func (s *stream) String() string { var buf bytes.Buffer buf.WriteString(`<stream:stream xmlns="`) buf.WriteString(NsClient) buf.WriteString(`" xmlns:stream="`) buf.WriteString(NsStream) buf.WriteString(`"`) if s.To != "" { buf.WriteString(` to="`) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(s.To)) buf.WriteString(`"`) } if s.From != "" { buf.WriteString(` from="`) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(s.From)) buf.WriteString(`"`) } if s.Id != "" { buf.WriteString(` id="`) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(s.Id)) buf.WriteString(`"`) } if s.Lang != "" { buf.WriteString(` xml:lang="`) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(s.Lang)) buf.WriteString(`"`) } if s.Version != "" { buf.WriteString(` version="`) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(s.Version)) buf.WriteString(`"`) } buf.WriteString(">") return buf.String() }
/* 映射端口 POST /ipc HTTP/1.1 HOST: Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Length: 615 SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#AddPortMapping" <?xml version="1.0"?> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""> <s:Body> <u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"> <NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost> <NewExternalPort>5678</NewExternalPort> <NewProtocol>TCP</NewProtocol> <NewInternalPort>3389</NewInternalPort> <NewInternalClient></NewInternalClient> <NewEnabled>1</NewEnabled> <NewPortMappingDescription>xxxxxxxx</NewPortMappingDescription> <NewLeaseDuration>0</NewLeaseDuration> </u:AddPortMapping> </s:Body> </s:Envelope> */ func (this *UPnPService) Link(v *AddPortMapping) (err error) { server_url := "http://" + this.ServerHost + "/ipc" util.DEBUG.Logf("linking %s : %+v", server_url, v) buf := bytes.NewBufferString("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\" s:encodingStyle=\"\">\r\n") buf.WriteString("<s:Body>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1\">\r\n") buf.WriteString("<NewRemoteHost>") xml.Escape(buf, []byte(v.NewRemoteHost)) buf.WriteString("</NewRemoteHost>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<NewExternalPort>" + util.ToString(v.NewExternalPort) + "</NewExternalPort>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<NewProtocol>") xml.Escape(buf, []byte(v.NewProtocol)) buf.WriteString("</NewProtocol>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<NewInternalPort>" + util.ToString(v.NewInternalPort) + "</NewInternalPort>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<NewInternalClient>") xml.Escape(buf, []byte(v.NewInternalClient)) buf.WriteString("</NewInternalClient>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<NewEnabled>" + util.ToString(v.NewEnabled) + "</NewEnabled>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<NewPortMappingDescription>") xml.Escape(buf, []byte(v.NewPortMappingDescription)) buf.WriteString("</NewPortMappingDescription>\r\n") buf.WriteString("<NewLeaseDuration>" + util.ToString(v.NewLeaseDuration) + "</NewLeaseDuration>\r\n") buf.WriteString("</u:AddPortMapping>\r\n</s:Body>\r\n</s:Envelope>\r\n\r\n") res, err := http.Post(server_url, "text/xml", buf) if err != nil { return } defer res.Body.Close() b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) util.DEBUG.Log("\n[response]\n", string(b)) return }
func (this *Element) Export(w io.Writer) { io.WriteString(w, "<") io.WriteString(w, this.Tag) keys := make([]string, 0, len(this.attributes)) for k, _ := range this.attributes { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { v := this.attributes[k] io.WriteString(w, " ") xml.Escape(w, []byte(k)) io.WriteString(w, "=\"") xml.Escape(w, []byte(v)) io.WriteString(w, "\"") } if this.IsSelfClosing() { io.WriteString(w, " />") } else { io.WriteString(w, ">") for _, c := range this.children { c.Export(w) } io.WriteString(w, "</") io.WriteString(w, this.Tag) io.WriteString(w, ">") } }
func (b *blog) atomServer() func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml") fullArticles := make([]fullArticle, len(b.articles)) for i, article := range b.articles { content, err := b.renderContent(article.Url) if err != nil { http.NotFound(w, r) return } var buf bytes.Buffer xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(content)) fullArticles[i] = fullArticle{ Article: article, Content: template.HTML(buf.String()), } } atom := &atomData{ Articles: fullArticles, } sort.Sort(atom) atom.Updated = atom.Articles[0].Article.Date err := b.tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "atom", atom) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500) } } }
// encodeMap encodes a map to an XML plist dict. func (e *Encoder) encodeMap(dict map[string]interface{}) error { err := e.writeString("<dict>\n") if err != nil { return err } e.indentLevel++ for k, v := range dict { _, err = + "<key>") if err != nil { return err } xml.Escape(, []byte(k)) _, err ="</key>\n") if err != nil { return err } err = e.encodeAny(v) if err != nil { return err } } e.indentLevel-- err = e.writeString("</dict>\n") if err != nil { return err } return nil }
func escapeXML(input []byte) []byte { var buf *bytes.Buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, len(input)+10)) xml.Escape(buf, input) return buf.Bytes() }
func encodeValue(val reflect.Value) ([]byte, error) { var b []byte var err error if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || val.Kind() == reflect.Interface { if val.IsNil() { return []byte("<value/>"), nil } val = val.Elem() } switch val.Kind() { case reflect.Struct: switch val.Interface().(type) { case time.Time: t := val.Interface().(time.Time) b = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("<dateTime.iso8601>%s</dateTime.iso8601>", t.Format(iso8601))) default: b, err = encodeStruct(val) } case reflect.Map: b, err = encodeMap(val) case reflect.Slice: b, err = encodeSlice(val) case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: b = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("<int>%s</int>", strconv.FormatInt(val.Int(), 10))) case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: b = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("<i4>%s</i4>", strconv.FormatUint(val.Uint(), 10))) case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: b = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("<double>%s</double>", strconv.FormatFloat(val.Float(), 'g', -1, val.Type().Bits()))) case reflect.Bool: if val.Bool() { b = []byte("<boolean>1</boolean>") } else { b = []byte("<boolean>0</boolean>") } case reflect.String: var buf bytes.Buffer xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(val.String())) if _, ok := val.Interface().(Base64); ok { b = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("<base64>%s</base64>", buf.String())) } else { b = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("<value><string>%s</string></value>", buf.String())) } default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("xmlrpc encode error: unsupported type") } if err != nil { return nil, err } return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s", string(b))), nil }
func (SitemapPlugin) Exec(topCtx mustache.Context) { base_path := FromCtx(topCtx, "urls.base_path").(string) f, err := os.OpenFile("compiled"+base_path+"sitemap.xml", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, os.ModePerm) if err != nil { log.Println("Error when create sitemap", err) return } defer f.Close() //自行拼接XML比官方的xml包还靠谱 f.WriteString(`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>`) f.WriteString("\n") f.WriteString(`<urlset xmlns="">`) f.WriteString("\n") production_url := FromCtx(topCtx, "site.config.production_url").(string) production_url_base := FromCtx(topCtx, "site.config.production_url_base").(string) f.WriteString("\t<url>\n") f.WriteString("\t\t<loc>") xml.Escape(f, []byte(production_url+"/")) //够弱智不? 竟然要传入一个io.Reader f.WriteString("</loc>\n") f.WriteString("\t</url>\n") post_ids := FromCtx(topCtx, "db.posts.chronological").([]string) posts := FromCtx(topCtx, "db.posts.dictionary").(map[string]Mapper) for _, id := range post_ids { f.WriteString("\t<url>\n") post := posts[id] f.WriteString("\t\t<loc>") xml.Escape(f, []byte(production_url_base)) xml.Escape(f, []byte(post.Url())) f.WriteString("</loc>\n") f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t\t<lastmod>%s</lastmod>\n", post["date"])) // 是否应该抹除呢? 考虑中 f.WriteString("\t\t<changefreq>weekly</changefreq>\n") f.WriteString("\t</url>\n") } f.WriteString(`</urlset>`) f.Sync() // ~_~ 大功告成! }
func (d *Decoder) escapeString(Value string) string { var b *bytes.Buffer = bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) var writer io.Writer = b var result string xml.Escape(writer, []byte(Value)) result, _ = b.ReadString(0x00) return result }
func (SitemapPlugin) Exec(public string, topCtx mustache.Context) { f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(public, "/sitemap.xml"), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, DEFAULT_FILE_MODE) if err != nil { Log(ERROR, "When create sitemap %s", err) return } defer f.Close() //自行拼接XML比官方的xml包还靠谱 f.WriteString(`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>`) f.WriteString("\n") f.WriteString(`<urlset xmlns="">`) f.WriteString("\n") production_url := FromCtx(topCtx, "site.config.production_url").(string) f.WriteString("\t<url>\n") f.WriteString("\t\t<loc>") xml.Escape(f, []byte(production_url+"/")) //够弱智不? 竟然要传入一个io.Reader f.WriteString("</loc>\n") f.WriteString("\t</url>\n") post_ids := FromCtx(topCtx, "db.posts.chronological").([]string) posts := FromCtx(topCtx, "db.posts.dictionary").(map[string]Mapper) for _, id := range post_ids { f.WriteString("\t<url>\n") post := posts[id] f.WriteString("\t\t<loc>") xml.Escape(f, []byte(production_url)) xml.Escape(f, []byte(post.Url())) f.WriteString("</loc>\n") f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t\t<lastmod>%s</lastmod>\n", post["date"])) // 是否应该抹除呢? 考虑中 f.WriteString("\t\t<changefreq>weekly</changefreq>\n") f.WriteString("\t</url>\n") } f.WriteString(`</urlset>`) f.Sync() // ~_~ 大功告成! }
// Write a xml.Attr. func writeXMLAttr(w io.Writer, attr xml.Attr) error { if err := writeXMLName(w, attr.Name); err != nil { return err } if _, err := w.Write([]byte{'=', '\''}); err != nil { return err } xml.Escape(w, []byte(attr.Value)) if _, err := w.Write([]byte{'\''}); err != nil { return err } return nil }
func postIssueComment(ctxt appengine.Context, id, comment string) error { cfg, err := oauthConfig(ctxt) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("oauthconfig: %v", err) } var tok oauth.Token if err := app.ReadMeta(ctxt, "codelogin.token", &tok); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("reading token: %v", err) } tr := &oauth.Transport{ Config: cfg, Token: &tok, Transport: urlfetch.Client(ctxt).Transport, } client := tr.Client() var buf bytes.Buffer buf.WriteString(`<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <entry xmlns='' xmlns:issues=''> <content type='html'>`) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(comment)) buf.WriteString(`</content> <author> <name>ignored</name> </author> <issues:updates> </issues:updates> </entry> `) u := "" + id + "/comments/full" req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", u, &buf) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("write: %v", err) } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml") resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("write: %v", err) } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode != 201 { buf.Reset() io.Copy(&buf, resp.Body) return fmt.Errorf("write: %v\n%s", resp.Status, buf.String()) } return nil }
// encodeString encodes a string to the XML plist format. func (e *Encoder) encodeString(str string) error { _, err := + "<string>") if err != nil { return err } xml.Escape(, []byte(str)) _, err ="</string>\n") if err != nil { return err } return nil }
// encodeStruct encodes a struct to an XML plist dict. func (e *Encoder) encodeStruct(rv reflect.Value) error { err := e.writeString("<dict>\n") if err != nil { return err } e.indentLevel++ for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ { rt := rv.Type() f := rt.Field(i) name := f.Tag.Get("plist") if name == "-" { continue } if name == "" { name = f.Name } _, err = + "<key>") if err != nil { return err } xml.Escape(, []byte(name)) _, err ="</key>\n") if err != nil { return err } err = e.encodeAny(rv.Field(i).Interface()) if err != nil { return err } } e.indentLevel-- err = e.writeString("</dict>\n") if err != nil { return err } return nil }
// TODO: base64 func (e *encoder) encodeValue(val reflect.Value) { if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || val.Kind() == reflect.Interface { val = val.Elem() } fmt.Fprint(e, "<value>") switch val.Kind() { case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: fmt.Fprintf(e, "<int>%d</int>", val.Int()) case reflect.Bool: var n int if val.Bool() { n = 1 } else { n = 0 } fmt.Fprintf(e, "<boolean>%d</boolean>", n) case reflect.String: fmt.Fprint(e, "<string>") xml.Escape(e, []byte(val.String())) fmt.Fprint(e, "</string>") case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: fmt.Fprintf(e, "<double>%f</double>", val.Float()) case reflect.Struct: if t, isTime := val.Interface().(time.Time); isTime { fmt.Fprintf(e, "<dateTime.iso8601>%s</dateTime.iso8601>", t.Format(iso8601)) } else { e.encodeStruct(val) } case reflect.Slice: e.encodeSlice(val) } fmt.Fprint(e, "</value>") }
// Link begins a link named "name", with the specified title. // Standard Reference: func (svg *SVG) Link(href string, title string) { svg.printf("<a xlink:href=\"%s\" xlink:title=\"", href) xml.Escape(svg.Writer, []byte(title)) svg.println("\">") }
func write(id int, ch *Change) error { var buf bytes.Buffer buf.WriteString(`<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <entry xmlns='' xmlns:issues=''> <content type='html'>`) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(ch.Comment)) buf.WriteString(`</content> <author> <name>ignored</name> </author> <issues:updates> `) tag := func(t, data string) { buf.WriteString(` ` + t) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(data)) buf.WriteString(`</` + t[1:]) } if ch.Summary != "" { tag("<issues:summary>", ch.Summary) } if ch.Status != "" { status := ch.Status merge := "" if strings.HasPrefix(status, "Duplicate ") { merge = strings.TrimPrefix(status, "Duplicate ") status = "Duplicate" } tag("<issues:status>", status) if merge != "" { tag("<issues:mergedIntoUpdate>", merge) } } if ch.Owner != "" { tag("<issues:ownerUpdate>", ch.Owner) } for _, l := range ch.Label { tag("<issues:label>", l) } for _, cc := range ch.CC { tag("<issues:ccUpdate>", cc) } buf.WriteString(` </issues:updates> </entry> `) // Done with XML! u := "" + *project + "/issues/" + fmt.Sprint(id) + "/comments/full" req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", u, &buf) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("write: %v", err) } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml") resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("write: %v", err) } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode != 201 { buf.Reset() io.Copy(&buf, resp.Body) return fmt.Errorf("write: %v\n%s", resp.Status, buf.String()) } return nil }
func (p *Post) HtmlXML() string { var buf bytes.Buffer xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(p.Html)) return buf.String() }
func escape(w io.Writer, str string) { xml.Escape(w, []uint8(str)) }
func (this *writer) Escape(s string) []byte { this.buf.Reset() xml.Escape(this.buf, []byte(s)) return this.buf.Bytes() }
func xmlEscape(s string) string { var buffer bytes.Buffer xml.Escape(&buffer, []byte(s)) return buffer.String() }
// Textpath places text optionally styled text along a previously defined path // Standard Reference: func (svg *SVG) Textpath(t string, pathid string, s ...string) { svg.printf("<text %s<textPath xlink:href=\"%s\">", endstyle(s, ">"), pathid) xml.Escape(svg.Writer, []byte(t)) svg.println(`</textPath></text>`) }
// tt creates a xml element, tag containing s func (svg *SVG) tt(tag string, s string) { svg.print("<" + tag + ">") xml.Escape(svg.Writer, []byte(s)) svg.println("</" + tag + ">") }
// Filter text according to options. func Filter(text string, options *Options) (filtered string, err error) { // This function filters incoming text from clients according to the three options: // // StripHTML: // If true, all HTML shall be stripped. // When stripping br tags, append a newline to the output stream. // When stripping p tags, append a newline after the end tag. // // MaxTextsageLength: // Text length for "plain" messages (messages without images) // // MaxImageMessageLength: // Text length for messages with images. if options == nil { options = &defaultOptions } max := options.MaxTextMessageLength maximg := options.MaxImageMessageLength if options.StripHTML { // Does the message include HTML? If not, take the fast path. if strings.Index(text, "<") == -1 { filtered = strings.TrimSpace(text) } else { // Strip away all HTML out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) buf := bytes.NewBufferString(text) parser := xml.NewDecoder(buf) parser.Strict = false parser.AutoClose = xml.HTMLAutoClose parser.Entity = xml.HTMLEntity for { tok, err := parser.Token() if err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { return "", err } switch t := tok.(type) { case xml.CharData: out.Write(t) case xml.EndElement: if t.Name.Local == "p" || t.Name.Local == "br" { out.WriteString("\n") } } } filtered = strings.TrimSpace(out.String()) } if max != 0 && len(filtered) > max { return "", ErrExceedsTextMessageLength } } else { // No limits if max == 0 && maximg == 0 { return text, nil } // Too big for images? if maximg != 0 && len(text) > maximg { return "", ErrExceedsImageMessageLength } // Under max plain length? if max == 0 || len(text) <= max { return text, nil } // Over max length, under image limit. If text doesn't include // any HTML, this is a no-go. If there is HTML, we can attempt to // strip away data URIs to see if we can get the message to fit // into the plain message limit. if strings.Index(text, "<") == -1 { return "", ErrExceedsTextMessageLength } // Simplify the received HTML data by stripping away data URIs out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) buf := bytes.NewBufferString(text) parser := xml.NewDecoder(buf) parser.Strict = false parser.AutoClose = xml.HTMLAutoClose parser.Entity = xml.HTMLEntity for { tok, err := parser.Token() if err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { return "", err } switch t := tok.(type) { case xml.CharData: out.Write(t) case xml.StartElement: out.WriteString("<") xml.Escape(out, []byte(t.Name.Local)) for _, attr := range t.Attr { if t.Name.Local == "img" && attr.Name.Local == "src" { continue } out.WriteString(" ") xml.Escape(out, []byte(attr.Name.Local)) out.WriteString(`="`) out.WriteString(attr.Value) out.WriteString(`"`) } out.WriteString(">") case xml.EndElement: out.WriteString("</") xml.Escape(out, []byte(t.Name.Local)) out.WriteString(">") } } filtered = strings.TrimSpace(out.String()) if len(filtered) > max { return "", ErrExceedsTextMessageLength } } return }
// Text places the specified text, t at x,y according to the style specified in s // Standard Reference: func (svg *SVG) Text(x float64, y float64, t string, s ...string) { svg.printf(`<text %s %s`, loc(x, y), endstyle(s, ">")) xml.Escape(svg.Writer, []byte(t)) svg.println(`</text>`) }
// Gid begins a group, with the specified id func (svg *SVG) Gid(s string) { svg.print(`<g id="`) xml.Escape(svg.Writer, []byte(s)) svg.println(`">`) }
func escapeString(s string) string { buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) xml.Escape(buffer, []byte(s)) return fmt.Sprintf("%v", buffer) }
func postMovedNote(ctxt appengine.Context, kind, id string) error { var old Issue if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old); err != nil { return err } updateIssue(&old) if !old.NeedGithubNote { err := app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error { var old Issue if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old); err != nil { return err } old.NeedGithubNote = false return app.WriteData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old) }) return err } cfg, err := oauthConfig(ctxt) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("oauthconfig: %v", err) } var tok oauth.Token if err := app.ReadMeta(ctxt, "codelogin.token", &tok); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("reading token: %v", err) } tr := &oauth.Transport{ Config: cfg, Token: &tok, Transport: &urlfetch.Transport{Context: ctxt, Deadline: 45 * time.Second}, } client := tr.Client() status := "" if old.State != "closed" { status = "<issues:status>Moved</issues:status>" } var buf bytes.Buffer buf.WriteString(`<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <entry xmlns='' xmlns:issues=''> <content type='html'>`) xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("This issue has moved to\n", id))) buf.WriteString(`</content> <author> <name>ignored</name> </author> <issues:sendEmail>False</issues:sendEmail> <issues:updates> <issues:label>IssueMoved</issues:label> <issues:label>Restrict-AddIssueComment-Commit</issues:label> ` + status + ` </issues:updates> </entry> `) u := "" + id + "/comments/full" req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", u, &buf) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("write: %v", err) } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml") resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("write: %v", err) } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode != 201 { buf.Reset() io.Copy(&buf, resp.Body) return fmt.Errorf("write: %v\n%s", resp.Status, buf.String()) } err = app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error { var old Issue if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old); err != nil { return err } old.NeedGithubNote = false old.Label = append(old.Label, "IssueMoved", "Restrict-AddIssueComment-Commit") return app.WriteData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old) }) return err }
func (d DisplayNamePropertyValue) XML(b *bytes.Buffer) { b.WriteString("<displayname>") xml.Escape(b, []byte(d)) b.WriteString("</displayname>") }
// xmlEncode wraps xml.Escape() so that it can be simply used with strings func xmlEncode(s string) string { w := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) xml.Escape(w, []byte(s)) return w.String() }