コード例 #1
ファイル: consensus.go プロジェクト: Radzell/Sia
// compile() takes the list of heartbeats and uses them to advance the state.
func (s *State) compile() {
	// fetch a participant ordering
	participantOrdering := s.participantOrdering()

	// Lock down s.participants and s.heartbeats for editing

	// Read heartbeats, process them, then archive them.
	for _, participant := range participantOrdering {
		if s.participants[participant] == nil {

		// each participant must submit exactly 1 heartbeat
		if len(s.heartbeats[participant]) != 1 {

		// this is the only way I know to access the only element of a map;
		// the key is unknown
		for _, hb := range s.heartbeats[participant] {
			s.processHeartbeat(hb, participant)

		// archive heartbeats (unimplemented)

		// clear heartbeat list for next block
		s.heartbeats[participant] = make(map[crypto.TruncatedHash]*heartbeat)

	// move UpcomingEntropy to CurrentEntropy
	s.currentEntropy = s.upcomingEntropy

	// generate a new heartbeat and add it to s.Heartbeats
	hb, err := s.newHeartbeat()
	if err != nil {
	hash, err := crypto.CalculateTruncatedHash(hb.marshal())
	if err != nil {
	s.heartbeats[s.participantIndex][hash] = hb

	// sign and annouce the heartbeat
	shb, err := s.signHeartbeat(hb)
	if err != nil {
	err = s.announceSignedHeartbeat(shb)
	if err != nil {
コード例 #2
ファイル: consensus.go プロジェクト: jaked122/Sia
// compile() takes the list of heartbeats and uses them to advance the state.
func (s *State) compile() {
	participantOrdering := s.participantOrdering()

	// Read read heartbeats, process them, then archive them. Other functions
	// concurrently access the heartbeats, so mutexes are needed.
	for _, participant := range participantOrdering {
		if s.participants[participant] == nil {

		// each participant must submit exactly 1 heartbeat
		if len(s.heartbeats[participant]) != 1 {

		for _, hb := range s.heartbeats[participant] {
			s.processHeartbeat(hb, participant)

		// archive heartbeats
		// currently, archives are sent to /dev/null
		s.heartbeats[participant] = make(map[crypto.TruncatedHash]*heartbeat)

	// move UpcomingEntropy to CurrentEntropy
	s.currentEntropy = s.upcomingEntropy

	// generate a new heartbeat and add it to s.Heartbeats
	hb, err := s.newHeartbeat()
	if err != nil {
	hash, err := crypto.CalculateTruncatedHash(hb.marshal())
	if err != nil {
	s.heartbeats[s.participantIndex][hash] = hb

	// sign and annouce the heartbeat
	shb, err := s.signHeartbeat(hb)
	if err != nil {
コード例 #3
ファイル: consensus.go プロジェクト: jaked122/Sia
func (s *State) announceSignedHeartbeat(sh *signedHeartbeat) {
	for i := range s.participants {
		if s.participants[i] != nil {
			payload, err := sh.marshal()
			if err != nil {

			m := new(common.Message)
			m.Payload = append([]byte{byte(1)}, payload...)
			m.Destination = s.participants[i].Address
			//time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) // prevents panics. No idea where original source of bug is.
			err = s.messageSender.SendMessage(m)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatalln("Error while sending message")
コード例 #4
ファイル: consensus.go プロジェクト: Jonbeek/Sia
// participants are processed in a random order each block, determined by the
// entropy for the block. participantOrdering() deterministically picks that
// order, using entropy from the state.
func (s *State) participantOrdering() (participantOrdering [common.QuorumSize]byte) {
	// create an in-order list of participants
	for i := range participantOrdering {
		participantOrdering[i] = byte(i)

	// shuffle the list of participants
	for i := range participantOrdering {
		newIndex, err := s.randInt(i, common.QuorumSize)
		if err != nil {
		tmp := participantOrdering[newIndex]
		participantOrdering[newIndex] = participantOrdering[i]
		participantOrdering[i] = tmp

コード例 #5
ファイル: consensus.go プロジェクト: Radzell/Sia
// Update the state according to the information presented in the heartbeat
// processHeartbeat uses return codes for testing purposes
func (s *State) processHeartbeat(hb *heartbeat, i participantIndex) int {
	// compare EntropyStage2 to the hash from the previous heartbeat
	expectedHash, err := crypto.CalculateTruncatedHash(hb.entropyStage2[:])
	if err != nil {
	if expectedHash != s.previousEntropyStage1[i] {
		return 1

	// Add the EntropyStage2 to UpcomingEntropy
	th, err := crypto.CalculateTruncatedHash(append(s.upcomingEntropy[:], hb.entropyStage2[:]...))
	s.upcomingEntropy = common.Entropy(th)

	// store entropyStage1 to compare with next heartbeat from this participant
	s.previousEntropyStage1[i] = hb.entropyStage1

	return 0
コード例 #6
ファイル: consensus.go プロジェクト: Jonbeek/Sia
// HandleSignedHeartbeat takes the payload of an incoming message of type
// 'incomingSignedHeartbeat' and verifies it according to the specification
// What sort of input error checking is needed for this function?
func (s *State) HandleSignedHeartbeat(sh SignedHeartbeat, arb *struct{}) error {
	// Check that the slices of signatures and signatories are of the same length
	if len(sh.signatures) != len(sh.signatories) {
		return hsherrMismatchedSignatures

	// check that there are not too many signatures and signatories
	if len(sh.signatories) > common.QuorumSize {
		return hsherrOversigned

	s.stepLock.Lock() // prevents a benign race condition; is here to follow best practices
	currentStep := s.currentStep
	// s.CurrentStep must be less than or equal to len(sh.Signatories), unless
	// there is a new block and s.CurrentStep is common.QuorumSize
	if currentStep > len(sh.signatories) {
		if currentStep == common.QuorumSize && len(sh.signatories) == 1 {
			// by waiting common.StepDuration, the new block will be compiled
			// now continue to rest of function
		} else {
			return hsherrNoSync

	// Check bounds on first signatory
	if int(sh.signatories[0]) >= common.QuorumSize {
		return hsherrBounds

	// we are starting to read from memory, initiate locks
	defer s.participantsLock.RUnlock()
	defer s.heartbeatsLock.Unlock()

	// check that first signatory is a participant
	if s.participants[sh.signatories[0]] == nil {
		return hsherrNonParticipant

	// Check if we have already received this heartbeat
	_, exists := s.heartbeats[sh.signatories[0]][sh.heartbeatHash]
	if exists {
		return hsherrHaveHeartbeat

	// Check if we already have two heartbeats from this host
	if len(s.heartbeats[sh.signatories[0]]) >= 2 {
		return hsherrManyHeartbeats

	// iterate through the signatures and make sure each is legal
	var signedMessage crypto.SignedMessage // grows each iteration
	signedMessage.Message = sh.heartbeatHash[:]
	previousSignatories := make(map[byte]bool) // which signatories have already signed
	for i, signatory := range sh.signatories {
		// Check bounds on the signatory
		if int(signatory) >= common.QuorumSize {
			return hsherrBounds

		// Verify that the signatory is a participant in the quorum
		if s.participants[signatory] == nil {
			return hsherrNonParticipant

		// Verify that the signatory has only been seen once in the current SignedHeartbeat
		if previousSignatories[signatory] {
			return hsherrDoubleSigned

		// record that we've seen this signatory in the current SignedHeartbeat
		previousSignatories[signatory] = true

		// verify the signature
		signedMessage.Signature = sh.signatures[i]
		verification := s.participants[signatory].publicKey.Verify(&signedMessage)

		// check status of verification
		if !verification {
			return hsherrInvalidSignature

		// throwing the signature into the message here makes code cleaner in the loop
		// and after we sign it to send it to everyone else
		newMessage, err := signedMessage.CombinedMessage()
		signedMessage.Message = newMessage
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Add heartbeat to list of seen heartbeats
	s.heartbeats[sh.signatories[0]][sh.heartbeatHash] = sh.heartbeat

	// Sign the stack of signatures and send it to all hosts
	signedMessage, err := s.secretKey.Sign(signedMessage.Message)
	if err != nil {

	// add our signature to the signedHeartbeat
	sh.signatures = append(sh.signatures, signedMessage.Signature)
	sh.signatories = append(sh.signatories, s.self.index)

	// broadcast the message to the quorum
	err = s.announceSignedHeartbeat(&sh)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
コード例 #7
ファイル: consensus.go プロジェクト: Radzell/Sia
// handleSignedHeartbeat takes the payload of an incoming message of type
// 'incomingSignedHeartbeat' and verifies it according to rules established by
// the specification.
// The return code is currently purely for the testing suite, the numbers
// have been chosen arbitrarily
func (s *State) handleSignedHeartbeat(payload []byte) (returnCode int) {
	// covert payload to SignedHeartbeat
	sh, err := unmarshalSignedHeartbeat(payload)
	if err != nil {
		log.Infoln("Received bad message SignedHeartbeat: ", err)
		returnCode = 11

	// Check that the slices of signatures and signatories are of the same length
	if len(sh.signatures) != len(sh.signatories) {
		log.Infoln("SignedHeartbeat has mismatched signatures")
		returnCode = 1

	// check that there are not too many signatures and signatories
	if len(sh.signatories) > common.QuorumSize {
		log.Infoln("Received an over-signed signedHeartbeat")
		returnCode = 12

	s.stepLock.Lock() // prevents a benign race condition; is here to follow best practices
	// s.CurrentStep must be less than or equal to len(sh.Signatories), unless
	// there is a new block and s.CurrentStep is common.QuorumSize
	if s.currentStep > len(sh.signatories) {
		if s.currentStep == common.QuorumSize && len(sh.signatories) == 1 {
			// by waiting common.StepDuration, the new block will be compiled
			// now continue to rest of function
		} else {
			log.Infoln("Received an out-of-sync SignedHeartbeat")
			returnCode = 2

	// Check bounds on first signatory
	if int(sh.signatories[0]) >= common.QuorumSize {
		log.Infoln("Received an out of bounds index")
		returnCode = 9

	// we are starting to read from memory, initiate locks

	// check that first sigatory is a participant
	if s.participants[sh.signatories[0]] == nil {
		log.Infoln("Received heartbeat from non-participant")
		returnCode = 10

	// Check if we have already received this heartbeat
	_, exists := s.heartbeats[sh.signatories[0]][sh.heartbeatHash]
	if exists {
		returnCode = 8

	// Check if we already have two heartbeats from this host
	if len(s.heartbeats[sh.signatories[0]]) >= 2 {
		log.Infoln("Received many invalid heartbeats from one host")
		returnCode = 13

	// iterate through the signatures and make sure each is legal
	var signedMessage crypto.SignedMessage // grows each iteration
	signedMessage.Message = string(sh.heartbeatHash[:])
	previousSignatories := make(map[participantIndex]bool) // which signatories have already signed
	for i, signatory := range sh.signatories {
		// Check bounds on the signatory
		if int(signatory) >= common.QuorumSize {
			log.Infoln("Received an out of bounds index")
			returnCode = 9

		// Verify that the signatory is a participant in the quorum
		if s.participants[signatory] == nil {
			log.Infoln("Received a heartbeat signed by an invalid signatory")
			returnCode = 4

		// Verify that the signatory has only been seen once in the current SignedHeartbeat
		if previousSignatories[signatory] {
			log.Infoln("Received a double-signed heartbeat")
			returnCode = 5

		// record that we've seen this signatory in the current SignedHeartbeat
		previousSignatories[signatory] = true

		// verify the signature
		signedMessage.Signature = sh.signatures[i]
		verification, err := crypto.Verify(s.participants[signatory].publicKey, signedMessage)
		if err != nil {

		// check status of verification
		if !verification {
			log.Infoln("Received invalid signature in SignedHeartbeat")
			returnCode = 6

		// throwing the signature into the message here makes code cleaner in the loop
		// and after we sign it to send it to everyone else
		signedMessage.Message = signedMessage.CombinedMessage()

	// Add heartbeat to list of seen heartbeats
	s.heartbeats[sh.signatories[0]][sh.heartbeatHash] = sh.heartbeat

	// Sign the stack of signatures and send it to all hosts
	signedMessage, err = crypto.Sign(s.secretKey, signedMessage.Message)
	if err != nil {

	// add our signature to the signedHeartbeat
	sh.signatures = append(sh.signatures, signedMessage.Signature)
	sh.signatories = append(sh.signatories, s.participantIndex)

	// broadcast the message to the quorum
	err = s.announceSignedHeartbeat(sh)
	if err != nil {

	returnCode = 0
コード例 #8
ファイル: consensus.go プロジェクト: jaked122/Sia
// HandleSignedHeartbeat takes a heartbeat that has been signed
// as a part of the concensus algorithm, and follows all the rules
// that are necessary to ensure that all honest hosts arrive at
// the same conclusions about the actions of their peers.
// See the paper 'The Byzantine Generals Problem' for more insight
// on the algorithms used here. Paper can be found in
// doc/The Byzantine Generals Problem
// This function is called concurrently, mutexes will be needed when
// accessing or altering the State
// It is assumed that when this function is called, the Heartbeat in
// question will already be in memory, and was correctly signed by the
// first signatory, the the first signatory is a participant, and that
// it matches its hash. And that the first signatory is used to store
// the heartbeat
// The return code is purely for the testing suite. The numbers are chosen
// arbitrarily
func (s *State) handleSignedHeartbeat(message []byte) (returnCode int) {
	// covert message to SignedHeartbeat
	sh, err := unmarshalSignedHeartbeat(message)
	if err != nil {
		log.Infoln("Received bad message SignedHeartbeat: ", err)

	// Check that the slices of signatures and signatories are of the same length
	if len(sh.signatures) != len(sh.signatories) {
		log.Infoln("SignedHeartbeat has mismatched signatures")
		returnCode = 1

	// s.CurrentStep must be less than or equal to len(sh.Signatories), unless the
	// current step is common.QuorumSize and len(sh.Signatories) == 1
	if s.currentStep > len(sh.signatories) {
		if s.currentStep == common.QuorumSize && len(sh.signatories) == 1 {
			// sleep long enough to pass the first requirement
			// now continue to rest of function
		} else {
			log.Infoln("Received an out-of-sync SignedHeartbeat")
			returnCode = 2

	// Check bounds on first signatory
	if int(sh.signatories[0]) >= common.QuorumSize {
		log.Infoln("Received an out of bounds index")
		returnCode = 9

	// Check existence of first signatory
	if s.participants[sh.signatories[0]] == nil {
		log.Infoln("Received heartbeat from non-participant")
		returnCode = 10

	// Check if we have already received this heartbeat
	_, exists := s.heartbeats[sh.signatories[0]][sh.heartbeatHash]
	if exists {
		returnCode = 8

	// while processing signatures, signedMessage will keep growing
	var signedMessage crypto.SignedMessage
	signedMessage.Message = string(sh.heartbeatHash[:])
	// keep a map of which signatories have already been confirmed
	previousSignatories := make(map[participantIndex]bool)

	for i, signatory := range sh.signatories {
		// Check bounds on the signatory
		if int(signatory) >= common.QuorumSize {
			log.Infoln("Received an out of bounds index")
			returnCode = 9

		// Verify that the signatory is a participant in the quorum
		if s.participants[signatory] == nil {
			log.Infoln("Received a heartbeat signed by an invalid signatory")
			returnCode = 4

		// Verify that the signatory has only been seen once in the current SignedHeartbeat
		if previousSignatories[signatory] {
			log.Infoln("Received a double-signed heartbeat")
			returnCode = 5

		// record that we've seen this signatory in the current SignedHeartbeat
		previousSignatories[signatory] = true

		// verify the signature
		signedMessage.Signature = sh.signatures[i]
		verification, err := crypto.Verify(s.participants[signatory].PublicKey, signedMessage)
		if err != nil {

		// check status of verification
		if !verification {
			log.Infoln("Received invalid signature in SignedHeartbeat")
			returnCode = 6

		// throwing the signature into the message here makes code cleaner in the loop
		// and after we sign it to send it to everyone else
		signedMessage.Message = signedMessage.CombinedMessage()

	// Add heartbeat to list of seen heartbeats
	// Don't check if heartbeat is valid, that's for compile()
	s.heartbeats[sh.signatories[0]][sh.heartbeatHash] = sh.heartbeat

	// Sign the stack of signatures and send it to all hosts
	_, err = crypto.Sign(s.secretKey, signedMessage.Message)
	if err != nil {

	// Send the new message to everybody

	returnCode = 0