX:
		var p2 *obj.Prog // to be patched to panicindex.
		w := uint32(n.Type.Width)
		bounded := gc.Debug['B'] != 0 || n.Bounded
		var n1 gc.Node
		var n3 gc.Node
		if nr.Addable != 0 {
			var tmp gc.Node
			if !gc.Isconst(nr, gc.CTINT) {
				gc.Tempname(&tmp, gc.Types[gc.TINT32])
			if !gc.Isconst(nl, gc.CTSTR) {
				agenr(nl, &n3, res)
			if !gc.Isconst(nr, gc.CTINT) {
				p2 = cgenindex(nr, &tmp, bounded)
				regalloc(&n1, tmp.Type, nil)
				gmove(&tmp, &n1)
		} else if nl.Addable != 0 {
			if !gc.Isconst(nr, gc.CTINT) {
				var tmp gc.Node
				gc.Tempname(&tmp, gc.Types[gc.TINT32])
				p2 = cgenindex(nr, &tmp, bounded)
				regalloc(&n1, tmp.Type, nil)
				gmove(&tmp, &n1)

			if !gc.Isconst(nl, gc.CTSTR) {
				agenr(nl, &n3, res)
		} else {
			var tmp gc.Node
			gc.Tempname(&tmp, gc.Types[gc.TINT32])
			p2 = cgenindex(nr, &tmp, bounded)
			nr = &tmp
			if !gc.Isconst(nl, gc.CTSTR) {
				agenr(nl, &n3, res)
			regalloc(&n1, tmp.Type, nil)
			gins(optoas(gc.OAS, tmp.Type), &tmp, &n1)

		// &a is in &n3 (allocated in res)
		// i is in &n1 (if not constant)
		// w is width

		// constant index
		if gc.Isconst(nr, gc.CTINT) {
			if gc.Isconst(nl, gc.CTSTR) {
				gc.Fatal("constant string constant index")
			v := uint64(gc.Mpgetfix(nr.Val.U.Xval))
			var n2 gc.Node
			if gc.Isslice(nl.Type) || nl.Type.Etype == gc.TSTRING {
				if gc.Debug['B'] == 0 && !n.Bounded {
					n1 = n3
					n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
					n1.Type = gc.Types[gc.Tptr]
					n1.Xoffset = int64(gc.Array_nel)
					var n4 gc.Node
					regalloc(&n4, n1.Type, nil)
					gmove(&n1, &n4)
					gc.Nodconst(&n2, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], int64(v))
					gcmp(optoas(gc.OCMP, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), &n4, &n2)
					p1 := gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.OGT, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
					ginscall(gc.Panicindex, 0)
					gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)

				n1 = n3
				n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
				n1.Type = gc.Types[gc.Tptr]
				n1.Xoffset = int64(gc.Array_array)
				gmove(&n1, &n3)

			gc.Nodconst(&n2, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], int64(v*uint64(w)))
			gins(optoas(gc.OADD, gc.Types[gc.Tptr]), &n2, &n3)
			*a = n3

		var n2 gc.Node
		regalloc(&n2, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], &n1) // i
		gmove(&n1, &n2)

		var n4 gc.Node
		if gc.Debug['B'] == 0 && !n.Bounded {
			// check bounds
			if gc.Isconst(nl, gc.CTSTR) {
				gc.Nodconst(&n4, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], int64(len(nl.Val.U.Sval)))
			} else if gc.Isslice(nl.Type) || nl.Type.Etype == gc.TSTRING {
				n1 = n3
				n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
				n1.Type = gc.Types[gc.Tptr]
				n1.Xoffset = int64(gc.Array_nel)
				regalloc(&n4, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nil)
				gmove(&n1, &n4)
			} else {
				gc.Nodconst(&n4, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nl.Type.Bound)

			gcmp(optoas(gc.OCMP, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), &n2, &n4)
			if n4.Op == gc.OREGISTER {
			p1 := gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.OLT, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
			if p2 != nil {
				gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)
			ginscall(gc.Panicindex, 0)
			gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)

		if gc.Isconst(nl, gc.CTSTR) {
			regalloc(&n3, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], res)
			p1 := gins(arm.AMOVW, nil, &n3)
			gc.Datastring(nl.Val.U.Sval, &p1.From)
			p1.From.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR
		} else if gc.Isslice(nl.Type) || nl.Type.Etype == gc.TSTRING {
			n1 = n3
			n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
			n1.Type = gc.Types[gc.Tptr]
			n1.Xoffset = int64(gc.Array_array)
			gmove(&n1, &n3)

		if w == 0 {
		} else // nothing to do
		if w == 1 || w == 2 || w == 4 || w == 8 {
			n4 = gc.Node{}
			n4.Op = gc.OADDR
			n4.Left = &n2
			cgen(&n4, &n3)
			if w == 1 {
				gins(arm.AADD, &n2, &n3)
			} else if w == 2 {
				gshift(arm.AADD, &n2, arm.SHIFT_LL, 1, &n3)
			} else if w == 4 {
				gshift(arm.AADD, &n2, arm.SHIFT_LL, 2, &n3)
			} else if w == 8 {
				gshift(arm.AADD, &n2, arm.SHIFT_LL, 3, &n3)
		} else {
			regalloc(&n4, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nil)
			gc.Nodconst(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], int64(w))
			gmove(&n1, &n4)
			gins(optoas(gc.OMUL, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), &n4, &n2)
			gins(optoas(gc.OADD, gc.Types[gc.Tptr]), &n2, &n3)

		*a = n3

		regalloc(a, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], res)
		agen(n, a)