コード例 #1
ファイル: chat.go プロジェクト: kissthink/peerchat
func paint(user *dht.User) {

	// clear space
	for j := 1; j < 100; j++ {

	// new messages?
	usersWithPendingMessages := make([]string, 0)
	for peer, _ := range user.MessageHistory {
		areNew, _ := user.AreNewMessagesFrom(peer)
		if areNew {
			usersWithPendingMessages = append(usersWithPendingMessages, peer)

	// print users with pending messages
	for _, peer := range usersWithPendingMessages {
		fmt.Printf("New message(s) from `%s`!\n", peer)

	// are we current chatting?
	if user.Current != "" {
		fmt.Printf("Conversation with `%s`:\n\n", user.Current)

		newMessages := user.AllMessagesFromUser(user.Current)

		messages := make([]dht.SendMessageArgs, 0)
		for _, msg := range newMessages {
			messages = append(messages, *msg)

		sortutil.AscByField(messages, "Timestamp")
		for i := 0; i < len(messages); i++ {
			msg := messages[i]
			fmt.Printf("%s> %s\n", msg.FromUsername, msg.Content)

	fmt.Printf("me> ")
コード例 #2
ファイル: chat.go プロジェクト: kissthink/peerchat
func startChat() {
	reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

	// load the Peerchat banner
	content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("peerchat.txt")
	if err != nil {
		//Do something

	// get username
	fmt.Printf("Enter username: "******"Enter IP Address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyy): ")
	address := input(reader)

	// search for this user's history
	files, _ := filepath.Glob("/tmp/*.gob")
	userfile := ""
	user := new(dht.User)
	for _, file := range files {
		if file == dht.UsernameToPath(username) {
			userfile = file

	// did we find the file?
	if userfile != "" {
		// we found this user, load from file
		user = dht.Login(username, address)

	} else {
		// we did not find a matching user
		fmt.Printf("\n[*] Looks like you haven't logged in on this computer before! Would you like to create a new network, or join an existing one?\n")
		fmt.Printf("Join existing? Type (Y/N):")
		join := input(reader)

		if join == "Y" || join == "y" {
			// join existing network, ask for boostrap IP
			fmt.Printf("\n[*] To join an existing network, please enter an IP address/port of a friend (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyy): ")
			boostrapAddress := input(reader)
			user = dht.RegisterAndLogin(username, address, boostrapAddress)

		} else {
			// creating a new network, simply create new user
			// use bogus address and start with empty routing table
			user = dht.RegisterAndLogin(username, address, "")


	// we're now logged in with a user
	fmt.Printf("Connecting to Peerchat")
	time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
	time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
	time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)

	// prompt them to chat
	// fmt.Printf("Connected as user: %+v\n", user)

	// update loop
	go func() {
		notifications := user.GetNotificationsChannel()
		for {

	// input loop
	peer := ""
	for {
		// State 1) get a user to chat with
		if peer == "" {
			fmt.Printf("User to chat with: ")
			peer = input(reader)
			fmt.Printf("Starting to talk to: %s\n", peer)
			fmt.Printf("me> ")

			// State 2) continue chatting
		} else {

			text := input(reader)

			if text == "" {
				// do nothing
				fmt.Printf("%s> \n", peer)

			} else if text[0] == 92 {
				// switching users to chat with
				peer = text[1:]
				fmt.Printf("Swtiching to talk to: %v\n", peer)
				fmt.Printf("me> ")

			} else if text == "exit" {
				// exit peerchat
				fmt.Printf("Exiting Peerchat!\n")

			} else {
				// send the message!
				user.SendMessage(user.Current, text)