Context("when the namespace isnt already in the slice", func() { It("adds the namespace", func() { ns := specs.LinuxNamespace{Type: "potato", Path: "pan"} nsl := goci.NamespaceSlice{} nsl = nsl.Set(ns) Expect(nsl).To(ConsistOf(ns)) }) }) Context("when the namespace is already in the slice", func() { It("overrides the namespace", func() { ns := specs.LinuxNamespace{Type: "potato", Path: "pan"} nsl := goci.NamespaceSlice{specs.LinuxNamespace{Type: "potato", Path: "chips"}} nsl = nsl.Set(ns) Expect(nsl).To(ConsistOf(ns)) }) }) }) Describe("WithMaskedPaths", func() { It("sets the MaskedPaths in the bundle", func() { returnedBundle := initialBundle.WithMaskedPaths([]string{"path1", "path2"}) paths := returnedBundle.MaskedPaths() Expect(len(paths)).To(Equal(2)) Expect(paths[0]).To(Equal("path1")) Expect(paths[1]).To(Equal("path2")) }) }) })